H3117 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a day (as the warm hours), whether literal (from sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to the next), or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term), (often used adverb) age, [phrase] always, [phrase] chronicals, continually(-ance), daily, ((birth-), each, to) day, (now a, two) days (agone), [phrase] elder, [idiom] end, [phrase] evening, [phrase] (for) ever(-lasting, -more), [idiom] full, life, as (so) long as (... live), (even) now, [phrase] old, [phrase] outlived, [phrase] perpetually, presently, [phrase] remaineth, [idiom] required, season, [idiom] since, space, then, (process of) time, [phrase] as at other times, [phrase] in trouble, weather, (as) when, (a, the, within a) while (that), [idiom] whole ([phrase] age), (full) year(-ly), [phrase] younger. from an unused root meaning to be hot;

1933 instances of the word יוֹם yôwm (H3117)

  • Numbers 6:6 - All the days that he separateth himself unto the LORD body at no dead he shall come

  • 2 Samuel 6:8 - was displeased And David had made because the LORD a breach upon Uzzah and he called the name of the place Perezuzzah to this day

  • Numbers 6:8 - All the days of his separation he is holy unto the LORD

  • 2 Samuel 6:9 - was afraid And David of the LORD that day and said come How shall the ark of the LORD

  • Numbers 6:9 - And if any man And if any man very suddenly by him and he hath defiled his head of his consecration shall he shave his head day of his cleansing day on the seventh shall he shave

  • Joshua 6:10 - the people had commanded And Joshua I bid Ye shall not shout nor make any noise with your voice proceed out of your mouth neither shall any word until the day I bid Ye shall not shout Ye shall not shout

  • Numbers 6:10 - day And on the eighth he shall bring or two turtles or two young pigeons to the priest to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation

  • Zechariah 6:10 - Take of them of the captivity even of Heldai of Tobijah and of Jedaiah and come thou the same day and come into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah and come from Babylon

  • Jeremiah 6:11 - of the fury of the LORD Therefore I am full I am weary with holding in I will pour it out upon the children abroad and upon the assembly of young men together for even the husband with the wife shall be taken the aged with him that is full of days

  • Numbers 6:11 - shall offer And the priest and the other for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and make an atonement for him for that he sinned by the dead and shall hallow his head that same day

  • Ecclesiastes 6:12 - For who knoweth what is good a man in this life all the days in this life of his vain which he spendeth as a shadow for who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun

  • Numbers 6:12 - And he shall consecrate unto the LORD but the days because his separation and shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass offering but the days that were before shall be lost was defiled because his separation

  • Numbers 6:13 - And this is the law of the Nazarite the days are fulfilled the days of his separation he shall be brought unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation

  • Joshua 6:14 - they compassed the city day And the second once and returned into the camp so they did six day

  • 1 Samuel 6:15 - And the Levites took down the ark of the LORD and the coffer that was with it wherein the jewels of gold were and put stone them on the great of Bethshemesh offered burnt offerings and sacrificed sacrifices the same day of the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 6:15 - Thou which hast kept with thy servant David my father him and spakest him and spakest with thy mouth it with thine hand and hast fulfilled as it is this day

  • Joshua 6:15 - day And it came to pass on the seventh that they rose early about the dawning of the day and compassed the city after the same manner seven times day and compassed the city seven times

  • Nehemiah 6:15 - was finished So the wall in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul in fifty and two days

  • 1 Samuel 6:16 - And when the five lords of the Philistines had seen it they returned to Ekron the same day

  • Nehemiah 6:17 - Moreover in those days many the nobles of Judah letters sent and the letters of Tobiah and the letters of Tobiah came

  • 1 Samuel 6:18 - mice And the golden according to the number cities of the Philistines belonging to the five lords cities both of fenced villages and of country stone of Abel even unto the great whereon they set down the ark of the LORD which stone remaineth unto this day in the field of Joshua the Bethshemite

  • 2 Samuel 6:20 - returned David to bless his household came out And Michal the daughter of Saul to meet David and said How glorious himself to day was the king of Israel shamelessly himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants shamelessly shamelessly as one of the vain fellows

  • Leviticus 6:20 - This is the offering of Aaron and of his sons which they shall offer unto the LORD in the day when he is anointed the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a meat offering perpetual and half of it in the morning and half thereof at night

  • Ezra 6:22 - And kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with joy had made them joyful for the LORD and turned the heart of the king of Assyria unto them to strengthen their hands in the work of the house of God of God of Israel

  • 2 Samuel 6:23 - Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul unto the day of her death

  • Deuteronomy 6:24 - commanded And the LORD us to do all these statutes to fear And the LORD our God for our good always that he might preserve us alive always

