H5704 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
as far (or long, or much) as, whether of space (even unto) or time (during, while, until) or degree (equally with) against, and, as, at, before, by (that), even (to), for(-asmuch as), (hither-) to, [phrase] how long, into, as long (much) as, (so) that, till, toward, until, when, while, ([phrase] as) yet. properly, the same as H5703 (עַד) (used as a preposition, adverb or conjunction; especially with a preposition);

1124 instances of the word עַד ʻad (H5704)

  • Isaiah 30:17 - thousand One at the rebuke One at the rebuke of five shall ye flee till ye be left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain and as an ensign on an hill

  • 1 Samuel 30:19 - And there was nothing lacking to them neither small nor great neither sons nor daughters neither spoil nor any thing that they had taken recovered to them David

  • Jeremiah 30:24 - shall not return The fierce anger of the LORD until he have done it and until he have performed the intents of his heart in the latter days ye shall consider

  • 1 Samuel 30:25 - And it was so from that day forward that he made it a statute and an ordinance for Israel And it was so from that day

  • Isaiah 30:28 - And his breath stream as an overflowing of the neck shall reach to the midst to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity and there shall be a bridle causing them to err in the jaws of the people

  • 2 Chronicles 31:1 - Now when all this was finished went out all Israel that were present into their own cities of Judah and brake the images and cut down the groves and threw down the high places and the altars of Judah and Benjamin in Ephraim also and Manasseh Now when all this was finished returned them all Then all the children all Israel every man to his possession into their own cities

  • 2 Chronicles 31:10 - answered And Azariah priest the chief into the house of Zadok answered Since the people began the offerings to bring into the house for the LORD to eat we have had enough and have left plenty for the LORD hath blessed his people and have left is this great store

  • Job 31:12 - For it is a fire to destruction that consumeth all mine increase and would root out

  • Jeremiah 31:22 - How long wilt thou go about daughter O thou backsliding hath created for the LORD a new thing in the earth A woman shall compass a man

  • Deuteronomy 31:24 - had made an end And it came to pass when Moses of writing the words of this law in a book until they were finished

  • Genesis 31:24 - came And God to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night and said unto him Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad

  • Genesis 31:29 - It is in the power of my hand to do or bad but the God of your father unto me yesternight saying saying Take thou heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad

  • Deuteronomy 31:30 - spake And Moses in the ears of all the congregation of Israel the words of this song until they were ended

  • Jeremiah 31:34 - And they shall teach and every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying Know the LORD Know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them saith the LORD for I will forgive their iniquity their sin and I will remember

  • Jeremiah 31:40 - And the whole valley of the dead bodies and of the ashes unto the brook of Kidron unto the corner gate of the horse toward the east shall be holy unto the LORD it shall not be plucked up nor thrown down any more for ever

  • Genesis 32:4 - And he commanded Thus shall ye speak Thus shall ye speak unto my lord Esau Thus shall ye speak Thy servant Jacob with Laban thus I have sojourned and stayed there

  • Jeremiah 32:5 - to Babylon Zedekiah and there shall he be until I visit him saith the LORD though ye fight with the Chaldeans ye shall not prosper

  • Numbers 32:9 - For when they went up unto the valley of Eshcol and saw into the land they discouraged the heart of the children of Israel that they should not go into the land had given which the LORD

  • Job 32:11 - Behold I waited for your words I gave ear to your reasons whilst ye searched out what to say

  • Job 32:12 - Yea I attended Job unto you and behold there was none of you that convinced or that answered his words

  • Numbers 32:13 - was kindled anger And the LORD'S against Israel and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years was consumed until all the generation that had done evil in the sight And the LORD'S

  • Isaiah 32:14 - Because the palaces shall be forsaken the multitude of the city shall be left the forts and towers shall be for dens for ever a joy of wild asses a pasture of flocks

  • Isaiah 32:15 - be poured Until the spirit upon us from on high and the wilderness and the fruitful field and the fruitful field for a forest be counted

  • Isaiah 32:17 - And the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever

  • Numbers 32:17 - But we ourselves armed will go ready because the children of Israel until we have brought them unto their place of the inhabitants and our little ones cities in the fenced because of the inhabitants of the land

  • Numbers 32:18 - We will not return unto our houses have inherited until the children of Israel every man his inheritance

  • Exodus 32:20 - And he took the calf which they had made and burnt it in the fire and ground it to powder and strawed it upon the water drink and made the children of Israel

  • Jeremiah 32:20 - Which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt as at this day and in Israel and among other men and hast made thee a name as at this day

  • Numbers 32:21 - And will go all of you armed Jordan before the LORD until he hath driven out his enemies before

  • Deuteronomy 32:22 - For a fire is kindled in mine anger and shall burn hell unto the lowest and shall consume the earth with her increase and set on fire of the mountains

  • Genesis 32:24 - was left And Jacob alone and there wrestled with him until the breaking of the day

