G575 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
"off," i.e. away (from something near), in various senses (of place, time, or relation; literal or figurative) (X here-)after, ago, at, because of, before, by (the space of), for(-th), from, in, (out) of, off, (up-)on(-ce), since, with a primary particle;

601 instances of the word ἀπό apó (G575)

  • Mark 14:35 - And he went forward a little and fell on the ground And prayed that if possible it were might pass from him the hour

  • 1 Corinthians 14:36 - What from you the word of God came What unto you only came it

  • Mark 14:36 - And he said Abba Father all things are possible unto thee take away cup from me this but not what I will but what thou

  • Mark 14:52 - And he left the linen cloth naked and fled from them

  • Mark 14:54 - And Peter off afar followed him even into the palace of the high priest And he sat with the servants And warmed himself at the fire

  • Acts 15:1 - And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren and said ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses ye cannot be saved

  • Matthew 15:1 - Then came to Jesus which were of Jerusalem scribes and Pharisees saying

  • John 15:4 - Abide in me and I in you As the branch cannot fruit bear of itself Abide in the vine no more can ye in me Abide

  • Acts 15:5 - there rose up But certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed saying That it was needful to circumcise them to command and them to keep the law of Moses

  • Acts 15:7 - much And disputing when there had been rose up Peter and said unto them Men and brethren ye know how that ago while a good God among us made choice by mouth my should hear that the Gentiles the word of the gospel and believe

  • Matthew 15:8 - draweth nigh unto me people This mouth their and with their lips me honoureth but heart their far is from me

  • Romans 15:15 - the more boldly Nevertheless I have written unto you brethren in some sort as in mind you because of the grace that is given to me of God

  • Luke 15:16 - And he would fain have filled belly unto him with the husks that did eat the swine And no man gave unto him

  • Acts 15:18 - Known from the beginning of the world are unto God all works

  • Acts 15:19 - Wherefore my sentence is not that we trouble them which from among them which the Gentiles are turned to them which God

  • Romans 15:19 - Through mighty signs and wonders Through mighty of the Spirit of God so I that from Jerusalem and round about unto Illyricum have fully preached the gospel of Christ

  • Acts 15:20 - But that we write unto them that they abstain from pollutions of idols and from fornication and from things strangled and from blood

  • Mark 15:21 - And they compel who passed by one Simon a Cyrenian coming out of the country the father of Alexander And Rufus to bear cross his

  • Matthew 15:22 - And behold a woman of Canaan out of coasts the same came and cried unto him saying Have mercy on me O Lord thou Son of David daughter my is grievously vexed with a devil

  • Romans 15:23 - now But no more place having in parts a great desire But having to come unto you these these many years

  • Romans 15:24 - Whensoever if I take my journey into Spain I will come to you I trust for in my journey to see you and by you to be brought on my way thitherward if you first with somewhat I be

  • John 15:27 - also ye And shall bear witness because from the beginning with me ye have been

  • Matthew 15:27 - which And she said Truth Lord yet which the dogs eat from which the crumbs which fall from which table which Lord

  • Matthew 15:28 - Then answered Jesus and said her O woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt And was made whole daughter her from hour that very

  • Mark 15:30 - Save thyself and come down from the cross

  • Romans 15:31 - That I may be delivered from which them that do not believe in which Judaea and That which service my which I have for Jerusalem accepted may be which of the saints

  • Mark 15:32 - Christ the King of Israel Let now from the cross that we may see And believe And they that were crucified him reviled him

  • Acts 15:33 - after they had tarried And there a space they were let go in peace from the brethren unto the apostles

  • Acts 15:38 - Paul But good who departed from from them from Pamphylia and not went them to who the work not to take him

  • Mark 15:38 - And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom

  • Acts 15:39 - was And so sharp between them that they departed asunder one from the other and so Barnabas took Mark and sailed unto Cyprus

  • Mark 15:40 - was There also women off on afar looking whom was also Mary Magdalene also Mary of James the less also the mother also Salome

  • Mark 15:43 - came Joseph of Arimathaea an honourable counsellor which also for waited the kingdom of God boldly and went in unto Pilate also craved the body of Jesus

  • Mark 15:45 - And when he knew it of the centurion he gave the body to Joseph

  • Luke 16:3 - said Then within himself the steward What shall I do for lord my taketh away the stewardship from me dig I cannot to beg I am ashamed

