H4503 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a donation; euphemistically, tribute; specifically a sacrificial offering (usually bloodless and voluntary) gift, oblation, (meat) offering, present, sacrifice. from an unused root meaning to apportion, i.e. bestow;

194 instances of the word מִנְחָה minchâh (H4503)

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  • Joel 1:9 - is cut off The meat offering and the drink offering from the house of the LORD mourn the priests ministers of the LORD

  • Malachi 1:10 - Who is there even among you that would shut the doors for nought neither do ye kindle fire on mine altar for nought I have no pleasure in you saith the LORD of hosts an offering neither will I accept at your hand

  • Malachi 1:11 - For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down shall be great for my name among the Gentiles and in every place incense shall be offered for my name offering and a pure shall be great for my name among the Gentiles saith the LORD of hosts

  • Isaiah 1:13 - no more Bring oblations vain incense is an abomination unto me the new moons and sabbaths the calling of assemblies I cannot away with it is iniquity even the solemn meeting

  • Joel 1:13 - Gird yourselves and lament ye priests howl ye ministers of the altar come lie all night in sackcloth ye ministers of my God is withholden from the house of my God for the meat offering and the drink offering

  • Malachi 1:13 - Ye said also Behold what a weariness is it! and ye have snuffed Ye said the LORD of hosts and ye brought that which was torn and the lame and the sick and ye brought an offering should I accept this of your hand Ye said the LORD

  • Leviticus 2:1 - And when any will offer his offering a meat unto the LORD shall be of fine flour his offering and he shall pour oil upon it and put frankincense

  • Leviticus 2:3 - And the remnant of the meat offering shall be Aaron's and his sons holy holy made by fire of the LORD

  • Leviticus 2:4 - And if thou bring an oblation of a meat offering baken in the oven of fine flour cakes it shall be unleavened mingled with oil wafers it shall be unleavened anointed with oil

  • Leviticus 2:5 - be a meat offering baken in a pan And if thy oblation it shall be of fine flour mingled with oil unleavened

  • Leviticus 2:6 - Thou shalt part it in pieces and pour oil thereon it is a meat offering

  • Leviticus 2:7 - be a meat offering baken in the fryingpan And if thy oblation of fine flour with oil it shall be made

  • Leviticus 2:8 - And thou shalt bring the meat offering that is made of these things unto the LORD and when it is presented unto the priest he shall bring it unto the altar

  • Leviticus 2:9 - shall take And the priest from the meat offering a memorial thereof and shall burn it upon the altar it is an offering made by fire savour of a sweet unto the LORD

  • Leviticus 2:10 - And that which is left of the meat offering shall be Aaron's and his sons holy holy made by fire of the LORD

  • Leviticus 2:11 - No meat offering which ye shall bring of the LORD shall be made with leaven no leaven nor any honey for ye shall burn in any offering of the LORD

  • Malachi 2:12 - will cut off The LORD the man that doeth this the master and the scholar out of the tabernacles of Jacob and him that offereth an offering The LORD of hosts

  • Leviticus 2:13 - And every oblation from thy meat offering neither shalt thou suffer the salt shalt thou season to be lacking neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God from thy meat offering And every oblation thou shalt offer neither shalt thou suffer the salt

  • Malachi 2:13 - again And this have ye done covering with tears the altar of the LORD with weeping and with crying out insomuch that he regardeth not the offering any more or receiveth it with good will at your hand

  • Joel 2:14 - Who knoweth if he will return and repent and leave behind a blessing him even a meat offering and a drink offering unto the LORD your God

  • Leviticus 2:14 - And if thou offer a meat offering of thy firstfruits unto the LORD green ears of corn dried by the fire even corn beaten out of full ears And if thou offer a meat offering of thy firstfruits

  • Leviticus 2:15 - And thou shalt put oil upon it and lay frankincense thereon it is a meat offering

  • 1 Samuel 2:17 - Wherefore the sin of the young men great was very before of the LORD abhorred for men the offering of the LORD

