H3789 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to grave, by implication, to write (describe, inscribe, prescribe, subscribe) describe, record, prescribe, subscribe, write(-ing, -ten). a primitive root;

210 instances of the word כָּתַב kâthab (H3789)

  • 1 Kings 16:27 - Now the rest of the acts of Omri that he shewed and his might that he shewed are they not written in the book of the acts of the kings of Israel

  • 1 Chronicles 16:40 - To offer burnt offerings of the LORD upon the altar burnt offerings continually morning and evening and to do according to all that is written in the law of the LORD which he commanded Israel

  • Jeremiah 17:1 - The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron and with the point of a diamond it is graven upon the table of their heart and upon the horns of your altars

  • Numbers 17:2 - Speak unto the children of Israel and take of every one of them a rod of every one of them a rod according to the house of their fathers of all their princes according to the house of their fathers twelve of every one of them a rod thou every man's name write of every one of them a rod

  • Numbers 17:3 - name Aaron's And thou shalt write rod of Levi rod for one shall be for the head of the house of their fathers

  • Jeremiah 17:13 - the hope of Israel O LORD all that forsake thee shall be ashamed and they that depart in the earth shall be written all that forsake the fountain waters of living O LORD

  • Exodus 17:14 - said And the LORD unto Moses Write this for a memorial in a book and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua for I will utterly for I will utterly the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven

  • Deuteronomy 17:18 - And it shall be when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levites

  • 2 Kings 17:37 - And the statutes and the ordinances and the law and the commandment which he wrote for you ye shall observe to do for evermore and ye shall not fear gods other

  • Joshua 18:4 - Give out from among you three for each tribe and I will send them and they shall rise and go through the land and describe it according to the inheritance of them and they shall come

  • Joshua 18:6 - Ye shall therefore describe the land into seven parts and bring the description hither to me that I may cast lots for you here before the LORD our God

  • Joshua 18:8 - arose And the men and walk charged and Joshua and walk and describe the land saying and walk and walk the land and describe it and come again to me that I may here cast lots for you before the LORD in Shiloh

  • Joshua 18:9 - And the men and passed through the land and described it by cities into seven parts in a book and came again to Joshua to the host at Shiloh

  • Job 19:23 - oh that were now written my words oh that in a book they were printed

  • 2 Kings 20:20 - And the rest of the acts of Hezekiah and all his might and how he made a pool and a conduit and brought water into the city are they not written in the book of the acts of the kings of Judah

  • 2 Chronicles 20:34 - Now the rest in the book of Jehoshaphat first and last behold they are written in the book of Jehu the son of Hanani who is mentioned in the book of the kings of Israel

  • 1 Kings 21:8 - So she wrote letters ~ in Ahab's them with his seal and sealed and sent letters unto the elders and to the nobles that were in his city dwelling with Naboth

  • 1 Kings 21:9 - And she wrote in the letters saying Proclaim a fast and set Naboth on high among the people

  • 1 Kings 21:11 - did in his city even the elders and the nobles who were the inhabitants in his city had sent as Jezebel unto them and as it was written in the letters had sent

  • 2 Kings 21:17 - Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh and all that he did and his sin that he sinned are they not written in the book of the acts of the kings of Judah

  • 2 Kings 21:25 - Now the rest of the acts of Amon which he did are they not written in the book of the acts of the kings of Judah

  • 2 Kings 22:13 - ye enquire of the LORD for me and for the people and for all Judah concerning the words of this book that is found for great is the wrath of the LORD that is kindled have not hearkened against us because our fathers concerning the words of this book to do according unto all that which is written

  • Proverbs 22:20 - Have not I written to thee in counsels and knowledge

  • Jeremiah 22:30 - Thus saith the LORD Write for no man childless a man shall prosper in his days shall prosper of his seed for no man sitting upon the throne of David and ruling any more in Judah

  • 2 Kings 23:3 - stood And the king by a pillar and made a covenant before the LORD after the LORD and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all their heart and all their soul to perform the words a covenant that were written in this book stood And all the people a covenant

