H1961 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to exist, i.e. be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary) beacon, [idiom] altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint, fall, [phrase] follow, happen, [idiom] have, last, pertain, quit (one-) self, require, [idiom] use. a primitive root (compare H1933 (הָוָא));

3126 instances of the word הָיָה hâyâh (H1961)

  • Isaiah 19:20 - And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors and he shall send them a saviour and a great one and he shall deliver

  • Leviticus 19:20 - And whosoever lieth with a woman carnally that is a bondmaid betrothed And whosoever and not at all and not at all nor freedom given her she shall be scourged they shall not be put to death because she was not free

  • Numbers 19:21 - statute And it shall be a perpetual unto them that he that sprinkleth the water of separation shall wash his clothes and he that toucheth the water of separation shall be unclean until even

  • 2 Samuel 19:22 - said And David What have I to do with you ye sons of Zeruiah that I am this day be adversaries that I am this day be put to death unto me shall there any man in Israel for do not I know that I am this day king in Israel

  • Joshua 19:22 - reacheth And the coast to Tabor and Shahazimah and Bethshemesh and the outgoings And the coast were at Jordan cities sixteen with their villages

  • 1 Samuel 19:23 - on thither to Naioth in Ramah and the Spirit of God And he went on and prophesied until he came thither to Naioth in Ramah

  • Isaiah 19:23 - In that day shall there be a highway and the Egyptian and the Assyrian shall come and the Assyrian and the Egyptian and the Egyptian and the Assyrian shall serve and the Egyptian and the Assyrian

  • Leviticus 19:23 - And when ye shall come into the land and shall have planted all manner of trees for food then ye shall count the fruit three years shall it be as uncircumcised unto you it shall not be eaten

  • Isaiah 19:24 - In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria even a blessing in the midst of the land

  • Leviticus 19:24 - year But in the fourth all the fruit thereof shall be holy to praise the LORD

  • 2 Kings 19:25 - Hast thou not heard long ago how I have done times it and of ancient that I have formed it now have I brought it to pass that thou shouldest be to lay waste heaps into ruinous cities fenced

  • 2 Samuel 19:25 - And it came to pass when he was come to Jerusalem to meet that the king said that the king unto him Wherefore wentest not thou with me Mephibosheth

  • Joshua 19:25 - And their border was Helkath and Hali and Beten and Achshaph

  • Genesis 19:26 - looked back But his wife from behind him and she became a pillar of salt

  • 2 Kings 19:26 - Therefore their inhabitants were of small power they were dismayed and confounded they were as the grass of the field and as the green herb as the grass on the housetops and as corn blasted before it be grown up

  • 2 Samuel 19:28 - were but house For all of my father's dead before my lord any more unto the king yet didst thou set thy servant among them that did eat at thine own table therefore have What right I yet to cry any more unto the king

  • Genesis 19:29 - destroyed And it came to pass when God the cities of the plain remembered And it came to pass when God Abraham and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow when he overthrew the cities dwelt in the which Lot

  • Joshua 19:29 - turneth And then the coast to Ramah city and to the strong Tyre turneth And then the coast to Hosah and the outgoings thereof are at the sea from the coast to Achzib

  • Judges 19:30 - And it was so done nor seen it said And it was so done nor seen There was no such deed from the day came up that the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt from the day consider of it take advice and speak

  • Joshua 19:33 - And their coast was from Heleph from Allon to Zaanannim and Adami Nekeb and Jabneel unto Lakum and the outgoings thereof were at Jordan

  • Genesis 19:34 - And it came to pass on the morrow said that the firstborn unto the younger Behold I lay yesternight of our father let us make him drink wine this night also and go thou in Behold I lay with him that we may preserve of our father seed

  • Leviticus 19:34 - with you shall be unto you as one born But the stranger that dwelleth among you and thou shalt love But the stranger in the land of Egypt I am the LORD your God

