H559 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to say (used with great latitude) answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, [phrase] (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, [idiom] desire, determine, [idiom] expressly, [idiom] indeed, [idiom] intend, name, [idiom] plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), [idiom] still, [idiom] suppose, talk, tell, term, [idiom] that is, [idiom] think, use (speech), utter, [idiom] verily, [idiom] yet. a primitive root;

4308 instances of the word אָמַר ʼâmar (H559)

  • Genesis 38:23 - said And Judah Let her take it to her lest we be shamed behold I sent this kid and thou hast not found

  • Genesis 38:24 - And it came to pass about three months after that it was told And Judah said hath played the harlot Tamar thy daughter in law and also behold she is with child by whoredom said And Judah Bring her forth and let her be burnt

  • Jeremiah 38:24 - Then said Zedekiah unto Jeremiah Let no man know of these words and thou shalt not die

  • Genesis 38:25 - When she was brought forth she sent to her father in law and she said whose these are am I with child and she said Discern I pray thee whose are these the signet and bracelets and staff

  • Jeremiah 38:25 - hear But if the princes said with thee and they come unto thee and say unto thee Declare said also what the king hide it not from us and we will not put thee to death said also what the king

  • Genesis 38:26 - acknowledged And Judah them and said She hath been more righteous than I because that I gave her not to Shelah my son again And he knew her

  • Jeremiah 38:26 - Then thou shalt say unto them I presented my supplication before the king that he would not cause me to return house to Jonathan's to die

  • Genesis 38:28 - And it came to pass when she travailed that the one put out his hand took And it came to pass when she travailed and bound his hand a scarlet thread saying This came out first

  • Genesis 38:29 - And it came to pass as he drew back his hand came out that behold his brother and she said How hast thou broken forth this breach was called be upon thee therefore his name Pharez

  • Job 38:35 - Canst thou send lightnings and say

  • Ezekiel 39:1 - Therefore thou son of man prophesy Behold I am against thee O Gog Thus saith Thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I am against thee O Gog prince the chief of Meshech and Tubal

  • Psalms 39:1 - I said I will keep to my ways that I sin not with my tongue I will keep my mouth with a bridle while the wicked

  • Isaiah 39:3 - Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said and said these men and from whence Then came and said Hezekiah country from a far Then came unto me even from Babylon

  • Isaiah 39:4 - Then said have they seen All that is in mine house Then said And Hezekiah All that is in mine house have they seen there is nothing have they seen among my treasures

  • Isaiah 39:5 - Then said Isaiah to Hezekiah Hear the word of the LORD of hosts

  • Isaiah 39:6 - Behold the days come shall be carried that all that is in thine house have laid up in store and that which thy fathers Behold the days to Babylon shall be left nothing saith the LORD

  • Genesis 39:7 - And it came to pass after these things cast wife that his master's her eyes upon Joseph and she said Lie

  • Genesis 39:8 - But he refused and said wife Behold my master Behold my master wotteth not what is with me in the house all that he hath and he hath committed to my hand

  • Isaiah 39:8 - He said Hezekiah to Isaiah Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken He said moreover For there shall be peace and truth in my days

  • Jeremiah 39:11 - gave charge Now Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon concerning Jeremiah to Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard saying

  • Genesis 39:12 - And she caught him by his garment saying Lie with me and he left him by his garment in her hand and fled and got him out

  • Genesis 39:14 - That she called an Hebrew of her house and spake and spake See he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock he hath brought in unto me to lie That she called voice with a loud

  • Jeremiah 39:15 - came unto Jeremiah Now the word of the LORD while he was shut up in the court of the prison saying

  • Jeremiah 39:16 - Go Thus saith to Ebedmelech the Ethiopian Thus saith Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Behold I will bring my words upon this city for evil and not for good before and they shall be accomplished in that day

  • Ezekiel 39:17 - And thou son of man Speak the Lord GOD Speak fowl unto every feathered and to every beast of the field Assemble yourselves and come gather yourselves on every side sacrifice that I do sacrifice sacrifice for you even a great upon the mountains of Israel that ye may eat flesh and drink blood

  • Genesis 39:17 - And she spake unto him according to these words saying unto us came in servant The Hebrew unto us came in unto me to mock

  • Genesis 39:19 - heard And it came to pass when his master After this manner of his wife which she spake unto him saying After this manner did thy servant was kindled to me that his wrath

  • Ezekiel 39:25 - Therefore thus saith the Lord Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel and will be jealous name for my holy

  • Job 39:25 - among the trumpets He saith Ha afar off and he smelleth the battle the thunder of the captains and the shouting

