H5066 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to be or come (causatively, bring) near (for any purpose); euphemistically, to lie with a woman; as an enemy, to attack; religious to worship; causatively, to present; figuratively, to adduce an argument; by reversal, to stand back (make to) approach (nigh), bring (forth, hither, near), (cause to) come (hither, near, nigh), give place, go hard (up), (be, draw, go) near (nigh), offer, overtake, present, put, stand. a primitive root;

111 instances of the word נָגַשׁ nâgash (H5066)

  • Genesis 44:18 - came near Then Judah unto him and said Oh in my lord's I pray thee speak against thy servant a word ears in my lord's burn and let not thine anger against thy servant for thou art even as Pharaoh

  • Genesis 45:4 - And he said And Joseph unto his brethren Come near Come near And he said And Joseph unto his brethren whom ye sold into Egypt

  • Isaiah 45:20 - Assemble yourselves and come draw near together ye that are escaped of the nations they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image and pray unto a god that cannot save

  • Isaiah 45:21 - Tell ye and bring them near yea let them take counsel together who hath declared this from ancient time Tell it from that time have not I the LORD there is none and there is no God else beside God me a just and a Saviour there is none beside

  • Jeremiah 46:3 - Order ye the buckler and shield and draw near to battle

  • Genesis 48:10 - Now the eyes of Israel were dim for age so that he could not see And he brought them near unto him and he kissed them and embraced

  • Genesis 48:13 - took And Joseph them both Ephraim in his right hand in his left hand toward Israel's and Manasseh in his left hand in his right hand toward Israel's and brought them near

  • Isaiah 49:20 - the other shall say again in thine ears The children which thou shalt have after thou hast lost is too strait The place for me give to me that I may dwell

  • Isaiah 50:8 - He is near that justifieth me who will contend with me let us stand together who is mine adversary let him come near

  • Isaiah 65:5 - Which say Stand by thyself come not near to me for I am holier than thou These are a smoke in my nose a fire that burneth all the day

  • Psalms 91:7 - shall fall at thy side A thousand and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh