H1396 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to be strong; by implication, to prevail, act insolently exceed, confirm, be great, be mighty, prevail, put to more (strength), strengthen, be stronger, be valiant. a primitive root;

24 instances of the word גָּבַר gâbar (H1396)

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  • Lamentations 1:16 - For these things I weep mine eye mine eye runneth down with water is far because the comforter that should relieve my soul from me my children are desolate prevailed because the enemy

  • 2 Samuel 1:23 - Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided than eagles they were swifter than lions they were stronger

  • 1 Samuel 2:9 - the feet of his saints He will keep and the wicked in darkness shall be silent for by strength prevail shall no man

  • 1 Chronicles 5:2 - For Judah prevailed above his brethren and of him came the chief ruler but the birthright was Joseph's

  • Genesis 7:18 - prevailed And the waters and were increased greatly upon the earth and the ark upon the face And the waters

  • Genesis 7:19 - And the waters prevailed exceedingly exceedingly upon the earth were covered hills and all the high that were under the whole heaven

  • Genesis 7:20 - Fifteen cubits upward prevail did the waters were covered and the mountains

  • Genesis 7:24 - prevailed And the waters upon the earth and fifty an hundred days

  • Jeremiah 9:3 - And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies for the truth but they are not valiant upon the earth from evil from evil for they proceed and they know not me saith the LORD

  • Daniel 9:27 - And he shall confirm the covenant with many of the week for one and in the midst of the week to cease he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured he shall make it desolate

  • Zechariah 10:6 - And I will strengthen the house of Judah the house of Joseph and I will save them for I have mercy upon them and they shall be as though I had not cast them off for I am the LORD their God and will hear

  • Ecclesiastes 10:10 - be blunt If the iron the edge and he do not whet to more strength then must he put is profitable to direct but wisdom

  • Zechariah 10:12 - And I will strengthen the LORD in his name and they shall walk up and down saith the LORD

  • 2 Samuel 11:23 - said And the messenger unto David prevailed against us and came out unto us into the field and we were upon them even unto the entering of the gate

  • Psalms 12:4 - Who have said With our tongue will we prevail our lips are our own who is lord

  • Job 15:25 - For he stretcheth out against God his hand himself against the Almighty and strengtheneth

  • Exodus 17:11 - held up And it came to pass when Moses his hand prevailed that Israel and when he let down his hand prevailed Amalek

  • Job 21:7 - Wherefore do the wicked live become old yea are mighty in power

  • Job 36:9 - Then he sheweth them their work and their transgressions that they have exceeded

  • Isaiah 42:13 - The LORD as a mighty man shall go forth like a man of war he shall stir up jealousy he shall cry yea roar against his enemies he shall prevail

  • Genesis 49:26 - The blessings of thy father have prevailed The blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound hills of the everlasting they shall be on the head of Joseph and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren

  • Psalms 65:3 - Iniquities prevail against me as for our transgressions thou shalt purge them away

  • Psalms 103:11 - is high above For as the heaven the earth so great is his mercy toward them that fear

  • Psalms 117:2 - is great For his merciful † toward us and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever Praise ye the LORD

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