  • 1 Samuel 2:29 - Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and at mine offering which I have commanded in my habitation and honourest thy sons above me to make yourselves fat with the chiefest and at mine offering of Israel my people

  • Malachi 3:3 - And he shall sit as a refiner and he shall purify and silver and he shall purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver unto the LORD that they may offer an offering in righteousness

  • Malachi 3:4 - be pleasant unto the LORD Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem as in the days of old years and as in former

  • Zephaniah 3:10 - From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants even the daughter of my dispersed shall bring mine offering

  • 1 Samuel 3:14 - And therefore I have sworn house of Eli shall not be purged that the iniquity house of Eli with sacrifice nor offering for ever

  • Judges 3:15 - cried But when the children of Israel the LORD raised them up the LORD a deliverer Ehud But when the children of Gera a Benjamite a man lefthanded and by him sent But when the children of Israel and by him a present unto Eglon the king of Moab

  • Judges 3:17 - And he brought the present and Eglon king of Moab and Eglon man fat was a very

  • Judges 3:18 - And when he had made an end to offer the present he sent away the people that bare the present

  • 2 Kings 3:20 - And it came to pass in the morning was offered when the meat offering water that behold there came by the way of Edom was filled and the country water

  • Genesis 4:3 - And in process of time brought it came to pass that Cain of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD

  • Genesis 4:4 - And Abel brought he also of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat had respect thereof And the LORD And Abel and to his offering

  • Genesis 4:5 - And Cain and to his offering he had not respect wroth And Cain was very fell and his countenance

  • Numbers 4:16 - And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest oil for the light incense and the sweet meat offering and the daily oil and the anointing And to the office of all the tabernacle and of all that therein is in the sanctuary and in the vessels

  • 1 Kings 4:21 - And Solomon reigned over all kingdoms from the river unto the land of the Philistines and unto the border of Egypt they brought presents and served And Solomon all the days of his life

  • Leviticus 5:13 - shall make an atonement And the priest for him as touching his sin that he hath sinned in one of these and it shall be forgiven And the priest as a meat offering

  • Numbers 5:15 - and he shall bring Then shall the man his wife unto the priest and he shall bring her offering for her the tenth part of an ephah meal of barley he shall pour no oil upon it nor put frankincense an offering of jealousy an offering of memorial bringing iniquity

  • Numbers 5:18 - shall set And the priest the woman before the LORD and uncover head the woman and put in her hands offering of memorial offering which is the jealousy shall have in his hand And the priest water the bitter that causeth the curse

  • Amos 5:22 - Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings I will not accept the peace offerings of your fat beasts them neither will I regard

  • Amos 5:25 - unto me sacrifices and offerings Have ye offered in the wilderness forty years O house of Israel

  • Numbers 5:25 - shall take Then the priest hand out of the woman's offering the jealousy and shall wave offering before the LORD and offer it upon the altar

  • Numbers 5:26 - shall take an handful And the priest of the offering even the memorial thereof and burn it upon the altar and afterward to drink shall cause the woman the water

  • Leviticus 6:14 - And this is the law of the meat offering shall offer the sons of Aaron before the LORD before the altar

  • Leviticus 6:15 - And he shall take of it his handful of the flour of the meat offering and of the oil thereof and all the frankincense of the meat offering and shall burn it upon the altar savour for a sweet even the memorial of it unto the LORD

  • Numbers 6:15 - And a basket of unleavened bread of fine flour cakes mingled with oil and wafers of unleavened bread anointed with oil and their meat offering and their drink offerings

  • Numbers 6:17 - the ram And he shall offer for a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the LORD with the basket of unleavened bread And he shall offer the priest also his meat offering and his drink offering

  • Judges 6:18 - Depart not hence I pray thee until I come unto thee and bring forth my present and set it before thee And he said I will tarry until thou come again

  • Leviticus 6:20 - This is the offering of Aaron and of his sons which they shall offer unto the LORD in the day when he is anointed the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a meat offering perpetual and half of it in the morning and half thereof at night

