H3811 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to tire; (figuratively) to be (or make) disgusted faint, grieve, lothe, (be, make) weary (selves). a primitive root;

18 instances of the word לָאָה lâʼâh (H3811)

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  • Isaiah 1:14 - Your new moons and your appointed feasts hateth my soul they are a trouble unto me I am weary to bear

  • Job 4:2 - If we assay to commune with thee wilt thou be grieved withhold himself from speaking but who can

  • Job 4:5 - But now it is come upon thee and thou faintest it toucheth thee and thou art troubled

  • Micah 6:3 - O my people what have I done unto thee and wherein have I wearied thee testify

  • Jeremiah 6:11 - of the fury of the LORD Therefore I am full I am weary with holding in I will pour it out upon the children abroad and upon the assembly of young men together for even the husband with the wife shall be taken the aged with him that is full of days

  • Isaiah 7:13 - And he said Hear ye now O house of David Is it a small thing but will ye weary but will ye weary my God

  • Exodus 7:18 - And the fish and the river shall die shall stink and the river shall lothe and the Egyptians to drink of the water and the river

  • Jeremiah 9:5 - every one his neighbour And they will deceive the truth and will not speak they have taught their tongue and will not speak lies themselves to commit iniquity and weary

  • Jeremiah 12:5 - with the footmen If thou hast run and they have wearied thee then how canst thou contend with horses and if in the land of peace wherein thou trustedst they wearied thee then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan

  • Jeremiah 15:6 - Thou hast forsaken me saith the LORD backward therefore will I stretch out my hand against thee and destroy thee I am weary with repenting

  • Job 16:7 - But now he hath made me weary thou hast made desolate all my company

  • Isaiah 16:12 - And it shall come to pass when it is seen is weary that Moab on the high place that he shall come to his sanctuary to pray but he shall not prevail

  • Genesis 19:11 - that were at the door of the house And they smote with blindness both small and great so that they wearied themselves to find that were at the door

  • Jeremiah 20:9 - Then I said I will not make mention of him nor speak any more in his name But his word was in mine heart fire as a burning shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could

  • Ezekiel 24:12 - herself with lies She hath wearied went not forth and her great out of her her scum shall be in the fire out of her her scum

  • Proverbs 26:15 - hideth The slothful his hand in his bosom it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth

  • Isaiah 47:13 - Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels stand up and save Let now the astrologers the stargazers prognosticators the monthly thee from these things that shall come

  • Psalms 68:9 - rain a plentiful didst send Thou O God thine inheritance when it was weary whereby thou didst confirm

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