H5265 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, to pull up, especially the tent-pins, i.e. start on ajourney cause to blow, bring, get, (make to) go (away, forth, forward, onward, out), (take) journey, march, remove, set aside (forward), [idiom] still, be on his (go their) way. a primitive root;

140 instances of the word נָסַע nâçaʻ (H5265)

  • Isaiah 33:20 - Look upon Zion the city of our solemnities thine eyes shall see Jerusalem habitation a quiet a tabernacle that shall not be taken down be removed not one of the stakes thereof shall ever neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken

  • Numbers 33:20 - And they departed from Rimmonparez and pitched in Libnah

  • Numbers 33:21 - And they removed from Libnah and pitched at Rissah

  • Numbers 33:22 - And they journeyed from Rissah and pitched in Kehelathah

  • Numbers 33:23 - And they went from Kehelathah and pitched in mount Shapher

  • Numbers 33:24 - And they removed from mount Shapher and encamped in Haradah

  • Numbers 33:25 - And they removed from Haradah and pitched in Makheloth

  • Numbers 33:26 - And they removed from Makheloth and encamped at Tahath

  • Numbers 33:27 - And they departed from Tahath and pitched at Tarah

  • Numbers 33:28 - And they removed from Tarah and pitched in Mithcah

  • Numbers 33:29 - And they went from Mithcah and pitched in Hashmonah

  • Numbers 33:30 - And they departed from Hashmonah and encamped at Moseroth

  • Numbers 33:31 - And they departed from Moseroth and pitched in Benejaakan

  • Numbers 33:32 - And they removed from Benejaakan and encamped at Horhagidgad

  • Numbers 33:33 - And they went from Horhagidgad and pitched in Jotbathah

  • Numbers 33:34 - And they removed from Jotbathah and encamped at Ebronah

  • Numbers 33:35 - And they departed from Ebronah and encamped at Eziongaber

  • Numbers 33:36 - And they removed from Eziongaber and pitched in the wilderness of Zin which is Kadesh

  • Numbers 33:37 - And they removed from Kadesh and pitched Hor in mount in the edge of the land of Edom

  • Numbers 33:41 - And they departed Hor from mount and pitched in Zalmonah

  • Numbers 33:42 - And they departed from Zalmonah and pitched in Punon

  • Numbers 33:43 - And they departed from Punon and pitched in Oboth

  • Numbers 33:44 - And they departed from Oboth and pitched in Ijeabarim in the border of Moab

  • Numbers 33:45 - And they departed from Iim and pitched in Dibongad

  • Numbers 33:46 - And they removed from Dibongad and encamped in Almondiblathaim

  • Numbers 33:47 - And they removed from Almondiblathaim and pitched in the mountains of Abarim before Nebo

  • Numbers 33:48 - And they departed from the mountains of Abarim and pitched in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho

  • Genesis 35:5 - And they journeyed and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob

  • Genesis 35:16 - And they journeyed from Bethel and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath labour and Rachel and she had hard labour

  • Genesis 35:21 - journeyed And Israel and spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar

  • Isaiah 37:8 - returned So Rabshakeh and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish

  • Genesis 37:17 - said And the man They are departed hence for I heard said them in Dothan And Joseph after his brethren and found them in Dothan

  • Isaiah 37:37 - departed and returned So Sennacherib king of Assyria and dwelt at Nineveh

  • Isaiah 38:12 - Mine age is departed and is removed tent from me as a shepherd's I have cut off like a weaver my life with pining sickness he will cut me off from day even to night wilt thou make an end

  • Exodus 40:36 - was taken up And when the cloud from over the tabernacle went onward the children of Israel in all their journeys

  • Exodus 40:37 - that it was taken up But if the cloud then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up

  • Genesis 46:1 - took his journey And Israel with all that he had and came to Beersheba and offered sacrifices unto the God of his father Isaac

  • Psalms 78:26 - to blow He caused an east wind in the heaven he brought in and by his power the south wind

  • Psalms 78:52 - to go forth like sheep But made his own people and guided like a flock them in the wilderness

  • Psalms 80:8 - a vine out of Egypt Thou hast brought thou hast cast out the heathen and planted