H3027 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a hand (the open one (indicating power, means, direction, etc.), ([phrase] be) able, [idiom] about, [phrase] armholes, at, axletree, because of, beside, border, [idiom] bounty, [phrase] broad, (broken-) handed, [idiom] by, charge, coast, [phrase] consecrate, [phrase] creditor, custody, debt, dominion, [idiom] enough, [phrase] fellowship, force, [idiom] from, hand(-staves, -y work), [idiom] he, himself, [idiom] in, labour, [phrase] large, ledge, (left-) handed, means, [idiom] mine, ministry, near, [idiom] of, [idiom] order, ordinance, [idiom] our, parts, pain, power, [idiom] presumptuously, service, side, sore, state, stay, draw with strength, stroke, [phrase] swear, terror, [idiom] thee, [idiom] by them, [idiom] themselves, [idiom] thine own, [idiom] thou, through, [idiom] throwing, [phrase] thumb, times, [idiom] to, [idiom] under, [idiom] us, [idiom] wait on, (way-) side, where, [phrase] wide, [idiom] with (him, me, you), work, [phrase] yield, [idiom] yourselves. a primitive word; in distinction from H3709 (כַּף), the closed one); used (as noun, adverb, etc.) in a great variety of applications, both literally and figuratively, both proximate and remote (as follows)

1442 instances of the word יָד yâd (H3027)

  • Daniel 9:10 - Neither have we obeyed the voice of the LORD our God in his laws which he set before us by his servants the prophets

  • Ecclesiastes 9:10 - findeth Whatsoever thy hand do it with thy might do for there is no work nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest

  • Esther 9:10 - The ten sons of Haman sons of Hammedatha the enemy of the Jews slew they but on the spoil laid they not their hand

  • Ezra 9:11 - Which thou hast commanded by thy servants the prophets saying The land unto which ye go to possess The land it is an unclean it is an unclean of the people The land with their abominations which have filled it from one end it from one end with their uncleanness

  • Joshua 9:11 - spake Wherefore our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spake Take with you victuals for the journey to meet spake unto them We are your servants therefore now make ye a league

  • Isaiah 9:12 - The Syrians before and the Philistines behind and they shall devour Israel with open mouth is not turned away For all this his anger but his hand is stretched out still

  • Nehemiah 9:14 - sabbath unto them thy holy And madest known them precepts statutes and laws and commandedst by the hand of Moses thy servant

  • Daniel 9:15 - And now O Lord our God forth thy people out of the land of Egypt hand with a mighty and hast gotten thee renown as at this day we have sinned we have done wickedly

  • Deuteronomy 9:15 - So I turned and came down and the mount and the mount burned with fire and the two tables of the covenant and the two hands

  • Esther 9:15 - gathered themselves together For the Jews at Shushan day on the fourteenth also of the month Adar and slew at Shushan three hundred men but on the prey they laid not their hand

  • Exodus 9:15 - For now I will stretch out my hand that I may smite thee and thy people with pestilence and thou shalt be cut off from the earth

  • Nehemiah 9:15 - them bread from heaven And gavest for their hunger water for them out of the rock and broughtest forth for their thirst and promisedst them that they should go in to possess the land which thou hadst sworn And gavest

  • Esther 9:16 - But the other Jews provinces that were in the king's gathered themselves together and stood for their lives and had rest from their enemies and slew of their foes and five seventy thousand on the prey but they laid not their hands

  • 1 Samuel 9:16 - about this time To morrow I will send thee a man out of the land of Benjamin and thou shalt anoint him to be captain my people Israel that he may save my people out of the hand of the Philistines for I have looked my people is come because their cry

  • Judges 9:16 - truly and sincerely Now therefore if ye have done king in that ye have made Abimelech well Now therefore if ye have done with Jerubbaal and his house unto him according to the deserving of his hands Now therefore if ye have done

  • Deuteronomy 9:17 - And I took my two tables and cast them out of my two hands and brake them before your eyes

  • Isaiah 9:17 - in their young men shall have no joy Therefore the Lord on their fatherless and widows neither shall have mercy for every one is an hypocrite and an evildoer and every mouth speaketh folly is not turned away For all this his anger but his hand is stretched out still

  • Judges 9:17 - fought For my father for you and adventured his life far and delivered you out of the hand of Midian

  • 2 Chronicles 9:18 - And there were six steps to the throne with a footstool of gold to the throne which were fastened and stays place on each side of the sitting and two lions standing by and stays

  • Isaiah 9:21 - Manasseh Ephraim Ephraim Manasseh and they together shall be against Judah is not turned away For all this his anger but his hand is stretched out still

  • Exodus 9:22 - said And the LORD unto Moses Stretch forth thine hand toward heaven that there may be hail in all the land of Egypt upon man and upon beast and upon every herb of the field in all the land of Egypt

  • Leviticus 9:22 - lifted up And Aaron his hand toward the people and blessed them and came down from offering of the sin offering and the burnt offering and peace offerings

  • 2 Kings 9:23 - turned And Joram his hands and fled and said O Ahaziah There is treachery O Ahaziah

  • Numbers 9:23 - At the commandment of the LORD they rested At the commandment of the LORD they journeyed the charge of the LORD they kept At the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses

  • 2 Kings 9:24 - And Jehu with his full strength drew a bow and smote Jehoram between his arms went out and the arrow at his heart and he sunk down in his chariot

  • Job 9:24 - The earth is given into the hand of the wicked the faces of the judges he covereth thereof if not where

  • Judges 9:24 - might come That the cruelty done to the threescore and ten sons of Jerubbaal and their blood be laid upon Abimelech of his brethren him in the killing them and upon the men of Shechem which aided him in the killing of his brethren

  • Nehemiah 9:24 - went in So the children and possessed of the land and thou subduedst before them the inhabitants of the land the Canaanites and gavest them into their hands with their kings and the people of the land that they might do with them as they would

  • Joshua 9:25 - And now behold we are in thine hand good and right as it seemeth unto thee to do unto thee to do

  • Deuteronomy 9:26 - I prayed therefore unto the LORD and said O Lord therefore unto the LORD destroy not thy people and thine inheritance which thou hast redeemed through thy greatness which thou hast brought forth out of Egypt hand with a mighty

  • Joshua 9:26 - And so did he unto them and delivered them out of the hand of the children of Israel that they slew

  • Nehemiah 9:27 - Therefore thou deliveredst them into the hand of their enemies who vexed them and in the time of their trouble when they cried them from heaven unto thee thou heardest mercies and according to thy manifold Therefore thou deliveredst them saviours them saviours them into the hand of their enemies

  • Nehemiah 9:28 - But after they had rest again they did evil before thee therefore leftest thou them in the hand of their enemies so that they had the dominion again and cried them from heaven unto thee thou heardest didst thou deliver them according to thy mercies and many times

  • Judges 9:29 - were under And would to God this people my hand then would I remove Abimelech And he said Abimelech Increase thine army and come out

  • Nehemiah 9:30 - didst thou forbear years Yet many them and testifiedst against them by thy spirit in thy prophets yet would they not give ear therefore gavest in of the people of the lands

  • Job 9:33 - Neither is there any daysman betwixt us that might lay his hand upon us both

  • Judges 9:33 - And it shall be that in the morning is up as soon as the sun thou shalt rise early and set upon the city and behold when he and the people that is with him come out against thee then mayest thou do shalt find occasion to them as thou

  • Exodus 9:35 - was hardened And the heart of Pharaoh go neither would he let the children of Israel had spoken as the LORD by Moses

  • 2 Kings 9:35 - to bury her but they found no more of her than the skull and the feet and the palms of her hands

  • 2 Kings 9:36 - Wherefore they came again and told him And he said This is the word of the LORD which he spake by his servant Elijah the Tishbite him And he said In the portion of Jezreel eat shall dogs the flesh of Jezebel

  • Judges 9:48 - gat him up And Abimelech to mount Zalmon he and all the people took And Abimelech an axe in his hand and cut down a bough from the trees and took it and laid it on his shoulder and said he and all the people that were with him What ye have seen and do make haste and do as I

  • 2 Samuel 10:2 - Then said And David's I will shew kindness unto Hanun of the children of Nahash I will shew as his father kindness sent And David's to comfort him by the hand of his servants as his father came of his servants And David's into the land of the children of Ammon

  • Deuteronomy 10:3 - And I made an ark wood of shittim and hewed having the two tables of stone like unto the first and went up into the mount having the two tables in mine hand

  • Jeremiah 10:3 - For the customs of the people are vain a tree out of the forest for one cutteth the work of the hands of the workman with the axe