  • Joshua 23:6 - courageous Be ye therefore very to keep and to do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses that ye turn not aside therefrom to the right hand or to the left

  • 2 Chronicles 23:18 - appointed Also Jehoiada the offices in the house of the LORD as it was ordained by of the priests the Levites had distributed David in the house of the LORD to offer the burnt offerings of the LORD as it is written in the law of Moses with rejoicing and with singing as it was ordained by David

  • 2 Kings 23:21 - commanded And the king all the people saying Keep the passover unto the LORD your God as it is written in the book of this covenant

  • 2 Kings 23:24 - Moreover the workers with familiar spirits and the wizards and the images and the idols and all the abominations that were spied in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem put away did Josiah that he might perform the words of the law which were written in the book found that Hilkiah the priest in the house of the LORD

  • 2 Kings 23:28 - Now the rest of the acts of Josiah and all that he did are they not written in the book of the acts of the kings of Judah

  • Deuteronomy 24:1 - hath taken When a man a wife and married because he hath found no favour in his eyes because he hath found uncleanness some in her then let him write her a bill of divorcement and give it in her hand and send her out of his house

  • Ezekiel 24:2 - Son of man write write thee the name day even of this same day set the king of Babylon himself against Jerusalem even of this same day

  • Deuteronomy 24:3 - hate husband And if the latter her and write her a bill of divorcement and giveth it in her hand and sendeth her out of his house die husband And if the latter which took her to be his wife

  • Exodus 24:4 - wrote And Moses all the words of the LORD and rose up early in the morning and builded an altar under the hill according to the twelve and twelve pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel

  • 2 Kings 24:5 - Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim and all that he did are they not written in the book of the acts of the kings of Judah

  • 1 Chronicles 24:6 - wrote And Shemaiah the son of Nethaneel the scribe and Levites them before the king and the princes and Zadok of the priests and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar and before the chief of the fathers of the priests and Levites household of the fathers one and one taken for Eleazar and one taken and one taken for Ithamar

  • Exodus 24:12 - said And the LORD unto Moses Come up to me into the mount and be there and I will give thee tables of stone and a law and commandments which I have written that thou mayest teach

  • Joshua 24:26 - wrote And Joshua these words in the book of the law of God and took stone a great and set it up there under an oak that was by the sanctuary of the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 24:27 - Now concerning his sons of the burdens laid upon him and the repairing of the house of God behold they are written in the story of the book of the kings reigned And Amaziah Now concerning his sons

  • 2 Chronicles 25:4 - for the children But he slew but did as it is written in the law in the book of Moses commanded where the LORD saying But he slew The fathers for the children for the children But he slew The fathers but every man for his own sin But he slew

  • Jeremiah 25:13 - And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it even all that is written in this book hath prophesied which Jeremiah against all the nations

  • 2 Chronicles 25:26 - Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah first and last behold are they not written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel

  • 2 Chronicles 26:22 - Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah first and last write did Isaiah the son of Amoz the prophet

  • Deuteronomy 27:3 - And thou shalt write upon them all the words of this law when thou art passed over that thou mayest go in thee a land as the LORD God giveth thee a land that floweth with milk and honey hath promised as the LORD God of thy fathers

  • 2 Chronicles 27:7 - Now the rest of the acts of Jotham and all his wars and his ways lo they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah

  • Deuteronomy 27:8 - And thou shalt write upon the stones all the words of this law plainly very

  • 2 Chronicles 28:26 - Now the rest of his acts and of all his ways first and last behold they are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel

  • Deuteronomy 28:58 - If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book and fearful name this glorious and fearful THE LORD THY GOD

  • Deuteronomy 28:61 - Also every sickness and every plague which is not written in the book of this law bring them will the LORD upon thee until thou be destroyed

  • Deuteronomy 29:20 - will The LORD not spare shall smoke him but then the anger The LORD and his jealousy against that man shall lie and all the curses that are written in this book shall blot out The LORD his name from under heaven

