H430 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative angels, [idiom] exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), [idiom] (very) great, judges, [idiom] mighty. plural of H433 (אֱלוֹהַּ);

2250 instances of the word אֱלֹהִים ʼĕlôhîym (H430)

  • Isaiah 51:15 - But I am the LORD thy God that divided the sea roared whose waves But I am the LORD of hosts is his name

  • Psalms 51:17 - The sacrifices O God spirit a broken heart a broken and a contrite O God thou wilt not despise

  • Isaiah 51:20 - Thy sons have fainted they lie at the head of all the streets as a wild bull in a net they are full of the fury of the LORD the rebuke of thy God

  • Isaiah 51:22 - Thus saith thy Lord the LORD and thy God that pleadeth the cause of his people Behold I have taken out of thine hand of the cup of trembling even the dregs of the cup of my fury thou shalt no more drink it again

  • Jeremiah 51:33 - For thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel The daughter of Babylon is like a threshingfloor and the time to thresh her yet a little while shall come and the time of her harvest

  • Isaiah 52:7 - How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publisheth peace of him that bringeth good tidings of good that publisheth salvation that saith unto Zion reigneth Thy God

  • Psalms 52:7 - Lo this is the man that made not God his strength but trusted in the abundance of his riches and strengthened himself in his wickedness

  • Psalms 52:8 - olive tree But I am like a green in the house of God I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever

  • Isaiah 52:10 - hath made bare The LORD arm his holy in the eyes of all the nations shall see and all the ends of the earth the salvation of our God

  • Isaiah 52:12 - with haste For ye shall not go out by flight will go will go before for the LORD will be your rereward you and the God of Israel

  • Psalms 53:1 - hath said The fool in his heart There is no God Corrupt are they and have done abominable iniquity there is none that doeth good

  • Psalms 53:2 - God from heaven looked down upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand that did seek God

  • Isaiah 53:4 - Surely our griefs he hath borne our sorrows and carried yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted

  • Psalms 53:4 - no knowledge Have the workers of iniquity as they eat my people as they eat bread upon God they have not called

  • Psalms 53:5 - fear There were they in great There were they in great because God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee thou hast put them to shame because God hath despised

  • Psalms 53:6 - Oh that were come out of Zion the salvation and Israel bringeth back When God the captivity of his people shall rejoice Jacob shall be glad and Israel

  • Psalms 54:1 - me O God by thy name himself with us Save me by thy strength and judge

  • Psalms 54:2 - O God Hear my prayer give ear to the words of my mouth

  • Psalms 54:3 - For strangers are risen up against me and oppressors seek after my soul they have not set God before them Selah

  • Psalms 54:4 - Behold God is mine helper the Lord is with them that uphold my soul

  • Isaiah 54:5 - is thine husband For thy Maker the LORD of hosts is his name and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel The God of the whole earth shall he be called

  • Isaiah 54:6 - and a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit hath called For the LORD and a wife of youth when thou wast refused saith thy God

  • Psalms 55:1 - Give ear O God to my prayer and hide not thyself from my supplication

  • Isaiah 55:5 - a nation that knew Behold thou shalt call a nation that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God and for the Holy One of Israel for he hath glorified

  • Isaiah 55:7 - forsake Let the wicked his way man and the unrighteous his thoughts and let him return unto the LORD and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon

  • Psalms 55:14 - together We took sweet counsel unto the house of God and walked in company

  • Psalms 55:16 - upon God As for me I will call and the LORD shall save

  • Psalms 55:19 - shall hear God them even he that abideth of old Selah Because they have no changes therefore they fear not God

  • Psalms 55:23 - But thou O God shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction men bloody and deceitful shall not live out half their days but I will trust

  • Psalms 56:1 - Be merciful unto me O God would swallow me up for man daily he fighting oppresseth

  • Psalms 56:4 - In God I will praise his word In God I have put my trust I will not fear can do what flesh

  • Psalms 56:7 - by iniquity Shall they escape in thine anger the people cast down O God

  • Psalms 56:9 - turn unto thee then shall mine enemies back When I cry this I know for God

  • Psalms 56:10 - In God will I praise his word in the LORD will I praise his word

  • Psalms 56:11 - In God have I put my trust I will not be afraid can do what man

  • Psalms 56:12 - are upon me O God Thy vows I will render praises

  • Psalms 56:13 - For thou hast delivered my soul from death wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling that I may walk before God in the light of the living

  • Psalms 57:1 - Be merciful unto me O God Be merciful trusteth unto me for my soul in thee yea in the shadow of thy wings trusteth be overpast until these calamities

  • Psalms 57:2 - I will cry unto God most high unto God that performeth

  • Psalms 57:3 - He shall send from heaven and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up Selah He shall send God his mercy and his truth

  • Psalms 57:5 - Be thou exalted above the heavens O God be above all the earth let thy glory

  • Psalms 57:7 - is fixed My heart O God is fixed My heart I will sing and give praise

  • Psalms 57:11 - Be thou exalted above the heavens O God be above all the earth let thy glory

  • Isaiah 57:21 - There is no peace saith my God to the wicked

  • Isaiah 58:2 - me daily me daily Yet they seek to know my ways and delight as a nation righteousness that did not the ordinance of their God and forsook they ask not the ordinance of justice in approaching of their God and delight

  • Psalms 58:6 - O God Break their teeth in their mouth the great teeth of the young lions break out O LORD

  • Psalms 58:11 - shall say So that a man Verily there is a reward for the righteous verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth

  • Psalms 59:1 - Deliver me from mine enemies O my God me from them that rise up defend

