H1004 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a house (in the greatest variation of applications, especially family, etc.) court, daughter, door, [phrase] dungeon, family, [phrase] forth of, [idiom] great as would contain, hangings, home(born), (winter) house(-hold), inside(-ward), palace, place, [phrase] prison, [phrase] steward, [phrase] tablet, temple, web, [phrase] within(-out). probably from H1129 (בָּנָה) abbreviated;

1720 instances of the word בַּיִת bayith (H1004)

  • Proverbs 6:31 - But if he be found he shall restore sevenfold all the substance of his house he shall give

  • 1 Chronicles 6:32 - And they ministered before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the congregation with singing had built until Solomon the house of the LORD in Jerusalem and then they waited according to their order on their office

  • 2 Chronicles 6:32 - Moreover concerning the stranger which is not of thy people Israel but is come country from a far name's for thy great hand sake and thy mighty arm and thy stretched out but is come and pray in this house

  • 2 Kings 6:32 - But Elisha sat in his house and the elders sat hath sent a man from before came him but ere the messenger to him he said and the elders See hath sent ye how this son of a murderer to take away mine head See came him but ere the messenger shut at the door and hold him fast at the door is not the sound feet of his master's behind

  • 2 Chronicles 6:33 - Then hear thou from the heavens place even from thy dwelling and do calleth according to all that the stranger and may know thee as doth thy people of the earth by thy name and fear thee as doth thy people Israel and may know by thy name calleth that this house which I have built

  • 2 Chronicles 6:34 - go out If thy people to war against their enemies by the way that thou shalt send them and they pray by the way this city which thou hast chosen and the house which I have built for thy name

  • 1 Kings 6:37 - year In the fourth laid of the house of the LORD in the month Zif

  • 1 Kings 6:38 - year And in the eleventh in the month Bul month which is the eighth finished was the house throughout all the parts thereof and according to all the fashion in building of it So was he seven year

  • 2 Chronicles 6:38 - If they return to thee with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their captivity whither they have carried them captives and pray toward in the land which thou gavest unto their fathers and toward the city which thou hast chosen and toward the house which I have built for thy name

  • 1 Chronicles 6:48 - Their brethren also the Levites were appointed unto all manner of service of the tabernacle of the house of God

  • Genesis 7:1 - said And the LORD unto Noah Come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee have I seen righteous before me generation in this

  • 1 Kings 7:1 - all his house was building But Solomon thirteen years and he finished all his house

  • 1 Samuel 7:1 - and brought of Kirjathjearim and fetched up the ark of the LORD and brought it into the house of Abinadab in the hill Eleazar his son and sanctified to keep the ark of the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 7:1 - had made an end Now when Solomon of praying the fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the LORD filled the house

  • 2 Samuel 7:1 - sat And it came to pass when the king in his house and the LORD had given him rest round about from all his enemies

  • Ecclesiastes 7:2 - It is better to the house of mourning to the house of feasting for that is the end of all men and the living will lay it to his heart

  • 1 Chronicles 7:2 - And the sons of Tola Uzzi and Rephaiah and Jeriel and Jahmai and Jibsam and Shemuel heads house of their father's of Tola they were valiant men of might in their generations whose number was in the days of David and twenty two thousand and six hundred

  • 1 Kings 7:2 - He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon thereof was an hundred cubits the length thereof fifty cubits and the breadth thereof thirty cubits and the height upon four rows pillars of cedar beams of cedar pillars

  • 1 Samuel 7:2 - And it came to pass while abode the ark in Kirjathjearim was long And it came to pass while for it was twenty years lamented and all the house of Israel after the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 7:2 - could And the priests not enter house of the LORD had filled because the glory of the LORD house of the LORD

  • 2 Samuel 7:2 - said That the king unto Nathan the prophet See dwelleth in an house of cedar but the ark of God dwelleth within curtains

