H3808 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
not (the simple or abs. negation); by implication, no; often used with other particles [idiom] before, [phrase] or else, ere, [phrase] except, ig(-norant), much, less, nay, neither, never, no((-ne), -r, (-thing)), ([idiom] as though...,(can-), for) not (out of), of nought, otherwise, out of, [phrase] surely, [phrase] as truly as, [phrase] of a truth, [phrase] verily, for want, [phrase] whether, without. or לוֹא; or לֹה; (Deuteronomy 3:11), a primitive particle;

3960 instances of the word לֹא lôʼ (H3808)

  • Jeremiah 51:5 - hath not been forsaken For Israel nor Judah of his God of the LORD of hosts though their land was filled with sin against the Holy One For Israel

  • Isaiah 51:6 - Lift up beneath for the heavens your eyes and look and the earth beneath for the heavens like smoke shall vanish away and the earth like a garment shall wax old and they that dwell in like therein shall die but my salvation shall be for ever and my righteousness shall not be abolished

  • Isaiah 51:9 - Awake Awake put on strength O arm of the LORD Awake days as in the ancient in the generations of old Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab and wounded the dragon

  • Jeremiah 51:9 - We would have healed Babylon We would have healed forsake every one into his own country reacheth unto heaven for her judgment and is lifted up even to the skies

  • Isaiah 51:10 - Art thou not it which hath dried of the sea the waters deep of the great that hath made the depths of the sea a way to pass over for the ransomed

  • Isaiah 51:14 - hasteneth The captive exile that he may be loosed and that he should not die in the pit should fail nor that his bread

  • Psalms 51:16 - For thou desirest not sacrifice else would I give not in burnt offering it thou delightest

  • Jeremiah 51:17 - is brutish Every man by his knowledge is confounded every founder by the graven image is falsehood for his molten image and there is no breath

  • Psalms 51:17 - The sacrifices O God spirit a broken heart a broken and a contrite O God thou wilt not despise

  • Jeremiah 51:19 - The portion of Jacob is not like them for he is the former of all things and Israel is the rod of his inheritance the LORD of hosts is his name

  • Isaiah 51:21 - Therefore hear now this thou afflicted and drunken but not with wine

  • Isaiah 51:22 - Thus saith thy Lord the LORD and thy God that pleadeth the cause of his people Behold I have taken out of thine hand of the cup of trembling even the dregs of the cup of my fury thou shalt no more drink it again

  • Jeremiah 51:26 - And they shall not take nor a stone for a corner nor a stone for foundations but thou shalt be desolate for ever saith the LORD

  • Jeremiah 51:39 - In their heat I will make their feasts and I will make them drunken that they may rejoice and sleep sleep a perpetual and not wake saith the LORD

  • Jeremiah 51:43 - Her cities are a desolation a land a dry and a wilderness a land dwelleth thereby wherein no man pass thereby neither doth any son of man

  • Jeremiah 51:44 - And I will punish Bel in Babylon and I will bring forth that which he hath swallowed up out of his mouth shall not flow together and the nations any more unto him yea the wall in Babylon shall fall

  • Jeremiah 51:57 - And I will make drunk her princes and her wise men her captains and her rulers and her mighty men and they shall sleep sleep a perpetual and not wake saith the King is the LORD of hosts whose name

  • Jeremiah 51:64 - And thou shalt say sink Thus shall Babylon and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her and they shall be weary Thus far are the words of Jeremiah

  • Isaiah 52:1 - Awake Awake put on thy strength O Zion put on garments thy beautiful O Jerusalem city the holy for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean

  • Isaiah 52:3 - For thus saith the LORD yourselves for nought Ye have sold without money and ye shall be redeemed

  • Jeremiah 52:6 - day of the month And in the fourth in the ninth day of the month was sore the famine in the city so that there was no bread for the people of the land

  • Psalms 52:7 - Lo this is the man that made not God his strength but trusted in the abundance of his riches and strengthened himself in his wickedness

  • Isaiah 52:12 - with haste For ye shall not go out by flight will go will go before for the LORD will be your rereward you and the God of Israel

  • Isaiah 52:15 - So shall he sprinkle nations many shall shut the kings their mouths at him for that which had not been told them shall they see and that which they had not heard shall they consider

  • Jeremiah 52:20 - pillars The two sea one bulls The two brasen that were under the bases had made which king Solomon in the house of the LORD was without weight brasen of all these vessels

  • Isaiah 53:2 - For he shall grow up him as a tender plant before and as a root ground out of a dry he hath no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire

  • Isaiah 53:3 - He is despised and rejected a man a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces He is despised and we esteemed

  • Psalms 53:4 - no knowledge Have the workers of iniquity as they eat my people as they eat bread upon God they have not called

