H3051 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to give (whether literal or figurative); generally, to put; imperatively (reflexive) come ascribe, bring, come on, give, go, set, take. a primitive root;

30 instances of the word יָהַב yâhab (H3051)

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  • Exodus 1:10 - Come on let us deal wisely with them lest they multiply and it come to pass that when there falleth out any war join they also unto our enemies and fight against us and so get them up out of the land

  • Deuteronomy 1:13 - Take men you wise and understanding and known among your tribes and I will make them rulers

  • Judges 1:15 - And she said unto him Give me a blessing land me a south for thou hast given for thou hast given me also springs of water for thou hast given And Caleb me also springs her the upper me also springs and the nether

  • Ruth 3:15 - Also he said Bring the vail it And when she held it And when she held it he measured six measures of barley and laid it on her and she went into the city

  • Hosea 4:18 - is sour Their drink continually continually do love Give with shame her rulers

  • Job 6:22 - Did I say Bring for me of your substance unto me or Give a reward

  • Genesis 11:3 - And they said one to another Go to let us make And they had brick and burn them throughly had And they had brick for stone and slime had they for morter

  • Genesis 11:4 - And they said Go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth

  • Genesis 11:7 - Go to let us go down and there confound speech that they may not understand speech another's

  • Zechariah 11:12 - And I said good unto them If ye think give for my price and if not forbear So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver

  • 2 Samuel 11:15 - And he wrote in the letter saying Set ye Uriah in the forefront battle of the hottest and retire ye from him that he may be smitten and die

  • 1 Samuel 14:41 - said Therefore Saul unto the LORD God of Israel Give a perfect were taken and Jonathan Therefore Saul but the people escaped

  • 2 Samuel 16:20 - Then said Absalom to Ahithophel Give counsel among you what we shall do

  • 1 Chronicles 16:28 - Give unto the LORD ye kindreds of the people Give unto the LORD glory and strength

  • 1 Chronicles 16:29 - Give the LORD the glory due unto his name bring an offering and come before him worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness

  • Joshua 18:4 - Give out from among you three for each tribe and I will send them and they shall rise and go through the land and describe it according to the inheritance of them and they shall come

  • Judges 20:7 - Behold ye are all children of Israel give your advice and counsel here

  • Psalms 29:1 - Give unto the LORD O ye mighty Give unto the LORD glory and strength

  • Psalms 29:2 - Give the LORD the glory due unto his name worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness

  • Genesis 29:21 - said And Jacob unto Laban Give me my wife are fulfilled for my days that I may go in

  • Genesis 30:1 - saw And when Rachel that she bare Jacob envied And when Rachel her sister and said Jacob Give me children or else I die

  • Proverbs 30:15 - The horseleach hath two daughters crying Give crying Give There are three things that are never satisfied yea four things say not It is enough

  • Deuteronomy 32:3 - the name of the LORD Because I will publish ascribe ye greatness unto our God

  • Genesis 38:16 - And he turned unto her by the way And she said Go to I pray thee let me come in unto thee (for he knew not that she was his daughter in law And she said What wilt thou give I pray thee let me come in

  • Genesis 47:15 - failed And when money and in the land all the Egyptians and in the land of Canaan came all the Egyptians unto Joseph and said Give us bread for why should we die faileth And when money

  • Genesis 47:16 - said And Joseph Give you for your cattle and I will give you for your cattle fail if money

  • Psalms 60:11 - Give us help from trouble for vain is the help of man

  • Psalms 96:7 - Give unto the LORD O ye kindreds of the people Give unto the LORD glory and strength

  • Psalms 96:8 - Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name bring an offering and come into his courts

  • Psalms 108:12 - Give us help from trouble for vain is the help of man

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