H3117 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a day (as the warm hours), whether literal (from sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to the next), or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term), (often used adverb) age, [phrase] always, [phrase] chronicals, continually(-ance), daily, ((birth-), each, to) day, (now a, two) days (agone), [phrase] elder, [idiom] end, [phrase] evening, [phrase] (for) ever(-lasting, -more), [idiom] full, life, as (so) long as (... live), (even) now, [phrase] old, [phrase] outlived, [phrase] perpetually, presently, [phrase] remaineth, [idiom] required, season, [idiom] since, space, then, (process of) time, [phrase] as at other times, [phrase] in trouble, weather, (as) when, (a, the, within a) while (that), [idiom] whole ([phrase] age), (full) year(-ly), [phrase] younger. from an unused root meaning to be hot;

1933 instances of the word יוֹם yôwm (H3117)

  • Zephaniah 2:2 - bring forth Before the decree as the chaff pass before the day before come the fierce anger of the LORD before come before the day anger of the LORD

  • Ecclesiastes 2:3 - I sought in mine heart to give unto wine myself in mine heart yet acquainting with wisdom and to lay hold on folly till I might see what was that good for the sons of men which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life

  • Ezekiel 2:3 - And he said thee to the children of man I send thee to the children of Israel nation that hath rebelled that hath rebelled against me they and their fathers have transgressed against me even unto this very day

  • Genesis 2:3 - blessed And God day the seventh and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work created And God and made

  • Hosea 2:3 - Lest I strip her naked and set her as in the day that she was born and make her as a wilderness and set land her like a dry and slay her with thirst

  • 2 Kings 2:3 - came forth And the sons of the prophets that were at Bethel to Elisha And he said Yea I know to day thou that the LORD will take away thy master from thy head And he said Yea I know it hold ye your peace

  • Nahum 2:3 - The shield of his mighty men is made red the valiant are in scarlet shall be with flaming torches the chariots in the day of his preparation and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken

  • Zephaniah 2:3 - Seek of the LORD'S all ye meek of the earth his judgment which have wrought Seek righteousness Seek meekness it may be ye shall be hid in the day anger of the LORD'S

  • Genesis 2:4 - These are the generations and the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day made that the LORD God and of the earth and the heavens

  • Micah 2:4 - In that day shall one take up a parable against you and lament lamentation with a doleful and say We be utterly We be utterly the portion of my people he hath changed how hath he removed our fields he hath divided

  • 2 Kings 2:5 - came And the sons of the prophets that were at Jericho to Elisha And he answered Yea I know to day thou that the LORD will take away thy master from thy head And he answered Yea I know it hold ye your peace

  • Judges 2:7 - served And the people of the LORD all the days Joshua all the days of the elders that outlived all the days Joshua who had seen works of the LORD all the great that he did for Israel

  • Lamentations 2:7 - hath cast off The Lord his altar he hath abhorred his sanctuary he hath given up into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces a noise they have made in the house of the LORD as in the day of a solemn feast

  • Psalms 2:7 - I will declare the decree the LORD hath said unto me Thou art my Son this day have I begotten

  • 1 Kings 2:8 - And behold thou hast with thee Shimei the son of Gera a Benjamite of Bahurim which cursed curse me with a grievous in the day to Mahanaim but he came down to meet me at Jordan and I sware to him by the LORD saying I will not put thee to death with the sword

  • Nahum 2:8 - But Nineveh like a pool of water is of old yet they shall flee away Stand Stand shall they cry but none shall look back

  • Esther 2:11 - every day every day And Mordecai walked before the court house of the women's to know did how Esther and what should become

  • Exodus 2:11 - And it came to pass in those days was grown when Moses that he went out one of his brethren and he spied on their burdens and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew one of his brethren

  • 1 Kings 2:11 - And the days reigned that David over Israel were forty years he in Hebron reigned seven years he in Jerusalem reigned and thirty and three years

  • 2 Samuel 2:11 - And the time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was seven years and six months

  • Isaiah 2:11 - looks The lofty of man shall be humbled shall be bowed down and the haughtiness alone shall be exalted and the LORD in that day

  • Joel 2:11 - And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army great and very for his camp for he is strong that executeth his word is great for the day And the LORD terrible and very and who can abide

  • Nehemiah 2:11 - So I came to Jerusalem days and was there three

  • Zechariah 2:11 - shall be joined nations And many that the LORD in that day and shall be my people and I will dwell in the midst of thee and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent

  • Esther 2:12 - was come turn Now when every maid's Now when every maid's to go in to king Ahasuerus after according to the manner of the women that she had been twelve months accomplished for so were the days of their purifications and six months with oil of myrrh and six months with sweet odours and with other things for the purifying of the women

  • Isaiah 2:12 - For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty and upon every one that is lifted up and he shall be brought low

  • Exodus 2:13 - And when he went out day the second behold two of the Hebrews strove together and he said to him that did the wrong Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow

  • Hosea 2:13 - And I will visit upon her the days of Baalim wherein she burned incense to them and she decked herself with her earrings and her jewels after her lovers and forgat me saith the LORD

