G588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to take fully, i.e. welcome (persons), approve (things) accept, receive (gladly) from G575 (ἀπό) and G1209 (δέχομαι);

7 instances of the word ἀποδέχομαι apodéchomai (G588)

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  • Acts 2:41 - Then they that gladly received word his were baptized and there were added day the same souls unto them about three thousand

  • Luke 8:40 - it came to pass And that when was returned Jesus gladly received him the people they were for all waiting for him

  • Acts 15:4 - when they were come And to Jerusalem they were received of the church and of the apostles and elders they declared and all things that God had done with them

  • Acts 18:27 - was disposed And him to pass into Achaia exhorting the brethren wrote the disciples to receive him who when he was come helped them much which had believed through grace

  • Acts 24:3 - it always and in all places We accept most noble Felix with all thankfulness

  • Acts 28:30 - dwelt And Paul two whole in his own hired house and received all that came in unto him

  • Acts 28:30 - dwelt And Paul two whole in his own hired house and received all that came in unto him

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