H3254 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to add or augment (often adverbial, to continue to do a thing) add, [idiom] again, [idiom] any more, [idiom] cease, [idiom] come more, [phrase] conceive again, continue, exceed, [idiom] further, [idiom] gather together, get more, give more-over, [idiom] henceforth, increase (more and more), join, [idiom] longer (bring, do, make, much, put), [idiom] (the, much, yet) more (and more), proceed (further), prolong, put, be (strong-) er, [idiom] yet, yield. a primitive root;

207 instances of the word יָסַף yâçaph (H3254)

  • Exodus 14:13 - said And Moses unto the people Fear ye not stand still and see the salvation of the LORD which he will shew to day and see for the Egyptians to day them again and see no more for ever

  • 1 Chronicles 14:13 - yet again And the Philistines spread themselves abroad in the valley

  • 1 Samuel 14:44 - answered And Saul do so God and more also die die Jonathan

  • Isaiah 15:9 - For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood for I will bring of Dimon more upon him that escapeth of Moab lions and upon the remnant of the land

  • 1 Samuel 15:35 - came no more And Samuel to see Saul until the day of his death nevertheless mourned And Samuel Saul and the LORD repented nevertheless king Saul over Israel

  • Proverbs 16:21 - The wise in heart shall be called prudent and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning

  • Proverbs 16:23 - The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth to his lips and addeth learning

  • 1 Kings 16:33 - did And Ahab a grove more And Ahab did to anger to provoke the LORD God of Israel than all the kings of Israel that were before

  • 1 Chronicles 17:9 - Also I will ordain a place for my people Israel and will plant them and they shall dwell in their place and shall be moved them any more no more neither shall the children of wickedness waste as at the beginning

  • Job 17:9 - also shall hold The righteous on his way hands shall be stronger and stronger

  • Deuteronomy 17:16 - But he shall not multiply horses return to himself nor cause the people to Egypt But he shall not multiply horses forasmuch as the LORD hath said unto you Ye shall henceforth return no more that way

  • 1 Chronicles 17:18 - What can David to thee for the honour of thy servant of thy servant for thou knowest

  • Deuteronomy 18:16 - According to all that thou desiredst of the LORD my God in Horeb in the day of the assembly saying again Let me not hear the voice of the LORD my God fire this great neither let me see any more that I die

  • 2 Samuel 18:22 - yet again Ahimaaz my son of Zadok Then said And Joab But howsoever Wherefore wilt thou run after Cushi Then said And Joab But howsoever Wherefore wilt thou run my son seeing that thou hast no tidings ready

  • Genesis 18:29 - unto him yet again And he spake and said found Peradventure there shall be forty and said I will not do Peradventure there shall be forty

  • 1 Samuel 18:29 - was yet the more And Saul afraid of David And Saul enemy David continually

  • 1 Kings 19:2 - sent Then Jezebel a messenger unto Elijah saying do So let the gods to me and more about this time of them by to morrow also if I make as the life as the life of one

  • Proverbs 19:4 - Wealth maketh friends many but the poor friends is separated

  • 1 Samuel 19:8 - again And there was war went out and David and fought with the Philistines and slew slaughter them with a great and they fled from

  • Deuteronomy 19:9 - If thou shalt keep all these commandments to do them which I command ever to love the LORD thy God in his ways ever then shalt thou add more for thee beside these three cities more for thee beside these three

  • 2 Samuel 19:13 - ye to Amasa And say Art thou not of my bone and of my flesh do God so to me and more also if thou be not captain of the host before me continually in the room of Joab

  • Proverbs 19:19 - of great wrath shall suffer punishment for if thou deliver him yet thou must do it again

  • Deuteronomy 19:20 - And those which remain shall hear and fear and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among

  • 1 Samuel 19:21 - And when it was told Saul he sent messengers other and they prophesied again Saul he sent messengers the third and they prophesied

  • Leviticus 19:25 - year And in the fifth shall ye eat of the fruit thereof that it may yield unto you the increase thereof I am the LORD your God

  • 2 Kings 19:30 - shall yet again that is escaped of the house of Judah And the remnant take root downward and bear fruit upward

  • 2 Kings 20:6 - And I will add unto thy days fifteen years out of the hand of the king of Assyria and I will deliver thee and this city and I will defend thee and this city David's for mine own sake and for my servant

  • Deuteronomy 20:8 - further And the officers shall speak unto the people and they shall say What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted as well as his heart and return unto his house faint as well as his heart lest his brethren's as well as his heart

  • Job 20:9 - The eye also which saw him shall see him no more any more behold neither shall his place

  • 1 Kings 20:10 - sent And Benhadad unto him and said do so The gods unto me and more also shall suffice if the dust of Samaria for handfuls for all the people that follow

  • 1 Samuel 20:13 - so do The LORD to Jonathan so and much more but if it please be with thee as he hath been with my father to do thee evil then I will shew it thee and send thee away that thou mayest go in peace The LORD be with thee as he hath been with my father