  • Judges 6:24 - built Then Gideon an altar there unto the LORD and called there unto the LORD unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abiezrites

  • Joshua 6:25 - Rahab the harlot household and her father's alive And Joshua and all that she had and she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day because she hid the messengers sent And Joshua to spy out Jericho

  • Exodus 6:28 - And it came to pass on the day spake when the LORD unto Moses in the land of Egypt

  • 2 Kings 6:28 - said And the king said This woman said unto me Give my son and we will eat him to day my son and we will eat to morrow

  • 2 Kings 6:29 - So we boiled her son and did eat him and I said day unto her on the next Give her son and did eat him and she hath hid her son

  • 2 Chronicles 6:31 - That they may fear in thy ways so long as they live in the land which thou gavest unto our fathers

  • 2 Kings 6:31 - Then he said do God so and more shall stand also to me if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat on him this day

  • Judges 6:32 - he called Therefore on that day him Jerubbaal saying plead Let Baal against him because he hath thrown down his altar

  • Proverbs 6:34 - For jealousy is the rage of a man therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance

  • Ecclesiastes 7:1 - is better A good name ointment is better and the day of death and the day of one's birth

  • Isaiah 7:1 - And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham the son of Uzziah king of Judah went up that Rezin king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah king of Israel toward Jerusalem to war against it but could not prevail

  • Job 7:1 - Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth also like the days of an hireling also like the days

  • Numbers 7:1 - And it came to pass on the day had fully that Moses set up the tabernacle and had anointed it and sanctified and all the vessels thereof both the altar and all the vessels and had anointed it and sanctified

  • Esther 7:2 - said And the king Esther day on the second at the banquet of wine What is thy petition Esther queen and it shall be granted thee and what is thy request even to the half of the kingdom and it shall be performed

  • 1 Chronicles 7:2 - And the sons of Tola Uzzi and Rephaiah and Jeriel and Jahmai and Jibsam and Shemuel heads house of their father's of Tola they were valiant men of might in their generations whose number was in the days of David and twenty two thousand and six hundred

  • 1 Samuel 7:2 - And it came to pass while abode the ark in Kirjathjearim was long And it came to pass while for it was twenty years lamented and all the house of Israel after the LORD

  • Genesis 7:4 - days For yet seven and I will cause it to rain from off upon the earth and forty days and forty nights will I destroy and every living substance that I have made from off the face of the earth

  • Micah 7:4 - The best of them is as a brier the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh now shall be their perplexity

  • Hosea 7:5 - In the day of our king have made him sick the princes with bottles of wine he stretched out his hand with scorners

  • 1 Samuel 7:6 - And they gathered together to Mizpeh and drew water and poured it out before against the LORD and fasted on that day and said there We have sinned against the LORD judged And Samuel the children of Israel to Mizpeh

  • 2 Samuel 7:6 - Whereas I have not dwelt in any house even to this day that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt even to this day but have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle

  • Job 7:6 - My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle and are spent without hope

  • Ezekiel 7:7 - is come The morning unto thee O thou that dwellest in the land is come the time is near the day of trouble and not the sounding again of the mountains

  • 2 Chronicles 7:8 - kept Solomon the feast Also at the same time seven days and all Israel congregation great with him a very from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt

  • 2 Chronicles 7:9 - for they kept day And in the eighth a solemn assembly the dedication of the altar for they kept seven day and the feast seven day

  • 2 Kings 7:9 - Then they said one to another We do is a day is a day of good tidings and we hold our peace if we tarry light till the morning will come some mischief that we may go and tell household the king's

  • Proverbs 7:9 - In the twilight in the evening in the black night and dark

  • Ecclesiastes 7:10 - Say days not thou What is the cause that the former were better wisely than these for thou dost not enquire

  • Ezekiel 7:10 - Behold the day behold it is come is gone forth the morning hath blossomed the rod hath budded pride

  • Genesis 7:10 - And it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth

  • 1 Samuel 7:10 - And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering the Philistines drew near to battle Israel thundered but the LORD thunder with a great on that day the Philistines and discomfited them and they were smitten before Israel

  • 2 Chronicles 7:10 - day and twentieth And on the three month of the seventh away his people into their tents glad and merry in heart and merry had shewed that the LORD unto David and to Solomon and to Israel his people

  • Numbers 7:10 - offered And the princes for dedicating of the altar in the day that it was anointed offered And the princes their offering before of the altar

  • Deuteronomy 7:11 - Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments and the statutes and the judgments which I command thee this day to do

  • Genesis 7:11 - In the six hundredth In life of Noah's month in the second the seventeenth day month day the same broken up were all the fountains deep of the great and the windows of heaven were opened