  • Daniel 10:4 - day and twentieth And in the four month of the first as I was by the side river of the great which is Hiddekel

  • 1 Samuel 10:4 - And they will salute thee and give thee two loaves of bread which thou shalt receive of their hands

  • Isaiah 10:4 - Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners under the slain and they shall fall is not turned away For all this his anger but his hand is stretched out still

  • Proverbs 10:4 - He becometh poor that dealeth hand with a slack but the hand of the diligent maketh rich

  • Isaiah 10:5 - O Assyrian the rod of mine anger and the staff in their hand is mine indignation

  • Joshua 10:6 - sent of Gibeon unto Joshua to the camp to Gilgal saying Slack not thy hand from thy servants come up to us quickly and save us and help are gathered together us for all the kings of the Amorites that dwell in the mountains

  • Ezekiel 10:7 - stretched forth And one cherub his hand And one cherub unto the fire And one cherub and took thereof and put it into the hands of him that was clothed with linen who took it and went out

  • 1 Samuel 10:7 - are come And let it be when these signs unto thee that thou do as occasion serve thee for God

  • Job 10:7 - Thou knowest that I am not wicked out of thine hand and there is none that can deliver

  • Judges 10:7 - was hot And the anger of the LORD against Israel and he sold and into the hands of the Philistines and into the hands of the children of Ammon

  • Ezekiel 10:8 - And there appeared in the cherubims the form hand of a man's under their wings

  • Job 10:8 - Thine hands have made me and fashioned me together round about yet thou dost destroy

  • Joshua 10:8 - said And the LORD unto Joshua Fear them into thine hand them not for I have delivered of them stand there shall not a man before

  • Jeremiah 10:9 - Silver spread into plates from Tarshish is brought and gold from Uphaz the work of the workman and of the hands of the founder blue and purple is their clothing the work of cunning

  • Daniel 10:10 - And behold an hand touched me which set me upon my knees and upon the palms And behold an hand

  • 2 Kings 10:10 - Know now that there shall fall nothing of the word for the LORD unto the earth spake for the LORD concerning the house of Ahab for the LORD hath done spake by his servant Elijah

  • 2 Samuel 10:10 - And the rest of the people he delivered into the hand of Abishai his brother that he might put them in array against the children of Ammon

  • Isaiah 10:10 - hath found As my hand the kingdoms of the idols and whose graven images did excel them of Jerusalem and of Samaria

  • Leviticus 10:11 - And that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes hath spoken which the LORD unto them by the hand of Moses

  • Exodus 10:12 - said And the LORD unto Moses Stretch out thine hand of the land of Egypt for the locusts that they may come up of the land of Egypt and eat every herb of the land hath left even all that the hail

  • Ezekiel 10:12 - And their whole body and their backs and their hands and their wings and the wheels were full of eyes round about that they four and the wheels

  • Judges 10:12 - The Zidonians also and the Amalekites and the Maonites did oppress you and ye cried to me and I delivered you out of their hand

  • Psalms 10:12 - Arise O LORD O God lift up thine hand forget not the humble

  • 1 Kings 10:13 - And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire whatsoever she asked gave bounty And king Solomon So she turned to her own country she and her servants

  • Isaiah 10:13 - For he saith By the strength of my hand I have done it and by my wisdom for I am prudent and I have removed the bounds of the people and have robbed and I have put down like a valiant the inhabitants

  • Numbers 10:13 - took their journey And they first according to the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses

  • Isaiah 10:14 - hath found as a nest And my hand the riches of the people and as one gathereth eggs that are left all the earth and as one gathereth and there was none that moved the wing or opened the mouth or peeped

  • Psalms 10:14 - Thou hast seen mischief and spite it for thou beholdest to requite it with thy hand committeth the poor of the fatherless himself unto thee thou art the helper

  • 2 Chronicles 10:15 - hearkened So the king not unto the people for the cause was of God might perform that the LORD his word which he spake by the hand of Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat

  • 2 Kings 10:15 - thence he lighted And Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him and he saluted answered It is as my heart right as my heart as my heart answered And Jehonadab It is It is And he gave him his hand And he gave him his hand and he took him up to him into the chariot

  • Ecclesiastes 10:18 - By much slothfulness decayeth the building and through idleness of the hands droppeth through the house

