G756 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to commence (in order of time) (rehearse from the) begin(-ning) middle voice of G757 (ἄρχω) (through the implication, of precedence);

84 instances of the word ἄρχομαι árchomai (G756)

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  • Acts 1:1 - The former treatise have I made of all O Theophilus began that Jesus have I made both and teach

  • Acts 1:22 - Beginning from the baptism of John unto that same day that he was taken up from us to be a witness resurrection of his be ordained with us one

  • Mark 1:45 - But he went out and began to publish it much and to blaze abroad the matter insomuch that no more Jesus could openly into the city enter but without in desert places was and they came to Jesus from every quarter

  • Acts 2:4 - And filled all Ghost with the Holy And began to speak with other tongues as Ghost gave them utterance

  • Mark 2:23 - And it came to pass that he went his on the sabbath day through the corn fields And began disciples his as they went to pluck the ears of corn

  • 2 Corinthians 3:1 - Do we begin again ourselves to commend or need we as some letters of commendation others epistles to you or from you letters of commendation

  • Luke 3:8 - Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance and not begin I say within yourselves to our father We have Abraham I say for unto you That is able God of stones these to raise up children Abraham

  • Luke 3:23 - And himself to be Jesus about years of age thirty began being (as was supposed the son of Joseph which was the son of Heli

  • Mark 4:1 - And again he began to teach by the sea And there was gathered by him multitude a great so that him he entered into a ship and sat in the sea And the whole multitude by the sea on the land was

  • 1 Peter 4:17 - For the time must begin is come that judgment at the house of God if and it first at us what shall the end be of them that obey not of God the gospel

  • Matthew 4:17 - From that time began Jesus to preach and to say Repent is at hand for the kingdom of heaven

  • Luke 4:21 - he began And to say unto them This day fulfilled scripture this in ears your

  • Mark 5:17 - And they began to pray him to depart out of coasts him

  • Mark 5:20 - And he departed And began to publish in Decapolis how great things had done for him Jesus And all men did marvel

  • Luke 5:21 - And began to reason the scribes And the Pharisees saying Who is this which speaketh blasphemies Who can forgive sins alone God

  • Mark 6:2 - And are wrought when the sabbath day he began in the synagogue to teach And many hearing him were astonished saying From whence hath this man these things And what wisdom is this which is given his that And mighty works such by hands his are wrought

  • Mark 6:7 - And he called unto him the twelve And began them forth and two and two And gave them power over spirits unclean

  • Mark 6:34 - And when he came out saw Jesus many things people And was moved with compassion toward them because they were as sheep not having a shepherd And he began to teach them many things

  • Mark 6:55 - And ran through whole region round about that and began in beds sick those that were to carry about where they heard he was

  • Luke 7:15 - And sat up he that was dead And began to speak And he delivered him mother him

  • Luke 7:24 - were departed And when the messengers John he began to speak unto the people concerning John What went ye out into the wilderness for to see A reed with the wind shaken

  • Luke 7:38 - And stood at feet his behind him weeping and began to wash feet his with tears And them with the hairs head his did wipe And kissed feet his And anointed them with the ointment

  • Luke 7:49 - And began they that sat at meat with him to say within themselves Who this is that And sins forgiveth

  • John 8:9 - And they which heard and by their own conscience being convicted went out beginning at the eldest even unto the last and was left alone Jesus and the woman in the midst standing

  • Mark 8:11 - And came forth the Pharisees And began to question him seeking of him a sign from heaven tempting him

  • Mark 8:31 - And he began to teach them that must the Son of man many things suffer And be rejected of the elders And of the chief priests And scribes And be killed And after three days rise again

  • Mark 8:32 - And openly that saying he spake And took him Peter and began to rebuke him

  • Acts 8:35 - opened Then Philip mouth unto him and began at scripture and preached unto him Jesus

  • Luke 9:12 - And when the day began to wear away came And the twelve and said unto him Send the multitude that they may go into round about the towns and country and lodge and get victuals for here in a desert place we are

  • Mark 10:28 - Then began Peter to say unto him Lo we have left all Then have followed thee

  • Mark 10:32 - they were And in the way going up to Jerusalem And they were before them Jesus And they were amazed And as they followed they were afraid And he took again the twelve and began them to tell what things should them happen

  • Acts 10:37 - I say ye know which was published That word throughout all Judaea and began from Galilee after the baptism which preached John

  • Mark 10:41 - And heard when the ten it they began to be much displeased with James And John

  • Mark 10:47 - And when he heard that Jesus of Nazareth it was he began to cry out And say thou Son of David Jesus have mercy on me

  • Acts 11:4 - rehearsed the matter from the beginning But Peter and expounded unto them it by order saying

  • Matthew 11:7 - as And they departed began Jesus to say unto the multitudes concerning John What went ye out into the wilderness to see A reed with the wind shaken

  • Acts 11:15 - as And began I to speak fell Ghost the Holy on them as on us as the beginning

  • Mark 11:15 - And they come into Jerusalem And went Jesus into the temple and began to cast out that sold And bought in the temple And the tables of the moneychangers And the seats that sold doves overthrew