  • 2 Kings 19:35 - And it came to pass that night went out that the angel of the LORD and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand and when they arose early in the morning corpses behold they were all dead

  • 2 Samuel 19:35 - old fourscore years I am this day and can I discern between good and evil taste can thy servant or what I eat or what I drink can I hear any more the voice and singing women and singing women can thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king

  • Leviticus 19:36 - balances Just weights Just ephah Just hin Just shall ye have I am the LORD your God which brought you out of the land of Egypt

  • 2 Kings 19:37 - And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his son smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia reigned And Esarhaddon his son

  • Joshua 19:41 - And the coast of their inheritance was Zorah and Eshtaol and Irshemesh

  • 2 Samuel 19:43 - answered And the men of Israel And the men of Judah and said We have ten parts in the king have also more right in David and we than ye why then did ye despise And the words should not be first had in bringing back in the king were fiercer And the words And the men of Judah And the words And the men of Israel

  • Ezekiel 20:1 - year And it came to pass in the seventh in the fifth month the tenth day of the month came that certain of the elders of Israel to enquire of the LORD and sat before

  • 1 Chronicles 20:1 - And it came to pass that after was expired the year And it came to pass that after go out that kings led forth And Joab the power of the army and wasted the country of the children of Ammon and came and besieged Rabbah But David tarried at Jerusalem smote And Joab Rabbah and destroyed

  • 2 Chronicles 20:1 - It came to pass after this came also that the children of Moab also that the children of Ammon and with them other beside the Ammonites against Jehoshaphat to battle

  • Deuteronomy 20:2 - And it shall be when ye are come nigh unto the battle shall approach that the priest and speak unto the people

  • Ezekiel 20:2 - Then came the word of the LORD unto me saying

  • 1 Chronicles 20:2 - took And David the crown of their king from off his head and found it to weigh a talent of gold stones and there were precious from off his head And David spoil out of the city and he brought much also exceeding

  • Numbers 20:2 - And there was no water for the congregation and they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron

  • Exodus 20:3 - gods Thou shalt have no other before me

  • 2 Samuel 20:3 - came And David the house at Jerusalem took and the king the ten women his concubines whom he had left to keep the house and put the house them in ward and fed came unto them So they were shut up unto the day in widowhood living

  • Jeremiah 20:3 - And it came to pass on the morrow brought forth Pashur Jeremiah out of the stocks Then said Jeremiah Pashur hath not called unto him The LORD thy name but Magormissabib

  • Joshua 20:3 - may flee That the slayer that killeth any person unawares and unwittingly thither and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood

  • Judges 20:3 - heard Now the children of Benjamin were gone up Now the children of Israel to Mizpeh Then said Now the children of Israel Tell us how was this wickedness

  • 1 Chronicles 20:4 - And it came to pass after this that there arose war at Gezer with the Philistines at which time slew Sibbechai the Hushathite Sippai that was of the children of the giant and they were subdued

  • 2 Kings 20:4 - And it came to pass afore Isaiah was gone out court into the middle that the word of the LORD came to him saying

  • 1 Chronicles 20:5 - And there was war again with the Philistines slew and Elhanan the son of Jair Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite staff whose spear beam was like a weaver's

  • 1 Chronicles 20:6 - And yet again there was war at Gath where was a man of great stature and toes on each hand and six on each hand and six and twenty were four on each foot and he also was the son of the giant

  • 1 Kings 20:6 - about this time unto thee to morrow Yet I will send my servants and they shall search and the houses and the houses my servants and it shall be that whatsoever is pleasant in thine eyes they shall put it in their hand and take it away

  • Joshua 20:6 - And he shall dwell in that city until he stand before the congregation for judgment and until the death priest of the high that shall be in those days return then shall the slayer and come in that city and unto his own house in that city that from whence he fled

  • Jeremiah 20:7 - me and I was deceived O LORD me and I was deceived thou art stronger than I and hast prevailed I am in derision daily every one mocketh

