H1419 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
great (in any sense); hence, older; also insolent [phrase] aloud, elder(-est), [phrase] exceeding(-ly), [phrase] far, (man of) great (man, matter, thing,-er,-ness), high, long, loud, mighty, more, much, noble, proud thing, [idiom] sore, ([idiom]) very. or גָּדֹל; (shortened) from H1431 (גָּדַל);

500 instances of the word גָּדוֹל gâdôwl (H1419)

  • 2 Kings 4:38 - And Elisha came again to Gilgal and there was a dearth in the land and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him and he said unto his servant Set pot on the great and seethe pottage and the sons of the prophets

  • 2 Kings 5:1 - Now Naaman captain of the host of the king of Syria man was a great with his master and honourable with had given because by him the LORD deliverance of Syria man he was also a mighty in valour but he was a leper

  • Nehemiah 5:1 - cry of the people and of their wives And there was a great against their brethren the Jews

  • Jeremiah 5:5 - me unto the great men and will speak unto them for they have known the way of the LORD and the judgment of their God but these have altogether broken the yoke and burst the bonds

  • Nehemiah 5:7 - Then I consulted with myself and I rebuked the nobles and the rulers and said usury every one of his brother And I set assembly a great

  • 1 Samuel 5:9 - And it was so that after they had carried it about the hand of the LORD of the city destruction and great with a very and he smote of the city both small and great in their secret parts

  • Isaiah 5:9 - In mine ears said the LORD of hosts Of a truth houses many shall be desolate even great and fair without inhabitant

  • Job 5:9 - Which doeth great things and unsearchable marvellous things and unsearchable without number

  • 2 Samuel 5:10 - went And David on and grew great and the LORD God of hosts

  • 2 Kings 5:13 - came near And his servants and spake unto him and said My father thing thee do some great if the prophet and spake wouldest thou not have done it how much rather then unto him and said to thee Wash and be clean

  • Judges 5:15 - And the princes even Issachar were with Deborah even Issachar and also Barak into the valley he was sent on foot of Reuben there were great thoughts of heart

  • Judges 5:16 - Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds to hear the bleatings of the flocks of Reuben there were great searchings of heart

  • 1 Kings 5:17 - commanded And the king and they brought stones great stones costly to lay the foundation of the house stones and hewed

  • Deuteronomy 5:22 - These words spake the LORD unto all your assembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire of the cloud and of the thick darkness voice with a great and he added no more And he wrote them in two tables of stone and delivered

  • Deuteronomy 5:25 - Now therefore why should we die will consume fire for this great any more us if we hear the voice of the LORD our God Now therefore why should we die

  • Jeremiah 6:1 - gather yourselves to flee O ye children of Benjamin out of the midst of Jerusalem in Tekoa and blow the trumpet of fire in Bethhaccerem and set up a sign for evil appeareth out of the north destruction and great

  • Nehemiah 6:3 - And I sent messengers unto them saying why should the work a great I am doing so that I cannot come down cease why should the work whilst I leave come down

  • Joshua 6:5 - And it shall come to pass that when they make a long horn blast with the ram's and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet shall shout all the people shout with a great shall fall down and the wall of the city flat shall ascend up all the people every man

  • Exodus 6:6 - Wherefore say unto the children of Israel I am the LORD and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians and I will rid you out of their bondage and I will redeem out arm you with a stretched judgments and with great

  • 1 Samuel 6:9 - And see by the way of his own coast if it goeth up to Bethshemesh then he hath done evil us this great but if not then we shall know that it is not his hand that smote us it was a chance that happened to us

  • Deuteronomy 6:10 - shall have brought And it shall be when the LORD thy God thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob to give cities thee great and goodly which thou buildedst

  • Amos 6:11 - For behold the LORD commandeth and he will smite house the great with breaches house and the little with clefts

  • Zechariah 6:11 - Then take silver and gold and make crowns and set them upon the head of Joshua the son of Josedech priest the high

  • Jeremiah 6:13 - For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely

  • 1 Samuel 6:14 - And the cart came into the field of Joshua a Bethshemite and stood stone there where there was a great and they clave the wood And the cart the kine and offered a burnt offering unto the LORD