  • Leviticus 6:21 - In a pan with oil it shall be made and when it is baken thou shalt bring it in and the baken of the meat offering pieces shalt thou offer savour for a sweet unto the LORD

  • Leviticus 6:23 - For every meat offering for the priest shall be wholly burnt it shall not be eaten

  • 2 Chronicles 7:7 - hallowed Moreover Solomon the middle of the court that was before the house of the LORD for there he offered burnt offerings and the fat of the peace offerings altar because the brasen for there he offered Moreover Solomon was not able to receive burnt offerings and the meat offerings and the fat

  • Leviticus 7:9 - And all the meat offering that is baken in the oven and all that is dressed and in the pan in the fryingpan shall be the priest's that offereth

  • Leviticus 7:10 - And every meat offering mingled with oil and dry shall all the sons of Aaron have one as much as another

  • Numbers 7:13 - And his offering charger silver shekels one and thirty thereof was an hundred the weight bowl shekels one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them were full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:19 - He offered for his offering charger silver one and thirty whereof was an hundred the weight bowl one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:25 - His offering charger silver shekels one and thirty whereof was an hundred the weight bowl shekels one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:31 - His offering charger silver shekels one and thirty of an hundred of the weight bowl shekels one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Leviticus 7:37 - This is the law of the burnt offering of the meat offering and of the sin offering and of the trespass offering and of the consecrations and of the sacrifice of the peace offerings

  • Numbers 7:37 - His offering charger silver shekels one and thirty whereof was an hundred the weight bowl shekels one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:43 - His offering charger shekels a silver was one and thirty of an hundred of the weight bowl was one shekels a silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:49 - His offering charger silver shekels one and thirty whereof was an hundred the weight bowl shekels one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:55 - His offering charger silver shekels one and thirty of an hundred of the weight bowl shekels one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:61 - His offering charger silver shekels one and thirty whereof was an hundred the weight bowl shekels one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:67 - His offering charger silver shekels one and thirty whereof was an hundred the weight bowl shekels one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:73 - His offering charger silver shekels one and thirty whereof was an hundred the weight bowl shekels one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:79 - His offering charger silver shekels one and thirty whereof was an hundred the weight bowl shekels one silver of seventy after the shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering

  • Numbers 7:87 - All the oxen for the burnt offering twelve bullocks the rams twelve the lambs of the first year twelve with their meat offering and the kids of the goats twelve for sin offering

  • 2 Samuel 8:2 - And he smote And so the Moabites and measured line casting them down to the ground and measured even with two line he to put to death and with one full line to keep alive And so the Moabites became David's servants and brought gifts

  • 2 Samuel 8:6 - put David garrisons and the Syrians of Damascus and the Syrians David became servants and brought gifts preserved And the LORD David whithersoever he went

  • 2 Kings 8:8 - by him saying And the king unto Hazael Take in thine hand a present meet the man of God and enquire of the LORD by him saying Shall I recover of this disease

  • Numbers 8:8 - Then let them take bullock a young with his meat offering even fine flour mingled with oil bullock and another a young Then let them take for a sin offering

  • 2 Kings 8:9 - So Hazael to meet him and took a present with him even of every good thing of Damascus burden forty camels and came and stood before him and said Thy son Benhadad king of Syria hath sent him and said Shall I recover of this disease

  • 1 Kings 8:64 - The same day hallow did the king the middle of the court that was before the house of the LORD for there he offered burnt offerings and meat offerings and the fat of the peace offerings altar because the brasen that was before of the LORD was too little to receive burnt offerings and meat offerings and the fat of the peace offerings

  • Ezra 9:4 - Then were assembled unto me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel because of the transgression of those that had been carried away and I sat astonied sacrifice until the evening

  • Leviticus 9:4 - Also a bullock and a ram for peace offerings to sacrifice before the LORD and a meat offering mingled with oil for to day the LORD will appear

