H3196 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
wine (as fermented); by implication, intoxication banqueting, wine, wine(-bibber). from an unused root meaning to effervesce;

134 instances of the word יַיִן yayin (H3196)

  • Ezekiel 27:18 - Damascus was thy merchant for the multitude of the wares of thy making for the multitude of all riches in the wine of Helbon wool and white

  • Genesis 27:25 - And he said Bring it near to him and he did eat venison of my son's may bless that my soul Bring it near to him and he did eat and he brought him wine and he drank

  • 1 Chronicles 27:27 - And over the vineyards was Shimei the Ramathite And over the vineyards cellars for the wine was Zabdi the Shiphmite

  • Isaiah 28:1 - Woe to the crown of pride to the drunkards of Ephraim flower is a fading whose glorious beauty which are on the head valleys of the fat of them that are overcome with wine

  • Isaiah 28:7 - But they through wine also have erred and through strong drink are out of the way the priest and the prophet also have erred and through strong drink they are swallowed up of through wine are out of the way of and through strong drink also have erred in vision they stumble in judgment

  • Numbers 28:14 - And their drink offerings shall be half an hin unto a bullock and the third an hin unto a ram and a fourth an hin unto a lamb of wine this is the burnt offering of every month of every month of every month of the year

  • Deuteronomy 28:39 - vineyards Thou shalt plant and dress of the wine them but shalt neither drink nor gather shall eat the grapes for the worms

  • Deuteronomy 29:6 - bread Ye have not eaten wine or strong drink neither have ye drunk that ye might know that I am the LORD your God

  • Isaiah 29:9 - Stay yourselves and wonder and cry and cry they are drunken but not with wine they stagger but not with strong drink

  • Exodus 29:40 - a tenth deal of flour mingled oil of beaten with the fourth part of an hin for a drink offering with the fourth part of an hin of wine lamb And with the one

  • Proverbs 31:4 - It is not for kings O Lemuel It is not for kings to drink wine princes strong drink

  • Proverbs 31:6 - Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts

  • Job 32:19 - Behold my belly is as wine which hath no vent bottles like new it is ready to burst

  • Deuteronomy 32:33 - is the poison of dragons Their wine venom of asps and the cruel

  • Deuteronomy 32:38 - the fat of their sacrifices Which did eat and drank the wine of their drink offerings let them rise up and help you and be your protection

  • Jeremiah 35:2 - Go them into the house of the Rechabites and speak unto them and bring them into the house of the LORD into one of the chambers to drink and give them wine

  • Jeremiah 35:5 - And I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites pots full of wine and cups and I said unto them Drink of wine

  • Jeremiah 35:6 - But they said We will drink no wine for Jonadab neither ye nor your sons of Rechab our father commanded But they said We will drink no wine neither ye nor your sons for ever

  • Jeremiah 35:8 - Thus have we obeyed the voice of Jonadab our sons of Rechab our father in all that he hath charged us to drink no wine all our days we our wives our sons nor our daughters

  • Jeremiah 35:14 - are performed The words of Jonadab his sons of Rechab that he commanded his sons not to drink wine not to drink for unto this day but ye hearkened commandment their father's and speaking unto you rising early and speaking but ye hearkened

  • Jeremiah 40:10 - As for me behold I will dwell at Mizpah to serve the Chaldeans which will come unto us but ye gather ye wine and summer fruits and oil and put them in your vessels As for me behold I will dwell in your cities that ye have taken

  • Jeremiah 40:12 - returned out Even all the Jews of all places whither they were driven and came to the land of Judah to Gedaliah unto Mizpah and gathered wine and summer fruits much very

  • Ezekiel 44:21 - wine drink Neither shall any priest when they enter court into the inner

  • Jeremiah 48:33 - is taken And joy and gladness from the plentiful field and from the land of Moab and I have caused wine from the winepresses to fail none shall tread shall be no shouting shall be no shouting shall be no shouting

  • Genesis 49:11 - Binding unto the vine his foal unto the choice vine colt and his ass's he washed in wine his garments in the blood of grapes and his clothes

  • Genesis 49:12 - shall be red His eyes with wine white and his teeth with milk

  • Jeremiah 51:7 - cup hath been a golden Babylon hand in the LORD'S drunken that made all the earth of her wine have drunken the nations are mad the nations

  • Isaiah 51:21 - Therefore hear now this thou afflicted and drunken but not with wine

  • Isaiah 55:1 - Ho every one that thirsteth ye to the waters and he that hath no money buy and eat buy and he that hath no money and without price wine and milk

  • Isaiah 56:12 - Come ye say they I will fetch wine and we will fill ourselves with strong drink shall be as this day and to morrow abundant more and much

  • Psalms 60:3 - Thou hast shewed thy people hard things thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment

  • Psalms 75:8 - there is a cup For in the hand of the LORD and the wine is red it is full of mixture and he poureth out of the same but the dregs shall wring them out and drink thereof all the wicked of the earth

  • Psalms 78:65 - awaked as one out of sleep Then the Lord and like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of wine

  • Psalms 104:15 - And wine that maketh glad heart man's to shine to make his face and oil and bread heart man's which strengtheneth