H1245 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to search out (by any method, specifically in worship or prayer); by implication, to strive after ask, beg, beseech, desire, enquire, get, make inquisition, procure, (make) request, require, seek (for). a primitive root;

214 instances of the word בָּקַשׁ bâqash (H1245)

  • 1 Samuel 13:14 - But now thy kingdom shall not continue hath sought and the LORD him a man after his own heart commanded and the LORD him to be captain over his people because thou hast not kept commanded and the LORD

  • 1 Samuel 14:4 - And between the passages sought by which Jonathan to go over garrison unto the Philistines and a sharp rock on the one side and a sharp rock on the one side and the name of the one was Bozez and the name of the one Seneh

  • Judges 14:4 - But his father and his mother knew not that it was of the LORD an occasion that he sought against the Philistines for at that time against the Philistines had dominion over Israel

  • Proverbs 14:6 - seeketh A scorner wisdom and findeth it not but knowledge unto him that understandeth is easy

  • 1 Chronicles 14:8 - heard And when the Philistines was anointed And David king over all Israel went up And when the Philistines to seek And David heard And David of it and went out against

  • 2 Chronicles 15:4 - did turn But when they in their trouble unto the LORD God of Israel and sought him he was found

  • Proverbs 15:14 - The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness

  • 2 Chronicles 15:15 - rejoiced And all Judah at the oath with all their heart for they had sworn him with their whole desire and sought and he was found gave them rest of them and the LORD round about

  • 1 Chronicles 16:10 - Glory name ye in his holy of them rejoice let the heart that seek the LORD

  • Numbers 16:10 - And he hath brought thee near to him and all thy brethren the sons of Levi with thee and seek ye the priesthood

  • 1 Chronicles 16:11 - Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually

  • 2 Samuel 16:11 - hath bidden And David to Abishai and to all his servants Behold my son which came forth of my bowels seeketh my life how much more now may this Benjamite do it let him alone and let him curse hath bidden for the LORD

  • 1 Samuel 16:16 - now command Let our lord thy servants which are before thee to seek out a man who is a cunning is upon thee that he shall play on an harp spirit from God and it shall come to pass when the evil is upon thee that he shall play with his hand and thou shalt be well

  • 2 Samuel 17:3 - And I will bring back all the people And I will bring back unto thee the man whom thou seekest all the people shall be in peace

  • Proverbs 17:9 - He that covereth a transgression seeketh love but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends

  • Proverbs 17:11 - only rebellion man seeketh An evil messenger therefore a cruel shall be sent

  • Proverbs 17:19 - He loveth transgression He loveth strife and he that exalteth his gate seeketh destruction

  • 2 Samuel 17:20 - came servants And when Absalom's And the woman to the house said Where is Ahimaaz and Jonathan said And the woman unto them They be gone over the brook of water And when they had sought and could not find them they returned to Jerusalem

  • Judges 18:1 - In those days there was no king in Israel In those days the tribe of the Danites sought all their inheritance to dwell in had not fallen In those days unto them among the tribe in Israel all their inheritance

  • Proverbs 18:1 - Through desire himself seeketh a man having separated with all wisdom and intermeddleth

  • 1 Kings 18:10 - liveth As the LORD thy God there is no and nation of the kingdom whither hath not sent my lord to seek thee and when they said He is not there he took an oath of the kingdom and nation that they found

  • Proverbs 18:15 - The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge

  • 1 Samuel 19:2 - told But Jonathan David saying seeketh Saul my father to kill thee now therefore I pray thee take heed to thyself until the morning and abide in a secret place and hide

  • Jeremiah 19:7 - And I will make void the counsel of Judah and Jerusalem in this place and I will cause them to fall by the sword before their enemies and by the hands of them that seek their lives will I give and their carcases to be meat for the fowls of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth

  • Jeremiah 19:9 - And I will cause them to eat and the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters every one and the flesh of his friend And I will cause them to eat in the siege and straitness shall straiten wherewith their enemies and they that seek their lives

  • 1 Kings 19:10 - And he said I have been very I have been very for the LORD God of hosts have forsaken thy covenant for the children of Israel thine altars thrown down thy prophets and slain with the sword and I even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away

  • 1 Samuel 19:10 - sought And Saul and he smote the javelin David even to the wall but he slipped away presence And Saul and he smote the javelin even to the wall David fled and escaped that night

  • 1 Kings 19:14 - And he said I have been very I have been very for the LORD God of hosts have forsaken thy covenant because the children of Israel thine altars thrown down thy prophets and slain with the sword and I even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away

  • Leviticus 19:31 - Regard not them that have familiar spirits after wizards neither seek to be defiled by them I am the LORD your God

  • 1 Samuel 20:1 - fled And David from Naioth in Ramah and came and said before Jonathan What have I done what is mine iniquity and what is my sin before thy father that he seeketh my life

  • 2 Chronicles 20:4 - gathered themselves together And Judah to ask help of the LORD even out of all the cities And Judah they came to ask help of the LORD

  • 1 Kings 20:7 - called Then the king of Israel all the elders of the land and said Mark I pray you and see mischief how this man seeketh for he sent unto me for my wives and for my children and for my silver and for my gold and I denied