  • Psalms 53:5 - fear There were they in great There were they in great because God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee thou hast put them to shame because God hath despised

  • Isaiah 53:7 - He was oppressed and he was afflicted so he openeth not his mouth as a lamb to the slaughter he is brought and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so he openeth not his mouth

  • Isaiah 53:9 - And he made with the wicked his grave and with the rich in his death no violence because he had done neither was any deceit in his mouth

  • Isaiah 54:1 - Sing O barren thou that didst not bear break forth into singing and cry aloud thou that didst not travail with child for more are the children of the desolate are the children of the married wife saith the LORD

  • Psalms 54:3 - For strangers are risen up against me and oppressors seek after my soul they have not set God before them Selah

  • Isaiah 54:4 - Fear not for thou shalt not be ashamed neither be thou confounded for thou shalt not be put to shame the shame of thy youth for thou shalt forget the reproach of thy widowhood and shalt not remember

  • Isaiah 54:10 - For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but my kindness shall depart from thee neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed saith that hath mercy the LORD

  • Isaiah 54:11 - O thou afflicted tossed with tempest and not comforted behold I will lay with fair colours thy stones and lay thy foundations with sapphires

  • Isaiah 54:14 - In righteousness shalt thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come near

  • Isaiah 54:17 - No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their righteousness is of me saith of the LORD

  • Isaiah 55:1 - Ho every one that thirsteth ye to the waters and he that hath no money buy and eat buy and he that hath no money and without price wine and milk

  • Isaiah 55:2 - Wherefore do ye spend money not for that which is not bread and your labour not for that which satisfieth diligently diligently unto me and eat ye that which is good delight itself in fatness and let your soul

  • Isaiah 55:5 - a nation that knew Behold thou shalt call a nation that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God and for the Holy One of Israel for he hath glorified

  • Isaiah 55:8 - For my thoughts For my thoughts my ways my ways saith the LORD

  • Isaiah 55:10 - cometh down For as the rain and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and maketh it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater

  • Isaiah 55:11 - So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent

  • Psalms 55:11 - Wickedness is in the midst depart not from her streets thereof deceit and guile

  • Psalms 55:12 - For it was not an enemy that reproached me then I could have borne it neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me then I would have hid

  • Isaiah 55:13 - Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree and it shall be to the LORD for a name sign for an everlasting that shall not be cut off

  • Psalms 55:19 - shall hear God them even he that abideth of old Selah Because they have no changes therefore they fear not God

  • Psalms 55:22 - Cast upon the LORD thy burden and he shall sustain suffer thee he shall never to be moved the righteous

  • Psalms 55:23 - But thou O God shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction men bloody and deceitful shall not live out half their days but I will trust

  • Psalms 56:4 - In God I will praise his word In God I have put my trust I will not fear can do what flesh

  • Isaiah 56:5 - Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters and a name them an everlasting Even unto them will I give that shall not be cut off

  • Psalms 56:8 - my wanderings Thou tellest put thou my tears into thy bottle are they not in thy book

  • Isaiah 56:10 - His watchmen are blind they are all ignorant dogs they are all dumb they cannot bark sleeping lying down loving to slumber

  • Isaiah 56:11 - dogs Yea they are greedy never have enough and they are shepherds never have that cannot understand to their own way they all look every one for his gain from his quarter

  • Psalms 56:11 - In God have I put my trust I will not be afraid can do what man

  • Psalms 56:13 - For thou hast delivered my soul from death wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling that I may walk before God in the light of the living

  • Isaiah 57:4 - Against whom do ye sport yourselves against whom make ye a wide mouth and draw out the tongue are ye not children of transgression a seed of falsehood

  • Isaiah 57:10 - in the greatness of thy way Thou art wearied yet saidst thou not There is no hope the life of thine hand thou hast found therefore thou wast not grieved

  • Isaiah 57:11 - And of whom hast thou been afraid and thou fearest that thou hast lied and hast not remembered me nor laid it to thy heart have not I held my peace even of old and thou fearest

  • Isaiah 57:12 - I will declare thy righteousness and thy works for they shall not profit

  • Isaiah 57:16 - for ever For I will not contend neither will I be always wroth for the spirit before should fail me and the souls which I have made

  • Isaiah 57:20 - But the wicked sea are like the troubled rest when it cannot are like the troubled whose waters mire and dirt

  • Isaiah 58:2 - me daily me daily Yet they seek to know my ways and delight as a nation righteousness that did not the ordinance of their God and forsook they ask not the ordinance of justice in approaching of their God and delight

  • Isaiah 58:3 - Wherefore have we fasted say they and thou seest not wherefore have we afflicted our soul and thou takest no knowledge Behold in the day of your fast ye find pleasure all your labours and exact