  • Matthew 16:6 - Then Jesus said unto them Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees

  • Mark 16:8 - And they went out quickly and fled from the sepulchre they trembled for And were amazed And any thing any thing said they they were afraid man for

  • Mark 16:9 - when Jesus was risen Now early the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils

  • Acts 16:11 - loosing Therefore from Troas we came with a straight course day to Samothracia and the next day to Neapolis

  • Matthew 16:11 - How it not understand is it that it not concerning bread that I spake to you that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees

  • Matthew 16:12 - Then understood they how that them not he bade beware of the leaven of bread but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees

  • Revelation 16:12 - And the sixth angel poured out vial thereof upon river the great Euphrates And was dried up the water thereof that might be prepared the way of the kings of the east

  • John 16:13 - when Howbeit is come he the Spirit of truth he will guide you into all of truth not for he shall of himself but whatsoever he shall hear he shall and is come he will shew you

  • Luke 16:16 - The law and the prophets were until John since that time the kingdom of God is preached and every man into it presseth

  • Revelation 16:17 - And the seventh angel poured out vial into the air And there came voice a great from the temple of heaven from the throne saying It is done

  • Romans 16:17 - I beseech Now you brethren mark divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned them which cause and avoid them

  • Acts 16:18 - this And did she many days being grieved And Paul And turned to the spirit said I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ he came out out of her And he came out her hour

  • Luke 16:18 - Whosoever her that is put away wife and marrieth another committeth adultery and Whosoever her that is put away from her husband marrieth committeth adultery

  • Revelation 16:18 - And there was voices And thunders And lightnings And an earthquake there was a great such as not there was since men there was upon the earth so mighty an earthquake and so a great

  • Luke 16:21 - And desiring to be fed from which the crumbs which fell from which table which the rich man's moreover And which the dogs came and licked which sores his

  • Matthew 16:21 - From that time forth began Jesus to shew disciples he how that must he go unto Jerusalem and many things suffer From the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and the third day be raised again

  • John 16:22 - And ye therefore sorrow now have again but I will see you And shall rejoice you heart And joy you no man taketh from you

  • Luke 16:23 - And in hell he lift up eyes his being in torments and seeth Abraham off afar And Lazarus in bosom his

  • John 16:30 - Now are we sure that are we sure all things and not needest that any man thee should ask by this we believe that from God thou camest forth

  • Luke 16:30 - And he said Nay father Abraham but if one from the dead went unto them they will repent

  • Acts 16:33 - And he took he the same hour of the night and washed their stripes And was baptized he And he all straightway

  • Acts 17:2 - as And his manner was Paul went in unto them and sabbath three days reasoned them out of the scriptures

  • Revelation 17:8 - The beast that thou sawest was and not is and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and into perdition go and shall wonder they that dwell in the earth that not were names in the book of life from the foundation of the world when they behold The beast that was and not is and yet is

  • Matthew 17:9 - And as they came down them from the mountain charged them Jesus saying to no man Tell the vision until the Son of man from the dead be risen again

  • Acts 17:13 - when But had knowledge of Thessalonica the Jews that at Berea was preached of Paul the word of God they came thither also and stirred up the people

  • Matthew 17:18 - And rebuked him Jesus And he departed from him the devil And was cured the child from hour that very

  • Luke 17:25 - first But must he many things suffer and be rejected of generation

  • Matthew 17:25 - He saith Yes And when he was come into the house prevented him Jesus He saith What thou thinkest Simon the kings of the earth of What do custom or tribute of children him or of strangers

  • Matthew 17:26 - saith unto him Peter Of strangers saith unto him Jesus Then free are the children

  • Acts 17:27 - That they should seek the Lord if haply they might feel after him and find him though not far from one every of us he be

  • Luke 17:29 - But the same day went that Lot from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all

  • Acts 18:2 - And found a certain Jew named Aquila in Pontus born lately come from Italy And Priscilla wife his (because that had commanded Claudius to depart all Jew from Rome and came his

  • Luke 18:3 - a widow And there was in city that and she came unto him saying Avenge me of adversary mine

  • Acts 18:5 - when And were come from Macedonia Silas and Timotheus was pressed in the spirit Paul and testified to the Jews was Christ that Jesus