  • Leviticus 20:7 - Sanctify yourselves therefore and be ye holy for I am the LORD your God

  • Jeremiah 20:8 - For since I spake I cried out violence and spoil I cried because the word of the LORD was made a reproach unto me and a derision daily

  • Deuteronomy 20:9 - have made an end And it shall be when the officers of speaking the people that they shall make captains of the armies to lead the people

  • Jeremiah 20:9 - Then I said I will not make mention of him nor speak any more in his name But his word was in mine heart fire as a burning shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could

  • Joshua 20:9 - These were the cities appointed for all the children of Israel and for the stranger that sojourneth among might flee them that whosoever killeth any person at unawares thither and not die by the hand of the avenger of blood until he stood before the congregation

  • Deuteronomy 20:11 - of peace And it shall be if it make thee answer and open unto thee then it shall be that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee and they shall serve

  • Ezekiel 20:12 - them my sabbaths Moreover also I gave to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify

  • Genesis 20:12 - And yet indeed she is my sister but not the daughter of my father but not the daughter of my mother and she became my wife

  • 1 Kings 20:12 - And it came to pass when Benhadad heard this message as he was drinking he and the kings in the pavilions that he said unto his servants Set Set themselves in array against the city

  • Judges 20:12 - sent And the tribes of Israel men And the tribes of Benjamin saying What wickedness is this that is done

  • Genesis 20:13 - caused me to wander And it came to pass when God house from my father's say unto her This is thy kindness which thou shalt shew unto me at every place whither we shall come say of me He is my brother

  • 1 Samuel 20:13 - so do The LORD to Jonathan so and much more but if it please be with thee as he hath been with my father to do thee evil then I will shew it thee and send thee away that thou mayest go in peace The LORD be with thee as he hath been with my father

  • 2 Kings 20:13 - hearkened And Hezekiah shewed and all the house of his precious things the silver and the gold and the spices ointment and the precious and all the house of his armour and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing shewed And Hezekiah and all the house nor in all his dominion

  • Deuteronomy 20:14 - But the women and the little ones and the cattle and all that is in the city even all the spoil thereof shalt thou take unto thyself and thou shalt eat even all the spoil of thine enemies hath given which the LORD thy God

  • 2 Chronicles 20:14 - Then upon Jahaziel of the sons of Zechariah of the sons of Benaiah of the sons of Jeiel of the sons of Mattaniah a Levite of the sons of Asaph came the Spirit of the LORD in the midst of the congregation

  • Jeremiah 20:14 - Cursed be the day bare be the day bare wherein my mother me be blessed

  • Leviticus 20:14 - And if a man take a wife and her mother both he and they that there be no wickedness with fire they shall be burnt both he and they that there be no wickedness among

  • 1 Kings 20:15 - Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces hundred and they were two and thirty and after Then he numbered all the people even all the children of Israel being seven thousand

  • 2 Kings 20:15 - And he said What have they seen All the things that are in mine house And he said And Hezekiah All the things that are in mine house What have they seen there is nothing What have they seen among my treasures

  • Jeremiah 20:16 - And let that man be as the cities overthrew which the LORD and repented not and let him hear the cry in the morning and the shouting at noontide

  • Jeremiah 20:17 - Because he slew and her womb or that my mother might have been my grave and her womb great to be always

  • 2 Kings 20:18 - And of thy sons that shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon

  • 2 Kings 20:19 - And he said Hezekiah unto Isaiah Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken And he said Is it not good if peace and truth be in my days

  • Exodus 20:20 - said And Moses unto the people Fear to prove is come not for God to you and that his fear may be before your faces that ye sin

  • Ezekiel 20:20 - my sabbaths And hallow and they shall be a sign between me and you that ye may know that I am the LORD your God

  • Leviticus 20:21 - And if a man shall take wife his brother's it is an unclean thing nakedness his brother's he hath uncovered they shall be childless

  • Job 20:23 - When he is about to fill his belly God shall cast the fury of his wrath upon him and shall rain it upon him while he is eating

  • Ezekiel 20:24 - my judgments Because they had not executed my statutes but had despised my sabbaths and had polluted were after idols their fathers and their eyes

  • 1 Samuel 20:24 - hid So David himself in the field and when the new moon sat him down was come the king meat to eat

  • 2 Chronicles 20:25 - came And when Jehoshaphat and his people in gathering of the spoil of them they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies jewels which they stripped off for themselves more than they could carry away days and they were three in gathering of the spoil it was so much

  • 1 Kings 20:26 - And it came to pass at the return of the year numbered that Benhadad the Syrians and went up to Aphek to fight against Israel

  • 2 Samuel 20:26 - And Ira also the Jairite was a chief ruler about David

  • Leviticus 20:26 - And ye shall be holy And ye shall be holy unto me for I the LORD and have severed you from other people

  • 1 Samuel 20:27 - And it came to pass on the morrow day of the month which was the second was empty place that David's said and Saul unto Jonathan his son Wherefore cometh his son of Jesse neither yesterday nor to day to meat

  • Leviticus 20:27 - A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit or that is a wizard be put to death be put to death them with stones they shall stone their blood

  • 1 Kings 20:29 - And they pitched one over against one seven day day And so it was that in the seventh was joined the battle slew and the children of Israel of the Syrians an hundred thousand footmen day in one

  • 2 Chronicles 20:29 - And the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries when they had heard fought that the LORD against the enemies of Israel

  • Ezekiel 20:32 - And that which cometh into your mind We will be We will be shall not be at all that ye say We will be as the heathen as the families of the countries to serve wood and stone

  • 1 Samuel 20:35 - And it came to pass in the morning went out that Jonathan into the field at the time appointed with David lad and a little

  • Judges 20:38 - Now there was an appointed sign between the men of Israel and the liers in wait that they should make a great rise up flame with smoke out of the city

  • 1 Kings 20:39 - And as the king passed by he cried And as the king and he said Thy servant went out into the midst of the battle a man turned aside and brought a man and he said Keep a man he be missing he be missing be for his life be for his life a talent of silver or else thou shalt pay

  • 1 Kings 20:40 - And as thy servant was busy here and there he was gone said And the king of Israel unto him So shall thy judgment be thyself hast decided

  • 1 Kings 20:42 - And he said And he said the LORD Because thou hast let go a man whom I appointed to utter destruction out of thy hand shall go for his life shall go for his life and thy people and thy people

  • 1 Samuel 20:42 - said And Jonathan to David in peace forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name The LORD said The LORD and thy seed and thy seed for ever And he arose And Jonathan went into the city

  • Ezekiel 20:45 - Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me saying

  • Judges 20:46 - So that all which fell of Benjamin were twenty and five thousand men that drew the sword that day men of valour

  • Ezekiel 21:1 - And the word of the LORD came unto me saying

  • 1 Kings 21:1 - And it came to pass after these things had a vineyard that Naboth the Jezreelite which was in Jezreel hard by the palace of Ahab king of Samaria

  • 2 Samuel 21:1 - Then there was a famine in the days and David three year year after year enquired and David of And the LORD answered And the LORD It is for Saul house and for his bloody because he slew the Gibeonites

  • Jeremiah 21:1 - The word which came unto Jeremiah from the LORD sent when king Zedekiah unto him Pashur the son of Melchiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest saying

  • 1 Kings 21:2 - spake And Ahab unto Naboth saying Give me thy vineyard that I may have it for a garden of herbs because it is near unto my house Give me thy vineyard than it or if it seem good than it or if it seem good to thee Give of it in money thee the worth

  • Job 21:2 - Hear Hear my speech and let this be your consolations

  • Deuteronomy 21:3 - And it shall be that the city which is next unto the slain man shall take even the elders And it shall be that the city an heifer which hath not been wrought with and which hath not drawn in the yoke