H1931 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
he (she or it); only expressed when emphatic or without a verb; also (intensively) self, or (especially with the article) the same; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are he, as for her, him(-self), it, the same, she (herself), such, that (...it), these, they, this, those, which (is), who. of which the feminine (beyond the Pentateuch) is הִיא; a primitive word, the third person pronoun singular;

1691 instances of the word הוּא hûwʼ (H1931)

  • Leviticus 11:6 - And the hare because he cheweth the cud not the hoof but divideth he is unclean

  • Ezekiel 11:7 - Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD Your slain whom ye have laid in the midst of it they are the flesh and this city is the caldron but I will bring you forth in the midst

  • Leviticus 11:7 - And the swine though he divide the hoof and be clovenfooted the hoof not the cud yet he cheweth he is unclean

  • Numbers 11:7 - And the manna seed was as coriander and the colour and the colour of bdellium

  • Daniel 11:8 - their gods with their princes vessels and with their precious of silver and of gold captives And shall also carry into Egypt more years and he shall continue than the king of the north

  • Deuteronomy 11:10 - For the land whither thou goest in to possess For the land of Egypt from whence ye came out where thou sowedst thy seed and wateredst it with thy foot as a garden of herbs

  • Hosea 11:10 - after the LORD like a lion he shall roar he shall roar shall tremble then the children from the west

  • Isaiah 11:10 - And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse which shall stand for an ensign of the people to it shall the Gentiles seek and his rest shall be glorious

  • Joshua 11:10 - turned back And Joshua at that time and took Hazor the king and smote thereof with the sword Hazor beforetime was the head of all those kingdoms

  • Ezekiel 11:11 - This city shall not be your caldron in the midst neither shall ye be the flesh you in the border of Israel thereof but I will judge

  • 1 Chronicles 11:11 - And this is the number of the mighty men whom David had Jashobeam an Hachmonite the chief he lifted up his spear against three hundred slain time by him at one

  • Isaiah 11:11 - And it shall come to pass in that day again that the Lord the second time his hand to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left from Assyria and from Egypt and from Pathros and from Cush and from Elam and from Shinar and from Hamath and from the islands of the sea

  • Job 11:11 - For he knoweth men vain he seeth wickedness also will he not then consider

  • Zechariah 11:11 - And it was broken in that day upon me knew and so the poor of the flock that waited that it was the word of the LORD

  • 1 Chronicles 11:12 - And after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite who was one of the three mighties

  • 2 Samuel 11:12 - said And David So Uriah Tarry here to day also and to morrow I will let thee depart Tarry So Uriah in Jerusalem here to day and the morrow

  • Leviticus 11:12 - Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters that shall be an abomination

  • 1 Chronicles 11:13 - He was with David at Pasdammim and there the Philistines were gathered together to battle where was a parcel of ground full of barley and the people fled from before and there the Philistines

  • 1 Kings 11:14 - stirred up And the LORD an adversary unto Solomon Hadad the Edomite seed he was of the king's in Edom

  • Ezekiel 11:15 - Son of man even thy brethren even thy brethren the men of thy kindred and all the house of Israel have said wholly are they unto whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem Get you far from the LORD given unto us is this land in possession

  • 1 Kings 11:17 - fled That Hadad Edomites servants of his father's with him to go into Egypt Hadad child being yet a little

  • 1 Chronicles 11:20 - And Abishai the brother of Joab he was chief against three for lifting up his spear against three hundred he slew them and had a name against three

  • Leviticus 11:20 - that creep All fowls going upon all four shall be an abomination

  • Joshua 11:21 - came Joshua And at that time and cut off the Anakims and from all the mountains from Hebron from Debir from Anab and from all the mountains of Judah and from all the mountains of Israel with their cities destroyed them utterly Joshua

  • Judges 11:21 - delivered And the LORD God of Israel Sihon and all his people into the hand of Israel and they smote possessed of Israel all the land of the Amorites the inhabitants all the land

  • 1 Chronicles 11:22 - Benaiah the son of Jehoiada the son man of a valiant who had done many acts of Kabzeel and slew two lionlike men of Moab also he went down and slew a lion in a pit day in a snowy

  • 1 Chronicles 11:23 - And he slew a man an Egyptian a man of great stature five cubits hand an Egyptian him with his own spear beam like a weaver's and he went down to him with a staff and plucked him with his own spear hand an Egyptian and slew him with his own spear

  • Leviticus 11:23 - creeping But all other flying things which have four feet shall be an abomination

  • 1 Chronicles 11:25 - among the thirty he was honourable not to the first three but attained set and David him over his guard

  • Proverbs 11:25 - soul The liberal shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered

  • Judges 11:26 - dwelt While Israel in Heshbon and her towns and in Aroer and her towns and in all the cities that be along by the coasts of Arnon three hundred years why therefore did ye not recover them within that time

  • Leviticus 11:26 - The carcases of every beast which divideth the hoof and is not clovenfooted the cud nor cheweth are unclean unto you every one that toucheth them shall be unclean