  • Job 2:13 - So they sat down with him upon the ground and seven days and seven nights and none spake a word unto him for they saw great that his grief was very

  • Deuteronomy 2:14 - And the space in which we came from Kadeshbarnea until we were come over the brook Zered was thirty and eight years were wasted out until all the generation of war from among the host sware as the LORD

  • Haggai 2:15 - And now I pray you consider from this day and upward from before And now I pray you consider a stone a stone in the temple of the LORD

  • Hosea 2:15 - And I will give her her vineyards from thence and the valley of Achor for a door of hope and she shall sing and as in the day of her youth and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt

  • Amos 2:16 - And he that is courageous among the mighty naked shall flee away in that day saith the LORD

  • Ecclesiastes 2:16 - For there is no remembrance of the wise more than man as the fool for ever seeing that which now is in the days to come shall all be forgotten And how dieth of the wise more than man as the fool

  • Hosea 2:16 - And it shall be at that day saith the LORD and shalt call me Ishi and shalt call me no more Baali

  • 1 Samuel 2:16 - said And if any man to burn to burn presently the fat and then take as much as thy soul said him Nay but thou shalt give and then take it by force

  • Joshua 2:16 - And she said you to the mountain meet lest the pursuers you and hide yourselves there three days be returned lest the pursuers and afterward your way

  • Lamentations 2:16 - have opened their mouth All thine enemies against thee they hiss and gnash the teeth they say We have swallowed her up certainly this is the day that we looked for we have found we have seen

  • Genesis 2:17 - But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that thou eatest of it for in the day that thou eatest die die

  • 2 Kings 2:17 - And when they urged him till he was ashamed he said Send Send therefore fifty men and they sought three days but found

  • 2 Samuel 2:17 - battle sore And there was a very that day was beaten and Abner of Israel before the servants of David

  • Isaiah 2:17 - shall be bowed down And the loftiness of man shall be made low and the haughtiness alone shall be exalted and the LORD in that day

  • Lamentations 2:17 - hath done The LORD that which he had devised he hath fulfilled his word that he had commanded in the days of old he hath thrown down and hath not pitied to rejoice and he hath caused thine enemy over thee he hath set up the horn of thine adversaries

  • Song of Solomon 2:17 - break Until the day flee away and the shadows turn and be thou like my beloved a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether

  • Deuteronomy 2:18 - Thou art to pass over this day the coast of Moab through Ar

  • Exodus 2:18 - And when they came to Reuel their father he said How so soon And when they came to day

  • Haggai 2:18 - Consider day and upward day and twentieth from the four of the ninth day that the foundation temple of the LORD'S Consider

  • Hosea 2:18 - will I make a covenant And in that day for them with the beasts of the field and with the fowls of heaven and with the creeping things of the ground the bow and the sword and the battle and I will break out of the earth and will make them to lie down safely

  • Judges 2:18 - raised And when the LORD of the judge And when the LORD of the judge and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge for it repented And when the LORD of their groanings because by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed

  • Haggai 2:19 - Is the seed yet in the barn yea as yet the vine and the fig tree and the pomegranate tree and the olive hath not brought forth from this day will I bless

  • 1 Samuel 2:19 - coat him a little made Moreover his mother and brought it to him from year it to him from year and brought with her husband to offer sacrifice it to him from year

  • Ruth 2:19 - and said And her mother in law and where unto her Where hast thou gleaned to day with whom I wrought be he that did take knowledge thou blessed of thee And she shewed And her mother in law with whom I wrought and said name The man's with whom I wrought to day is Boaz

  • Isaiah 2:20 - In that day shall cast a man and his idols of silver and his idols of gold which they made each one for himself to worship to the moles to the moles and to the bats

  • Esther 2:21 - In those days while Mordecai sat gate in the king's were wroth Bigthan and Teresh two chamberlains in the king's of those which kept the door and sought to lay hand in the king's Ahasuerus

  • Hosea 2:21 - And it shall come to pass in that day I will hear saith the LORD I will hear the heavens I will hear the earth

  • Lamentations 2:21 - lie on the ground in the streets The young and the old my virgins and my young men are fallen by the sword thou hast slain them in the day of thine anger thou hast killed and not pitied

  • Deuteronomy 2:22 - As he did to the children of Esau them and dwelt in Seir when he destroyed the Horims from before them and they succeeded them and dwelt in their stead even unto this day

  • 2 Kings 2:22 - were healed So the waters unto this day according to the saying of Elisha which he spake

  • Joshua 2:22 - and came unto the mountain and abode there three days were returned and the pursuers sought and the pursuers them throughout all the way but found

  • Lamentations 2:22 - Thou hast called day as in a solemn my terrors round about day anger of the LORD'S none escaped nor remained those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed

  • Haggai 2:23 - In that day saith the LORD of hosts will I take thee O Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel my servant saith the LORD and will make thee as a signet for I have chosen saith the LORD of hosts

  • Ecclesiastes 2:23 - For all his days are sorrows grief and his travail in the night taketh not rest yea his heart This is also vanity