  • 2 Samuel 7:11 - And as since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel and have caused thee to rest from all thine enemies telleth Also the LORD thee an house thee that he will make Also the LORD

  • Micah 7:11 - In the day are to be built that thy walls In the day be far removed shall the decree

  • Numbers 7:11 - said And the LORD unto Moses prince each on his day prince each on his day They shall offer their offering for the dedicating of the altar

  • Psalms 7:11 - God judgeth the righteous and God is angry with the wicked every day

  • Ezekiel 7:12 - is come The time draweth near the day let not the buyer rejoice nor the seller mourn for wrath is upon all the multitude

  • Genesis 7:12 - And the rain was upon the earth and forty days and forty nights

  • 2 Samuel 7:12 - be fulfilled And when thy days and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers I will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels and I will establish his kingdom

  • Micah 7:12 - In that day also he shall come even to thee from Assyria cities and from the fortified even to the river and from sea and from sea and from mountain and from mountain

  • Numbers 7:12 - And he that offered day the first his offering was Nahshon the son of Amminadab of the tribe of Judah

  • Genesis 7:13 - In the selfsame day entered Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth of his sons Noah wife Noah and the three wife of his sons with them into the ark

  • 1 Samuel 7:13 - were subdued So the Philistines no more and they came into the coast of Israel and the hand of the LORD So the Philistines all the days of Samuel

  • Ecclesiastes 7:14 - In the day be joyful be joyful In the day of adversity consider the one over against also hath set God the other to the end should find that man after nothing

  • Micah 7:14 - Feed thy people with thy rod the flock of thine heritage which dwell solitarily in the wood in the midst of Carmel Feed in Bashan and Gilead as in the days of old

  • Proverbs 7:14 - offerings I have peace with me this day have I payed my vows

  • Ecclesiastes 7:15 - All things have I seen in the days of my vanity there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness there is and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness

  • 1 Samuel 7:15 - judged And Samuel Israel all the days of his life

  • Leviticus 7:15 - And the flesh of the sacrifice for thanksgiving of his peace offerings the same day that it is offered shall be eaten he shall not leave any of it until the morning

  • Micah 7:15 - According to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt will I shew unto him marvellous

  • 2 Chronicles 7:16 - For now have I chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there for ever and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually

  • Job 7:16 - I loathe alway it I would not live let me alone are vanity for my days

  • Leviticus 7:16 - be a vow or a voluntary offering But if the sacrifice of his offering the same day that he offereth But if the sacrifice it shall be eaten and on the morrow also the remainder it shall be eaten

  • Genesis 7:17 - And the flood was forty days above the earth increased and the waters and bare up the ark and it was lift up above the earth

  • Isaiah 7:17 - shall bring The LORD upon thee and upon thy people house and upon thy father's days shall bring days departed that Ephraim from Judah even the king of Assyria

  • Leviticus 7:17 - But the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice day on the third with fire shall be burnt

  • Isaiah 7:18 - And it shall come to pass in that day shall hiss that the LORD for the fly that is in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria

  • Leviticus 7:18 - at all And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings day on the third it shall not be accepted unto him that offereth neither shall it be imputed it it shall be an abomination and the soul at all his iniquity of it shall bear

  • Numbers 7:18 - day On the second did offer Nethaneel the son of Zuar prince of Issachar

  • Ezekiel 7:19 - their silver in the streets They shall cast and their gold shall be removed their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD their souls they shall not satisfy their bowels neither fill because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity

  • Micah 7:20 - Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob and the mercy to Abraham which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of old

  • Isaiah 7:20 - In the same day shave shall the Lord with a razor that is hired namely by them beyond the river by the king of Assyria the head and the hair of the feet the beard and it shall also consume

  • Micah 7:20 - Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob and the mercy to Abraham which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of old

  • Proverbs 7:20 - a bag of money He hath taken with him at the day appointed and will come home

  • Isaiah 7:21 - And it shall come to pass in that day shall nourish that a man cow a young and two sheep

  • 1 Chronicles 7:22 - mourned And Ephraim their father days many came and his brethren to comfort

  • Jeremiah 7:22 - For I spake not unto your fathers nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices

  • Isaiah 7:23 - And it shall come to pass in that day that every place at a thousand vines at a thousand silverlings it shall even be for briers and thorns

  • Genesis 7:24 - prevailed And the waters upon the earth and fifty an hundred days

  • Numbers 7:24 - day On the third prince of the children of Zebulun Eliab of the children of Helon

  • Exodus 7:25 - were fulfilled And seven days after had smitten that the LORD the river