  • 1 Samuel 20:17 - again And Jonathan to swear caused David because he loved because he loved his own soul him for he loved

  • Judges 20:22 - encouraged And the people the men of Israel again in array themselves and set their battle in the place in array day the first

  • Judges 20:23 - Go up And the children of Israel and wept before And the LORD until even and asked And the LORD said again Shall I go up to battle And the children of Benjamin my brother said And the LORD Go up

  • Judges 20:28 - And Phinehas against the children of Eleazar against the children of Aaron stood before it in those days said Shall I yet again go out to battle against the children of Benjamin my brother or shall I cease said And the LORD Go up for to morrow I will deliver them into thine hand

  • 1 Chronicles 21:3 - answered And Joab so many more The LORD make his people as they an hundred times are they not all my lord's the king are they not all my lord's servants require are they not all my lord's this thing why will he be a cause of trespass to Israel

  • 2 Kings 21:8 - any more move Neither will I make the feet of Israel out of the land which I gave their fathers only if they will observe to do according to all that I have commanded them and according to all the law according to all that I have commanded that my servant Moses

  • 1 Chronicles 22:14 - Now behold in my trouble I have prepared for the house of the LORD of gold talents an hundred and a thousand of silver and a thousand and a thousand talents and of brass and iron without weight for it is in abundance timber also and stone I have prepared and thou mayest add

  • Leviticus 22:14 - And if a man eat of the holy thing unwittingly then he shall put the fifth part thereof unto it and shall give it unto the priest of the holy thing

  • Numbers 22:15 - yet again And Balak sent princes more and more honourable

  • Numbers 22:19 - Now therefore I pray you tarry ye also here this night that I may know unto me more what the LORD will say

  • Numbers 22:25 - saw And when the ass the angel of the LORD and crushed against the wall and crushed foot Balaam's against the wall her again and he smote

  • Numbers 22:26 - further And the angel of the LORD went and stood place in a narrow where was no way to turn either to the right hand or to the left

  • 1 Samuel 23:4 - yet again Then David enquired And the LORD answered And the LORD him and said Arise go down to Keilah for I will deliver the Philistines into thine hand

  • Isaiah 23:12 - And he said Thou shalt no more rejoice O thou oppressed virgin daughter of Zidon to Chittim arise pass over there also shalt thou have no rest

  • Joshua 23:13 - Know Know will no more that the LORD your God drive out any of these nations from before you but they shall be snares and traps unto you and scourges in your sides and thorns in your eyes until ye perish land from off this good hath given that the LORD your God

  • Ezekiel 23:14 - And that she increased her whoredoms for when she saw pourtrayed upon the wall the images of the Chaldeans pourtrayed with vermilion

  • Proverbs 23:28 - as for a prey She also lieth in wait the transgressors among men and increaseth

  • Proverbs 23:35 - They have stricken me shalt thou say and I was not sick they have beaten me and I felt it not when shall I awake it yet I will seek

  • 2 Samuel 24:1 - And again the anger of the LORD was kindled Israel and he moved David against them to say number Israel and Judah

  • 2 Samuel 24:3 - said And Joab the king add Now the LORD thy God unto the people how many soever how many soever they be an hundredfold and that the eyes it but why doth my lord the king may see it but why doth my lord the king delight in this thing

  • 2 Kings 24:7 - not again And the king of Egypt came any more out of his land had taken And the king of Babylon from the river of Egypt unto the river Euphrates And the king of Egypt

  • Isaiah 24:20 - shall reel shall reel The earth like a drunkard and shall be removed like a cottage thereof shall be heavy and the transgression upon it and it shall fall again and not rise

  • Genesis 25:1 - Then again Abraham took a wife and her name was Keturah

  • Deuteronomy 25:3 - Forty and beat he may give him and not exceed he may give him and not exceed and beat stripes him above these with many should seem vile then thy brother

  • 1 Samuel 25:22 - So also do God unto the enemies of David So and more if I leave of all that pertain to him by the morning any that pisseth against the wall

  • Isaiah 26:15 - Thou hast increased the nation O LORD Thou hast increased the nation thou art glorified thou hadst removed it far unto all the ends of the earth

  • Leviticus 26:18 - And if ye will not yet for all this hearken more unto me then I will punish you seven times for your sins

  • Leviticus 26:21 - contrary unto me and will not hearken more plagues seven times upon you according to your sins

  • Job 27:1 - continued Moreover Job his parable and said

  • 1 Samuel 27:4 - And it was told Saul was fled that David to Gath no more again and he sought

  • Leviticus 27:13 - But if he will at all But if he will at all it then he shall add a fifth part thereof unto thy estimation

  • Leviticus 27:15 - And if he that sanctified it will redeem his house then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation

  • Leviticus 27:19 - redeem redeem the field And if he that sanctified it then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it and it shall be assured