  • Ezra 9:5 - sacrifice And at the evening I arose up from my heaviness and having rent my garment and my mantle I fell upon my knees and spread out my hands unto the LORD my God

  • Leviticus 9:17 - And he brought the meat offering and took an handful thereof and burnt it upon the altar beside the burnt sacrifice of the morning

  • Daniel 9:21 - Yea whiles I was speaking in prayer even the man Gabriel whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly touched me about the time oblation of the evening

  • 2 Chronicles 9:24 - And they brought every man his present and vessels of silver and vessels of gold and raiment harness and spices horses and mules a rate by year by year

  • Daniel 9:27 - And he shall confirm the covenant with many of the week for one and in the midst of the week to cease he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured he shall make it desolate

  • Hosea 10:6 - unto Assyria It shall be also carried for a present to king Jareb shame Ephraim shall receive shall be ashamed and Israel of his own counsel

  • Leviticus 10:12 - spake And Moses unto Aaron and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar his sons that remaineth Take the meat offering that remaineth made by fire of the LORD and eat it without leaven beside the altar for it is most for it is most

  • 1 Kings 10:25 - And they brought every man his present and vessels of silver and vessels of gold and garments and armour and spices horses and mules a rate by year by year

  • 1 Samuel 10:27 - But the children of Belial said How shall this man save us And they despised him and brought him no presents But he held his peace

  • Nehemiah 10:33 - For the shewbread meat offering and for the continual burnt offering and for the continual of the sabbaths of the new moons for the set feasts and for the holy things and for the sin offerings to make an atonement for Israel and for all the work of the house of our God

  • Nehemiah 13:5 - And he had prepared chamber for him a great where aforetime they laid the meat offerings the frankincense and the vessels and the tithes of the corn the new wine and the oil which was commanded to be given to the Levites and the singers and the porters and the offerings of the priests

  • Nehemiah 13:9 - Then I commanded and they cleansed the chambers and thither brought I again the vessels of the house of God with the meat offering and the frankincense

  • Judges 13:19 - took So Manoah a kid with a meat offering and offered it upon a rock unto the LORD wondrously and the angel did So Manoah and his wife looked on

  • Judges 13:23 - said But his wife unto him If were pleased the LORD to kill us he would not have received at our hands a burnt offering and a meat offering neither would he have shewed us all these things nor would as at this time have told us such things as these

  • Leviticus 14:10 - day And on the eighth he shall take two he lambs without blemish ewe lamb and one of the first year without blemish and three tenth deals of fine flour for a meat offering mingled of oil log and one of oil

  • Jeremiah 14:12 - When they fast I will not hear their cry and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation I will not accept them by the sword and by the famine and by the pestilence them but I will consume

  • Leviticus 14:20 - shall offer And the priest the burnt offering and the meat offering upon the altar shall make an atonement And the priest for him and he shall be clean

  • Leviticus 14:21 - And if he be poor and cannot get so much then he shall take lamb for him and one for a trespass offering to be waved to make an atonement tenth deal of fine flour for him and one mingled of oil for a meat offering and a log of oil

  • Leviticus 14:31 - is able to get Even such as he and the other for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering with the meat offering shall make an atonement and the priest for him that is to be cleansed before the LORD

  • Numbers 15:4 - Then shall he that offereth Then shall he that offereth his offering unto the LORD a meat offering of flour of a tenth deal mingled with the fourth part of an hin of oil

  • Numbers 15:6 - Or for a ram thou shalt prepare for a meat offering of flour two tenth deals mingled of oil with the third part of an hin

  • Numbers 15:9 - Then shall he bring with a bullock a meat offering of flour of three tenth deals mingled of oil with half an hin

  • Numbers 15:24 - without the knowledge of the congregation Then it shall be if ought be committed by ignorance Then it shall be if ought be committed of the congregation bullock young and one for a burnt offering savour for a sweet unto the LORD with his meat offering and his drink offering according to the manner kid of the goats and one for a sin offering

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