H1129 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to build (literally and figuratively) (begin to) build(-er), obtain children, make, repair, set (up), [idiom] surely. a primitive root;

346 instances of the word בָּנָה bânâh (H1129)

  • Numbers 32:34 - built And the children of Gad Dibon and Ataroth and Aroer

  • Jeremiah 32:35 - And they built the high places of Baal which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom to pass of the son and their daughters through the fire unto Molech which I commanded them not neither came it into my mind that they should do this abomination to sin to cause Judah

  • Numbers 32:37 - And the children of Reuben built Heshbon and Elealeh and Kirjathaim

  • Numbers 32:38 - And Nebo and Baalmeon their names and Shibmah and gave their names their names unto the cities which they builded

  • 2 Chronicles 33:3 - again For he built the high places had broken down which Hezekiah his father and he reared up altars for Baalim and made groves and worshipped all the host of heaven and served

  • 2 Chronicles 33:4 - Also he built altars in the house of the LORD had said of the LORD In Jerusalem shall my name be for ever

  • 2 Chronicles 33:5 - And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD

  • Jeremiah 33:7 - to return And I will cause the captivity of Judah And I will cause the captivity of Israel and will build them as at the first

  • 2 Chronicles 33:14 - Now after this he built a wall without cities of David on the west side of Gihon in the valley even to the entering in gate at the fish and compassed about Ophel and raised it up a very great height and put captains of war cities in all the fenced of Judah

  • 2 Chronicles 33:15 - And he took away gods the strange and the idol of the house of the LORD and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of the LORD and in Jerusalem and cast them out of the city

  • 2 Chronicles 33:16 - And he repaired the altar of the LORD and sacrificed offerings thereon peace and thank offerings and commanded Judah to serve of the LORD God of Israel

  • Genesis 33:17 - And Jacob journeyed Succoth and built him an house for his cattle and made booths is called therefore the name of the place Succoth

  • 2 Chronicles 33:19 - His prayer also and how God was intreated of him and all his sin and his trespass and the places wherein he built high places and set up groves and graven images before he was humbled behold they are written among the sayings of the seers

  • 2 Chronicles 34:11 - gave Even to the artificers and builders they it to buy stone hewn and timber for couplings and to floor the houses had destroyed which the kings of Judah

  • 2 Chronicles 35:3 - And said unto the Levites that taught Israel which were holy now the LORD Put ark the holy in the house did build which Solomon the son of David king Israel it shall not be a burden upon your shoulders serve now the LORD your God and his people Israel

  • Genesis 35:7 - And he built there an altar and called the place appeared because there God unto him when he fled from the face of his brother

  • Jeremiah 35:7 - house Neither shall ye build seed nor sow vineyard nor plant in tents ye shall dwell days that ye may live days many in the land where ye be strangers

  • Jeremiah 35:9 - Nor to build houses for us to dwell in neither have we vineyard nor field nor seed

  • Ezekiel 36:10 - And I will multiply men upon you all the house of Israel shall be inhabited even all of it and the cities and the wastes shall be builded

  • 2 Chronicles 36:23 - Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia All the kingdoms of the earth given The LORD God of heaven me and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem which is in Judah Who is there among you of all his people The LORD God be with him and let him go up

  • 2 Chronicles 36:23 - Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia All the kingdoms of the earth given The LORD God of heaven me and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem which is in Judah Who is there among you of all his people The LORD God be with him and let him go up

  • Ezekiel 36:33 - Thus saith the Lord GOD In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities shall be builded and the wastes

  • Ezekiel 36:36 - you shall know Then the heathen that are left round about I the LORD build the ruined places and plant that that was desolate I the LORD have spoken it and I will do

  • Ezekiel 39:15 - And the passengers And the passengers the land when any seeth bone a man's then shall he set up by a sign have buried have buried it in the valley of Hamongog

  • Jeremiah 42:10 - If ye will still abide in this land then will I build you and not pull you down and I will plant you and not pluck you up for I repent me of the evil that I have done

  • Isaiah 44:26 - That confirmeth the word of his servant the counsel of his messengers and performeth that saith to Jerusalem Thou shalt be inhabited and to the cities of Judah Ye shall be built the decayed places That confirmeth

  • Isaiah 44:28 - That saith of Cyrus He is my shepherd all my pleasure and shall perform That saith to Jerusalem Thou shalt be built and to the temple Thy foundation shall be laid

  • Jeremiah 45:4 - Thus shalt thou say Thus shalt thou say unto him The LORD thus Behold that which I have built will I break down and that which I have planted I will pluck up even this whole land

  • Isaiah 45:13 - I have raised him up in righteousness all his ways and I will direct he shall build my city my captives and he shall let go not for price nor reward saith the LORD of hosts

  • Psalms 51:18 - Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion build thou the walls of Jerusalem

  • Jeremiah 52:4 - year And it came to pass in the ninth of his reign day of the month in the tenth in the tenth day of the month came that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon he and all his army against Jerusalem and pitched against it and built forts against it round about

  • Isaiah 58:12 - And they that shall be of thee shall build waste places the old the foundations generations generations thou shalt raise up and thou shalt be called The repairer of the breach The restorer of paths to dwell in

  • Isaiah 60:10 - shall build up And the sons of strangers thy walls and their kings shall minister unto thee for in my wrath I smote thee but in my favour have I had mercy

  • Isaiah 61:4 - And they shall build wastes the old desolations the former they shall raise up and they shall repair cities the waste desolations generations generations

  • Isaiah 65:21 - And they shall build houses and inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit

  • Isaiah 65:22 - They shall not build and another inhabit they shall not plant and another eat are the days of a tree are the days of my people the work of their hands shall long enjoy and mine elect

  • Isaiah 66:1 - Thus saith the LORD The heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool where is the house that ye build unto me and where is the place of my rest

  • Psalms 69:35 - For God will save Zion and will build the cities of Judah that they may dwell there and have it in possession

  • Psalms 78:69 - And he built like high his sanctuary palaces like the earth which he hath established for ever

  • Psalms 89:2 - For I have said for ever Mercy shall be built up in the very heavens shalt thou establish thy faithfulness

  • Psalms 89:4 - for ever will I establish Thy seed and build up generations generations thy throne Selah

  • Psalms 102:16 - shall build up When the LORD Zion he shall appear in his glory

  • Psalms 118:22 - The stone refused which the builders is become the head stone of the corner

  • Psalms 122:3 - Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together

  • Psalms 127:1 - Except the LORD build the house but in vain they labour build Except the LORD keep the city but in vain waketh keep

  • Psalms 147:2 - doth build up Jerusalem The LORD the outcasts of Israel he gathereth together