  • 2 Chronicles 32:24 - In those days was sick Hezekiah to the death and prayed unto the LORD and he spake him a sign unto him and he gave

  • Jeremiah 32:31 - hath been to me as a provocation of mine anger and of my fury For this city from the day that they built from the day that I should remove it from before my face

  • Genesis 32:32 - eat Therefore the children of Israel in the sinew that shrank the hollow of the thigh unto this day because he touched the hollow of the thigh of Jacob's in the sinew that shrank

  • Genesis 33:3 - And he passed over before them and bowed himself to the ground seven times until he came near to his brother

  • Exodus 33:8 - went out And it came to pass when Moses at his tent rose up that all the people and stood every man door at his tent and looked after And it came to pass when Moses until he was gone at his tent

  • Jeremiah 33:12 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts Again in this place which is desolate without man and without beast and in all the cities thereof shall be an habitation of shepherds to lie down causing their flocks

  • Genesis 33:14 - I pray thee pass over Let my lord before his servant and I will lead on softly according as the cattle before according as and the children until I come Let my lord unto Seir

  • Exodus 33:22 - I pass by And it shall come to pass while my glory that I will put thee in a clift of the rock and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by

  • Ezekiel 33:22 - Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening afore came he that was escaped and had opened and my mouth came to me in the morning and had opened and my mouth and I was no more dumb

  • Numbers 33:49 - And they pitched by Jordan from Bethjesimoth even unto Abelshittim in the plains of Moab

  • Deuteronomy 34:1 - went up And Moses from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo to the top of Pisgah that is over against Jericho shewed And the LORD him all the land of Gilead unto Dan

  • Deuteronomy 34:2 - And all Naphtali and all the land of Ephraim and Manasseh and all the land of Judah sea unto the utmost

  • Deuteronomy 34:3 - And the south and the plain of the valley of Jericho the city of palm trees unto Zoar

  • Genesis 34:5 - And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter now his sons were with his cattle in the field held his peace And Jacob until they were come

  • Deuteronomy 34:6 - And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab over against Bethpeor knoweth but no man of his sepulchre unto this day

  • 2 Chronicles 34:6 - And so did he in the cities of Manasseh and Ephraim and Simeon even unto Naphtali with their mattocks round about

  • Isaiah 34:17 - And he hath cast the lot for them and his hand hath divided it unto them by line it for ever they shall possess from generation from generation shall they dwell

  • Ezekiel 34:21 - with side and with shoulder Because ye have thrust with your horns and pushed all the diseased till ye have scattered them abroad

  • 2 Chronicles 34:30 - went up And the king in the house of the LORD and all the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the priests and the Levites and all the people great and small and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the LORD

  • Exodus 34:34 - went in But when Moses before the LORD and spake off the vail And he came out And he came out and spake unto the children of Israel that which he was commanded

  • Exodus 34:35 - saw And the children of Israel face and Moses shone that the skin face and Moses again and Moses the vail face until he went in to speak

  • Job 34:36 - My desire may be tried is that Job unto the end because of his answers for wicked

  • Jeremiah 35:6 - But they said We will drink no wine for Jonadab neither ye nor your sons of Rechab our father commanded But they said We will drink no wine neither ye nor your sons for ever

  • Numbers 35:12 - And they shall be unto you cities for refuge from the avenger die that the manslayer not until he stand before the congregation in judgment

  • 2 Chronicles 35:14 - And afterward prepared because the priests because the priests the sons of Aaron were busied in offering of burnt offerings and the fat until night therefore the Levites prepared because the priests the sons of Aaron

  • Jeremiah 35:14 - are performed The words of Jonadab his sons of Rechab that he commanded his sons not to drink wine not to drink for unto this day but ye hearkened commandment their father's and speaking unto you rising early and speaking but ye hearkened

  • Genesis 35:20 - set And Jacob a pillar grave that is the pillar grave of Rachel's unto this day

  • 2 Chronicles 35:25 - lamented And Jeremiah for Josiah spake and all the singing men and all the singing men in the lamentations for Josiah to this day and made them an ordinance in Israel and behold they are written in the lamentations

  • Numbers 35:25 - shall deliver And the congregation the slayer out of the hand of the revenger of blood shall restore And the congregation him to the city of his refuge whither he was fled and he shall abide in it unto the death priest of the high which was anointed oil with the holy

  • Numbers 35:28 - in the city of his refuge Because he should have remained the death priest of the high but after the death priest of the high shall return the slayer into the land of his possession

  • Numbers 35:32 - And ye shall take no satisfaction for him that is fled to the city of his refuge that he should come again to dwell in the land until the death of the priest

  • Jeremiah 36:2 - Take thee a roll of a book and write therein all the words I spake unto thee against Israel and against Judah and against all the nations even unto this day I spake even unto this day of Josiah even unto this day

  • Psalms 36:5 - O LORD is in the heavens Thy mercy and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds

  • 2 Chronicles 36:16 - But they mocked the messengers of God and despised his words and misused his prophets arose until the wrath of the LORD against his people till there was no remedy

  • Isaiah 36:17 - Until I come and take you away a land a land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards

  • 2 Chronicles 36:20 - carried he away And them that had escaped from the sword to Babylon to him and his sons where they were servants until the reign of the kingdom of Persia

  • 2 Chronicles 36:21 - To fulfil the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah had enjoyed until the land her sabbaths for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath To fulfil threescore and ten years

  • Jeremiah 36:23 - had read And it came to pass that when Jehudi three leaves or four he cut it with the penknife and cast in the fire that was on the hearth was consumed until all the roll in the fire that was on the hearth

  • Isaiah 37:3 - And they said And they said Hezekiah This day of trouble and of rebuke and of blasphemy This day are come for the children to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth

  • Jeremiah 37:3 - sent the king And Zedekiah Jehucal the son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest Jeremiah to the prophet saying Pray now unto the LORD our God

  • Jeremiah 37:21 - commanded the king Then Zedekiah that they should commit Jeremiah in the court of the prison and that they should give a piece of bread him daily ' street out of the bakers were spent of bread in the city remained Jeremiah in the court of the prison

  • Ezekiel 37:25 - And they shall dwell in the land that I have given and my servant unto Jacob And they shall dwell wherein your fathers And they shall dwell and their children's and their children's and their children's for ever David and my servant shall be their prince ever

  • Genesis 38:1 - And it came to pass at that time went down that Judah from his brethren and turned in to a certain Adullamite whose name was Hirah

  • Exodus 38:4 - And he made for the altar grate of network a brasen under the compass thereof beneath unto the midst

  • Psalms 38:6 - I am troubled I am bowed down greatly all the day mourning I go

  • Psalms 38:8 - I am feeble broken and sore I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart

  • Genesis 38:11 - Then said Judah did And Tamar his daughter in law Remain a widow house at thy father's be grown till Shelah my son Then said Lest peradventure he die also as his brethren did And Tamar Remain house at thy father's

  • Job 38:11 - And said Hitherto shalt thou come but no further be stayed and here shall thy proud waves

  • Isaiah 38:12 - Mine age is departed and is removed tent from me as a shepherd's I have cut off like a weaver my life with pining sickness he will cut me off from day even to night wilt thou make an end

  • Isaiah 38:13 - I reckoned till morning that as a lion so will he break all my bones from day even to night wilt thou make an end

  • Job 38:16 - Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea in the search of the depth or hast thou walked

  • Genesis 38:17 - And he said I will send thee a kid from the flock And he said Wilt thou give me a pledge I will send

  • Job 38:18 - Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth declare if thou knowest

  • Jeremiah 38:28 - abode So Jeremiah in the court of the prison until the day was taken and he was there when Jerusalem was taken and he was there when Jerusalem

  • Isaiah 39:6 - Behold the days come shall be carried that all that is in thine house have laid up in store and that which thy fathers Behold the days to Babylon shall be left nothing saith the LORD

  • Ezekiel 39:15 - And the passengers And the passengers the land when any seeth bone a man's then shall he set up by a sign have buried have buried it in the valley of Hamongog

  • Genesis 39:16 - And she laid up his garment by her came until his lord home

  • Psalms 40:12 - have compassed evils For innumerable have taken hold me about mine iniquities upon me so that I am not able to look up they are more than the hairs of mine head therefore my heart faileth

  • Exodus 40:37 - that it was taken up But if the cloud then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up

  • Psalms 41:13 - Blessed be the LORD God of Israel and to everlasting and to everlasting Amen Amen

  • Ezekiel 41:16 - The door posts and the windows and the narrow and the galleries round about on their three stories over against The door posts cieled with wood round about round about and from the ground and the windows and the windows were covered

  • Ezekiel 41:17 - To that above the door house even unto the inner and without and by all the wall round about round about even unto the inner and without by measure

  • Ezekiel 41:20 - From the ground unto above the door were cherubims and palm trees made and on the wall of the temple

  • Genesis 41:49 - gathered And Joseph corn as the sand of the sea much very until he left numbering for it was without number

  • Jeremiah 42:1 - came near Then all the captains of the forces and Johanan the son of Kareah and Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah and all the people from the least even unto the greatest

  • Isaiah 42:4 - He shall not fail nor be discouraged till he have set in the earth judgment for his law and the isles shall wait

  • Psalms 42:4 - When I remember these things I pour out my soul in me for I had gone with the multitude I went with them to the house of God with the voice of joy and praise with a multitude that kept holyday

  • Jeremiah 42:8 - Then called he Johanan the son of Kareah and all the captains of the forces which were with him and all the people from the least even to the greatest

  • Jeremiah 43:7 - So they came into the land of Egypt for they obeyed not the voice of the LORD So they came they even to Tahpanhes