  • 1 Samuel 10:18 - And said unto the children Israel And said the LORD God Israel I brought up Israel of the Egyptians and delivered and out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of all kingdoms and of them that oppressed

  • Ezra 10:19 - And they gave their hands that they would put away their wives and being guilty they offered a ram of the flock for their trespass

  • 1 Kings 10:19 - had six steps The throne and the top was round The throne behind and there were stays on either side on the place of the seat and two lions stood beside and there were stays

  • Joshua 10:19 - And stay ye not but pursue after your enemies and smite the hindmost hath delivered them not to enter into their cities hath delivered for the LORD your God them into your hand

  • Exodus 10:21 - said And the LORD unto Moses Stretch out thine hand toward heaven even darkness over the land of Egypt which may be felt even darkness

  • Ezekiel 10:21 - four four faces Every one four was under their wings Every one and the likeness of the hands of a man was under their wings

  • Exodus 10:22 - stretched forth And Moses his hand toward heaven darkness and there was a thick in all the land of Egypt three days

  • 2 Kings 10:24 - And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings Jehu appointed without fourscore If any and said If any escape If any And when they went in into your hands he that letteth him go his life he that letteth him go his life

  • Exodus 10:25 - said And Moses Thou must give us also sacrifices and burnt offerings that we may sacrifice unto the LORD our God

  • 1 Kings 10:29 - came up and went out And a chariot of Egypt for six for an hundred shekels of silver and an horse and fifty for an hundred and for the kings of the Hittites and for the kings of Syria by their means and went out

  • Nehemiah 10:29 - They clave to their brethren their nobles and entered into a curse and into an oath law in God's which was given by Moses the servant in God's and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD our Lord and his judgments and his statutes

  • Joshua 10:30 - delivered And the LORD thereof into the hand of Israel it also and the king and he smote it with the edge of the sword and all the souls that were therein he let none remain in it but did it also and the king in it but did it also and the king of Jericho

  • Nehemiah 10:31 - And if the people of the land bring ware or any victuals day it of them on the sabbath to sell that we would not buy it of them on the sabbath day or on the holy and that we would leave year the seventh of every debt

  • Isaiah 10:32 - that day at Nob As yet shall he remain he shall shake his hand against the mount of Zion the hill of Jerusalem

  • Joshua 10:32 - delivered And the LORD Lachish into the hand of Israel which took day it on the second and smote it with the edge of the sword and all the souls that were therein according to all that he had done to Libnah

  • Nehemiah 11:1 - dwelt And the rulers of the people at Jerusalem the rest of the people also cast lots to bring one of ten dwelt at Jerusalem city the holy and nine parts city

  • Deuteronomy 11:2 - And know ye this day for I speak not with your children And know and which have not seen the chastisement of the LORD your God his greatness hand his mighty arm and his stretched out

  • 1 Chronicles 11:3 - Therefore came all the elders of Israel king to Hebron made David a covenant to Hebron before of the LORD and they anointed David king of Israel according to the word of the LORD by Samuel

  • Ecclesiastes 11:6 - In the morning sow thy seed and in the evening withhold not thine hand for thou knowest not whether shall prosper either this or that or whether they both shall be alike good

  • Zechariah 11:6 - For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land saith the LORD but lo I will deliver the men every one and into the hand into his neighbour's and into the hand of his king and they shall smite of the land I will not deliver and into the hand

  • 1 Samuel 11:7 - And he took a yoke of oxen and hewed them in pieces and sent them throughout all the coasts of Israel by the hands of messengers saying Whosoever cometh not forth after Saul after Samuel so shall it be done of oxen fell And the fear of the LORD on the people Whosoever cometh not forth consent with one

  • 2 Kings 11:7 - And two parts of all you that go forth on the sabbath even they shall keep the watch of the house of the LORD about the king

  • 2 Kings 11:8 - And ye shall compass and be ye with the king round about every man with his weapons in his hand and as he cometh in within the ranges let him be slain and be ye with the king as he goeth out and as he cometh in

  • Isaiah 11:8 - shall play And the sucking child on the hole of the asp den on the cockatrice and the weaned child his hand shall put

  • Joshua 11:8 - delivered And the LORD them into the hand of Israel and they smote them and chased Zidon them unto great and unto Misrephothmaim and unto the valley of Mizpeh eastward and they smote them until they left them none remaining