  • 1 Samuel 20:16 - made So Jonathan a covenant with the house of David even require saying Let the LORD it at the hand enemies of David

  • 2 Samuel 20:19 - I am one of them that are peaceable and faithful in Israel thou seekest to destroy a city and a mother in Israel why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of the LORD

  • 2 Samuel 21:1 - Then there was a famine in the days and David three year year after year enquired and David of And the LORD answered And the LORD It is for Saul house and for his bloody because he slew the Gibeonites

  • 2 Samuel 21:2 - called And the king the Gibeonites and said the Gibeonites and the children of Israel but of the remnant of the Amorites and the children of Israel had sworn sought unto them and Saul to slay them in his zeal and the children of Israel and Judah

  • 1 Chronicles 21:3 - answered And Joab so many more The LORD make his people as they an hundred times are they not all my lord's the king are they not all my lord's servants require are they not all my lord's this thing why will he be a cause of trespass to Israel

  • Proverbs 21:6 - The getting of treasures tongue by a lying is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death

  • Jeremiah 21:7 - And afterward saith the LORD I will deliver Zedekiah king of Judah and his servants and the people and such as are left in this city from the pestilence from the sword and from the famine and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those that seek their life and he shall smite them with the edge from the sword he shall not spare them neither have pity nor have mercy

  • 2 Chronicles 22:9 - And he sought Ahaziah and they caught him (for he was hid in Samaria and brought him to Jehu and when they had slain him they buried him Because said they he is the son of Jehoshaphat who sought the LORD with all his heart So the house Ahaziah to keep had no power still the kingdom

  • 1 Samuel 22:23 - Abide thou with me fear not for he that seeketh my life not for he that seeketh my life but with me thou shalt be in safeguard

  • Joshua 22:23 - That we have built us an altar to turn from following the LORD or if to offer thereon burnt offering or meat offering or if to offer offerings peace the LORD himself require

  • Jeremiah 22:25 - And I will give and into the hand of them that seek thy life and into the hand thou fearest of them whose face and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and into the hand of the Chaldeans

  • Ezekiel 22:30 - And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it but I found

  • 1 Samuel 23:10 - Then said David O LORD God of Israel hath certainly hath certainly thy servant seeketh that Saul to come to Keilah to destroy the city

  • 1 Samuel 23:14 - abode And David in the wilderness in strong holds abode in a mountain in the wilderness of Ziph sought And Saul him every day delivered but God him not into his hand

  • 1 Samuel 23:15 - saw And David was come out that Saul to seek his life And David was in the wilderness of Ziph in a wood

  • 1 Samuel 23:25 - And when Saul to seek him And they told David wherefore he came down into a rock and abode in the wilderness of Maon heard And when Saul that he pursued after David in the wilderness of Maon

  • Proverbs 23:35 - They have stricken me shalt thou say and I was not sick they have beaten me and I felt it not when shall I awake it yet I will seek

  • 1 Samuel 24:2 - took Then Saul three thousand men chosen out of all Israel to seek David men upon the rocks of the wild goats

  • Psalms 24:6 - This is the generation of them that seek him that seek thy face O Jacob Selah

  • 1 Samuel 24:9 - said And David to Saul Wherefore hearest words thou men's said And David seeketh thy hurt

  • 1 Samuel 25:26 - Now therefore my lord liveth as the LORD liveth and as thy soul hath withholden as the LORD thee from coming to shed blood and from avenging thyself with thine own hand be as Nabal now let thine enemies and they that seek Now therefore my lord evil

  • 1 Samuel 25:29 - is risen Yet a man to pursue thee and to seek and the souls and the souls of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the LORD thy God and the souls of thine enemies them shall he sling out as out of the middle of a sling

  • 1 Samuel 26:2 - arose Then Saul and went down in the wilderness of Ziph having three thousand men chosen of Israel with him to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph

  • 1 Samuel 26:20 - fall Now therefore let not my blood to the earth before the face of the LORD is come out for the king of Israel to seek flea a as when one doth hunt a partridge in the mountains

  • Ezekiel 26:21 - thee a terror I will make and thou shalt be no more though thou be sought for be found yet shalt thou never again saith the Lord GOD

  • Jeremiah 26:21 - heard the king And when Jehoiakim with all his mighty men and all the princes his words sought the king to put him to death heard but when Urijah it he was afraid and fled and went into Egypt

  • 1 Samuel 27:1 - said And David in his heart I shall now perish day one by the hand and Saul there is nothing better for me than that I should speedily I should speedily into the land of the Philistines shall despair and Saul of me to seek me any more in any coast of Israel I should speedily by the hand

  • 1 Samuel 27:4 - And it was told Saul was fled that David to Gath no more again and he sought

  • Psalms 27:4 - One thing have I desired of the LORD that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the LORD and to enquire in his temple

  • Psalms 27:8 - said my heart When thou saidst Seek unto thee Thy face unto thee Thy face LORD When thou saidst Seek

  • Proverbs 28:5 - men Evil understand not judgment but they that seek the LORD understand

