H1241 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
beef cattle or an animal of the ox family of either gender (as used for plowing); collectively, a herd beeve, bull ([phrase] -ock), [phrase] calf, [phrase] cow, great (cattle), [phrase] heifer, herd, kine, ox. from H1239 (בָּקַר);

172 instances of the word בָּקָר bâqâr (H1241)

  • 1 Samuel 16:2 - and say And Samuel hear if Saul it he will kill and say me And the LORD an heifer Take with thee and say to sacrifice me And the LORD I am come

  • Leviticus 16:3 - Thus come shall Aaron into the holy bullock place with a young for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering

  • 2 Kings 16:17 - cut off And king Ahaz the borders of the bases and removed the laver the sea from off them and took down oxen from off the brasen that were under it and put it upon a pavement of stones

  • 2 Samuel 17:29 - And honey and butter and sheep and cheese of kine for David The people that were with him to eat for they said The people is hungry and weary and thirsty in the wilderness

  • 2 Chronicles 18:2 - he went down And after certain years And Ahab to Samaria killed And Ahab sheep and oxen for him in abundance and for the people that he had with him and persuaded him to go up with him to Ramothgilead

  • Genesis 18:7 - unto the herd ran And Abraham and fetcht a calf unto the herd tender and good and gave it unto a young man and he hasted to dress

  • Genesis 18:8 - And he took butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed and set it before them and he stood by them under the tree and they did eat

  • 1 Kings 19:20 - And he left the oxen and ran after Elijah and said Let me I pray thee kiss my father and my mother after and said and then I will follow again for what have I done

  • 1 Kings 19:21 - And he returned back after and took a yoke of oxen and slew with the instruments of oxen them and boiled their flesh and gave unto the people and they did eat Then he arose after Elijah and ministered

  • Genesis 20:14 - took And Abimelech sheep and oxen and menservants and womenservants and gave them unto Abraham and restored him Sarah his wife

  • Exodus 20:24 - An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings and thy peace offerings thy sheep and thine oxen in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee and I will bless

  • Deuteronomy 21:3 - And it shall be that the city which is next unto the slain man shall take even the elders And it shall be that the city an heifer which hath not been wrought with and which hath not drawn in the yoke

  • 1 Chronicles 21:23 - said And Ornan unto David Take do it to thee and let my lord the king that which is good in his eyes lo I give thee the oxen also for burnt offerings and the threshing instruments for wood and the wheat for the meat offering I give

  • Genesis 21:27 - took And Abraham sheep and oxen and gave them unto Abimelech made and both of them a covenant

  • Exodus 22:1 - shall steal If a man an ox for a sheep and kill it or sell five oxen it he shall restore an ox and four sheep for a sheep

  • Isaiah 22:13 - And behold joy and gladness slaying oxen and killing sheep eating flesh and drink wine eating and drink for to morrow we shall die

  • Leviticus 22:19 - Ye shall offer at your own will without blemish a male of the beeves of the sheep or of the goats

  • Leviticus 22:21 - And whosoever offereth a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the LORD to accomplish his vow or a freewill offering in beeves or sheep it shall be perfect to be accepted there shall be no blemish

  • Numbers 22:40 - offered And Balak oxen and sheep and sent to Balaam and to the princes

  • Leviticus 23:18 - And ye shall offer with the bread seven lambs without blemish of the first year bullock of the first young and one rams and two they shall be for a burnt offering unto the LORD with their meat offering and their drink offerings even an offering made by fire savour of sweet unto the LORD

  • 2 Samuel 24:22 - said And Araunah unto David take and offer up Let my lord the king what seemeth good unto him behold here be oxen for burnt sacrifice and threshing instruments and other instruments here be oxen for wood

  • 2 Samuel 24:24 - said And the king unto Araunah Nay but I will surely Nay but I will surely it of thee at a price neither will I offer unto the LORD my God burnt offerings of that which doth cost me nothing Nay but I will surely So David the threshingfloor and the oxen of silver shekels for fifty