  • 1 Kings 11:28 - And the man Jeroboam was a mighty man of valour seeing and Solomon the young man that he was industrious he made him ruler over all the charge of the house of Joseph

  • Proverbs 11:28 - He that trusteth in his riches shall fall as a branch but the righteous shall flourish

  • 1 Kings 11:29 - And it came to pass at that time when Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem found Ahijah the Shilonite that the prophet him in the way and he had clad garment himself with a new and they two were alone in the field

  • Numbers 11:30 - gat And Moses him into the camp he and the elders of Israel

  • Numbers 11:32 - stood up And the people all that day and all that night all that day and all the next and they gathered the quails he that gathered least and they gathered ten homers and they spread and they spread for themselves round about the camp

  • Judges 11:34 - came And Jephthah to Mizpeh unto his house and behold his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances and she was his only child beside her he had neither son nor and behold his daughter

  • Numbers 11:34 - And he called the name of that place Kibrothhattaavah because there they buried the people that lusted

  • Leviticus 11:37 - fall And if any part of their carcase seed upon any sowing which is to be sown it shall be clean

  • Judges 11:38 - And he said And he sent her away for two months with her companions and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains

  • Leviticus 11:38 - be put But if any water upon the seed fall and any part of their carcase thereon it shall be unclean

  • Judges 11:39 - And it came to pass at the end of two months that she returned unto her father who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed and she knew no man And it was a custom in Israel

  • Leviticus 11:39 - die And if any beast of which ye may eat he that toucheth the carcase thereof shall be unclean until the even

  • Leviticus 11:41 - And every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth shall be an abomination it shall not be eaten

  • Daniel 12:1 - And at that time stand up shall Michael prince the great stand up for the children of thy people and there shall be And at that time of trouble and there shall be and there shall be such as never was since there was a nation And at that time And at that time shall be delivered of thy people every one that shall be found written in the book

  • Isaiah 12:1 - thou shalt say And in that day I will praise O LORD thee though thou wast angry is turned away with me thine anger and thou comfortedst

  • Exodus 12:2 - This month shall be unto you the beginning This month it shall be the first This month of the year

  • 1 Kings 12:2 - heard And it came to pass when Jeroboam the son of Nebat in Egypt of it (for he was fled from the presence of king Solomon dwelt And it came to pass when Jeroboam in Egypt

  • Deuteronomy 12:3 - And ye shall overthrow their altars and break their pillars their groves and burn with fire the graven images of their gods and ye shall hew down and destroy the names of them out of that place

  • Zechariah 12:3 - And in that day will I make Jerusalem stone a burdensome for all people all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces themselves with it shall be cut in pieces be gathered together though all the people of the earth

  • Exodus 12:4 - too little And if the household be for the lamb take let him and his neighbour next And if the household it according to the number of the souls every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb

  • Isaiah 12:4 - shall ye say And in that day Praise the LORD call that his name declare among the people his doings make mention is exalted that his name

  • Zechariah 12:4 - In that day saith the LORD I will smite every horse with astonishment and his rider with madness upon the house of Judah and I will open mine eyes every horse of the people I will smite with blindness

  • Judges 12:6 - Then said Then said now Shibboleth Then said Sibboleth for he could not frame to pronounce Then they took him and slew him at the passages of Jordan and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand

  • Zechariah 12:6 - In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood and like a torch of fire in a sheaf and they shall devour on the right hand and on the left all the people round about shall be inhabited again in her own place even in Jerusalem again in her own place even in Jerusalem

  • Numbers 12:7 - My servant Moses in all mine house is not so who is faithful

  • Nehemiah 12:8 - Moreover the Levites Jeshua Binnui Kadmiel Sherebiah Judah and Mattaniah which was over the thanksgiving he and his brethren

  • Zechariah 12:8 - In that day defend of the LORD the inhabitants of Jerusalem and he that is feeble In that day of David and the house of David shall be as God as the angel of the LORD before

  • Zechariah 12:9 - And it shall come to pass in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem

  • Exodus 12:11 - And thus and ye shall eat it with your loins girded your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand and ye shall eat it in haste passover it is the LORD'S

  • Zechariah 12:11 - In that day shall there be a great as the mourning in Jerusalem as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon

  • Ezekiel 12:12 - And the prince that is among upon his shoulder them shall bear in the twilight and shall go forth through the wall they shall dig and shall go forth his face thereby he shall cover that he see with his eyes not the ground

  • Genesis 12:14 - was come And it came to pass that when Abram into Egypt beheld the Egyptians the woman fair that she was very

  • Exodus 12:15 - Seven day unleavened bread for whosoever eateth even day from the first ye shall put away leaven out of your houses for whosoever eateth leavened bread shall be cut that soul off from Israel day from the first day until the seventh

  • 1 Chronicles 12:15 - These are they that went over Jordan month in the first when it had overflown and they put to flight all them of the valleys both toward the east and toward the west

  • Exodus 12:16 - day And in the first convocation there shall be an holy day and in the seventh convocation there shall be an holy to you no manner of work shall be done in them save must eat that which every man shall be done

