H241 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
broadness. i.e. (concrete) the ear (from its form in man) [phrase] advertise, audience, [phrase] displease, ear, hearing, [phrase] show. from H238 (אָזַן);

179 instances of the word אֹזֶן ʼôzen (H241)

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  • Nehemiah 1:6 - Let thine ear now be attentive and thine eyes open that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant which I pray before thee now day and night for the children of Israel of thy servant and confess the sins for the children of Israel have sinned house against thee both I and my father's have sinned

  • Ecclesiastes 1:8 - All things are full of labour cannot man utter is not satisfied it the eye with seeing filled nor the ear with hearing

  • Nehemiah 1:11 - I beseech O Lord thee let now thine ear be attentive and to the prayer I pray thee thy servant and to the prayer I pray thee thy servant who desire to fear thy name and prosper I pray thee thy servant this day and grant him mercy in the sight of this man For I was the king's

  • Jeremiah 2:2 - Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem Thus saith Thus saith the LORD I remember thee the kindness of thy youth the love of thine espousals Go after me in the wilderness in a land that was not sown

  • Proverbs 2:2 - So that thou incline unto wisdom thine ear and apply thine heart to understanding

  • Ezekiel 3:10 - Moreover he said unto me Son of man all my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart with thine ears and hear

  • 1 Samuel 3:11 - said And the LORD to Samuel Behold I will do a thing in Israel of every one that heareth it shall tingle at which both the ears

  • Amos 3:12 - Thus saith the LORD be taken out As the shepherd of the mouth of the lion two legs or a piece of an ear be taken out so shall the children of Israel that dwell in Samaria in the corner of a bed and in Damascus in a couch

  • 2 Samuel 3:19 - also spake And Abner in the ears of Benjamin And Abner also spake in the ears of David in Hebron good all that seemed to Israel all that seemed to the whole house of Benjamin

  • Lamentations 3:56 - my voice Thou hast heard hide not thine ear at my breathing at my cry

  • Ruth 4:4 - And I thought to advertise And I thought Buy it before the inhabitants and before the elders of my people I will redeem I will redeem I will redeem it then tell me that I may know it beside I will redeem thee and I am after And I thought I will redeem

  • Job 4:12 - Now a thing was secretly brought received to me and mine ear a little

  • Proverbs 4:20 - My son to my words attend unto my sayings incline thine ear

  • Deuteronomy 5:1 - called And Moses O Israel and said unto them Hear O Israel the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day that ye may learn them and keep and do

  • Proverbs 5:1 - My son unto my wisdom attend to my understanding and bow thine ear

  • Isaiah 5:9 - In mine ears said the LORD of hosts Of a truth houses many shall be desolate even great and fair without inhabitant

  • Proverbs 5:13 - And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers to them that instructed nor inclined mine ear

  • Jeremiah 5:21 - Hear people now this O foolish and without understanding which have eyes and see not which have ears Hear

  • Isaiah 6:10 - fat Make the heart of this people and make their ears heavy their eyes and shut lest they see their eyes and make their ears and hear with their heart and understand and convert and be healed

  • Jeremiah 6:10 - To whom shall I speak and give warning that they may hear is uncircumcised behold their ear and they cannot hearken behold the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach they have no delight

  • 2 Chronicles 6:40 - Now my God let I beseech thee thine eyes be open and let thine ears be attent unto the prayer that is made in this place

  • Judges 7:3 - proclaim Now therefore go to in the ears of the people saying Whosoever is fearful and afraid And there returned and depart early from mount Gilead And there returned of the people twenty and two thousand ten thousand and there remained

  • Zechariah 7:11 - But they refused to hearken and pulled away the shoulder their ears and stopped that they should not hear

  • 2 Chronicles 7:15 - Now mine eyes shall be open and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place

  • Micah 7:16 - shall see The nations and be confounded at all their might they shall lay their hand upon their mouth their ears shall be deaf

  • 2 Samuel 7:22 - Wherefore thou art great O LORD God God beside thee according to all that we have heard with our ears

  • Jeremiah 7:24 - But they hearkened not nor inclined their ear in the counsels and in the imagination heart of their evil and went backward and not forward

  • Jeremiah 7:26 - Yet they hearkened not unto me nor inclined their ear but hardened their neck they did worse than their fathers

  • 2 Samuel 7:27 - For thou O LORD of hosts God of Israel hast revealed therefore hath thy servant saying thee an house I will build found therefore hath thy servant in his heart to pray this prayer

  • Nehemiah 8:3 - And he read that was before the street that was before gate the water from the morning until midday and the women and those that could understand and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law

  • Ezekiel 8:18 - Therefore will I also deal in fury shall not spare mine eye neither will I have pity and though they cry in mine ears voice with a loud yet will I not hear

  • 1 Samuel 8:21 - heard And Samuel all the words of the people and he rehearsed them in the ears of the LORD

  • Leviticus 8:23 - And he slew took it and Moses of the blood of it and put it upon the tip ear of Aaron's of his right and upon the great toe hand of his right and upon the great toe foot of his right

  • Leviticus 8:24 - And he brought sons Aaron's put and Moses of the blood upon the tip ear of their right and upon the great toes hands of their right and upon the great toes feet of their right sprinkled and Moses of the blood upon the altar round about

  • Ezekiel 9:1 - He cried also in mine ears voice with a loud saying to draw near Cause them that have charge over the city even every man weapon with his destroying in his hand

  • Judges 9:2 - Speak I pray you in the ears of all the men of Shechem Whether is better reign which are threescore and ten persons for you either that all the sons of Jerubbaal reign persons over you or that one over you remember also that I am your bone and your flesh

  • Judges 9:3 - spake He is our brother And his mother's of him in the ears of all the men of Shechem all these words inclined and their hearts to follow Abimelech for they said He is our brother

  • Ezekiel 9:5 - And to the others he said in mine hearing Go him through the city ye after and smite spare let not your eye neither have ye pity

  • 1 Samuel 9:15 - Now the LORD had told in his ear Samuel day a before came Saul saying

  • Daniel 9:18 - incline O my God thine ear and hear open thine eyes and behold our desolations and the city which is called by thy name thee for our righteousnesses for we do not present our supplications before mercies but for thy great

  • Jeremiah 9:20 - Yet hear O ye women the word of the LORD receive and let your ear the word of his mouth and teach your daughters wailing O ye women her neighbour lamentation

  • Exodus 10:2 - And that thou mayest tell in the ears and of thy son's and of thy son's and of thy son's what things I have wrought in Egypt and my signs which I have done among them that ye may know how that I am the LORD

  • Ezekiel 10:13 - As for the wheels it was cried O wheel unto them in my hearing

  • Psalms 10:17 - the desire of the humble thou hast heard LORD thou wilt prepare their heart to hear thou wilt cause thine ear

  • Numbers 11:1 - And when the people complained it displeased and the LORD heard and the LORD was kindled it and his anger burnt and the fire and the LORD among them and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp

  • Exodus 11:2 - Speak now in the ears of the people borrow and let every man of his neighbour and every woman of her neighbour and jewels of silver and jewels of gold

  • Isaiah 11:3 - And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD after the sight of his eyes and he shall not judge after the hearing of his ears neither reprove

  • 1 Samuel 11:4 - Then came the messengers to Gibeah of Saul and told the tidings in the ears and all the people lifted up and all the people their voices and wept

  • Jeremiah 11:8 - Yet they obeyed not nor inclined their ear every one in the imagination heart of their evil therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant which I commanded but they did but they did

  • Numbers 11:18 - thou unto the people And say Sanctify yourselves against to morrow and ye shall eat Who shall give us flesh for ye have wept in the ears of the LORD And say and ye shall eat Who shall give us flesh for it was well with us in Egypt will give of the LORD Who shall give us flesh and ye shall eat

  • Ezekiel 12:2 - Son of man in the midst house not for they are a rebellious thou dwellest which have eyes and see and see not they have ears and hear and hear house not for they are a rebellious

  • Job 12:11 - Doth not the ear words try and the mouth his meat taste

  • Job 13:1 - hath seen Lo mine eye hath heard all this mine ear and understood

  • Nehemiah 13:1 - On that day they read in the book of Moses in the audience of the people and therein was found written should not come that the Ammonite and the Moabite into the congregation of God for ever

  • Job 13:17 - Hear Hear my speech and my declaration with your ears

  • Leviticus 14:14 - shall take And the priest some of the blood of the trespass offering shall put And the priest it upon the tip ear of him that is to be cleansed of his right and upon the great toe hand of his right and upon the great toe foot of his right

  • Leviticus 14:17 - And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand put shall the priest upon the tip ear of him that is to be cleansed of his right and upon the great toe hand of his right and upon the great toe foot of his right upon the blood of the trespass offering

  • Leviticus 14:25 - And he shall kill the lamb of the trespass offering shall take and the priest some of the blood of the trespass offering and put it upon the tip ear of him that is to be cleansed of his right and upon the great toe hand of his right and upon the great toe foot of his right

  • Leviticus 14:28 - shall put And the priest of the oil that is in his hand upon the tip ear of him that is to be cleansed of his right and upon the great toe hand of his right and upon the great toe foot of his right upon the place of the blood of the trespass offering

  • Numbers 14:28 - Say I live saith the LORD unto them As truly as as ye have spoken in mine ears so will I do

  • 1 Samuel 15:14 - said And Samuel What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears What meaneth then this bleating of the oxen which I hear

  • Deuteronomy 15:17 - Then thou shalt take an aul and thrust it through his ear unto the door and he shall be thy servant for ever And also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do

  • Job 15:21 - sound A dreadful is in his ears in prosperity the destroyer shall come

  • Proverbs 15:31 - The ear that heareth the reproof of life among the wise abideth

  • Ezekiel 16:12 - And I put a jewel on thy forehead and earrings in thine ears crown and a beautiful upon thine head

  • Judges 17:2 - And he said it And his mother The eleven hundred behold the silver is with me I took from thee about which thou cursedst And he said of also in mine ears behold the silver is with me I took And he said it And his mother Blessed my son be thou of the LORD

  • Psalms 17:6 - I have called upon thee for thou wilt hear me O God incline thine ear unto me and hear my speech

  • Exodus 17:14 - said And the LORD unto Moses Write this for a memorial in a book and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua for I will utterly for I will utterly the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven

  • 1 Chronicles 17:20 - O LORD there is none like thee neither is there any God beside thee according to all that we have heard with our ears

  • Jeremiah 17:23 - But they obeyed not neither inclined their ear stiff but made their neck But they obeyed nor receive instruction

  • 1 Chronicles 17:25 - For thou O my God hast told therefore thy servant that thou wilt build him an house hath found therefore thy servant in his heart to pray before

  • Psalms 18:6 - In my distress I called upon the LORD unto my God and cried he heard out of his temple my voice and my cry before came him even into his ears

  • 2 Samuel 18:12 - said And the man unto Joab Though I should receive in mine hand a thousand shekels of silver yet would I not put forth mine hand son against the king's for in our hearing charged against the king's thee and Abishai and Ittai said Beware that none touch the young man Absalom

  • Proverbs 18:15 - The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge

  • 1 Samuel 18:23 - spake servants And Saul's in the ears And David those words said And David it to you a light Seemeth son in law thing to be a king's man seeing that I am a poor and lightly esteemed

  • 2 Kings 18:26 - Then said Eliakim the son of Hilkiah and Shebna and Joah unto Rabshakeh Speak I pray thee to thy servants in the Syrian language for we understand Speak not with us in the Jews' language in the ears of the people that are on the wall

  • Psalms 18:44 - As soon as they hear of me they shall obey me the strangers shall submit

  • Jeremiah 19:3 - And say Hear ye the word of the LORD O kings of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem And say of the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring evil upon this place Hear shall tingle his ears

  • 2 Kings 19:16 - bow down LORD thine ear and hear open LORD thine eyes and see and hear the words of Sennacherib which hath sent him to reproach God the living

  • 2 Kings 19:28 - Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore I will put my hook in thy nose and my bridle in thy lips and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest

  • 1 Samuel 20:2 - And he said unto him God forbid thou shalt not die will do behold my father nothing either great nothing or small but that he will shew hide behold my father nothing

  • Joshua 20:4 - And when he that doth flee unto one him into the city shall stand at the entering of the gate him into the city and shall declare in the ears of the elders him into the city his cause they shall take him into the city unto them and give him a place that he may dwell

  • Genesis 20:8 - rose early Therefore Abimelech in the morning and called all his servants and told all these things in their ears afraid were sore

  • 1 Samuel 20:12 - said And Jonathan toward David O LORD God of Israel when I have sounded my father any time about to morrow or the third toward David and I then send not unto thee and shew

  • Proverbs 20:12 - ear The hearing eye and the seeing the LORD hath made even both

  • 1 Samuel 20:13 - so do The LORD to Jonathan so and much more but if it please be with thee as he hath been with my father to do thee evil then I will shew it thee and send thee away that thou mayest go in peace The LORD be with thee as he hath been with my father

  • Exodus 21:6 - he shall also bring Then his master him unto the judges he shall also bring him to the door or unto the door post shall bore Then his master his ear through with an aul and he shall serve him for ever

  • 2 Kings 21:12 - Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel Behold I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah that whosoever heareth shall tingle of it both his ears

  • Proverbs 21:13 - Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor he also shall cry himself but shall not be heard

  • 2 Samuel 22:7 - In my distress I called upon the LORD to my God I called and he did hear out of his temple my voice and my cry did enter into his ears

  • 1 Samuel 22:8 - That all of you have conspired against me and there is none that sheweth hath made a league me that my son me that my son of Jesse and there is none of you that is sorry against me and there is none that sheweth hath stirred up me that my son my servant against me to lie in wait as at this day

  • Isaiah 22:14 - And it was revealed in mine ears GOD of hosts shall not be purged Surely this iniquity from you till ye die saith the Lord by the LORD of hosts

  • 1 Samuel 22:17 - said And the king unto the footmen that stood about him Turn and slay the priests of the LORD because their hand also is with David and because they knew when he fled and did not shew would it to me But the servants And the king not put forth because their hand to fall the priests of the LORD

  • Proverbs 22:17 - Bow down thine ear and hear the words of the wise thine heart and apply unto my knowledge

  • 2 Samuel 22:45 - Strangers shall submit themselves unto me as soon as they hear themselves unto me as soon as they hear

  • 2 Kings 23:2 - went up And the king in the house of the LORD and all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him and the priests and the prophets and all the people both small and great and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant which was found in the house of the LORD

  • Proverbs 23:9 - not in the ears of a fool Speak for he will despise the wisdom of thy words

  • Genesis 23:10 - And Ephron dwelt among of the children of Heth answered And Ephron the Hittite Abraham in the audience of the children of Heth even of all that went in at the gate of his city saying

  • Proverbs 23:12 - Apply unto instruction thine heart and thine ears to the words of knowledge

  • Genesis 23:13 - And he spake unto Ephron in the audience of the people of the land saying But if thou wilt give it I pray thee hear me I will give thee money for the field take it of me and I will bury my dead

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