  • 1 Samuel 6:15 - And the Levites took down the ark of the LORD and the coffer that was with it wherein the jewels of gold were and put stone them on the great of Bethshemesh offered burnt offerings and sacrificed sacrifices the same day of the LORD

  • 1 Samuel 6:18 - mice And the golden according to the number cities of the Philistines belonging to the five lords cities both of fenced villages and of country stone of Abel even unto the great whereon they set down the ark of the LORD which stone remaineth unto this day in the field of Joshua the Bethshemite

  • 1 Samuel 6:19 - And he smote men of Bethshemesh because they had looked into the ark because the LORD And he smote and the people and threescore and ten the men fifty thousand the men lamented and the people And he smote because the LORD and the people slaughter with a great

  • Joshua 6:20 - shouted So the people when the priests blew of the trumpet heard So the people the sound of the trumpet shouted So the people shout with a great fell down flat that the wall went up So the people into the city every man straight before him and they took into the city

  • Deuteronomy 6:22 - shewed And the LORD signs and wonders great and sore upon Egypt upon Pharaoh and upon all his household before our eyes

  • Jeremiah 6:22 - Thus saith the LORD Behold a people cometh country from the north nation and a great shall be raised from the sides country

  • 2 Kings 6:23 - And he prepared provision great for them and when they had eaten and drunk he sent them away to their master no more So the bands of Syria came into the land of Israel

  • 2 Kings 6:25 - famine And there was a great in Samaria and behold they besieged head it until an ass's was sold for fourscore pieces of silver and the fourth part of a cab for five pieces of silver

  • 2 Chronicles 6:32 - Moreover concerning the stranger which is not of thy people Israel but is come country from a far name's for thy great hand sake and thy mighty arm and thy stretched out but is come and pray in this house

  • Micah 7:3 - That they may do evil with both hands earnestly the prince asketh and the judge asketh for a reward and the great man he uttereth his mischievous desire so they wrap it up

  • Exodus 7:4 - shall not hearken But Pharaoh unto you that I may lay my hand of Egypt and bring forth mine armies and my people the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt judgments by great

  • Nehemiah 7:4 - Now the city was large and great but the people were few therein and the houses were not builded

  • 2 Kings 7:6 - For the Lord to hear had made the host of the Syrians a noise of chariots a noise of horses a noise host of a great and they said one to another hath hired Lo the king of Israel Lo the king of the Hittites Lo the king of the Egyptians to come

  • 2 Chronicles 7:8 - kept Solomon the feast Also at the same time seven days and all Israel congregation great with him a very from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt

  • 1 Kings 7:9 - stones All these were of costly according to the measures of hewed stones sawed with saws within and so on the outside even from the foundation unto the coping and so on the outside court toward the great

  • 2 Samuel 7:9 - And I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy sight and have made like unto the name of the great like unto the name of the great men that are in the earth

  • Joshua 7:9 - shall hear For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants from the earth of it and shall environ us round and cut off name from the earth and what wilt thou do name unto thy great

  • 1 Kings 7:10 - And the foundation and stones was of costly and stones even great and stones of ten cubits and stones of eight cubits

  • 1 Samuel 7:10 - And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering the Philistines drew near to battle Israel thundered but the LORD thunder with a great on that day the Philistines and discomfited them and they were smitten before Israel

  • 1 Kings 7:12 - court And the great round about was with three and a row of hewed stones and a row beams of cedar court of the house of the LORD both for the inner and for the porch of the house

  • Zechariah 7:12 - their hearts Yea they made as an adamant stone lest they should hear the law and the words hath sent from the LORD of hosts in his spirit by prophets the former wrath therefore came a great from the LORD of hosts

  • Deuteronomy 7:19 - temptations The great saw which thine eyes and the signs and the wonders hand and the mighty arm and the stretched out brought thee out so shall the LORD thy God do so shall the LORD thy God unto all the people of whom thou art afraid

  • Deuteronomy 7:21 - Thou shalt not be affrighted at them for the LORD thy God is among God you a mighty and terrible

