H3050 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
Jah, the sacred name Jah, the Lord, most vehement. Compare names in '-iah,' '-jah.' contraction for H3068 (יְהֹוָה), and meaning the same;

45 instances of the word יָהּ Yâhh (H3050)

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  • Isaiah 12:2 - Behold God he also is become my salvation I will trust and not be afraid is my strength and my song for the LORD JEHOVAH he also is become my salvation

  • Exodus 15:2 - is my strength and song The LORD and he is become my salvation he is my God and I will prepare him an habitation God my father's and I will exalt

  • Exodus 17:16 - For he said hath sworn Because the LORD will have war that the LORD with Amalek from generation from generation

  • Isaiah 26:4 - Trust JEHOVAH for ever for in the LORD JEHOVAH strength is everlasting

  • Isaiah 38:11 - I said I shall not see even the LORD even the LORD in the land of the living I shall behold man no more with the inhabitants of the world

  • Psalms 68:4 - Sing unto God sing praises by his name extol him that rideth upon the heavens JAH by his name and rejoice before

  • Psalms 68:18 - Thou hast ascended on high captive thou hast led captivity thou hast received gifts for men yea for the rebellious might dwell also that the LORD God

  • Psalms 77:11 - I will remember the works of the LORD I will remember of old thy wonders

  • Psalms 89:8 - O LORD God of hosts who is a strong LORD like unto thee or to thy faithfulness round about

  • Psalms 94:7 - Yet they say shall not see The LORD regard neither shall the God of Jacob

  • Psalms 94:12 - Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest O LORD him out of thy law and teachest

  • Psalms 102:18 - This shall be written for the generation to come and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD

  • Psalms 104:35 - be consumed Let the sinners out of the earth and let the wicked be no more Bless O my soul thou the LORD Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 105:45 - That they might observe his statutes his laws and keep Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 106:48 - Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting from everlasting say and let all the people Amen Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 111:1 - Praise ye the LORD I will praise the LORD with my whole heart in the assembly of the upright and in the congregation

  • Psalms 112:1 - Praise ye the LORD Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD in his commandments that delighteth greatly

  • Psalms 113:1 - Praise ye the LORD Praise O ye servants of the LORD Praise the name of the LORD

  • Psalms 113:9 - to keep He maketh the barren woman house mother of children and to be a joyful Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 115:17 - The dead praise not the LORD neither any that go down into silence

  • Psalms 115:18 - But we will bless the LORD from this time forth and for evermore Praise the LORD

  • Psalms 116:19 - In the courts house of the LORD'S in the midst of thee O Jerusalem Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 117:2 - is great For his merciful † toward us and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 118:5 - in distress I called the LORD answered me and set me in a large place the LORD

  • Psalms 118:14 - is my strength and song The LORD and is become my salvation

  • Psalms 118:17 - I shall not die but live and declare the works of the LORD

  • Psalms 118:18 - hath chastened hath chastened The LORD unto death but he hath not given me over

  • Psalms 118:19 - Open to me the gates of righteousness I will go into them and I will praise the LORD

  • Psalms 122:4 - Whither go up the tribes the tribes of the LORD unto the testimony of Israel to give thanks unto the name of the LORD

  • Psalms 130:3 - iniquities shouldest mark If thou LORD O Lord who shall stand

  • Psalms 135:1 - Praise ye the LORD Praise ye the name of the LORD Praise him O ye servants of the LORD

  • Psalms 135:3 - Praise the LORD is good for the LORD sing praises unto his name for it is pleasant

  • Psalms 135:4 - Jacob hath chosen For the LORD unto himself and Israel for his peculiar treasure

  • Psalms 135:21 - Blessed be the LORD out of Zion which dwelleth at Jerusalem Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 146:1 - Praise ye the LORD Praise O my soul the LORD

  • Psalms 146:10 - shall reign The LORD for ever even thy God O Zion generations generations Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 147:1 - Praise ye the LORD for it is good to sing praises unto our God for it is pleasant is comely and praise

  • Psalms 147:20 - He hath not dealt so with any nation and as for his judgments they have not known them Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 148:1 - Praise ye the LORD Praise ye the LORD from the heavens Praise him in the heights

  • Psalms 148:14 - He also exalteth the horn a people the praise of all his saints even of the children of Israel a people near unto him Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 149:1 - Praise ye the LORD Sing unto the LORD song a new and his praise in the congregation of saints

  • Psalms 149:9 - To execute upon them the judgment written this honour have all his saints Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 150:1 - Praise ye the LORD Praise God in his sanctuary Praise him in the firmament of his power

  • Psalms 150:6 - Let every thing that hath breath Praise the LORD Praise the LORD

  • Psalms 150:6 - Let every thing that hath breath Praise the LORD Praise the LORD

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