  • Isaiah 59:2 - But your iniquities have separated between between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear

  • Psalms 59:5 - Thou therefore O LORD God of hosts God of Israel awake to visit all the heathen be not merciful transgressors to any wicked Selah

  • Psalms 59:9 - Because of his strength will I wait upon thee for God is my defence

  • Psalms 59:10 - The God of my mercy shall prevent The God shall let me see my desire upon mine enemies

  • Isaiah 59:13 - In transgressing and lying against the LORD and departing away from our God speaking oppression and revolt conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood

  • Psalms 59:13 - Consume them in wrath Consume them that they may not be and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth Selah

  • Psalms 59:17 - Unto thee O my strength will I sing and the God is my defence and the God of my mercy

  • Psalms 60:1 - O God thou hast cast us off thou hast scattered us thou hast been displeased O turn thyself to us again

  • Psalms 60:6 - God hath spoken in his holiness I will rejoice I will divide Shechem the valley of Succoth and mete out

  • Isaiah 60:9 - Surely the isles shall wait for me and the ships of Tarshish first to bring thy sons from far their silver and their gold with them unto the name of the LORD thy God and to the Holy One of Israel because he hath glorified

  • Psalms 60:10 - Wilt not thou O God which hadst cast us off which didst not go out Wilt not thou O God with our armies

  • Psalms 60:12 - Through God we shall do valiantly for he it is that shall tread down our enemies

  • Isaiah 60:19 - The sun give light by day neither for brightness shall the moon light unto thee but the LORD give light shall be unto thee an everlasting and thy God thy glory

  • Psalms 61:1 - Hear O God my cry attend unto my prayer

  • Isaiah 61:2 - To proclaim year the acceptable of the LORD and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn

  • Psalms 61:5 - For thou O God hast heard my vows thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name

  • Isaiah 61:6 - the Priests of the LORD But ye shall be named you the Ministers of our God men shall call the riches of the Gentiles ye shall eat and in their glory shall ye boast

  • Psalms 61:7 - He shall abide for ever before God mercy and truth O prepare which may preserve

  • Isaiah 61:10 - I will greatly I will greatly in the LORD shall be joyful my soul in my God for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation me with the robe of righteousness he hath covered as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels

  • Psalms 62:1 - upon God waiteth Truly my soul from him cometh my salvation

  • Isaiah 62:3 - Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD diadem and a royal in the hand of thy God

  • Isaiah 62:5 - marrieth For as a young man a virgin marrieth so shall thy sons rejoiceth thee and as the bridegroom over the bride rejoice so shall thy God

  • Psalms 62:5 - thou only upon God wait My soul for my expectation

  • Psalms 62:7 - In God is my salvation and my glory the rock of my strength and my refuge In God

  • Psalms 62:8 - Trust in him at all times ye people pour out before your heart him God is a refuge for us Selah

  • Psalms 62:11 - once hath spoken God twice this have I heard that power God

  • Psalms 63:1 - O God thou art my God early will I seek thirsteth thee my soul longeth for thee my flesh land for thee in a dry and thirsty where no water

  • Psalms 63:11 - But the king shall rejoice in God by him shall glory every one that sweareth shall be stopped but the mouth of them that speak lies

  • Psalms 64:1 - Hear O God my voice in my prayer from fear of the enemy preserve my life

  • Isaiah 64:4 - For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear neither hath the eye seen O God beside thee what he hath prepared for him that waiteth

  • Psalms 64:7 - shall shoot But God at them with an arrow suddenly shall they be wounded

  • Psalms 64:9 - shall fear And all men and shall declare the work of God of his doing for they shall wisely consider

  • Psalms 65:1 - waiteth Praise for thee O God in Sion be performed and unto thee shall the vow

  • Psalms 65:5 - By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us O God of our salvation who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth upon the sea and of them that are afar off

  • Psalms 65:9 - Thou visitest the earth and waterest it thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God which is full of water thou preparest them corn thou preparest

  • Isaiah 65:16 - That he who blesseth himself in the earth That he who blesseth by the God of truth and he that sweareth himself in the earth and he that sweareth by the God of truth are forgotten troubles because the former and because they are hid from mine eyes

  • Psalms 66:1 - Make a joyful noise unto God all ye lands

  • Psalms 66:3 - Say unto God How terrible art thou in thy works through the greatness of thy power submit shall thine enemies

  • Psalms 66:5 - and see the works of God he is terrible in his doing toward the children of men

  • Psalms 66:8 - O bless ye people our God to be heard and make the voice of his praise

  • Isaiah 66:9 - shall I Shall I bring to the birth and not cause to bring forth saith the LORD shall I and not cause to bring forth and shut saith thy God

  • Psalms 66:10 - hast proved For thou O God is tried is tried us as silver

  • Psalms 66:16 - and hear and I will declare all ye that fear God what he hath done for my soul

  • Psalms 66:19 - But verily hath heard God me he hath attended to the voice of my prayer

  • Psalms 66:20 - Blessed be God which hath not turned away my prayer nor his mercy

  • Psalms 67:1 - God be merciful unto us and bless to shine us and cause his face upon us Selah

  • Psalms 67:3 - praise Let the people thee O God praise Let the people

  • Psalms 67:5 - praise Let the people thee O God praise Let the people

  • Psalms 67:6 - Then shall the earth yield her increase shall bless and God and God

  • Psalms 67:7 - shall bless God shall fear us and all the ends of the earth

  • Psalms 68:1 - arise Let God be scattered let his enemies him flee let them also that hate before

  • Psalms 68:2 - is driven away As smoke is driven away melteth as wax at the presence the fire perish so let the wicked at the presence of God