  • Deuteronomy 7:23 - shall deliver But the LORD thy God them unto thee and shall destroy destruction them with a mighty until they be destroyed

  • Joshua 7:26 - And they raised heap of stones over him a great unto this day turned So the LORD from the fierceness of his anger was called Wherefore the name of that place The valley of Achor unto this day

  • Isaiah 8:1 - said Moreover the LORD unto me Take roll thee a great and write pen in it with a man's concerning Mahershalalhashbaz

  • Zechariah 8:2 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts I was jealous for Zion jealousy for her with great fury for her with great I was jealous

  • 2 Kings 8:4 - And the king talked with Gehazi the servant of the man of God saying Tell me I pray thee all the great things hath done that Elisha

  • Ezekiel 8:6 - He said furthermore unto me Son of man seest committeth abominations even the great that the house of Israel committeth here that I should go far off from my sanctuary but turn seest abominations even the great

  • Nehemiah 8:6 - blessed And Ezra the LORD God the great answered And all the people Amen Amen with lifting up their hands and they bowed their heads and worshipped the LORD with their faces to the ground

  • Daniel 8:8 - Therefore the he goat great waxed very and when he was strong was broken horn the great and for it came up notable ones four four winds of heaven

  • Jeremiah 8:10 - Therefore will I give their wives unto others and their fields to them that shall inherit them for every one from the least even unto the greatest is given to covetousness from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely

  • Nehemiah 8:12 - went their way And all the people to eat and to drink and to send portions and to make mirth great because they had understood the words that were declared

  • Ezekiel 8:13 - He said also unto me Turn thee yet again and thou shalt see abominations greater that they do

  • 2 Kings 8:13 - answered And Hazael But what is thy servant a dog that he should do thing this great answered And Elisha hath shewed The LORD me that thou shalt be king over Syria

  • Deuteronomy 8:15 - wilderness thee through that great and terrible serpents wherein were fiery and scorpions and drought water who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint

  • Esther 8:15 - And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king apparel in royal of blue and white crown of gold and with a great and with a garment of fine linen and purple and the city of Shushan rejoiced

  • Ezekiel 8:15 - Then said he unto me Hast thou seen this O son of man turn he unto me Hast thou seen abominations greater

  • Nehemiah 8:17 - done so And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity booths and sat booths done so for since the days of Jeshua had not the children of Nun had not the children of Israel for since the days gladness great And there was very

  • Ezekiel 8:18 - Therefore will I also deal in fury shall not spare mine eye neither will I have pity and though they cry in mine ears voice with a loud yet will I not hear

  • Daniel 8:21 - goat And the rough is the king of Grecia horn and the great that is between his eyes is the king is the first

  • Joshua 8:29 - And the king of Ai he hanged from the tree until eventide was down and as soon as the sun commanded Joshua down his carcase from the tree and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city and raise heap of stones thereon a great that remaineth unto this day

  • 1 Kings 8:42 - For they shall hear ~ of thy great hand and of thy strong arm and of thy stretched out when he shall come and pray toward this house

  • 1 Kings 8:55 - And he stood and blessed all the congregation of Israel voice with a loud saying

  • 1 Kings 8:65 - held Solomon And at that time a feast and all Israel congregation with him a great from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt before the LORD our God and seven days and seven days even fourteen days

  • Deuteronomy 9:1 - Hear O Israel Thou art to pass over this day Jordan to go in to possess nations great and mightier than thyself cities great and fenced up to heaven

  • Ezekiel 9:1 - He cried also in mine ears voice with a loud saying to draw near Cause them that have charge over the city even every man weapon with his destroying in his hand

  • Joshua 9:1 - heard And it came to pass when all the kings which were on this side Jordan in the hills and in the valleys and in all the coasts sea of the great over against Lebanon the Hittite and the Amorite the Canaanite the Perizzite the Hivite and the Jebusite

  • Deuteronomy 9:2 - A people great and tall the children of the Anakims whom thou knowest and of whom thou hast heard say Who can stand before the children of Anak

  • Isaiah 9:2 - The people that walked in darkness have seen light a great they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death light shined