  • Deuteronomy 29:21 - shall separate And the LORD him unto evil out of all the tribes of Israel according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in this book of the law

  • Deuteronomy 29:27 - was kindled And the anger of the LORD against this land to bring upon it all the curses that are written in this book

  • 1 Chronicles 29:29 - Now the acts of David the king first and last behold they are written Now the acts of Samuel the seer Now the acts of Nathan the prophet Now the acts of Gad the seer

  • 2 Chronicles 30:1 - sent And Hezekiah of Israel and Judah letters and wrote also to Ephraim and Manasseh that they should come to the house of the LORD at Jerusalem to keep the passover of the LORD God of Israel

  • Jeremiah 30:2 - Thus speaketh the LORD God of Israel Thus speaketh Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book

  • 2 Chronicles 30:5 - So they established a decree to make proclamation of Israel from Beersheba even to Dan that they should come for they had not done the passover unto the LORD God of Israel at Jerusalem it of a long for they had not done time in such sort as it was written

  • Isaiah 30:8 - Now go write it before them in a table it in a book and note that it may be for the time to come ever for and ever

  • Deuteronomy 30:10 - If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to keep his commandments and his statutes which are written in this book of the law and if thou turn of the LORD thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul

  • 2 Chronicles 30:18 - For a multitude of the people even many of Ephraim and Manasseh Issachar and Zebulun had not cleansed themselves yet did they eat the passover had not otherwise than it was written prayed But Hezekiah for them saying LORD The good pardon

  • 2 Chronicles 31:3 - portion He appointed also the king's of his substance and the burnt offerings and the burnt offerings to wit for the morning and evening and the burnt offerings for the sabbaths and for the new moons and for the set feasts as it is written in the law of the LORD

  • Deuteronomy 31:9 - wrote And Moses this law and delivered it unto the priests the sons of Levi which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD and unto all the elders of Israel

  • Exodus 31:18 - And he gave unto Moses when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai two tables of testimony tables of stone written with the finger of God

  • Deuteronomy 31:19 - Now therefore write that this song for you and teach for me against the children of Israel put it in their mouths that this song may be a witness for me against the children of Israel

  • Deuteronomy 31:22 - therefore wrote Moses this song the same day and taught it the children of Israel

  • Deuteronomy 31:24 - had made an end And it came to pass when Moses of writing the words of this law in a book until they were finished

  • Jeremiah 31:33 - But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel After those days saith the LORD I will put my law in their inward parts it in their hearts and write and will be their God and they shall be my people

  • Job 31:35 - Oh that one would hear me! behold my desire is that the Almighty would answer a book had written me and that mine adversary

  • Jeremiah 32:10 - And I subscribed the evidence and sealed it and took witnesses and weighed him the money in the balances

  • Jeremiah 32:12 - And I gave the book of the purchase unto Baruch the son of Neriah the son of Maaseiah before of Hanameel mine uncle's before of the witnesses that subscribed the book of the purchase before all the Jews that sat in the court of the prison

  • Exodus 32:15 - turned and went down And Moses from the mount and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand tables on the one side and on the other were they written and the two their sides on the one side and on the other were they written

  • 2 Chronicles 32:17 - also letters He wrote to rail on the LORD As the gods of Israel against him saying against him saying As the gods of the nations of other lands deliver his people out of mine hand deliver As the gods of Hezekiah his people out of mine hand

  • Exodus 32:32 - Yet now if thou wilt forgive their sin -- and if not blot me I pray thee out of thy book which thou hast written

  • 2 Chronicles 32:32 - Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah and his goodness behold they are written in the vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz the prophet and in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel

  • Jeremiah 32:44 - fields for money Men shall buy and subscribe evidences and seal them and take witnesses in the land of Benjamin and in the places about Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah and in the cities of the mountains and in the cities of the valley and in the cities of the south to return for I will cause their captivity saith the LORD

  • Numbers 33:2 - wrote And Moses according to their goings out according to their journeys by the commandment of the LORD according to their journeys according to their goings out