  • Isaiah 7:2 - And it was told the house of David saying is confederate Syria with Ephraim are moved And his heart And his heart of his people are moved as the trees of the wood with the wind

  • Jeremiah 7:2 - Stand at these gates house of the LORD and proclaim the word and say Hear the word of the LORD all ye of Judah that enter in at these gates to worship of the LORD

  • Numbers 7:2 - offered That the princes of Israel heads of the house of their fathers That the princes of the tribes and were over them that were numbered

  • Zechariah 7:2 - When they had sent unto the house of God Sherezer and their men to pray before the LORD

  • 1 Samuel 7:3 - saying And Samuel unto all the house of Israel saying with all your hearts If ye do return unto the LORD then put away gods the strange from among and Ashtaroth you and prepare with all your hearts unto the LORD and serve him only and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines

  • 2 Chronicles 7:3 - And when all the children of Israel saw came down how the fire and the glory of the LORD upon the house they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement and worshipped and praised of the LORD saying For he is good endureth for ever for his mercy

  • Nehemiah 7:3 - And I said be opened unto them Let not the gates of Jerusalem be hot until the sun and while they stand by let them shut the doors and bar and while they stand by watches of the inhabitants of Jerusalem and every one in his watch and every one to be over against his house

  • Zechariah 7:3 - And to speak unto the priests which were in the house of the LORD of hosts and to the prophets And to speak Should I weep month in the fifth separating myself as I have done these so many years

  • Ecclesiastes 7:4 - The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning The heart of fools is in the house of mirth

  • 1 Chronicles 7:4 - And with them by their generations after the house of their fathers were bands of soldiers for war and thirty six thousand men for they had many wives and sons

  • Nehemiah 7:4 - Now the city was large and great but the people were few therein and the houses were not builded

  • 2 Chronicles 7:5 - offered And king Solomon a sacrifice oxen and twenty and two thousand sheep and an hundred and twenty thousand dedicated the house of God And king and all the people

  • 2 Samuel 7:5 - Thus saith my servant David Thus saith the LORD Shalt thou build me an house for me to dwell in

  • 2 Samuel 7:6 - Whereas I have not dwelt in any house even to this day that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt even to this day but have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle

  • Micah 7:6 - For the son dishonoureth the father the daughter riseth up against her mother the daughter in law against her mother in law enemies a man's are the men of his own house

  • Proverbs 7:6 - For at the window of my house through my casement I looked

  • 1 Chronicles 7:7 - And the sons of Bela Ezbon and Uzzi and Uzziel and Jerimoth and Iri five heads of the house of their fathers mighty men of valour and were reckoned by their genealogies twenty and two thousand and thirty and four

  • 2 Chronicles 7:7 - hallowed Moreover Solomon the middle of the court that was before the house of the LORD for there he offered burnt offerings and the fat of the peace offerings altar because the brasen for there he offered Moreover Solomon was not able to receive burnt offerings and the meat offerings and the fat

  • 2 Samuel 7:7 - In all the places wherein I have walked with all the children Israel I a word spake with any of the tribes Israel whom I commanded to feed my people Israel saying Why build ye not me an house of cedar

  • Deuteronomy 7:8 - loved But because the LORD you and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers brought you out But because the LORD from the hand with a mighty and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt

  • Esther 7:8 - Then the king returned garden out of the palace also before me in the house of the banquet of wine Haman's was fallen upon the bed whereon Esther was Then said Then the king Will he force the queen also before me in the house As the word went out mouth Then the king face Haman's they covered

  • 1 Kings 7:8 - And his house where he dwelt court had another And his house the porch which was of the like work And his house made daughter for Pharaoh's whom he had taken Solomon the porch

  • Proverbs 7:8 - Passing through the street near the way to her house and he went

  • Amos 7:9 - shall be desolate And the high places of Isaac and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste and I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword

  • Esther 7:9 - said And Harbonah one of the chamberlains before Then the king Behold also the gallows had made of Haman for Mordecai who had spoken good Then the king standeth in the house of Haman high fifty cubits said Then the king Hang

  • 1 Chronicles 7:9 - And the number of them after their genealogy by their generations heads of the house of their fathers mighty men of valour was twenty thousand and two hundred

  • 1 Kings 7:9 - stones All these were of costly according to the measures of hewed stones sawed with saws within and so on the outside even from the foundation unto the coping and so on the outside court toward the great

  • 2 Kings 7:9 - Then they said one to another We do is a day is a day of good tidings and we hold our peace if we tarry light till the morning will come some mischief that we may go and tell household the king's

  • Amos 7:10 - sent Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel to Jeroboam king of Israel saying hath conspired Amos against thee in the midst of the house of Israel is not able the land to bear all his words

  • Jeremiah 7:10 - And come and stand before me in this house which is called by my name and say We are delivered to do all these abominations

  • Job 7:10 - He shall return no more to his house know neither shall his place

  • 2 Chronicles 7:11 - finished Thus Solomon and in his own house of the LORD and in his own house and the king's and all that came heart Thus Solomon to make and in his own house of the LORD and in his own house he prosperously effected

  • 2 Kings 7:11 - And he called the porters and they told house it to the king's within

  • 2 Samuel 7:11 - And as since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel and have caused thee to rest from all thine enemies telleth Also the LORD thee an house thee that he will make Also the LORD

  • Jeremiah 7:11 - become a den of robbers Is this house which is called by my name in your eyes Behold even I have seen it saith the LORD

  • Proverbs 7:11 - She is loud and stubborn not in her house abide her feet

  • 1 Kings 7:12 - court And the great round about was with three and a row of hewed stones and a row beams of cedar court of the house of the LORD both for the inner and for the porch of the house

  • 2 Chronicles 7:12 - appeared And the LORD to Solomon by night and said unto him I have heard thy prayer and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice

  • Amos 7:13 - any more at Bethel not again But prophesy chapel for it is the king's court and it is the king's

  • 2 Samuel 7:13 - He shall build an house for my name and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever

  • Isaiah 7:13 - And he said Hear ye now O house of David Is it a small thing but will ye weary but will ye weary my God

  • Jeremiah 7:14 - Therefore will I do unto this house which is called by my name wherein ye trust and unto the place which I gave to you and to your fathers Therefore will I do to Shiloh

  • Joshua 7:14 - shall come In the morning according to your tribes according to your tribes shall take which the LORD shall come according to the families according to the families shall take which the LORD shall come and the household and the household shall take which the LORD shall come by man

  • Ezekiel 7:15 - The sword is without and pestilence and the famine within he that is in the field The sword shall die and he that is in the city and the famine and pestilence shall devour

  • Amos 7:16 - Now therefore hear thou the word of the LORD Thou sayest Prophesy not against Israel and drop not thy word against the house of Isaac

  • 2 Chronicles 7:16 - For now have I chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there for ever and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually

  • 2 Samuel 7:16 - shall be established And thine house and thy kingdom for ever before thee thy throne shall be established for ever

  • 1 Samuel 7:17 - And his return was to Ramah for there was his house and there he judged Israel and there he built an altar unto the LORD

  • Isaiah 7:17 - shall bring The LORD upon thee and upon thy people house and upon thy father's days shall bring days departed that Ephraim from Judah even the king of Assyria

  • 2 Samuel 7:18 - Then went king David in and sat before the LORD and he said Who am I O Lord GOD and what is my house Then went me hitherto

  • Joshua 7:18 - And he brought his household by man was taken and Achan the son of Carmi the son of Zabdi the son of Zerah of the tribe of Judah

  • 2 Samuel 7:19 - And this was yet a small thing in thy sight O Lord but thou hast spoken house also of thy servant's for a great while to come And is this the manner of man O Lord