  • Leviticus 27:27 - beast And if it be of an unclean then he shall redeem according to thy estimation and shall add a fifth part of it thereto or if it be not redeemed then it shall be sold according to thy estimation

  • Leviticus 27:31 - redeem redeem And if a man ought of his tithes thereto the fifth he shall add

  • 2 Chronicles 28:13 - And said unto them Ye shall not bring in the captives and to our trespass against the LORD And said to add more to our sins and to our trespass is great and to our trespass and there is fierce wrath against Israel

  • 2 Chronicles 28:22 - And in the time of his distress yet more did he trespass against the LORD this is that king Ahaz

  • Deuteronomy 28:68 - again And the LORD thee into Egypt with ships by the way whereof I spake it no more again unto thee Thou shalt see and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen and no man shall buy

  • Job 29:1 - continued Moreover Job his parable and said

  • Isaiah 29:14 - Therefore behold I will proceed even a marvellous work among this people even a marvellous work and a wonder men shall perish for the wisdom of their wise and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid

  • Isaiah 29:19 - also shall increase The meek in the LORD their joy and the poor among men in the Holy One of Israel shall rejoice

  • Proverbs 30:6 - Add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar

  • Genesis 30:24 - And she called his name Joseph and said shall add The LORD son to me another

  • Jeremiah 31:12 - Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion and shall flow together to the goodness of the LORD for wheat and for wine and for oil and for the young of the flock and of the herd and their soul garden shall be as a watered any more and they shall not sorrow

  • Numbers 32:15 - For if ye turn away from after him he will yet again leave them in the wilderness and ye shall destroy all this people

  • 2 Chronicles 33:8 - Neither will I any more remove the foot of Israel from out of the land which I have appointed for your fathers so that they will take heed to do all that I have commanded them according to the whole law and the statutes and the ordinances by the hand of Moses

  • Job 34:32 - not That which I see teach iniquity thou me if I have done I will do

  • Job 34:37 - For he addeth unto his sin rebellion he clappeth his hands among us and multiplieth his words against God

  • Job 36:1 - also proceeded Elihu and said

  • Numbers 36:3 - to any of the children of the other tribes of the children of Israel And if they be married be taken from the inheritance from the inheritance of our fathers and shall be put from the inheritance of the tribe from the lot from the inheritance be taken

  • Numbers 36:4 - And when the jubile of the children of Israel be put from the inheritance from the inheritance of the tribe from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers be taken away from the inheritance

  • Ezekiel 36:12 - Yea I will cause men upon you even my people Israel and they shall possess thee and thou shalt be their inheritance and thou shalt no more henceforth bereave

  • Jeremiah 36:32 - Jeremiah Then took roll another and gave it to Baruch the son of Neriah the scribe who wrote therein from the mouth Jeremiah all the words of the book had burned which Jehoiakim king of Judah in the fire and there were added all the words besides unto them many like

  • Genesis 37:5 - dreamed And Joseph a dream and he told it his brethren him yet the more and they hated

  • Genesis 37:8 - said And his brethren reign reign have dominion have dominion him yet the more over us And they hated for his dreams and for his words

  • Isaiah 37:31 - shall again that is escaped of the house of Judah And the remnant take root downward and bear fruit upward

  • Genesis 38:5 - And she yet again conceived and bare a son and called his name Shelah and he was at Chezib and bare

  • Isaiah 38:5 - Go Thus saith to Hezekiah Thus saith the LORD the God of David thy father I have heard thy prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will add unto thy days fifteen years

  • Job 38:11 - And said Hitherto shalt thou come but no further be stayed and here shall thy proud waves

  • Genesis 38:26 - acknowledged And Judah them and said She hath been more righteous than I because that I gave her not to Shelah my son again And he knew her

  • Job 40:5 - Once have I spoken but I will not answer yea twice but I will proceed no further

  • Job 41:8 - Lay thine hand upon him remember the battle do no more

  • Psalms 41:8 - disease An evil say they cleaveth fast unto him and now that he lieth no more he shall rise up

  • Job 42:10 - And the LORD turned the captivity Job when he prayed for his friends gave And the LORD Job twice as much

  • Genesis 44:23 - And thou saidst unto thy servants Except come down brother your youngest Except no more my face

  • Jeremiah 45:3 - Thou didst say Woe hath added is me now! for the LORD grief to my sorrow I fainted in my sighing no rest and I find

  • Isaiah 47:1 - Come down and sit in the dust O virgin O daughter of Babylon and sit on the ground there is no throne O daughter of the Chaldeans for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate

  • Isaiah 47:5 - Sit thou silent and get thee into darkness O daughter of the Chaldeans for thou shalt no more be called The lady of kingdoms

  • Isaiah 51:22 - Thus saith thy Lord the LORD and thy God that pleadeth the cause of his people Behold I have taken out of thine hand of the cup of trembling even the dregs of the cup of my fury thou shalt no more drink it again