G846 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative G1438 (ἑαυτοῦ)) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which from the particle (perhaps akin to the base of G109 (ἀήρ) through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward);

3778 instances of the word αὐτός autós (G846)

  • Acts 22:19 - And I said Lord they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee

  • Luke 22:19 - And he took bread and gave thanks and brake And gave unto them saying This is which body my which for you gave This do of which me in remembrance

  • Matthew 22:19 - Shew me money the tribute And they brought unto him a penny

  • Revelation 22:19 - And if any man shall take away from the words of the book prophecy shall take away God part his from of the book of life And out of city the holy And from the things which are written in book of this

  • Acts 22:20 - And when was shed the blood Stephen martyr of thy And I was standing by And consenting death I And kept the raiment of them that slew I

  • Matthew 22:20 - And he saith unto them Whose image is this And superscription

  • Matthew 22:21 - They say unto him Caesar's Then They say unto him Render therefore the things that are Caesar's Caesar's and the things that are the things that are God's the things that are God's

  • Acts 22:22 - audience And him unto this word and then lifted up voices him and said Away with a fellow from the earth such not for fit him should live

  • Matthew 22:22 - When they had heard these words they marvelled When left him and went their way

  • Acts 22:23 - as they cried out And and cast off their clothes and dust threw into the air

  • Luke 22:23 - And them began to enquire among themselves which it was of them this thing that should do

  • Matthew 22:23 - The same which day came him the Sadducees which say no that there is resurrection and asked him

  • Acts 22:24 - commanded him The chief captain to be brought into the castle and bade by scourging should be examined him that he might know wherefore so against him

  • Luke 22:24 - there was And also a strife among of them which of them should be accounted the greatest

  • Matthew 22:24 - Saying Master Moses said If a man die no having children shall marry brother his wife his and raise up seed brother his

  • Acts 22:25 - as And they bound him with thongs said unto that stood by the centurion Paul Is it lawful a man that is a Roman and uncondemned for you to scourge

  • Luke 22:25 - And he said them The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them and they that exercise authority upon them benefactors are called

  • Matthew 22:25 - there were Now with us seven brethren and the first when he had married a wife deceased and no having issue left wife brethren

  • Acts 22:27 - came Then the chief captain and said unto him Tell me thou a Roman art Then He said Yea

  • Matthew 22:28 - in Therefore the resurrection whose of the seven shall she be wife they all for had her

  • Acts 22:29 - straightway Then they departed from him which should him have examined also which the chief captain and was afraid after he knew because a Roman he was also because he had him bound

  • Matthew 22:29 - answered and Jesus said unto them Ye do err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God

  • Acts 22:30 - On the morrow because have known the certainty wherefore he was accused of the Jews he loosed him from his bands and commanded to appear the chief priests and all council him and brought Paul and set him before him

  • Luke 22:33 - And he said unto him Lord with thee ready I am and into prison and into death to go

  • Matthew 22:33 - And heard when the multitude this they were astonished at doctrine his

  • Matthew 22:34 - But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees they were gathered together

  • Luke 22:35 - And he said unto them When I sent you without purse And scrip And shoes any thing lacked ye And he said Nothing

  • Matthew 22:35 - Then asked one of him which was a lawyer him a question tempting him Then saying

  • Luke 22:36 - said he Then unto them But now he that hath a purse let him take likewise and his scrip and no he that hath let him sell garment unto them and buy sword

  • Matthew 22:37 - Jesus said unto him Thou shalt love the Lord God thy with all heart thy and with all soul thy and with all mind thy

  • Luke 22:38 - And he said Lord behold swords here are two And he said unto them enough It is

  • Luke 22:39 - And he came out and went as he was wont to the mount of Olives followed and him And disciples him

  • Matthew 22:39 - the second And is like unto it Thou shalt love neighbour thy as thyself

  • Luke 22:40 - he was And at the place he said unto them Pray not that ye enter into temptation

  • Luke 22:41 - And he was withdrawn from he about a stone's cast And kneeled down and prayed

  • Matthew 22:41 - were gathered together While the Pharisees asked them Jesus

  • Matthew 22:42 - Saying What ye think of Christ What son is he Saying unto him The Son of David

  • Luke 22:43 - there appeared And him an angel from heaven strengthening him

  • Matthew 22:43 - He saith him How then doth David in spirit Lord him call He saith

  • Luke 22:44 - And being in an agony more earnestly he prayed being and sweat his as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground

  • Luke 22:45 - And when he rose up for prayer and was come to disciples he found his sleeping for sorrow

  • Matthew 22:45 - If then David call him Lord how son him is he

  • Luke 22:46 - And said unto them Why sleep ye rise and pray ye enter into temptation

  • Matthew 22:46 - And no man was able him to answer a word neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more

  • Luke 22:47 - while he yet And him spake behold a multitude and he that was called Judas one of the twelve went before him and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him

  • Luke 22:48 - But Jesus said unto him Judas with a kiss the Son of man betrayest thou

  • Luke 22:49 - saw When they which were about him what would follow they said him Lord shall we smite with the sword

  • Luke 22:50 - And smote one of his the servant of the high priest And cut off his ear right

  • Luke 22:51 - answered And Jesus and said Suffer ye far thus And he touched ear him and healed him

  • Luke 22:52 - said Then Jesus unto which were come against him the chief priests and captains of the temple and the elders as against a thief Be ye come out with swords and staves

  • Luke 22:54 - took they And him and led him and brought him into house the high priest's And Peter followed afar off

  • Luke 22:55 - when they had kindled And a fire in among of the hall and were set down together them sat down Peter in among them