  • Isaiah 58:4 - for strife and debate Behold ye fast and to smite with the fist of wickedness Behold ye fast as ye do this day to be heard on high to make your voice

  • Psalms 58:5 - Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers charming never so wisely

  • Isaiah 58:6 - Is not this the fast that I have chosen to loose the bands of wickedness to undo burdens every yoke go and to let the oppressed free every yoke and that ye break

  • Isaiah 58:7 - Is it not to deal to the hungry thy bread the poor that are cast out and that thou bring to thy house when thou seest the naked that thou cover not thyself from thine own flesh him and that thou hide

  • Isaiah 58:11 - shall guide And the LORD thee continually and satisfy in drought thy soul thy bones and make fat garden and thou shalt be like a watered and like a spring of water fail of water

  • Isaiah 59:1 - Behold is not shortened hand the LORD'S that it cannot save heavy neither his ear that it cannot hear

  • Psalms 59:3 - For lo they lie in wait for my soul are gathered the mighty against me not for my transgression nor for my sin O LORD

  • Isaiah 59:6 - Their webs shall not become garments neither shall they cover are works are works are works of iniquity and the act of violence is in their hands

  • Isaiah 59:8 - The way of peace therein shall not know not and there is no judgment in their goings paths they have made them crooked whosoever goeth therein shall not know of peace

  • Isaiah 59:9 - far Therefore is judgment overtake from us neither doth justice us we wait for light but behold obscurity for brightness in darkness but we walk

  • Isaiah 59:14 - is turned away backward And judgment and justice afar off standeth is fallen in the street for truth and equity cannot enter

  • Psalms 59:15 - Let them wander up and down for meat if they be not satisfied and grudge

  • Isaiah 59:21 - As for me this is my covenant saith the LORD My spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart in thy mouth in thy mouth of thy seed in thy mouth of thy seed of thy seed saith the LORD from henceforth and for ever

  • Psalms 60:10 - Wilt not thou O God which hadst cast us off which didst not go out Wilt not thou O God with our armies

  • Isaiah 60:11 - shall be open Therefore thy gates continually day nor night they shall not be shut that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles and that their kings may be brought

  • Isaiah 60:12 - For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish For the nation shall be utterly shall be utterly

  • Isaiah 60:18 - shall no more be heard Violence in thy land wasting nor destruction within thy borders but thou shalt call Salvation thy walls and thy gates Praise

  • Isaiah 60:19 - The sun give light by day neither for brightness shall the moon light unto thee but the LORD give light shall be unto thee an everlasting and thy God thy glory

  • Isaiah 60:20 - shall no more go down Thy sun neither shall thy moon withdraw itself for the LORD light shall be thine everlasting shall be ended and the days of thy mourning

  • Isaiah 62:1 - For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest thereof go forth as brightness until the righteousness and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth

  • Psalms 62:2 - He only is my rock and my salvation he is my defence moved I shall not be greatly

  • Isaiah 62:4 - Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken and thy land Thou shalt no more be termed Desolate but thou shalt be called Hephzibah and thy land Beulah delighteth for the LORD and thy land Beulah

  • Isaiah 62:6 - upon thy walls O Jerusalem I have set watchmen day nor night which shall never hold their peace ye that make mention of the LORD keep not silence

  • Psalms 62:6 - He only is my rock and my salvation he is my defence I shall not be moved

  • Isaiah 62:12 - And they shall call people them The holy The redeemed of the LORD And they shall call Sought out A city not forsaken

  • Isaiah 63:8 - For he said Surely they are my people children that will not lie so he was their Saviour

  • Isaiah 63:9 - In all their affliction he was afflicted and the angel of his presence saved them in his love and in his pity he redeemed them and he bare them and carried them all the days of old

  • Isaiah 63:13 - them through the deep as an horse in the wilderness that they should not stumble

  • Isaiah 63:16 - Doubtless art our father Doubtless though Abraham be ignorant of us and Israel be ignorant acknowledge us not thou O LORD art our father our redeemer is from everlasting thy name

  • Isaiah 63:19 - We are thine thou never barest rule over them they were not called by thy name

  • Isaiah 64:3 - When thou didst terrible things which we looked not for thou camest down at thy presence the mountains flowed down

  • Isaiah 64:4 - For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear neither hath the eye seen O God beside thee what he hath prepared for him that waiteth

  • Psalms 64:4 - That they may shoot in secret at the perfect suddenly That they may shoot at him and fear

  • Isaiah 65:1 - I am sought me not of them that asked for me I am found me not of them that sought I said Behold me behold me unto a nation me not that was not called by my name

  • Isaiah 65:2 - I have spread out my hands all the day people unto a rebellious which walketh in a way that was not good after their own thoughts