H3290 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
Jaakob, the Israelitish patriarch Jacob. from H6117 (עָקַב); heel-catcher (i.e. supplanter);

320 instances of the word יַעֲקֹב Yaʻăqôb (H3290)

  • Psalms 78:21 - heard Therefore the LORD this and was wroth so a fire was kindled against Jacob and anger also came up against Israel

  • Psalms 78:71 - From following the ewes great with young he brought him to feed Jacob his people and Israel his inheritance

  • Psalms 79:7 - For they have devoured Jacob his dwelling place and laid waste

  • Psalms 81:1 - Sing aloud unto God our strength make a joyful noise unto God of Jacob

  • Psalms 81:4 - For this was a statute for Israel and a law of the God of Jacob

  • Psalms 84:8 - O LORD God of hosts hear my prayer give ear God of Jacob Selah

  • Psalms 85:1 - thou hast been favourable LORD unto thy land thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob

  • Psalms 87:2 - loveth The LORD the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob

  • Psalms 94:7 - Yet they say shall not see The LORD regard neither shall the God of Jacob

  • Psalms 99:4 - strength The king's judgment also loveth thou dost establish equity judgment and righteousness in Jacob thou executest

  • Psalms 105:6 - O ye seed of Abraham his servant ye children of Jacob his chosen

  • Psalms 105:10 - And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law and to Israel covenant for an everlasting

  • Psalms 105:23 - also came Israel into Egypt and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham

  • Psalms 114:1 - went out When Israel of Egypt the house of Jacob from a people of strange language

  • Psalms 114:7 - at the presence of the Lord Tremble thou earth at the presence of the God of Jacob

  • Psalms 132:2 - How he sware unto the LORD and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob

  • Psalms 132:5 - Until I find out a place for the LORD an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob

  • Psalms 135:4 - Jacob hath chosen For the LORD unto himself and Israel for his peculiar treasure

  • Psalms 146:5 - Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help whose hope is in the LORD his God

  • Psalms 147:19 - He sheweth his word unto Jacob his statutes and his judgments unto Israel