H1121 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like father or brother), etc.) [phrase] afflicted, age, (Ahoh-) (Ammon-) (Hachmon-) (Lev-) ite, (anoint-) ed one, appointed to, ([phrase]) arrow, (Assyr-) (Babylon-) (Egypt-) (Grec-) ian, one born, bough, branch, breed, [phrase] (young) bullock, [phrase] (young) calf, [idiom] came up in, child, colt, [idiom] common, [idiom] corn, daughter, [idiom] of first, [phrase] firstborn, foal, [phrase] very fruitful, [phrase] postage, [idiom] in, [phrase] kid, [phrase] lamb, ([phrase]) man, meet, [phrase] mighty, [phrase] nephew, old, ([phrase]) people, [phrase] rebel, [phrase] robber, [idiom] servant born, [idiom] soldier, son, [phrase] spark, [phrase] steward, [phrase] stranger, [idiom] surely, them of, [phrase] tumultuous one, [phrase] valiant(-est), whelp, worthy, young (one), youth. from H1129 (בָּנָה);

3636 instances of the word בֵּן bên (H1121)

  • Genesis 46:24 - And the sons of Naphtali Jahzeel and Guni and Jezer and Shillem

  • Genesis 46:25 - These are the sons of Bilhah gave which Laban unto Rachel his daughter and she bare these unto Jacob all the souls were seven

  • Genesis 46:26 - All the souls that came besides Jacob's into Egypt which came out of his loins wives sons besides Jacob's All the souls were threescore and six

  • Genesis 46:27 - And the sons of Joseph which were born him in Egypt all the souls were two all the souls of the house of Jacob which came him in Egypt were threescore and ten

  • Jeremiah 47:3 - At the noise of the stamping of the hoofs of his strong horses at the rushing of his chariots and at the rumbling of his wheels shall not look back the fathers to their children for feebleness of hands

  • Ezekiel 47:6 - And he said hast thou seen unto me Son of man me and caused me to return to the brink of the river

  • Ezekiel 47:22 - And it shall come to pass that ye shall divide inheritance unto you and to the strangers that sojourn among you which shall beget among the children among in the country among the children of Israel And it shall come to pass that ye shall divide inheritance among the tribes of Israel

  • Genesis 47:29 - drew nigh And the time that Israel must die and he called his son Joseph and said unto him If now I have found grace in thy sight put I pray thee thy hand under my thigh and deal kindly and truly with me bury me not I pray thee in Egypt

  • Genesis 48:1 - And it came to pass after these things that one told Joseph Behold thy father is sick and he took with him his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim

  • Genesis 48:2 - And one told Jacob and said Behold thy son Joseph cometh strengthened unto thee and Israel himself and sat upon the bed

  • Genesis 48:5 - And now thy two sons which were born unto thee in the land of Egypt before I came of Egypt Ephraim and Manasseh are mine as Reuben and Simeon

  • Genesis 48:8 - beheld And Israel sons Joseph's and said

  • Genesis 48:9 - me in this place And he said And Joseph unto his father They are my sons hath given whom God me in this place And he said Bring them I pray thee unto me and I will bless

  • Ezekiel 48:11 - It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of Zadok which have kept my charge went astray went astray of the sons of Israel went astray as the Levites

  • Genesis 48:19 - refused And his father and said I know it my son I know it he also shall become a people and he also shall be great but truly brother his younger and he also shall be great than he and his seed shall become a multitude of nations

  • Jeremiah 48:45 - under the shadow of Heshbon stood because of the force They that fled but a fire shall come forth of Heshbon and a flame from the midst of Sihon and shall devour the corner of Moab and the crown of the head ones of the tumultuous

  • Jeremiah 48:46 - Woe be unto thee O Moab perisheth the people of Chemosh are taken for thy sons captives and thy daughters captives

  • Genesis 49:1 - called And Jacob unto his sons and said Gather yourselves together that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days

  • Jeremiah 49:1 - Concerning the Ammonites thus saith the LORD Concerning the Ammonites Hath Israel hath he no heir hath he no heir why then doth their king Gad and his people in his cities dwell

  • Genesis 49:2 - Gather yourselves together and hear ye sons of Jacob and hear unto Israel your father

  • Jeremiah 49:2 - Therefore behold the days come saith the LORD to be heard in Rabbah of the Ammonites that I will cause an alarm of war heap and it shall be a desolate and her daughters with fire shall be burned be heir then shall Israel be heir saith the LORD

  • Psalms 49:2 - Both low Both low together rich and poor

  • Jeremiah 49:6 - And afterward I will bring again the captivity of the children of Ammon saith the LORD

  • Genesis 49:8 - Judah shall praise thou art he whom thy brethren thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies shall bow down children thy father's

