H1696 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
perhaps properly, to arrange; but used figuratively (of words), to speak; rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue answer, appoint, bid, command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse, say, speak, be spokesman, subdue, talk, teach, tell, think, use (entreaties), utter, [idiom] well, [idiom] work. a primitive root;

1043 instances of the word דָבַר dâbar (H1696)

  • Jeremiah 52:9 - Then they took the king and carried him up the king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath where he gave judgment

  • Jeremiah 52:32 - And spake kindly unto him and set his throne above his throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon

  • Psalms 58:1 - Do ye indeed O congregation righteousness speak uprightly do ye judge O ye sons of men

  • Psalms 58:3 - are estranged The wicked from the womb they go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies

  • Isaiah 58:9 - Then shalt thou call and the LORD shall answer thou shalt cry and he shall say Here I am If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke the putting forth of the finger and speaking vanity

  • Isaiah 58:13 - If thou turn away from the sabbath thy foot from doing thine own pleasure day on my holy and call from the sabbath a delight the holy of the LORD and shalt honour and shalt honour from doing thine own ways nor finding thine own pleasure nor speaking thine own words

  • Isaiah 58:14 - Then shalt thou delight of the LORD and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken

  • Isaiah 59:3 - For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity your lips have spoken lies your tongue perverseness hath muttered

  • Isaiah 59:4 - None calleth for justice nor any pleadeth for truth they trust in vanity and speak lies they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity

  • Isaiah 59:13 - In transgressing and lying against the LORD and departing away from our God speaking oppression and revolt conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood

  • Psalms 60:6 - God hath spoken in his holiness I will rejoice I will divide Shechem the valley of Succoth and mete out

  • Psalms 62:11 - once hath spoken God twice this have I heard that power God

  • Isaiah 63:1 - Who is this that cometh from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah this that is glorious in his apparel travelling in the greatness of his strength I that speak in righteousness mighty to save

  • Psalms 63:11 - But the king shall rejoice in God by him shall glory every one that sweareth shall be stopped but the mouth of them that speak lies

  • Isaiah 65:12 - Therefore will I number you to the sword to the slaughter and ye shall all bow down because when I called ye did not answer when I spake ye did not hear but did evil before mine eyes that wherein I delighted and did choose

  • Isaiah 65:24 - And it shall come to pass that before they call I will answer and while they are yet speaking I will hear

  • Isaiah 66:4 - I also will choose their delusions their fears and will bring upon them because when I called none did answer when I spake they did not hear but they did evil before mine eyes that in which I delighted I also will choose

  • Psalms 66:14 - have uttered Which my lips hath spoken and my mouth when I was in trouble

  • Psalms 73:8 - They are corrupt and speak wickedly concerning oppression loftily and speak

  • Psalms 75:5 - Lift not up on high your horn speak neck not with a stiff

  • Psalms 77:4 - Thou holdest waking mine eyes I am so troubled that I cannot speak

  • Psalms 78:19 - Yea they spake against God they said Can God furnish a table in the wilderness

  • Psalms 85:8 - I will hear for he will speak what God the LORD for he will speak peace unto his people and to his saints but let them not turn again to folly

  • Psalms 87:3 - Glorious things are spoken of thee O city of God Selah

  • Psalms 89:19 - Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one and saidst I have laid help upon one that is mighty I have exalted out of the people

  • Psalms 94:4 - How long shall they utter and speak hard things boast and all the workers of iniquity

  • Psalms 99:7 - pillar unto them in the cloudy He spake they kept his testimonies and the ordinance that he gave

  • Psalms 101:7 - shall not dwell within my house He that worketh deceit he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight

  • Psalms 108:7 - God hath spoken in his holiness I will rejoice I will divide Shechem the valley of Succoth and mete out

  • Psalms 109:2 - For the mouth of the wicked For the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me they have spoken tongue against me with a lying

  • Psalms 109:20 - Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD and of them that speak evil against my soul

  • Psalms 115:5 - They have mouths but they speak not eyes have they but they see

  • Psalms 116:10 - I believed therefore have I spoken afflicted I was greatly

  • Psalms 119:23 - also did sit Princes and speak against me but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes

  • Psalms 119:46 - I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings and will not be ashamed

  • Psalms 120:7 - I am for peace but when I speak they are for war

  • Psalms 122:8 - For my brethren and companions sakes I will now say Peace

  • Psalms 127:5 - Happy is the man full that hath his quiver of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate

  • Psalms 135:16 - They have mouths but they speak not eyes have they but they see

  • Psalms 144:8 - Whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand and their right hand of falsehood

  • Psalms 144:11 - Rid me and deliver me from the hand children of strange whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand and their right hand of falsehood

  • Psalms 145:11 - of the glory of thy kingdom They shall speak of thy power and talk

  • Psalms 145:21 - the praise of the LORD shall speak My mouth bless and let all flesh name his holy for ever and ever