  • Proverbs 7:19 - For the goodman is not at home he is gone journey a long

  • 2 Chronicles 7:20 - Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land and will make them and this house which I have sanctified for my name will I cast out of my sight and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations

  • Proverbs 7:20 - a bag of money He hath taken with him at the day appointed and will come home

  • 2 Chronicles 7:21 - And this house which is high to every one that passeth shall be an astonishment by it so that he shall say done Why hath the LORD thus unto this land And this house

  • Exodus 7:23 - turned And Pharaoh and went into his house neither did he set his heart to this

  • 1 Chronicles 7:23 - And when he went in to his wife she conceived and bare a son and he called his name Beriah because it went evil with his house

  • Ezekiel 7:24 - Wherefore I will bring the worst of the heathen and they shall possess their houses to cease I will also make the pomp of the strong shall be defiled and their holy places

  • 1 Kings 7:25 - It stood upon twelve oxen and three looking toward the north and three looking and the sea and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward

  • 2 Samuel 7:25 - And now O LORD God the word as thou hast said concerning thy servant and concerning his house establish it for ever and do as thou hast said

  • Deuteronomy 7:26 - Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house it for it is a cursed thing detest detest abhor abhor it for it is a cursed thing

  • 2 Samuel 7:26 - be magnified And let thy name for ever saying The LORD of hosts is the God over Israel and let the house of thy servant David be established before

  • Ezra 7:27 - Blessed be the LORD God of our fathers which hath put heart such a thing as this in the king's to beautify the house be the LORD which is in Jerusalem

  • 2 Samuel 7:27 - For thou O LORD of hosts God of Israel hast revealed therefore hath thy servant saying thee an house I will build found therefore hath thy servant in his heart to pray this prayer

  • Proverbs 7:27 - is the way to hell Her house going down to the chambers of death

  • 2 Samuel 7:29 - Therefore now let it please be blessed let the house of thy servant for ever before thee for thou O Lord GOD hast spoken it and with thy blessing be blessed let the house of thy servant for ever

  • Jeremiah 7:30 - have done For the children of Judah evil in my sight saith the LORD they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name to pollute

  • 1 Kings 7:31 - And the mouth of it within the chapiter and above a cubit And the mouth not round after the work of the base a cubit and an half a cubit And the mouth of it were gravings with their borders foursquare not round

  • 1 Kings 7:39 - And he put bases and five side of the house on the right and five side of the house on the left the sea And he put side of the house on the right eastward over against the south

  • Nehemiah 7:39 - The priests the children of Jedaiah of the house of Jeshua nine hundred seventy and three

  • 1 Chronicles 7:40 - All these were the children of Asher chief house of their father's choice and mighty men of valour chief of the princes throughout the genealogy of them that were apt to the war and to battle And the number was twenty and six thousand

  • 1 Kings 7:40 - an end of doing And Hiram the lavers and the shovels and the basons made And Hiram an end of doing all the work an end of doing king Solomon for the house of the LORD

  • 1 Kings 7:45 - And the pots and the shovels and the basons and all these vessels made which Hiram to king Solomon for the house of the LORD brass

  • 1 Kings 7:48 - made And Solomon all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the LORD the altar of gold and the table whereupon the shewbread of gold

  • 1 Kings 7:50 - And the bowls and the snuffers and the basons and the spoons and the censers gold of pure and the hinges both for the doors house of the inner holy holy both for the doors house to wit of the temple gold

  • 1 Kings 7:51 - So was ended all the work made that king And Solomon for the house of the LORD brought in And Solomon had dedicated the things which David his father even the silver and the gold and the vessels did he put among the treasures for the house of the LORD

  • Nehemiah 7:61 - And these were they which went up also from Telmelah Telharesha Cherub Addon and Immer but they could not shew house their father's nor their seed whether they were of Israel

  • Esther 8:1 - On that day give did the king Ahasuerus for Esther the queen the house of Haman enemy the Jews And Mordecai came before did the king had told for Esther