  • 1 Samuel 28:7 - Then said Saul of her And his servants Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit to her and enquire Then said of her And his servants me a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor

  • Proverbs 29:10 - The bloodthirsty hate the upright but the just seek his soul

  • Jeremiah 29:13 - And ye shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart

  • Proverbs 29:26 - Many seek favour the ruler's cometh from the LORD judgment but every man's

  • Genesis 31:39 - That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto thee I bare the loss of it of my hand didst thou require it whether stolen by day it whether stolen by night

  • Exodus 33:7 - And Moses took it the Tabernacle and pitched it without from the camp afar off from the camp and called it the Tabernacle of the congregation And it came to pass that every one which sought the LORD went out it the Tabernacle of the congregation it without from the camp

  • Ezekiel 33:8 - When I say O wicked O wicked die die if thou dost not speak to warn O wicked from his way O wicked in his iniquity die but his blood at thine hand will I require

  • Ezekiel 34:4 - The diseased have ye not strengthened The diseased neither have ye healed that which was broken neither have ye bound up that which was driven away neither have ye brought again that which was lost neither have ye sought but with force have ye ruled and with cruelty

  • Ezekiel 34:6 - wandered My sheep through all the mountains hill and upon every high upon all the face of the earth was scattered My sheep and none did search or seek

  • Psalms 34:14 - Depart from evil and do good seek peace and pursue

  • Ezekiel 34:16 - that which was lost I will seek that which was driven away and bring again that which was broken and will bind up that which was sick and will strengthen the fat and the strong but I will destroy I will feed them with judgment

  • Jeremiah 34:20 - I will even give and into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of them that seek their life and their dead bodies shall be for meat unto the fowls of the heaven and to the beasts of the earth

  • Jeremiah 34:21 - And Zedekiah king of Judah and his princes will I give and into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of them that seek their life and into the hand army king of Babylon's which are gone up

  • Psalms 35:4 - Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt

  • Numbers 35:23 - Or with any stone it upon him that he die him not seeing and cast it upon him that he die him not and was not his enemy him not neither sought his harm

  • Genesis 37:15 - found him and behold he was wandering in the field asked him saying What seekest

  • Genesis 37:16 - And he said my brethren I seek tell me I pray thee where they feed

  • Psalms 37:25 - I have been young and now am old yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread

  • Psalms 37:32 - watcheth The wicked the righteous and seeketh to slay

  • Psalms 37:36 - Yet he passed away and lo he was not yea I sought him but he could not be found

  • Psalms 38:12 - lay snares They also that seek after my life for me and they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things deceits all the day and imagine

  • Jeremiah 38:16 - sware the king So Zedekiah unto Jeremiah secretly saying liveth As the LORD that made thy life I will not put thee to death neither will I give thee into the hand that seek thy life

  • Psalms 40:14 - Let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after my soul to destroy it let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil

  • Psalms 40:16 - thee rejoice and be glad Let all those that seek say continually be magnified The LORD in thee let such as love thy salvation

  • Isaiah 40:20 - He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation a tree that will not rot chooseth workman unto him a cunning he seeketh to prepare a graven image that shall not be moved

  • Isaiah 41:12 - Thou shalt seek them and shalt not find that contended against thee shall be as nothing and as a thing of nought with thee they that war

  • Isaiah 41:17 - When the poor and needy seek water and there is none and their tongue for thirst faileth I the LORD will hear them I the God of Israel will not forsake

  • Genesis 43:9 - I will be surety for him of my hand shalt thou require him if I bring unto thee and set him before thee then let me bear the blame for ever

  • Genesis 43:30 - made haste And Joseph did yearn for his bowels upon his brother and he sought and wept and he entered into his chamber and wept

  • Jeremiah 44:30 - Thus saith the LORD Behold I will give Pharaohhophra king of Egypt and into the hand his enemy and into the hand and that sought his life Behold I will give Zedekiah king of Judah and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon his enemy and that sought his life

  • Jeremiah 45:5 - And seekest thou great things And seekest them not for behold I will bring evil upon all flesh saith the LORD will I give but thy life unto thee for a prey in all places

  • Isaiah 45:19 - in secret I have not spoken place of the earth in a dark I said not unto the seed of Jacob ye me in vain Seek I the LORD I have not spoken righteousness I declare things that are right

  • Jeremiah 46:26 - And I will deliver and into the hand of those that seek their lives and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and into the hand of his servants and afterward it shall be inhabited as in the days of old saith the LORD

  • Jeremiah 49:37 - to be dismayed For I will cause Elam and before their enemies and before them that seek their life and I will bring evil upon them even my fierce anger saith the LORD and I will send after the sword them till I have consumed

  • Jeremiah 50:4 - In those days and in that time saith the LORD shall come the children of Israel the children of Judah together going and weeping going the LORD their God and seek

  • Jeremiah 50:20 - In those days and in that time saith the LORD shall be sought for the iniquity of Israel and there shall be none and the sins of Judah and they shall not be found for I will pardon them whom I reserve

  • Isaiah 51:1 - Hearken to me ye that follow after righteousness ye that seek the LORD look unto the rock whence ye are hewn and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged