H1323 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a daughter (used in the same wide sense as other terms of relationship, literally and figuratively) apple (of the eye), branch, company, daughter, [idiom] first, [idiom] old, [phrase] owl, town, village. from H1129 (בָּנָה) (as feminine of H1121 (בֵּן));

496 instances of the word בַּת bath (H1323)

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  • Job 1:2 - And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters

  • Hosea 1:3 - and took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim which conceived and bare him a son

  • 1 Samuel 1:4 - And when the time offered was that Elkanah he gave to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and her daughters portions

  • Song of Solomon 1:5 - I am black but comely O ye daughters of Jerusalem as the tents of Kedar as the curtains of Solomon

  • Hosea 1:6 - And she conceived again and bare a daughter And God said unto him Call her name Loruhamah for I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel but I will utterly but I will utterly

  • Lamentations 1:6 - is departed And from the daughter of Zion all her beauty her princes are become like harts that find no pasture without strength before the pursuer

  • Isaiah 1:8 - is left And the daughter of Zion as a cottage in a vineyard as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers city as a besieged

  • Micah 1:8 - Therefore I will wail and howl stripped and naked I will make a wailing like the dragons and mourning as the owls

  • Ruth 1:11 - said And Naomi Turn again my daughters with me are there yet any more sons in my womb

  • Judges 1:12 - said And Caleb He that smiteth Kirjathsepher and taketh it to him will I give Achsah my daughter to wife

  • Ruth 1:12 - Turn again my daughters your way for I am too old if I should have an husband If I should say I have hope also to night if I should have an husband and should also bear sons

  • Job 1:13 - And there was a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine house brother's in their eldest

  • Judges 1:13 - took And Othniel the son of Kenaz brother Caleb's younger it and he gave him Achsah his daughter to wife

  • Micah 1:13 - bind the chariot to the swift beast O thou inhabitant of Lachish she is the beginning of the sin to the daughter of Zion were found for the transgressions of Israel

  • Ruth 1:13 - for them Would ye tarry till they were grown for them would ye stay from having husbands nay my daughters for it grieveth me much is gone out for your sakes that the hand of the LORD

  • Lamentations 1:15 - hath trodden under foot all my mighty The Lord men in the midst of me he hath called an assembly against me to crush my young men as in a winepress hath trodden The Lord the virgin the daughter of Judah

  • Exodus 1:16 - And he said When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it be a son then ye shall kill him but if it be a daughter then she shall live

  • 1 Samuel 1:16 - Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken

  • Job 1:18 - While he was yet speaking there came also another and said Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine house brother's in their eldest

  • 2 Samuel 1:20 - Tell it not in Gath publish it not in the streets of Askelon rejoice lest the daughters of the Philistines triumph lest the daughters of the uncircumcised

  • Exodus 1:22 - charged And Pharaoh all his people saying Every son that is born into the river ye shall cast and every daughter ye shall save alive

  • 2 Samuel 1:24 - Ye daughters of Israel Saul weep over who clothed you in scarlet with other delights who put on ornaments of gold upon your apparel

  • Judges 1:27 - drive out Neither did Manasseh the inhabitants of Bethshean and her towns nor Taanach and her towns dwell of Dor and her towns dwell of Ibleam and her towns dwell of Megiddo and her towns would but the Canaanites dwell in that land

  • 1 Chronicles 1:50 - was dead And when Baalhanan reigned Hadad in his stead and the name of his city was Pai in his stead and the name and his wife's was Mehetabel the daughter of Matred the daughter of Mezahab

  • Exodus 2:1 - a man of the house of Levi and took to wife a daughter of Levi

  • Lamentations 2:1 - covered in his anger How hath the Lord the daughter of Zion and cast down from heaven unto the earth the beauty of Israel and remembered not his footstool in the day in his anger

  • Lamentations 2:2 - hath swallowed up The Lord and hath not pitied all the habitations of Jacob he hath thrown down in his wrath the strong holds of the daughter of Judah he hath brought them down to the ground he hath polluted the kingdom and the princes

  • Ruth 2:2 - And she said And Ruth the Moabitess unto Naomi to the field and glean ears of corn after I shall find grace him in whose sight And she said my daughter

  • Song of Solomon 2:2 - As the lily among thorns so is my love among the daughters

  • 1 Chronicles 2:3 - The sons of Judah And Er and Onan and Shelah which three were born unto him of the daughter of Shua the Canaanitess And Er the firstborn of Judah was evil in the sight of the LORD and he slew

  • Lamentations 2:4 - He hath bent his bow like an enemy he stood with his right hand as an adversary and slew all that were pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion he poured out like fire his fury

  • Exodus 2:5 - came down And the daughter of Pharaoh to wash along by the river's and her maidens walked side along by the river's and when she saw the ark among the flags she sent her maid to fetch

  • Lamentations 2:5 - The Lord was as an enemy he hath swallowed up Israel he hath swallowed up all her palaces he hath destroyed his strong holds and hath increased in the daughter of Judah mourning and lamentation

  • Esther 2:7 - And he brought up Hadassah that is Esther daughter his uncle's for she had neither father and mother and the maid was fair and beautiful were dead for she had neither father and mother took whom Mordecai daughter

  • Exodus 2:7 - Then said his sister daughter to Pharaoh's and call women that she may nurse of the Hebrew that she may nurse the child

  • Song of Solomon 2:7 - I charge you O ye daughters of Jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the field nor awake nor awake my love till he please

  • Zechariah 2:7 - thyself O Zion Deliver that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon

  • Exodus 2:8 - said daughter And Pharaoh's And the maid and called mother the child's

  • Lamentations 2:8 - hath purposed The LORD to destroy and the wall of the daughter of Zion he hath stretched out a line he hath not withdrawn his hand from destroying to lament therefore he made the rampart and the wall together they languished

  • Ruth 2:8 - Then said Boaz unto Ruth Hearest thou not my daughter not to glean field in another neither go from hence but abide here fast by my maidens

  • Exodus 2:9 - said daughter And Pharaoh's the child and nurse it for me and I will give thee thy wages took And the woman the child and nursed

  • Exodus 2:10 - grew And the child and she brought daughter him unto Pharaoh's and he became her son And she called his name Moses and she said him out of the water Because I drew

  • Lamentations 2:10 - sit to the ground and keep silence The elders of the daughter of Zion they have cast up dust their heads they have girded themselves with sackcloth hang down to the ground their heads the virgins of Jerusalem

  • Zechariah 2:10 - Sing and rejoice O daughter of Zion for lo I come and I will dwell in the midst of thee saith the LORD

  • Lamentations 2:11 - do fail with tears Mine eyes are troubled my bowels is poured upon the earth my liver for the destruction of the daughter of my people swoon because the children and the sucklings in the streets of the city

  • Malachi 2:11 - hath dealt treacherously Judah and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem hath profaned Judah the holiness of the LORD which he loved and hath married the daughter god of a strange

  • Lamentations 2:13 - for thee what thing What thing shall I take to witness for thee what thing shall I liken daughter of Jerusalem for thee what thing what shall I equal to thee that I may comfort thee O virgin daughter of Zion is great like the sea for thy breach who can heal

  • 2 Chronicles 2:14 - The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan and his father was a man of Tyre skilful to work in gold and in silver in brass in iron in stone and in timber in purple in blue and in fine linen and in crimson also to grave any manner of graving and to find out every device which shall be put and with the cunning men and with the cunning men of my lord David and his father

  • Esther 2:15 - was come Now when the turn And Esther her for his daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai who had taken her for his daughter to go in the king's she required nothing appointed but what Hegai chamberlain the king's the keeper of the women And Esther obtained favour in the sight of all them that looked

  • Lamentations 2:15 - by clap their hands All that pass at thee they hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jerusalem saying Is this the city that men call The perfection of beauty The joy of the whole earth

  • Exodus 2:16 - Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters and they came and drew water and filled the troughs to water flock their father's

  • Lamentations 2:18 - cried Their heart unto the Lord O wall let not the apple of Zion run down like a river let tears day and night give thyself no rest cease let not the apple of thine eye

  • Exodus 2:20 - And he said unto his daughters And where is he why is it that ye have left the man call him that he may eat bread

  • Exodus 2:21 - was content And Moses to dwell with the man and he gave Zipporah his daughter And Moses

  • 1 Chronicles 2:21 - And afterward went in Hezron to the daughter of Machir the father of Gilead whom he married old when he was threescore years and she bare him Segub

  • 1 Samuel 2:21 - And visited the LORD Hannah so that she conceived and bare three sons and two daughters grew And the child Samuel before the LORD

  • Ruth 2:22 - said And Naomi unto Ruth her daughter in law It is good my daughter that thou go out with his maidens that they meet field thee not in any other

  • 1 Chronicles 2:23 - And he took Geshur and Aram with the towns of Jair from them with Kenath and the towns thereof even threescore cities All these belonged to the sons of Machir the father of Gilead

  • Joel 2:28 - And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh shall prophesy and your sons and your daughters your old men shall dream dreams your young men visions shall see

  • 1 Chronicles 2:34 - And Sheshan had no sons but daughters And Sheshan had a servant an Egyptian whose name was Jarha

  • 1 Chronicles 2:35 - gave And Sheshan his daughter to Jarha his servant to wife and she bare him Attai

  • 1 Chronicles 2:49 - She bare also Shaaph and the father of Madmannah Sheva and the father of Machbenah and the father of Gibea and the daughter of Caleb was Achsah

  • Ezra 2:61 - And of the children of the priests And of the children of Habaiah And of the children of Koz And of the children of Barzillai which took of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite a wife and was called after their name

  • 1 Kings 3:1 - made affinity And Solomon Pharaoh's king of Egypt and took daughter Pharaoh's and brought her into the city of David until he had made an end of building and the house and the house of the LORD and the wall of Jerusalem round about

  • Ruth 3:1 - said Then Naomi her mother in law unto her My daughter shall I not seek rest for thee that it may be well

  • 1 Chronicles 3:2 - The third Absalom the son of Maachah the daughter of Talmai king of Geshur the fourth Adonijah the son of Haggith

  • 2 Samuel 3:3 - And his second Chileab of Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite and the third Absalom the son of Maacah the daughter of Talmai king of Geshur

  • 1 Chronicles 3:5 - And these were born unto him in Jerusalem Shimea and Shobab and Nathan and Solomon four of Bathshua the daughter of Ammiel

  • Song of Solomon 3:5 - I charge you O ye daughters of Jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the field nor awake nor awake my love till he please

  • Judges 3:6 - And they took their daughters to be their wives their daughters and gave to their sons and served their gods

  • 2 Samuel 3:7 - And Saul concubine whose name was Rizpah the daughter of Aiah and Ishbosheth said to Abner Wherefore hast thou gone in concubine unto my father's

  • Joel 3:8 - And I will sell of the children and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah And I will sell them to the Sabeans to a people far off for the LORD hath spoken

  • Ruth 3:10 - And he said Blessed be thou of the LORD my daughter for thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning not young men whether poor or rich

  • Song of Solomon 3:10 - the pillars He made thereof of silver the bottom thereof of gold the covering of it of purple the midst thereof being paved with love for the daughters of Jerusalem

  • Zephaniah 3:10 - From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants even the daughter of my dispersed shall bring mine offering

  • Ruth 3:11 - And now my daughter fear to thee all that thou requirest not I will do doth know for all the city of my people woman that thou art a virtuous

  • Song of Solomon 3:11 - Go forth and behold O ye daughters of Zion king Solomon with the crown crowned wherewith his mother and in the day of his espousals and in the day of the gladness of his heart

  • Nehemiah 3:12 - And next unto him repaired Shallum the son of Halohesh the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem he and his daughters

  • 2 Samuel 3:13 - And he said Well I will make a league thing with thee but one I require And he said Thou shalt not see except thou first except thou first bring Michal daughter Saul's bring Thou shalt not see except thou first

  • Zephaniah 3:14 - Sing O daughter of Zion shout O Israel be glad and rejoice with all the heart O daughter of Jerusalem

  • Isaiah 3:16 - saith Moreover the LORD Because are haughty the daughters of Zion walking with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes walking and mincing walking with their feet and making a tinkling

  • Ruth 3:16 - And when she came to her mother in law she said Who art thou my daughter And she told had done her all that the man

  • Isaiah 3:17 - will smite with a scab Therefore the Lord the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion and the LORD their secret parts will discover

  • Ruth 3:18 - Then said she Sit still my daughter until thou know will fall how the matter will not be in rest for the man until he have finished how the matter this day

  • Exodus 3:22 - shall borrow But every woman of her neighbour and of her that sojourneth in her house and jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raiment and ye shall put them upon your sons and upon your daughters and ye shall spoil the Egyptians

  • Jeremiah 3:24 - For shame hath devoured the labour of our fathers from our youth their flocks and their herds their sons and their daughters

  • Lamentations 3:48 - with rivers of water runneth down Mine eye for the destruction of the daughter of my people

  • Lamentations 3:51 - Mine eye affecteth mine heart because of all the daughters of my city

  • Lamentations 4:3 - Even the sea monsters draw out the breast they give suck to their young ones the daughter of my people is become cruel like the ostriches in the wilderness

  • Isaiah 4:4 - shall have washed away When the Lord the filth of the daughters of Zion the blood of Jerusalem and shall have purged from the midst and by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning

  • Lamentations 4:6 - is greater For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people than the punishment of the sin of Sodom that was overthrown as in a moment stayed and no hands

  • Micah 4:8 - And thou O tower of the flock the strong hold of the daughter of Zion unto thee shall it come shall come dominion even the first the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem

  • Lamentations 4:10 - The hands women of the pitiful have sodden their own children they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people

  • Micah 4:10 - Be in pain and labour to bring forth O daughter of Zion like a woman in travail for now shalt thou go forth out of the city and thou shalt dwell in the field and thou shalt go even to Babylon there shalt thou be delivered shall redeem there the LORD thee from the hand of thine enemies

  • 1 Kings 4:11 - The son of Abinadab in all the region of Dor which had Taphath the daughter of Solomon to wife

  • Jeremiah 4:11 - At that time shall it be said of my people and to Jerusalem wind A dry of the high places in the wilderness toward the daughter of my people not to fan nor to cleanse

  • Hosea 4:13 - upon the tops of the mountains They sacrifice upon the hills and burn incense under oaks and poplars and elms thereof is good because the shadow shall commit whoredom therefore your daughters and your spouses shall commit adultery

  • Micah 4:13 - Arise and thresh O daughter of Zion thine horn and I will make iron thy hoofs and I will make brass and thou shalt beat in pieces people many and I will consecrate unto the LORD their gain and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth

  • Hosea 4:14 - I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom nor your spouses when they commit adultery when they commit whoredom for themselves are separated with harlots and they sacrifice therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall

  • Nehemiah 4:14 - And I looked and rose up and said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people Be not ye afraid of them the Lord which is great Be not ye afraid remember and fight for your brethren your sons and your daughters your wives and your houses

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