H3701 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
silver (from its pale color); by implication, money money, price, silver(-ling). from H3700 (כָּסַף);

343 instances of the word כֶּסֶף keçeph (H3701)

  • Exodus 38:11 - side And for the north the hangings were an hundred cubits of the pillars twenty and their sockets twenty of brass the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver

  • Exodus 38:12 - side And for the west were hangings of fifty cubits of the pillars ten and their sockets ten the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver

  • Ezekiel 38:13 - Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all the young lions thereof shall say to take a spoil unto thee Art thou come to take a prey hast thou gathered thy company to carry away silver and gold to take away cattle and goods to take a spoil a great

  • Exodus 38:17 - And the sockets and all the pillars were of brass the hooks and all the pillars and their fillets of silver and the overlaying of their chapiters of silver were filleted of silver and all the pillars of the court

  • Exodus 38:19 - And their pillars four and their sockets four of brass their hooks of silver and the overlaying of their chapiters and their fillets of silver

  • Exodus 38:25 - And the silver of them that were numbered of the congregation hundred talents and a thousand seven hundred and threescore and fifteen after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary

  • Exodus 38:27 - And of the hundred a talent of silver were cast and the sockets of the sanctuary and the sockets of the vail And of the hundred and the sockets And of the hundred a talent a talent and the sockets

  • Isaiah 39:2 - was glad And Hezekiah of them and shewed and all the house of his precious things the silver and the gold and the spices ointment and the precious and all the house of his armour and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing of them and shewed And Hezekiah and all the house nor in all his dominion

  • Isaiah 40:19 - a graven image melteth The workman and casteth it over with gold spreadeth chains silver and casteth

  • Genesis 42:25 - commanded Then Joseph to fill their sacks with corn and to restore money every man's into his sack and to give them provision for the way did he and thus

  • Genesis 42:27 - of them opened And as one his sack to give provender his ass in the inn he espied his money mouth for behold it was in his sack's

  • Genesis 42:28 - And he said to another is restored My money and lo it is even in my sack failed and their heart them and they were afraid one to another And he said hath done What is this that God

  • Genesis 42:35 - And it came to pass as they emptied their sacks that behold every man's bundle of money their sacks saw bundle of money and when both they and their father they were afraid

  • Genesis 43:12 - and the money double And take in your hand and the money carry it again in the mouth of your sacks carry it again in your hand peradventure it was an oversight

  • Genesis 43:15 - and they took present that double money and they took in their hand and Benjamin and rose up and went down to Egypt and stood before Joseph

  • Genesis 43:18 - were afraid are we brought in house into Joseph's and they said Because of the money that was returned in our sacks at the first time are we brought in that he may seek occasion against us and fall upon us and take us for bondmen and our asses

  • Genesis 43:21 - And it came to pass when we came to the inn that we opened of his sack money and behold every man's was in the mouth of his sack money in full weight and we have brought it again in our hand

  • Genesis 43:22 - money And other have we brought down in our hands to buy food we cannot tell who put money in our sacks

  • Genesis 43:23 - And he said Peace be to you fear and the God and the God of your father hath given you treasure in your sacks your money I had And he brought Simeon

  • Isaiah 43:24 - Thou hast bought with money me no sweet cane me with the fat of thy sacrifices neither hast thou filled but thou hast made me to serve with thy sins thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities

  • Genesis 44:1 - And he commanded as much as the steward of his house saying Fill in his sack's every man's with food as much as they can carry and put money every man's mouth in his sack's

  • Genesis 44:2 - cup cup money And put mouth in the sack's of the youngest money and his corn And he did according to the word that Joseph had spoken

  • Genesis 44:8 - Behold the money which we found mouths in our sacks we brought again unto thee out of the land of Canaan how then should we steal house out of thy lord's Behold the money or gold

  • Genesis 45:22 - To all of them he gave changes of raiment but to Benjamin To all of them he gave three hundred pieces of silver and five changes of raiment

  • Isaiah 46:6 - They lavish gold out of the bag silver in the balance and weigh and hire a goldsmith and he maketh it a god they fall down yea they worship

  • Genesis 47:14 - gathered up And Joseph all the money that was found and in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan for the corn which they bought brought And Joseph all the money house into Pharaoh's

  • Genesis 47:15 - failed And when money and in the land all the Egyptians and in the land of Canaan came all the Egyptians unto Joseph and said Give us bread for why should we die faileth And when money

  • Genesis 47:16 - said And Joseph Give you for your cattle and I will give you for your cattle fail if money

  • Genesis 47:18 - is spent When that year they came also hath When that year unto him the second and said unto him We will not hide it from my lord is spent how that our money our herds of cattle also hath it from my lord there is not ought left in the sight it from my lord but our bodies and our lands

  • Isaiah 48:10 - Behold I have refined thee but not with silver I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction

  • Isaiah 52:3 - For thus saith the LORD yourselves for nought Ye have sold without money and ye shall be redeemed

  • Jeremiah 52:19 - And the basons and the firepans and the bowls and the caldrons and the candlesticks and the spoons and the cups in gold in gold and that which was of silver and that which was of silver away the captain of the guard

  • Isaiah 55:1 - Ho every one that thirsteth ye to the waters and he that hath no money buy and eat buy and he that hath no money and without price wine and milk

  • Isaiah 55:2 - Wherefore do ye spend money not for that which is not bread and your labour not for that which satisfieth diligently diligently unto me and eat ye that which is good delight itself in fatness and let your soul

  • Isaiah 60:9 - Surely the isles shall wait for me and the ships of Tarshish first to bring thy sons from far their silver and their gold with them unto the name of the LORD thy God and to the Holy One of Israel because he hath glorified

  • Isaiah 60:17 - For brass I will bring gold and for iron I will bring silver and for wood For brass and for stones and for iron I will also make thy officers peace and thine exactors righteousness

  • Psalms 66:10 - hast proved For thou O God is tried is tried us as silver

  • Psalms 68:13 - Though ye have lien among the pots yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver with yellow and her feathers gold

  • Psalms 68:30 - Rebuke the company of spearmen the multitude of the bulls with the calves of the people till every one submit himself with pieces of silver scatter of the people in war that delight

  • Psalms 105:37 - He brought them forth also with silver and gold person among their tribes and there was not one feeble

  • Psalms 115:4 - Their idols are silver and gold the work hands of men's

  • Psalms 119:72 - is better The law of thy mouth unto me than thousands of gold and silver

  • Psalms 135:15 - The idols of the heathen are silver and gold the work hands of men's