  • Daniel 9:4 - And I prayed unto the LORD my God and made my confession and said O Lord God the great and dreadful him and to them that keep the covenant and mercy to them that love him and to them that keep his commandments

  • Esther 9:4 - greater and greater For Mordecai house in the king's and his fame waxed throughout all the provinces for this man For Mordecai waxed greater and greater

  • Nehemiah 9:4 - Then stood up upon the stairs of the Levites Jeshua Bani Kadmiel Shebaniah Bunni Sherebiah Bani and Chenani and cried voice with a loud unto the LORD their God

  • Ezra 9:7 - Since the days of our fathers trespass have we been in a great Since the days and for our iniquities been delivered have we our kings and our priests into the hand have we our kings of the lands to the sword to captivity and to a spoil and to confusion of face Since the days

  • Ezekiel 9:9 - Then said he unto me The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah great is exceeding is exceeding full and the land of blood and the city full of perverseness Then said hath forsaken The LORD and the land The LORD seeth

  • Job 9:10 - Which doeth great things past finding out yea and wonders past without number

  • Daniel 9:12 - And he hath confirmed his words which he spake against us and against our judges against us and against our judges us by bringing evil upon us a great as hath been done for under the whole heaven as hath been done upon Jerusalem

  • Ecclesiastes 9:13 - This have I seen wisdom also under the sun and it seemed great

  • Ezra 9:13 - And after all that is come deeds upon us for our evil trespass and for our great seeing that thou our God hast punished us less than our iniquities deserve and hast given us such deliverance

  • Ecclesiastes 9:14 - city There was a little men and few within it and there came king a great against it and besieged it and built bulwarks a great

  • 2 Chronicles 9:17 - made Moreover the king throne of ivory a great and overlaid gold it with pure

  • Nehemiah 9:18 - Yea when they had made calf them a molten and said This is thy God that brought thee up out of Egypt Yea when they had made provocations great

  • Nehemiah 9:25 - And they took cities strong land and a fat and possessed houses full goodness wells digged vineyards and oliveyards trees and fruit in abundance so they did eat and were filled and became fat and delighted goodness themselves in thy great

  • Nehemiah 9:26 - Nevertheless they were disobedient and rebelled against thee and cast thy law behind their backs thy prophets and slew which testified against them to turn them to thee and they wrought provocations great

  • Deuteronomy 9:29 - Yet they are thy people and thine inheritance which thou broughtest out power by thy mighty arm and by thy stretched out

  • Nehemiah 9:32 - Now therefore our God God the great the mighty and the terrible who keepest covenant and mercy seem little before let not all the trouble thee that hath come of the kings on our princes and on our priests and on our prophets and on our fathers and on all thy people since the time of the kings of Assyria since the time

  • Nehemiah 9:37 - increase And it yieldeth much unto the kings whom thou hast set over us because of our sins over our bodies also they have dominion and over our cattle at their pleasure distress and we are in great

  • Daniel 10:1 - year In the third of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel was called whose name Belteshazzar was true a thing but the time appointed was long and he understood a thing and had understanding of the vision

  • Joshua 10:2 - That they feared greatly cities and because it was greater because Gibeon as one cities of the royal and because it was greater than Ai thereof were mighty

  • Esther 10:3 - For Mordecai among the Jews was next unto king Ahasuerus and great among the Jews and accepted of the multitude of his brethren seeking the wealth of his people and speaking peace to all his seed

  • Esther 10:3 - For Mordecai among the Jews was next unto king Ahasuerus and great among the Jews and accepted of the multitude of his brethren seeking the wealth of his people and speaking peace to all his seed

  • Daniel 10:4 - day and twentieth And in the four month of the first as I was by the side river of the great which is Hiddekel

  • Ecclesiastes 10:4 - If the spirit of the ruler rise up not thy place against thee leave for yielding against thee leave offences great

  • 2 Kings 10:6 - Then he wrote a letter the second time to them saying unto my voice If ye be mine and if ye will hearken take ye the heads persons sons your master's and come this time by to morrow to me to Jezreel sons Now the king's being seventy persons were with the great men of the city which brought them up

  • Jeremiah 10:6 - Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee O LORD is great is great and thy name in might