H3808 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
not (the simple or abs. negation); by implication, no; often used with other particles [idiom] before, [phrase] or else, ere, [phrase] except, ig(-norant), much, less, nay, neither, never, no((-ne), -r, (-thing)), ([idiom] as though...,(can-), for) not (out of), of nought, otherwise, out of, [phrase] surely, [phrase] as truly as, [phrase] of a truth, [phrase] verily, for want, [phrase] whether, without. or לוֹא; or לֹה; (Deuteronomy 3:11), a primitive particle;

3960 instances of the word לֹא lôʼ (H3808)

  • Deuteronomy 32:52 - Yet thou shalt see the land before thee but thou shalt not go the land which I give the children of Israel

  • Isaiah 33:1 - Woe and thou wast not spoiled and thou wast not spoiled and dealest treacherously and dealest treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease and thou wast not spoiled and thou wast not spoiled and when thou shalt make an end and dealest treacherously and dealest treacherously

  • Exodus 33:3 - Unto a land flowing with milk and honey for I will not go up in the midst people of thee for thou art a stiffnecked lest I consume thee in the way

  • Jeremiah 33:3 - Call unto me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest

  • Exodus 33:4 - heard And when the people tidings these evil they mourned did put and no man on him his ornaments

  • Ezekiel 33:4 - Then whosoever Then whosoever the sound of the trumpet and taketh not warning come if the sword and take him away his blood shall be upon his own head

  • Ezekiel 33:5 - the sound of the trumpet He heard and took not warning his blood and took not warning his soul shall deliver

  • Ezekiel 33:6 - But if the watchman see if the sword come and blow not the trumpet and the people be not warned come if the sword and take any person in his iniquity and take but his blood hand But if the watchman will I require

  • Job 33:7 - Behold my terror shall not make thee afraid neither shall my hand be heavy

  • Ezekiel 33:8 - When I say O wicked O wicked die die if thou dost not speak to warn O wicked from his way O wicked in his iniquity die but his blood at thine hand will I require

  • 2 Chronicles 33:8 - Neither will I any more remove the foot of Israel from out of the land which I have appointed for your fathers so that they will take heed to do all that I have commanded them according to the whole law and the statutes and the ordinances by the hand of Moses

  • Isaiah 33:8 - lie waste The highways ceaseth the wayfaring man he hath broken the covenant he hath despised the cities he regardeth

  • Deuteronomy 33:9 - Who said unto his father and to his mother I have not seen his brethren him neither did he acknowledge his own children nor knew for they have observed thy word thy covenant and kept

  • Ezekiel 33:9 - Nevertheless if thou warn the wicked from his way from it if he do not turn from it if he do not turn from his way in his iniquity he shall die thy soul but thou hast delivered

  • Job 33:9 - I am clean without transgression I am innocent neither is there iniquity

  • 2 Chronicles 33:10 - spake And the LORD to Manasseh and to his people but they would not hearken

  • Exodus 33:11 - spake And the LORD unto Moses face face spake as a man unto his friend And he turned again into the camp but his servant Joshua the son of Nun a young man departed not out of the tabernacle

  • Exodus 33:12 - said And Moses unto the LORD See said unto me Bring up this people I know whom thou wilt send said I know thee by name and thou hast also found grace in my sight

  • Ezekiel 33:12 - Therefore thou son of man say Therefore thou son of thy people The righteousness neither shall the righteous shall not deliver for his righteousness in the day of his transgression as for the wickedness of the wicked he shall not fall for his righteousness in the day that he turneth from his wickedness neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sinneth

  • Job 33:12 - Behold in this thou art not just I will answer is greater thee that God than man

  • Ezekiel 33:13 - When I shall say to the righteous live live if he trust all his righteousnesses and commit but for his iniquity all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered but for his iniquity and commit he shall die

  • Job 33:13 - Why dost thou strive of any of his matters against him for he giveth not account

  • Job 33:14 - once speaketh For God yea twice yet man perceiveth

  • Numbers 33:14 - And they removed from Alush and encamped at Rephidim where was no water for the people to drink

  • Ezekiel 33:15 - the pledge restore If the wicked that he had robbed give again in the statutes of life walk without committing iniquity he shall surely he shall surely he shall not die

  • Exodus 33:16 - For wherein shall it be known here have found grace in thy sight I and thy people with us so shall we be separated I and thy people I and thy people that are upon the face of the earth

  • Ezekiel 33:16 - None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned that which is lawful and right unto him he hath done he shall surely he shall surely

  • Psalms 33:16 - There is no king saved by much of an host a mighty man is not delivered by much strength

  • Ezekiel 33:17 - say Yet the children of thy people is not equal The way of the Lord The way is not equal

  • Jeremiah 33:17 - For thus saith the LORD shall never want David a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel

  • Psalms 33:17 - is a vain thing An horse for safety any by his great strength neither shall he deliver

  • Jeremiah 33:18 - Neither shall the priests the Levites want a man before me to offer burnt offerings and to kindle meat offerings and to do sacrifice continually