  • Genesis 24:35 - And the LORD hath blessed my master greatly and he is become great and he hath given flocks and herds and silver and gold and menservants and maidservants and camels and asses

  • Genesis 26:14 - For he had possession of flocks For he had possession of herds of servants and great store envied and the Philistines

  • 1 Samuel 27:9 - smote And David the land alive and left neither man nor woman and took away the sheep and the oxen and the asses and the camels and the apparel and returned and came to Achish

  • 1 Chronicles 27:29 - And over the herds that fed in Sharon was Shitrai the Sharonite And over the herds that were in the valleys was Shaphat the son of Adlai

  • Leviticus 27:32 - And concerning the tithe of the herd or of the flock even of whatsoever passeth under the rod the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD

  • Numbers 28:11 - And in the beginnings of your months ye shall offer a burnt offering unto the LORD bullocks of the first young two ram and one lambs of the first year seven without spot

  • Numbers 28:19 - But ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire for a burnt offering unto the LORD bullocks of the first young two ram and one and seven lambs of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish

  • Numbers 28:27 - But ye shall offer the burnt offering savour for a sweet unto the LORD bullocks of the first young two ram one seven lambs of the first year

  • Exodus 29:1 - And this is the thing that thou shalt do unto them to hallow them to minister unto me in the priest's office Take bullock one young rams and two without blemish

  • Numbers 29:2 - And ye shall offer a burnt offering savour for a sweet unto the LORD bullock of the first young one ram one lambs of the first year and seven without blemish

  • Numbers 29:8 - But ye shall offer a burnt offering unto the LORD savour for a sweet bullock of the first young one ram one lambs of the first year and seven they shall be unto you without blemish

  • Numbers 29:13 - And ye shall offer a burnt offering a sacrifice made by fire savour of a sweet unto the LORD bullocks of the first young thirteen rams two lambs of the first year and fourteen they shall be without blemish

  • Numbers 29:17 - day And on the second bullocks of the first two rams two lambs of the first year fourteen without spot

  • 2 Chronicles 29:22 - So they killed the bullocks received and the priests the blood and sprinkled it on the altar So they killed the rams and sprinkled the blood it on the altar So they killed also the lambs and sprinkled the blood it on the altar

  • 2 Chronicles 29:32 - And the number all these were for a burnt offering brought which the congregation bullocks was threescore and ten rams an hundred lambs an hundred all these were for a burnt offering to the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 29:33 - And the consecrated things oxen were six hundred sheep and three thousand

  • 1 Samuel 30:20 - took And David all the flocks and the herds which they drave before other cattle those and said spoil And David

  • 2 Chronicles 31:6 - And concerning the children of Israel and Judah that dwelt in the cities and Judah and the tithe of oxen and sheep and the tithe of holy things which were consecrated unto the LORD their God they also brought in and laid them by heaps them by heaps

  • Jeremiah 31:12 - Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion and shall flow together to the goodness of the LORD for wheat and for wine and for oil and for the young of the flock and of the herd and their soul garden shall be as a watered any more and they shall not sorrow

  • Numbers 31:28 - And levy a tribute unto the LORD of war which went out to battle one soul of five hundred both of the persons and of the beeves and of the asses and of the sheep

  • Numbers 31:30 - half And of the children of Israel's thou shalt take one portion of fifty of the persons of the beeves of the asses and of the flocks of all manner of beasts and give them unto the Levites which keep the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD

  • Numbers 31:33 - beeves And threescore and twelve thousand

  • Numbers 31:38 - And the beeves and six were thirty thousand tribute of which the LORD'S was threescore and twelve

  • Numbers 31:44 - beeves and six And thirty thousand

  • Genesis 32:7 - afraid Then Jacob was greatly and distressed and he divided the people that was with him and the flocks and herds and the camels into two bands

  • Deuteronomy 32:14 - Butter of kine and milk of sheep with fat of lambs and rams of the breed of Bashan and goats with fat of kidneys of wheat blood of the grape and thou didst drink the pure

  • 2 Chronicles 32:29 - him cities Moreover he provided and possessions of flocks and herds in abundance had given for God him substance much very

  • Genesis 33:13 - And he said unto him My lord knoweth that the children are tender all the flock and herds with young are with me and if men should overdrive day them one will die all the flock

  • Exodus 34:3 - And no man shall come up And no man with thee neither be seen that mount neither let the flocks nor herds with thee neither feed before that mount

  • Genesis 34:28 - their sheep and their oxen and their asses and that which was in the city and that which was in the field They took

  • 2 Chronicles 35:7 - gave And Josiah and kids of the flock lambs and kids all for the passover offerings for all that were present to the number of thirty thousand bullocks and three thousand substance these were of the king's

  • 2 Chronicles 35:8 - And his princes willingly unto the people to the priests and to the Levites gave Hilkiah and Zechariah and Jehiel rulers of the house of God to the priests gave for the passover offerings two thousand and six hundred oxen small cattle and three hundred

  • 2 Chronicles 35:9 - Conaniah also and Shemaiah and Nethaneel his brethren and Hashabiah and Jeiel and Jozabad chief of the Levites gave of the Levites for passover offerings five thousand oxen five hundred

  • 2 Chronicles 35:12 - And they removed the burnt offerings that they might give according to the divisions of the families of the people to offer unto the LORD as it is written in the book of Moses And so did they with the oxen

  • Job 40:15 - Behold now behemoth which I made grass as an ox with thee he eateth

  • Job 42:12 - So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning for he had fourteen and a thousand sheep and six and a thousand camels and a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand she asses

  • Ezekiel 43:19 - And thou shalt give to the priests the Levites that be of the seed of Zadok which approach unto me saith the Lord unto me to minister bullock a young for a sin offering

  • Ezekiel 43:23 - When thou hast made an end of cleansing it thou shalt offer bullock a young without blemish and a ram out of the flock without blemish

  • Ezekiel 43:25 - Seven days shalt thou prepare a goat for a sin offering days bullock a young and a ram out of the flock without blemish shalt thou prepare

  • Genesis 45:10 - And thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen and thou shalt be near and thy children's and thy children's and thy children's and thy flocks and thy herds

  • Ezekiel 45:18 - Thus saith the Lord In the first month in the first day of the month thou shalt take bullock a young without blemish and cleanse the sanctuary

  • Ezekiel 46:6 - And in the day of the new moon bullock it shall be a young they shall be without blemish and six lambs and a ram they shall be without blemish

  • Genesis 46:32 - And the men are shepherds their flocks And the men for their trade hath been to feed cattle their flocks and their herds and they have brought

  • Genesis 47:1 - and all that they have are come out Then Joseph and told Pharaoh and said My father and my brethren and their flocks and their herds and all that they have are come out and behold they are in the land of Canaan and behold they are in the land of Goshen

  • Genesis 47:17 - And they brought and for the cattle and Joseph gave and Joseph them bread in exchange for horses and for the cattle and for the flocks and for the cattle of the herds and for the asses and he fed them bread and for the cattle for that year

  • Genesis 50:8 - And all the house of Joseph and his brethren And all the house and his father's only their little ones and their flocks and their herds they left in the land of Goshen

  • Jeremiah 52:20 - pillars The two sea one bulls The two brasen that were under the bases had made which king Solomon in the house of the LORD was without weight brasen of all these vessels

  • Isaiah 65:10 - And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks and the valley of Achor to lie down in a place for the herds for my people that have sought

  • Isaiah 65:25 - The wolf and the lamb shall feed together and the lion like the bullock shall eat straw shall be the serpent's and dust meat They shall not hurt nor destroy mountain in all my holy saith the LORD

  • Psalms 66:15 - unto thee burnt sacrifices of fatlings I will offer with the incense of rams I will offer bullocks with goats Selah