  • Exodus 40:1 - spake And the LORD unto Moses saying

  • Isaiah 40:1 - Comfort Comfort ye my people saith your God

  • Job 40:1 - answered Moreover the LORD Job and said

  • Jeremiah 40:2 - took And the captain of the guard Jeremiah and said unto him The LORD thy God hath pronounced this evil upon this place

  • Job 40:3 - answered Then Job the LORD and said

  • Isaiah 40:6 - The voice And he said Cry And he said Cry All flesh is grass and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field

  • Job 40:6 - Then answered the LORD unto Job out of the whirlwind and said

  • Genesis 40:7 - And he asked officers Pharaoh's that were with him in the ward house of his lord's saying Wherefore look ye so sadly to day

  • Psalms 40:7 - Then said I Lo I come in the volume of the book it is written

  • Genesis 40:8 - And they said a dream unto him We have dreamed and there is no interpreter And they said of it And Joseph belong to God unto them Do not interpretations tell me

  • Genesis 40:9 - told And the chief his dream to Joseph and said his dream behold a vine was before me

  • Isaiah 40:9 - mountain into the high get thee up that bringest good tidings O Zion lift it up with strength thy voice that bringest good tidings O Jerusalem lift it up be not afraid say unto the cities of Judah Behold your God

  • Jeremiah 40:9 - sware And Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan saying Fear and serve the Chaldeans dwell in the land and serve the king of Babylon and it shall be well

  • Psalms 40:10 - thy righteousness I have not hid within my heart thy faithfulness and thy salvation I have declared I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth congregation from the great

  • Genesis 40:12 - said And Joseph unto him This is the interpretation are three branches are three days

  • Jeremiah 40:14 - And said know know that Baalis the king of the Ammonites hath sent Ishmael of the Ammonites of Nethaniah to slay believed thee But Gedaliah of the Ammonites of Ahikam

  • Jeremiah 40:15 - Then Johanan the son of Kareah saying to Gedaliah secretly in Mizpah saying I pray thee and I will slay Ishmael the son of Nethaniah and no man shall know I pray thee and I will slay unto thee should be scattered thee that all the Jews which are gathered perish and the remnant in Judah

  • Psalms 40:15 - Let them be desolate for a reward of their shame that say aha aha

  • Genesis 40:16 - saw When the chief baker was good that the interpretation he said unto Joseph I also was in my dream and behold I had three baskets white on my head

  • Jeremiah 40:16 - said But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam unto Johanan the son of Kareah Thou shalt not do this thing falsely for thou speakest of Ishmael

  • Psalms 40:16 - thee rejoice and be glad Let all those that seek say continually be magnified The LORD in thee let such as love thy salvation

  • Genesis 40:18 - answered And Joseph and said This is the interpretation are three baskets are three days

  • Isaiah 40:25 - To whom then will ye liken me or shall I be equal saith the Holy One

  • Isaiah 40:27 - Why sayest thou O Jacob and speakest O Israel is hid My way from the LORD from my God and my judgment is passed over

  • Ezekiel 41:4 - So he measured the length thereof twenty cubits and the breadth thereof twenty cubits before the temple and he said holy holy

  • Psalms 41:4 - I said LORD be merciful unto me heal my soul for I have sinned

  • Psalms 41:5 - Mine enemies speak evil of me When shall he die perish and his name

  • Isaiah 41:6 - every one his neighbour They helped to his brother and every one said Be of good courage

  • Jeremiah 41:6 - went forth And Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to meet from Mizpah all along all along them weeping and it came to pass as he met them he said unto them Come to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam

  • Isaiah 41:7 - and he fastened So the carpenter the goldsmith and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smote the anvil saying for the sodering It is ready and he fastened it with nails that it should not be moved

  • Jeremiah 41:8 - But ten were found among them that said unto Ishmael Slay us not for we have treasures in the field of wheat and of barley and of oil and of honey So he forbare Slay them not among their brethren

  • Genesis 41:9 - Then spake the chief unto Pharaoh saying my faults I do remember this day

  • Isaiah 41:9 - Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth thee from the chief men and called thereof and said unto thee Thou art my servant I have chosen thee and not cast thee away

  • Isaiah 41:13 - For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand saying unto thee Fear not I will help

  • Genesis 41:15 - said And Pharaoh unto Joseph a dream I have dreamed and there is none that can interpret it and I have heard said it and I have heard a dream and there is none that can interpret

  • Genesis 41:16 - an answer And Joseph Pharaoh saying It is not in me God an answer of peace Pharaoh

  • Isaiah 41:21 - Produce your cause reasons saith the LORD bring forth your strong reasons saith the King of Jacob