  • Genesis 49:9 - whelp as a lion Judah from the prey my son thou art gone up he stooped down he couched as a lion and as an old lion who shall rouse him up

  • Genesis 49:11 - Binding unto the vine his foal unto the choice vine colt and his ass's he washed in wine his garments in the blood of grapes and his clothes

  • Isaiah 49:15 - forget Can a woman her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb forget forget

  • Isaiah 49:17 - shall make haste Thy children thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth

  • Jeremiah 49:18 - As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof saith the LORD shall abide no man dwell there neither shall a son of man

  • Isaiah 49:20 - the other shall say again in thine ears The children which thou shalt have after thou hast lost is too strait The place for me give to me that I may dwell

  • Genesis 49:22 - bough even a fruitful Joseph bough even a fruitful by a well whose branches run over the wall

  • Isaiah 49:22 - Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I will lift up to the Gentiles mine hand to the people and set up my standard and they shall bring thy sons in their arms and thy daughters upon their shoulders Behold I will lift up

  • Isaiah 49:25 - But thus saith the LORD Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered with him that contendeth for I will contend thy children with thee and I will save

  • Jeremiah 49:28 - Concerning Kedar and concerning the kingdoms of Hazor shall smite which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon thus saith the LORD Arise ye go up Concerning Kedar and spoil the men of the east

  • Genesis 49:32 - The purchase of the field and of the cave that is therein was from the children of Heth

  • Genesis 49:33 - had made an end And when Jacob of commanding his sons and was gathered his feet into the bed and yielded up the ghost and was gathered unto his people

  • Jeremiah 49:33 - And Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons and a desolation for ever abide there shall no man dwell there nor any son of man

  • Jeremiah 50:4 - In those days and in that time saith the LORD shall come the children of Israel the children of Judah together going and weeping going the LORD their God and seek

  • Genesis 50:12 - did And his sons unto him according as he commanded

  • Genesis 50:13 - carried For his sons him into the land of Canaan and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah bought which Abraham of the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite before Mamre

  • Psalms 50:20 - Thou sittest against thy brother and speakest son thine own mother's thou slanderest

  • Genesis 50:23 - saw And Joseph Ephraim's children of the third children also of Machir children of Manasseh were brought up knees And Joseph

  • Genesis 50:25 - took an oath And Joseph of the children of Israel saying visit visit God you and ye shall carry up my bones from hence

  • Genesis 50:26 - died So Joseph old being an hundred and ten years and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in Egypt

  • Genesis 50:26 - died So Joseph old being an hundred and ten years and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in Egypt

  • Jeremiah 50:33 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts were oppressed The children of Israel The children of Judah together and all that took them captives held them fast they refused to let them go

  • Jeremiah 50:40 - overthrew As God Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof saith the LORD abide so shall no man dwell there neither shall any son of man

  • Isaiah 51:12 - I even I am he that comforteth you who art thou that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die and of the son of man as grass which shall be made

  • Isaiah 51:18 - There is none to guide her among all the sons whom she hath brought forth neither is there any that taketh her by the hand her among all the sons that she hath brought up

  • Isaiah 51:20 - Thy sons have fainted they lie at the head of all the streets as a wild bull in a net they are full of the fury of the LORD the rebuke of thy God

  • Jeremiah 51:43 - Her cities are a desolation a land a dry and a wilderness a land dwelleth thereby wherein no man pass thereby neither doth any son of man

  • Jeremiah 51:59 - The word commanded which Jeremiah the prophet And this Seraiah the son of Neriah the son of Maaseiah with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon year in the fourth of his reign And this Seraiah prince was a quiet

  • Jeremiah 52:1 - old and twenty eleven years Zedekiah and he reigned eleven years and he reigned in Jerusalem name And his mother's was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah

  • Jeremiah 52:10 - he slew And the king of Babylon the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes also all the princes of Judah he slew in Riblah

  • Isaiah 52:14 - were astonied As many was so marred more than any man at thee his visage and his form more than the sons of men

  • Psalms 53:2 - God from heaven looked down upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand that did seek God

  • Isaiah 54:1 - Sing O barren thou that didst not bear break forth into singing and cry aloud thou that didst not travail with child for more are the children of the desolate are the children of the married wife saith the LORD

  • Isaiah 54:13 - And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD and great shall be the peace And all thy children

  • Isaiah 56:2 - Blessed from doing this and the son of man that layeth hold it and keepeth the sabbath from polluting it and keepeth his hand from doing any evil

  • Isaiah 56:3 - say Neither let the son of the stranger that hath joined The LORD say hath utterly hath utterly The LORD me from his people say neither let the eunuch tree Behold I am a dry

  • Isaiah 56:5 - Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters and a name them an everlasting Even unto them will I give that shall not be cut off