  • Isaiah 33:19 - a people a fierce Thou shalt not see a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive of a stammering tongue that thou canst not understand

  • Exodus 33:20 - And he said Thou canst not see my face not see for there shall no man me and live

  • Ezekiel 33:20 - Yet ye say is not equal The way of the Lord you every one The way I will judge O ye house of Israel

  • Isaiah 33:21 - But there the glorious LORD will be unto us a place rivers and streams of broad no galley with oars ship But there the glorious pass

  • Job 33:21 - is consumed away His flesh that it cannot be seen stick out and his bones that were not seen

  • Ezekiel 33:22 - Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening afore came he that was escaped and had opened and my mouth came to me in the morning and had opened and my mouth and I was no more dumb

  • Jeremiah 33:22 - cannot be numbered As the host of heaven measured neither the sand of the sea so will I multiply the seed of David my servant and the Levites that minister

  • Exodus 33:23 - And I will take away mine hand and thou shalt see my back parts but my face and thou shalt see

  • 2 Chronicles 33:23 - And humbled not himself before the LORD And humbled as Manasseh his father himself but Amon more and more trespassed

  • Jeremiah 33:24 - Considerest my people have spoken saying The two families hath chosen which the LORD he hath even cast them off my people thus they have despised that they should be no more a nation before

  • Jeremiah 33:25 - Thus saith the LORD If my covenant be not with day and night the ordinances of heaven and earth and if I have not appointed

  • Ezekiel 33:27 - Say Say the Lord GOD As I live surely they that are in the wastes by the sword shall fall and him that is in the open field As I live will I give to be devoured and they that be in the forts and in the caves of the pestilence shall die

  • Job 33:27 - He looketh upon men and if any say I have sinned that which was right and perverted and it profited

  • Ezekiel 33:31 - And they come cometh thee as my people and they sit before thee as my people and they hear thy words but they will not do much love them for with their mouth but they will not do after their covetousness but their heart goeth

  • Numbers 33:55 - But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you then it shall come to pass that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides and shall vex of the land the inhabitants

  • Ezekiel 34:2 - Son of man prophesy against the shepherds of Israel prophesy and say against the shepherds and say the Lord GOD Woe against the shepherds of Israel against the shepherds the flocks against the shepherds against the shepherds

  • 2 Chronicles 34:2 - And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD in the ways of David his father and declined neither to the right hand nor to the left

  • Exodus 34:3 - And no man shall come up And no man with thee neither be seen that mount neither let the flocks nor herds with thee neither feed before that mount

  • Ezekiel 34:3 - the fat Ye eat you with the wool and ye clothe them that are fed ye kill not the flock but ye feed

  • Jeremiah 34:3 - And thou shalt not escape out into his hand be taken be taken into his hand and delivered and thine eyes and thine eyes of the king of Babylon shall behold to mouth to mouth and he shall speak of Babylon and thou shalt go

  • Deuteronomy 34:4 - said And the LORD unto him This is the land which I sware unto Abraham unto Isaac and unto Jacob said it unto thy seed I will give I have caused thee to see it with thine eyes but thou shalt not go over

  • Ezekiel 34:4 - The diseased have ye not strengthened The diseased neither have ye healed that which was broken neither have ye bound up that which was driven away neither have ye brought again that which was lost neither have ye sought but with force have ye ruled and with cruelty

  • Jeremiah 34:4 - Yet hear the word of the LORD O Zedekiah king of Judah Thus saith of the LORD of thee Thou shalt not die by the sword

  • Deuteronomy 34:6 - And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab over against Bethpeor knoweth but no man of his sepulchre unto this day

  • Deuteronomy 34:7 - And Moses old was an hundred and twenty years when he died was not dim his eye abated nor his natural force

  • Exodus 34:7 - Keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin and that will by no means and that will by no means the guilty visiting iniquity of the fathers and upon the children's and upon the children's and upon the children's children unto the third and to the fourth

  • Genesis 34:7 - And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard were grieved wroth and they were very folly because he had wrought in Israel in lying daughter of Jacob because he had wrought

  • Ezekiel 34:8 - As I live saith the Lord GOD and my flock became a prey and my flock became meat As I live of the field because there was no shepherd search because there was no shepherd and my flock because there was no shepherd because there was no shepherd and my flock because there was no shepherd

  • Job 34:9 - For he hath said It profiteth a man nothing that he should delight himself with God

  • Deuteronomy 34:10 - And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses knew whom the LORD face face

  • Exodus 34:10 - And he said Behold I make a covenant and all the people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth nor in any nation which thou art shall see and all the people among the work of the LORD for it is a terrible thing I will do

  • Ezekiel 34:10 - Thus saith the Lord Behold I am against the shepherds and I will require my flock at their hand and cause them to cease Behold I am against the shepherds my flock Behold I am against the shepherds Behold I am against the shepherds themselves any more for I will deliver my flock from their mouth that they may not be meat