  • Matthew 11:20 - Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein were done most mighty works of his because not they repented

  • Luke 11:29 - And when the people were gathered thick together he began to say generation This an evil is a sign they seek and a sign no be given it a sign of Jonas the prophet

  • Luke 11:53 - as he said And him these things unto him began the scribes and the Pharisees him vehemently to urge and to provoke him of many things

  • Luke 12:1 - In the mean time when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people insomuch that they trode one upon another he began to say unto disciples first of all Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy

  • Mark 12:1 - And he began it by parables to speak a vineyard planted A certain man And set an hedge about And digged a place for the winefat And built a tower And let it to husbandmen And went into a far country

  • Matthew 12:1 - At that time went Jesus on the sabbath day through the corn and disciples his were an hungred and began to pluck the ears of corn and to eat

  • Luke 12:45 - if But and say servant that in heart delayeth lord My his coming and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens to eat and and drink and to be drunken

  • John 13:5 - After that he poureth water into a bason and began to wash feet the disciples and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded

  • Mark 13:5 - And Jesus answering them began to say Take heed lest any you man deceive

  • Luke 13:25 - When once is risen up the master of the house and hath shut at the door and ye begin without to stand and to knock at the door saying Lord Lord open unto us and he shall answer and say unto you not I know you whence ye are

  • Luke 13:26 - Then shall ye begin to say We have eaten presence in thy and drunk and in streets our thou hast taught

  • Luke 14:9 - And him come thee And he that bade and say to thee Give this man place And thou begin with shame the lowest place to take

  • Luke 14:18 - And consent began with excused they all The first said it a piece of ground I have bought And I must needs go And see it I pray thee I must me excused

  • Mark 14:19 - And they began to be sorrowful and say unto him said Is it I and another said Is it I

  • Luke 14:29 - haply hath laid after he the foundation and not able to finish it all that behold it begin to mock after he

  • Luke 14:30 - Saying This man began to build and not able to finish

  • Matthew 14:30 - when he saw But the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying Lord save me

  • Mark 14:33 - And he taketh Peter And James And John with him And began to be sore amazed And to be very heavy

  • Mark 14:65 - And began some to spit him And to cover face him And to buffet him And to say him Prophesy And the servants with the palms of their hands him did strike

  • Mark 14:69 - And a maid saw him again and began to say to them that stood by This one of him is

  • Mark 14:71 - But he began to curse and to swear saying I know not man this of whom ye speak

  • Mark 15:8 - And crying aloud the multitude began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them

  • Luke 15:14 - had spent And when he all there arose famine a mighty in land that and when he he began to be in want

  • Mark 15:18 - And began to salute him Hail King of the Jews

  • Luke 15:24 - For this son my dead he was And is alive again And lost he was And is found And they began to be merry

  • Matthew 16:21 - From that time forth began Jesus to shew disciples he how that must he go unto Jerusalem and many things suffer From the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and the third day be raised again

  • Matthew 16:22 - Then took him Peter and began to rebuke him saying Be it far from thee Lord be from thee this

  • Matthew 18:24 - had begun And him to reckon was brought him one which owed ten thousand talents

  • Acts 18:26 - he And began to speak boldly in the synagogue had heard when him Aquila and Priscilla they took him and him expounded of God the way

  • Luke 19:37 - And when he was come nigh even now at the descent of the mount of Olives began the whole multitude of the disciples to rejoice and praise God voice with a loud for all that they had seen the mighty works

  • Luke 19:45 - And he went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold therein And them that bought

  • Matthew 20:8 - when even So was come saith the lord of the vineyard steward them Call the labourers and give them their hire beginning from the last unto the first

  • Luke 20:9 - began he Then to the people to speak parable man A certain planted a vineyard and forth it to husbandmen and went into a far country time for a long

  • Luke 21:28 - begin And when these things to come to pass then look up and lift up heads your for draweth nigh redemption your

  • Luke 22:23 - And them began to enquire among themselves which it was of them this thing that should do

  • Luke 23:2 - they began And to accuse him saying this We found fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to Caesar tribute to give saying that he himself Christ a King is

  • Luke 23:5 - And they were the more fierce saying He stirreth up the people teaching throughout all Jewry beginning from Galilee to this place

  • Luke 23:30 - Then shall they begin to say to the mountains Fall on us and to the hills Cover us

  • Acts 24:2 - when he was called forth And began to accuse Tertullus him saying great quietness we enjoy Seeing that by thee and that very worthy deeds are done nation unto this Seeing that by thy providence

  • Luke 24:27 - And beginning at Moses And at all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself

  • Luke 24:47 - And should be preached in name his that repentance And remission of sins among all nations beginning at Jerusalem

  • Matthew 24:49 - And shall begin to smite his fellowservants to eat and And drink with the drunken

  • Matthew 26:22 - And sorrowful they were exceeding and began to say of them every one of them is it I Lord

  • Matthew 26:37 - And he took with him Peter And the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful And very heavy

  • Matthew 26:74 - Then began he to curse And to swear saying not I know the man And immediately the cock crew

  • Acts 27:35 - spoken And when he had thus and he took bread and gave thanks to God in presence of them all and when he had broken it he began to eat

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