  • Luke 22:56 - beheld But him maid a certain as he sat by the fire also earnestly looked him and said also This man with him was

  • Luke 22:57 - And he denied him saying Woman not I know him

  • Luke 22:58 - And after a little while another saw him and said And Thou of him art And Peter said Man not I am

  • Luke 22:59 - And the space about hour after another confidently affirmed saying Of a truth And this with him was And for a Galilaean he is

  • Luke 22:60 - said And Peter Man not I know what thou sayest And immediately yet spake while he crew the cock

  • Luke 22:61 - And turned of the Lord and looked upon Peter And remembered Peter the word of the Lord how he had said unto him Before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice

  • Luke 22:63 - And the men that held Jesus mocked him and smote

  • Luke 22:64 - And when they had blindfolded him they struck him on the face And asked him saying Prophesy who is it that smote thee

  • Luke 22:65 - And other things many blasphemously spake they against him

  • Luke 22:66 - And as soon as it was day came together the elders of the people the chief priests and And the scribes And led him into council their saying

  • Luke 22:67 - thou Art the Christ I tell us I tell And unto them If you I tell believe

  • Luke 22:70 - he said And they all thou then Art the Son of God And unto them said Ye say that I am

  • Luke 22:71 - And they said What any further need we witness his own for have heard of mouth his own

  • Luke 23:1 - And arose the whole multitude him and led him unto Pilate

  • Matthew 23:1 - Then Jesus spake to the multitude and disciples

  • Acts 23:2 - And the high priest Ananias commanded them that stood by him to smite him on the mouth

  • Luke 23:2 - they began And to accuse him saying this We found fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to Caesar tribute to give saying that he himself Christ a King is

  • Acts 23:3 - Then Paul unto him said smite thee shall God wall thou whited and thou sittest to judge me after the law and contrary to the law commandest me smite

  • Luke 23:3 - And Pilate asked him sayest Thou Art the King of the Jews And he answered him and said Thou sayest

  • Matthew 23:3 - All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe observe and do ye after but works their not do they say for and not do

  • Matthew 23:4 - they bind For burdens heavy and grievous to be borne and lay them on shoulders men's but fingers them not they themselves will move them

  • Matthew 23:5 - all But works they do for to be seen of men they make broad But phylacteries and enlarge the borders garments

  • Acts 23:7 - so And said there arose a dissension between the Pharisees and the Sadducees and was divided the multitude

  • Luke 23:7 - And as soon as he knew that unto jurisdiction Herod he belonged he sent him to Herod was And him at Jerusalem at time

  • Luke 23:8 - And when Herod saw Jesus glad he was exceeding he was for desirous of a long saw him season because he had heard many things of him and he hoped some miracle saw by him done

  • Acts 23:9 - there arose And cry a great and arose the scribes part that were of the Pharisees and strove saying no evil We find in man this if And a spirit hath spoken to him or an angel not fight

  • Luke 23:9 - he questioned Then him in words many him Then nothing he answered him

  • Acts 23:10 - a great And when there arose dissension fearing the chief captain lest should have been pulled in pieces Paul of him commanded the soldiers to go down and to take him from among him to bring and him into the castle

  • Luke 23:10 - stood And the chief priests and scribes and vehemently accused him

  • Acts 23:11 - And following the night stood by him the Lord and said Be of good cheer Paul as for thou hast testified of me at Jerusalem so thou must also at Rome bear witness

  • Luke 23:11 - set him at nought And him Herod with men of war him and mocked him and arrayed him robe in a gorgeous again him to Pilate

  • Luke 23:12 - were made And friends Pilate and Herod at day together before for at enmity they were between themselves

  • Luke 23:14 - Said unto him Ye have brought unto me man this as one that perverteth the people and behold I him before you having examined no have found in man this fault ye accuse touching those things whereof him

  • Acts 23:15 - Now therefore ye signify to the chief captain with the council that to morrow he down unto you as though ye would enquire concerning he we and or ever come near he ready are to kill he

  • Luke 23:15 - No nor yet Herod I sent for you to him and lo nothing worthy of death is done him

  • Matthew 23:15 - Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites ! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made to make him the child of hell twofold more than yourselves

  • Luke 23:16 - I will therefore him and release

  • Acts 23:17 - called Then Paul one of the centurions unto him and said young man this Bring unto the chief captain he hath for a certain thing to tell him

  • Luke 23:17 - of necessity (For he must release unto them at the feast one

  • Acts 23:18 - So he took him and brought him to the chief captain and said the prisoner Paul called me unto him and prayed me this young man and brought him to thee who hath something to say unto thee

  • Matthew 23:18 - And Whosoever shall swear by the altar nothing it is Whosoever but whosoever shall swear by the gift that is upon it he is guilty

  • Acts 23:19 - took Then by the hand him the chief captain and went with him aside privately and asked him What is that thou hast to tell me

  • Acts 23:20 - he said And The Jews have agreed to desire thee that to morrow into the council thou wouldest bring down Paul as though they would somewhat enquire of him

  • Matthew 23:20 - Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar shall swear by it and by all things it

  • Acts 23:21 - thou But not do him there lie in wait for for him of him men more than forty which have bound themselves neither eat neither drink till they have killed him and now ready are they looking for from thee a promise

  • Luke 23:21 - But they cried saying Crucify Crucify him

  • Matthew 23:21 - And sweareth by the temple sweareth by it And by him that dwelleth it

  • Luke 23:22 - And the third time he said unto him what Why evil done he no cause of death I have found in him I will therefore him and let him go