  • Acts 18:6 - when they opposed And them and blasphemed he shook his raiment and said unto them blood Your be upon own heads Your am clean I from henceforth unto the Gentiles I will go

  • Matthew 18:7 - Woe unto the world because of offences it must needs ! for be come offences but Woe to that man by whom offences come

  • Matthew 18:8 - if Wherefore hand thy or feet thy offend thee thee cut them and cast them from thy better for thee it is to enter into into life halt or maimed or two hand or two feet having cast into fire everlasting

  • Matthew 18:9 - And if eye thee offend thee out it And cast it from thee better for thee it is with one eye into life to enter rather than two eye having cast into hell fire

  • Revelation 18:10 - off afar Standing for the fear torment of her saying Alas Alas city that great Babylon city that mighty ! for in hour come judgment thy

  • Revelation 18:14 - And which the fruits which lusted after which soul that thy are departed from that thy And all things which were dainty And which goodly are departed from that thy And no more thou shalt find them

  • Revelation 18:15 - which The merchants of these things which were made rich by her by afar shall stand for which the fear which torment her weeping and wailing

  • Acts 18:16 - And he drave them from the judgment seat

  • Revelation 18:17 - For hour is come to nought so great riches And all shipmaster And all in ships the company And sailors And as many as by sea trade off afar stood

  • Acts 18:21 - But bade them saying must I by all means this feast that cometh keep in Jerusalem again but I will return unto you if God will And he sailed from Ephesus

  • John 18:28 - led they Then Jesus from Caiaphas into the hall of judgment it was and early and they themselves not went into the hall of judgment that they should be defiled but that they might eat the passover

  • John 18:34 - answered him Jesus of thyself thou this thing Sayest or did others thee tell it of me

  • Luke 18:34 - And them none of these things they understood And was saying this hid from them And neither knew they the things which were spoken

  • Matthew 19:1 - And it came to pass that when had finished Jesus sayings these he departed from Galilee And came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan

  • Luke 19:3 - And he sought to see Jesus who he was And not could for the press because of stature little he was

  • Matthew 19:4 - he which And he answered and said them not Have ye that he which made them at the beginning male and female made them

  • Matthew 19:8 - He saith unto them Moses because of hearts of your suffered you to put away wives of your from the beginning but not it was so

  • Acts 19:9 - when But divers were hardened and believed not but spake evil of that way before the multitude he departed from them and separated the disciples daily disputing in the school Tyrannus divers

  • Acts 19:12 - So unto the sick were brought from body his handkerchiefs or aprons So departed from his the diseases and spirits the evil went from his

  • Acts 19:13 - took upon them Then certain of the vagabond Jews exorcists to call over them which had spirits evil the name of the Lord Jesus saying We adjure you Jesus whom Paul preacheth

  • Luke 19:24 - And unto them that stood by he said Take from him pounds And give ten pounds it to him that hath

  • Luke 19:26 - I say For unto you That unto every one which hath shall be given from and which not hath even that hath shall be taken away from him

  • John 19:27 - Then saith he that disciple Behold mother thy ! And from that hour took her that disciple unto his own

  • John 19:38 - after And this besought Pilate Joseph of Arimathaea being a disciple of Jesus secretly And for fear of the Jews that he might take away the body of Jesus and gave him leave Pilate He came therefore and he might take away the body of Jesus

  • Luke 19:39 - And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him Master rebuke disciples thy

  • Luke 19:42 - Saying If thou hadst known even thou even at least in the things day thine the things which belong unto peace thine now ! but they are hid from eyes thine

  • Acts 20:6 - we And sailed away after days of unleavened bread from Philippi and came unto them to Troas in days five where we abode days seven

  • Matthew 20:8 - when even So was come saith the lord of the vineyard steward them Call the labourers and give them their hire beginning from the last unto the first

  • Acts 20:9 - there sat And a certain young man named Eutychus in a window being fallen sleep into a deep preaching and as Paul in being fallen from sleep from the third loft and fell down and was taken up dead

  • Revelation 20:9 - And they went up on the breadth of the earth And about the camp of the saints And city the beloved And came down fire from God out of heaven And devoured them

  • Luke 20:10 - And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant that of the fruit of the vineyard they should give him but the husbandmen beat him and sent him away empty