  • 2 Chronicles 33:19 - His prayer also and how God was intreated of him and all his sin and his trespass and the places wherein he built high places and set up groves and graven images before he was humbled behold they are written among the sayings of the seers

  • Exodus 34:1 - said And the LORD unto Moses Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first and I will write tables the words tables like unto the first which thou brakest

  • 2 Chronicles 34:21 - enquire of the LORD for me and for them that are left in Israel and in Judah concerning the words in this book that is found for great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured out have not kept upon us because our fathers concerning the words of the LORD to do after all that is written in this book

  • 2 Chronicles 34:24 - Thus saith the LORD Behold I will bring evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the curses that are written in the book which they have read before the king of Judah

  • Exodus 34:27 - said And the LORD unto Moses Write of these words for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel

  • Exodus 34:28 - And he was there with the LORD and forty days and forty nights bread he did neither eat water nor drink And he wrote upon the tables commandments of the covenant the ten commandments

  • 2 Chronicles 34:31 - stood And the king in his place and made a covenant before the LORD after the LORD and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all his heart and with all his soul to perform the words a covenant which are written in this book

  • 2 Chronicles 35:12 - And they removed the burnt offerings that they might give according to the divisions of the families of the people to offer unto the LORD as it is written in the book of Moses And so did they with the oxen

  • 2 Chronicles 35:25 - lamented And Jeremiah for Josiah spake and all the singing men and all the singing men in the lamentations for Josiah to this day and made them an ordinance in Israel and behold they are written in the lamentations

  • 2 Chronicles 35:26 - Now the rest of the acts of Josiah and his goodness according to that which was written in the law of the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 35:27 - And his deeds first and last behold they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah

  • Jeremiah 36:2 - Take thee a roll of a book and write therein all the words I spake unto thee against Israel and against Judah and against all the nations even unto this day I spake even unto this day of Josiah even unto this day

  • Jeremiah 36:4 - called Then Jeremiah Baruch the son of Neriah wrote Baruch from the mouth Then Jeremiah all the words of the LORD which he had spoken unto him upon a roll of a book

  • Jeremiah 36:6 - Therefore go and also thou shalt read in the roll which thou hast written from my mouth the words in the LORD'S in the ears of the people house in the LORD'S day upon the fasting in the ears of all Judah Therefore go of their cities and also thou shalt read

  • 2 Chronicles 36:8 - Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim and his abominations which he did and that which was found in him behold they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah reigned and Jehoiachin his son

  • Jeremiah 36:17 - Baruch And they asked saying Tell us now How didst thou write all these words at his mouth

  • Jeremiah 36:18 - answered Then Baruch unto me with his mouth them He pronounced all these words and I wrote in the book them with ink

  • Jeremiah 36:27 - Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah after had burned that the king the roll Then the word wrote which Baruch at the mouth came to Jeremiah saying

  • Jeremiah 36:28 - thee again Take roll another and write words in it all the former roll in it all the former hath burned which Jehoiakim the king of Judah

  • Jeremiah 36:29 - to Jehoiakim The king of Judah And thou shalt say And thou shalt say the LORD Thou hast burned this roll And thou shalt say Why hast thou written And thou shalt say come come The king of Babylon and destroy this land and shall cause to cease from thence man and beast

  • Jeremiah 36:32 - Jeremiah Then took roll another and gave it to Baruch the son of Neriah the scribe who wrote therein from the mouth Jeremiah all the words of the book had burned which Jehoiakim king of Judah in the fire and there were added all the words besides unto them many like

  • Ezekiel 37:16 - Moreover thou son of man take stick another and write upon it For Judah Moreover thou son of Israel his companions take stick another and write upon it For Joseph stick of Ephraim and for all the house of Israel his companions

  • Ezekiel 37:20 - And the sticks whereon thou writest shall be in thine hand before their eyes

  • Exodus 39:30 - And they made the plate crown HOLINESS gold of pure and wrote upon it a writing like to the engravings of a signet HOLINESS TO THE LORD

  • Psalms 40:7 - Then said I Lo I come in the volume of the book it is written