  • Isaiah 56:6 - Also the sons of the stranger that join of the LORD to serve him and to love the name of the LORD to be his servants every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it and taketh hold of my covenant

  • Isaiah 57:3 - But draw near hither ye sons of the sorceress the seed of the adulterer and the whore

  • Psalms 57:4 - My soul is among lions and I lie even among them that are set on fire even the sons of men whose teeth are spears and arrows and their tongue sword a sharp

  • Psalms 58:1 - Do ye indeed O congregation righteousness speak uprightly do ye judge O ye sons of men

  • Isaiah 60:4 - Lift up round about thine eyes and see all they gather themselves together shall come to thee thy sons from far shall come and thy daughters at thy side shall be nursed

  • Isaiah 60:9 - Surely the isles shall wait for me and the ships of Tarshish first to bring thy sons from far their silver and their gold with them unto the name of the LORD thy God and to the Holy One of Israel because he hath glorified

  • Isaiah 60:10 - shall build up And the sons of strangers thy walls and their kings shall minister unto thee for in my wrath I smote thee but in my favour have I had mercy

  • Isaiah 60:14 - thee shall come bending The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet unto thee and all they that despised and they shall call thee The city of the LORD The Zion of the Holy One of Israel

  • Isaiah 61:5 - shall stand And strangers and feed your flocks and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers

  • Isaiah 62:5 - marrieth For as a young man a virgin marrieth so shall thy sons rejoiceth thee and as the bridegroom over the bride rejoice so shall thy God

  • Isaiah 62:8 - hath sworn The LORD by his right hand and by the arm of his strength Surely I will no more give thy corn to be meat for thine enemies Surely I will shall not drink and the sons of the stranger thy wine for the which thou hast laboured

  • Psalms 62:9 - lighter than vanity Surely men of high degree are a lie and men in the balance to be laid lighter than vanity they are altogether

  • Isaiah 63:8 - For he said Surely they are my people children that will not lie so he was their Saviour

  • Isaiah 65:20 - There shall be no more thence an infant his days nor an old man that hath not filled his days for the child old an hundred years shall die but the sinner old an hundred years shall be accursed

  • Psalms 66:5 - and see the works of God he is terrible in his doing toward the children of men

  • Isaiah 66:8 - Who hath heard such a thing who hath seen be made to bring forth such things Shall the earth day in one be born or shall a nation at once in one be made to bring forth for as soon as be born Zion her children

  • Isaiah 66:20 - And they shall bring all your brethren out of all nations an offering of the LORD upon horses and in chariots and in litters and upon mules and upon swift beasts mountain to my holy Jerusalem saith of the LORD And they shall bring as the children of Israel an offering vessel in a clean into the house of the LORD

  • Psalms 69:8 - I am become a stranger unto my brethren and an alien children unto my mother's

  • Psalms 72:1 - O God thy judgments the king Give and thy righteousness son the king

  • Psalms 72:4 - He shall judge the poor of the people he shall save the children of the needy and shall break in pieces the oppressor

  • Psalms 72:20 - are ended The prayers of David the son of Jesse

  • Psalms 73:15 - If I say I will speak thus against the generation of thy children behold I should offend

  • Psalms 77:15 - redeemed Thou hast with thine arm thy people the sons of Jacob and Joseph Selah

  • Psalms 78:4 - We will not hide them from their children to the generation to come shewing the praises of the LORD and his strength and his wonderful works that he hath done

  • Psalms 78:5 - For he established a testimony in Jacob a law and appointed in Israel which he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children

  • Psalms 78:6 - might know That the generation to come them even the children which should be born who should arise and declare them even the children

  • Psalms 78:9 - The children of Ephraim being armed and carrying bows turned back in the day of battle

  • Psalms 79:11 - come before Let the sighing of the prisoner thee according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die

  • Psalms 80:15 - And the vineyard hath planted which thy right hand and the branch that thou madest strong

  • Psalms 80:17 - Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand upon the son of man whom thou madest strong

  • Psalms 82:6 - I have said Ye are gods and all of you are children of the most High

  • Psalms 83:8 - Assur also is joined with them they have holpen the children of Lot Selah

  • Psalms 86:16 - O turn unto me and have mercy upon me give thy strength unto thy servant and save the son of thine handmaid

  • Psalms 89:6 - For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD can be likened unto the LORD who among the sons of the mighty

  • Psalms 89:22 - shall not exact The enemy upon him nor the son of wickedness afflict

  • Psalms 89:30 - forsake If his children my law not in my judgments

  • Psalms 89:47 - Remember how short in vain my time is wherefore hast thou made all men

  • Psalms 90:3 - Return man to destruction and sayest Return ye children of men

  • Psalms 90:16 - appear unto thy servants Let thy work and thy glory unto their children