  • Jeremiah 12:17 - But if they will not obey I will utterly that nation I will utterly and destroy saith the LORD

  • Genesis 12:18 - called And Pharaoh Abram and said What is this that thou hast done unto me why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife

  • 1 Samuel 12:18 - called So Samuel and the LORD sent and the LORD thunder and rain that day feared and all the people greatly and the LORD So Samuel

  • Exodus 12:19 - Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses for whosoever eateth shall be cut off even that soul from the congregation of Israel whether he be a stranger or born in the land

  • Genesis 12:19 - Why saidst thou She is my sister so I might have taken her to me to wife her to me to wife so I might have taken

  • Deuteronomy 12:23 - Only be sure and thou mayest not eat for the blood for the blood is the life and thou mayest not eat is the life with the flesh

  • 2 Samuel 12:23 - But now he is dead wherefore should I fast can I bring him back again I shall go I bring him back again

  • Exodus 12:27 - That ye shall say It is the sacrifice passover of the LORD'S who passed our houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when he smote in Egypt our houses and delivered bowed the head And the people and worshipped

  • Ezekiel 12:27 - Son of man behold they of the house of Israel say The vision that he seeth days is for many of the times that are far to come and he prophesieth

  • Exodus 12:30 - rose up And Pharaoh in the night he and all his servants and all the Egyptians cry and there was a great and all the Egyptians for there was not a house where there was not one dead

  • Exodus 12:42 - It is a night to be much observed of the LORD for bringing them out from the land of Egypt It is a night of the LORD to be much observed of all the children of Israel in their generations

  • Nehemiah 12:43 - they offered Also that day sacrifices great and rejoiced for God and rejoiced joy great the wives also and the children and rejoiced was heard joy of Jerusalem even afar off

  • Nehemiah 12:44 - appointed And at that time over the chambers for the treasures for the offerings for the firstfruits and for the tithes to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions of the law for the priests and Levites rejoiced for Judah for the priests and Levites that waited

  • Genesis 13:1 - went up And Abram out of Egypt he and his wife and all that he had and Lot with him into the south

  • Hosea 13:1 - spake When Ephraim trembling he exalted himself in Israel but when he offended in Baal he died

  • Nehemiah 13:1 - On that day they read in the book of Moses in the audience of the people and therein was found written should not come that the Ammonite and the Moabite into the congregation of God for ever

  • Zechariah 13:1 - In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness

  • Exodus 13:2 - Sanctify unto me all the firstborn whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel both of man and of beast

  • 2 Samuel 13:2 - was so vexed And Amnon that he fell sick Tamar for his sister for she was a virgin it hard thought And Amnon for him to do any thing

  • Zechariah 13:2 - And it shall come to pass in that day saith the LORD of hosts that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land and they shall no more be remembered and also I will cause the prophets spirit and the unclean to pass out of the land

  • Deuteronomy 13:3 - Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams proveth for the LORD your God you to know whether ye love for the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul

  • 1 Kings 13:3 - And he gave the same day This is the sign saying This is the sign hath spoken which the LORD Behold the altar shall be rent that are upon it shall be poured out and the ashes

  • Leviticus 13:3 - shall look And the priest and the plague in the skin of his flesh and when the hair and the plague is turned white in sight and the plague be deeper in the skin of his flesh and the plague of leprosy shall look And the priest on him and pronounce him unclean

  • Leviticus 13:4 - If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh be not deeper and in sight in the skin and the hair thereof be not turned be white shall shut then the priest up him that hath the plague seven days

  • Zechariah 13:4 - And it shall come to pass in that day shall be ashamed that the prophets every one of his vision when he hath prophesied neither shall they wear garment a rough to deceive

  • Deuteronomy 13:5 - And that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death because he hath spoken to turn which the LORD thy God which brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of bondage to thrust thee out of the way commanded which the LORD thy God thee to walk in So shalt thou put the evil from the midst

  • Judges 13:5 - and bear a son and no razor shall come on his head shall be a Nazarite unto God for the child from the womb and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines

  • Judges 13:6 - came Then the woman and told A man and told A man of God came unto me and his countenance unto me and his countenance of an angel of God terrible very but I asked he me his name him not whence he was neither told

  • Leviticus 13:6 - shall look And the priest day the seventh on him again be somewhat dark and behold if the plague spread and behold if the plague not in the skin and be clean And the priest it is but a scab and he shall wash his clothes and be clean

  • Exodus 13:8 - And thou shalt shew thy son in that day saying This is done because of that did which the LORD unto me when I came forth out of Egypt

  • 2 Samuel 13:8 - So Tamar house Amnon's to her brother and he was laid down And she took flour and kneaded it and made cakes in his sight and did bake the cakes

  • Leviticus 13:8 - see And if the priest spreadeth that behold the scab in the skin shall pronounce him unclean And if the priest it is a leprosy

  • Judges 13:9 - hearkened And God to the voice but Manoah came again and the angel And God unto the woman as she sat in the field but Manoah her husband