  • Esther 2:23 - And when inquisition of the chronicles it was found out hanged therefore they were both on a tree and it was written in the book of the chronicles before the king

  • Exodus 2:23 - of time And it came to pass in process died that the king of Egypt sighed and the children of Israel by reason of by reason of the bondage and they cried came up and their cry unto God by reason of by reason of the bondage

  • Haggai 2:23 - In that day saith the LORD of hosts will I take thee O Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel my servant saith the LORD and will make thee as a signet for I have chosen saith the LORD of hosts

  • 1 Kings 2:24 - liveth Now therefore as the LORD which hath established me and set me on the throne of David my father and who hath made me an house as he promised this day shall be put to death Adonijah

  • Deuteronomy 2:25 - This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear because of thee that are under the whole heaven who shall hear report of thee and shall tremble and be in anguish because of thee

  • 1 Kings 2:26 - And unto Abiathar the priest said the king thee to Anathoth unto thine own fields for thou art worthy of death but I will not at this time put thee to death because thou barest the ark of the Lord GOD before David in all wherein my father and because thou hast been afflicted and because thou hast been afflicted in all wherein my father

  • Joel 2:29 - And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit

  • Deuteronomy 2:30 - would But Sihon king of Heshbon not let us pass hardened by him for the LORD thy God his spirit obstinate and made his heart that he might deliver him into thy hand as appeareth this day

  • 1 Samuel 2:31 - Behold the days come that I will cut off and the arm and the arm house of thy father's that there shall not be an old man house

  • Joel 2:31 - The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before come day of the LORD the great and the terrible

  • 1 Samuel 2:32 - And thou shalt see an enemy in my habitation in all the wealth which God shall give Israel and there shall not be an old man in thine house for ever

  • Jeremiah 2:32 - forget Can a maid her ornaments or a bride her attire yet my people forget me days without number

  • 1 Samuel 2:34 - And this shall be a sign unto thee that shall come both sons on Hophni and Phinehas day in one they shall die both

  • 1 Samuel 2:35 - And I will raise me up priest a faithful according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind that shall do and I will build house a faithful and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever

  • 1 Kings 2:37 - For it shall be that on the day thou goest out and passest over the brook Kidron for certain for certain die die thy blood shall be upon thine own head

  • 1 Kings 2:38 - said And Shimei the king is good The saying hath said as my lord the king do so will thy servant dwelt And Shimei in Jerusalem days many

  • 1 Kings 2:42 - sent And the king and called for Shimei and said unto him Did I not make thee to swear by the LORD and protested and said on the day thou goest out and walkest abroad any whither abroad any whither Know Know die die and said is good unto me The word that I have heard

  • 1 Samuel 3:1 - And the child Samuel ministered of the LORD before Eli And the word of the LORD was precious in those days vision there was no open

  • Job 3:1 - After this opened Job his mouth and cursed his day

  • Joel 3:1 - For behold in those days and in that time when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem

  • Numbers 3:1 - These also are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day spake that the LORD and Moses in mount Sinai

  • 1 Kings 3:2 - Only the people sacrificed in high places built because there was no house unto the ~ of the LORD until those days

  • 1 Samuel 3:2 - And it came to pass at that time when Eli was laid down in his place and his eyes began to wax dim that he could not see

  • Joshua 3:2 - And it came to pass after three days went that the officers through the host

  • Malachi 3:2 - But who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeareth fire for he is like a refiner's ' soap and like fullers

  • Proverbs 3:2 - For length of days and long life and peace shall they add

  • Hosea 3:3 - And I said days for me many unto her Thou shalt abide thou shalt not play the harlot and thou shalt not be for another man

  • Job 3:3 - perish Let the day wherein I was born and the night in which it was said There is a man child

  • Jonah 3:3 - arose So Jonah Now Nineveh according to the word of the LORD Now Nineveh city great was an exceeding journey of three days

  • Lamentations 3:3 - Surely against me is he turned he turneth his hand against me all the day

  • Esther 3:4 - Now it came to pass when they spake daily daily unto him and he hearkened for he had told Haman to see would stand matters whether Mordecai's for he had told them that he was a Jew

  • Ezra 3:4 - They kept also the feast of tabernacles as it is written burnt offerings and offered the daily and offered the daily by number according to the custom as the duty and offered the daily and offered the daily

  • Hosea 3:4 - days many shall abide For the children of Israel without a king and without a prince and without a sacrifice and without an image and without an ephod and without teraphim

  • Job 3:4 - Let that day be darkness regard let not God it from above shine neither let the light

  • Jonah 3:4 - began And Jonah to enter into the city journey day's a and he cried and said Yet forty day's and Nineveh shall be overthrown

  • Malachi 3:4 - be pleasant unto the LORD Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem as in the days of old years and as in former

  • Genesis 3:5 - doth know For God that in the day ye eat shall be opened thereof then your eyes For God doth know good and evil

  • Hosea 3:5 - Afterward return shall the children of Israel and seek the LORD their God and David their king and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days