  • Isaiah 34:10 - night nor day It shall not be quenched for ever thereof shall go up the smoke from generation from generation it shall lie waste and ever and ever none shall pass through

  • Psalms 34:10 - The young lions do lack and suffer hunger but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good

  • Job 34:12 - Yea surely God will not do wickedly neither will the Almighty pervert judgment

  • Exodus 34:14 - For thou shalt worship God no other for the LORD is Jealous whose name God is Jealous

  • Genesis 34:14 - And they said unto them We cannot do this thing to give our sister that is uncircumcised for that were a reproach

  • Jeremiah 34:14 - At the end of seven years let ye go every man his brother an Hebrew which hath been sold unto thee and when he hath served thee six years let ye go free hearkened from thee but your fathers not unto me neither inclined their ear

  • Isaiah 34:16 - Seek ye out of the book of the LORD and read no one of these shall fail none her mate shall want for my mouth it hath commanded and his spirit it hath gathered

  • Exodus 34:17 - gods thee no molten Thou shalt make

  • Genesis 34:17 - But if ye will not hearken unto us to be circumcised then will we take our daughter and we will be gone

  • Jeremiah 34:17 - Therefore thus saith the LORD Ye have not hearkened behold I proclaim a liberty and every man to his brother and every man to his neighbour behold I proclaim a liberty for you saith the LORD to the sword to the pestilence and to the famine and I will make into all the kingdoms of the earth

  • Jeremiah 34:18 - And I will give and passed my covenant which have not performed the words my covenant me when they cut before the calf me when they cut in twain and passed between the parts

  • Genesis 34:19 - deferred And the young man not to do the thing because he had delight daughter in Jacob's and he was more honourable than all the house of his father

  • Job 34:19 - How much less to him that accepteth more than of princes nor regardeth the rich more than the poor for they all are the work of his hands

  • Exodus 34:20 - But the firstling of an ass and if thou redeem with a lamb and if thou redeem him not then shalt thou break his neck All the firstborn of thy sons and if thou redeem And none shall appear before me empty

  • Job 34:20 - In a moment shall they die at midnight shall be troubled and the people and pass away shall be taken away and the mighty without hand

  • Psalms 34:20 - He keepeth all his bones not one of them is broken

  • 2 Chronicles 34:21 - enquire of the LORD for me and for them that are left in Israel and in Judah concerning the words in this book that is found for great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured out have not kept upon us because our fathers concerning the words of the LORD to do after all that is written in this book

  • Ezekiel 34:22 - Therefore will I save my flock and they shall no more be a prey and I will judge and cattle and cattle

  • Psalms 34:22 - redeemeth The LORD the soul of his servants in him shall be desolate and none of them that trust

  • Genesis 34:23 - Shall not their cattle and their substance and every beast of theirs be ours only let us consent unto them and they will dwell

  • Job 34:23 - upon man For he will not lay more than right that he should enter with God into judgment

  • Exodus 34:24 - For I will cast out the nations before thee and enlarge thy borders desire neither shall any man thy land when thou shalt go up to appear before the LORD thy God thrice in the year

  • Job 34:24 - He shall break in pieces mighty men without number and set others

  • Exodus 34:25 - Thou shalt not offer with leaven the blood neither shall the sacrifice be left unto the morning neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover

  • 2 Chronicles 34:25 - Because they have forsaken me and have burned incense gods unto other that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands shall be poured out therefore my wrath upon this place and shall not be quenched

  • Exodus 34:26 - The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God Thou shalt not seethe a kid milk in his mother's

  • Job 34:27 - Because they turned back from him any of his ways and would not consider

  • Exodus 34:28 - And he was there with the LORD and forty days and forty nights bread he did neither eat water nor drink And he wrote upon the tables commandments of the covenant the ten commandments

  • Ezekiel 34:28 - And they shall no more be a prey to the heathen neither shall the beast of the land devour them but they shall dwell safely and none shall make them afraid

  • 2 Chronicles 34:28 - Behold I will gather thee to thy fathers Behold I will gather to thy grave in peace see neither shall thine eyes all the evil that I will bring upon this place and upon the inhabitants again the king word

  • Exodus 34:29 - came down And it came to pass when Moses from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony hand And it came to pass when Moses came down from mount And it came to pass when Moses wist shone not that the skin of his face while he talked

  • Ezekiel 34:29 - And I will raise up for them a plant of renown and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land neither bear the shame of the heathen

  • Job 34:31 - unto God Surely it is meet to be said I have borne chastisement I will not offend

  • Job 34:32 - not That which I see teach iniquity thou me if I have done I will do

  • 2 Chronicles 34:33 - they departed And Josiah all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children in Israel even to serve and made all that were present in Israel even to serve the LORD the God And all his days they departed not from following the LORD the God of their fathers

  • Job 34:33 - Should it be according to thy mind he will recompense it whether thou refuse it whether thou refuse or whether thou choose what thou knowest and not I therefore speak