  • Genesis 41:24 - devoured ears And the thin the seven ears good and I told this unto the magicians but there was none that could declare

  • Genesis 41:25 - said And Joseph Pharaoh The dream Pharaoh is one God what he is about to do hath shewed Pharaoh

  • Isaiah 41:26 - Who hath declared from the beginning that we may know and beforetime that we may say He is righteous Who hath declared yea there is none that declareth yea there is none that declareth your words

  • Genesis 41:38 - said And Pharaoh unto his servants Can we find such a one as this is a man in whom the Spirit of God

  • Genesis 41:39 - said And Pharaoh unto Joseph Forasmuch hath shewed as God thee all this there is none so discreet and wise

  • Genesis 41:41 - said And Pharaoh unto Joseph See I have set thee over all the land of Egypt

  • Genesis 41:44 - said And Pharaoh unto Joseph And Pharaoh and without lift up thee shall no man his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt

  • Genesis 41:54 - began And the seven years and the dearth to come had said according as Joseph and the dearth but in all the land but in all the land of Egypt there was bread

  • Genesis 41:55 - was famished And when all the land of Egypt cried the people and Pharaoh for bread said and Pharaoh of Egypt unto Joseph said to you do

  • Genesis 42:1 - Why do ye look Jacob that there was corn in Egypt said Jacob unto his sons Why do ye look

  • Job 42:1 - answered Then Job the LORD and said

  • Genesis 42:2 - And he said Behold I have heard that there is corn in Egypt get you down thither and buy for us from thence that we may live and not die

  • Jeremiah 42:2 - And said unto Jeremiah the prophet be accepted Let we beseech thee our supplication before thee and pray for us unto the LORD thy God even for all this remnant for we are left but a few of many as thine eyes do behold

  • Psalms 42:3 - My tears have been my meat day and night say while they continually unto me Where is thy God

  • Genesis 42:4 - But Benjamin brother Joseph's sent Jacob brother for he said Lest peradventure befall him mischief

  • Jeremiah 42:4 - said Then Jeremiah the prophet unto them I have heard you behold I will pray the LORD your God according to your words according to your words shall answer the LORD you I will declare back according to your words

  • Isaiah 42:5 - Thus saith God the LORD he that created the heavens and stretched them out he that spread forth the earth and that which cometh out of it he that giveth breath unto the people upon it and spirit to them that walk

  • Jeremiah 42:5 - Then they said to Jeremiah The LORD witness be a true and faithful not even according to all things shall send The LORD thy God between us if we do

  • Genesis 42:7 - saw And Joseph his brethren and he knew and he knew unto them and spake roughly unto them and he said unto them Whence come unto them and he said From the land of Canaan to buy food

  • Job 42:7 - And it was so that after for ye have not spoken the LORD these words Job said the LORD to Eliphaz the Temanite is kindled My wrath against thee and against thy two friends for ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right as my servant Job

  • Genesis 42:9 - remembered And Joseph the dreams which he dreamed of them and said unto them Ye are spies to see the nakedness of the land ye are come

  • Jeremiah 42:9 - And said And said the LORD the God of Israel unto whom ye sent me to present your supplication before

  • Psalms 42:9 - I will say unto God my rock Why hast thou forgotten I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy

  • Genesis 42:10 - And they said unto him Nay my lord are thy servants come but to buy food

  • Psalms 42:10 - As with a sword in my bones reproach mine enemies me while they say daily unto me Where is thy God

  • Genesis 42:12 - And he said the nakedness of the land ye are come unto them Nay but to see

  • Ezekiel 42:13 - Then said chambers he unto me The north chambers and the south which are before the separate place chambers holy things shall eat where the priests that approach unto the LORD holy things holy things there shall they lay holy things holy things and the meat offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering for the place is holy

  • Genesis 42:13 - And they said are twelve Thy servants brethren the sons man and one in the land of Canaan and behold the youngest with our father is this day and one

  • Jeremiah 42:13 - But if ye say We will not dwell in this land neither obey the voice of the LORD your God

  • Genesis 42:14 - said And Joseph unto them That is it that I spake said Ye are spies

  • Jeremiah 42:14 - Saying into the land of Egypt No but we will go where we shall see no war the sound of the trumpet nor hear of bread nor have hunger and there will we dwell

  • Jeremiah 42:15 - And now therefore hear the word of the LORD ye remnant of Judah Thus saith of the LORD of hosts the God of Israel If ye wholly If ye wholly your faces and go into Egypt and go to sojourn

  • Isaiah 42:17 - They shall be turned back ashamed they shall be greatly that trust in graven images that say to the molten images Ye are our gods

  • Genesis 42:18 - said And Joseph day unto them the third This do and live God