H5704 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
as far (or long, or much) as, whether of space (even unto) or time (during, while, until) or degree (equally with) against, and, as, at, before, by (that), even (to), for(-asmuch as), (hither-) to, [phrase] how long, into, as long (much) as, (so) that, till, toward, until, when, while, ([phrase] as) yet. properly, the same as H5703 (עַד) (used as a preposition, adverb or conjunction; especially with a preposition);

1124 instances of the word עַד ʻad (H5704)

  • Joshua 15:47 - Ashdod with her towns and her villages Gaza with her towns and her villages unto the river of Egypt sea and the great and the border

  • Joshua 15:63 - As for the Jebusites dwell at Jerusalem could the children of Judah not drive them out dwell As for the Jebusites the children of Judah at Jerusalem unto this day

  • 1 Samuel 16:1 - said And the LORD unto Samuel How long wilt thou mourn for Saul seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel fill thine horn with oil I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite for I have provided among his sons me a king

  • Judges 16:2 - And it was told the Gazites saying is come Samson hither And they compassed him in and laid wait all the night in the gate of the city and were quiet all the night saying when it is day In the morning we shall kill

  • 1 Chronicles 16:3 - And he dealt both man of Israel both man and woman both man a loaf of bread and a good piece of flesh and a flagon

  • Joshua 16:3 - And goeth down thereof are at the sea to the coast of Japhleti to the coast of Bethhoron the nether and to Gezer and the goings out thereof are at the sea

  • Judges 16:3 - lay And Samson at midnight and arose at midnight and took the doors of the gate of the city and the two posts and went away with them bar and all and put them upon his shoulders and carried them up to the top of an hill that is before Hebron

  • 2 Samuel 16:5 - came And when king David to Bahurim a man behold thence came out of the family of the house of Saul whose name was Shimei the son of Gera behold thence came out behold thence came out and cursed

  • Joshua 16:5 - And the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families And the border of their inheritance on the east side was Atarothaddar unto Bethhoron the upper

  • 2 Kings 16:6 - At that time recovered Rezin king of Syria Elath of Syria and drave the Jews Elath and the Syrians came Elath and dwelt there unto this day

  • Isaiah 16:8 - For the fields of Heshbon languish and the vine of Sibmah the lords of the heathen have broken down the principal plants even unto Jazer thereof they are come they wandered through the wilderness her branches are stretched out they are gone over the sea

  • Joshua 16:10 - And they drave not out but the Canaanites dwell in Gezer dwell but the Canaanites among the Ephraimites unto this day under tribute and serve

  • 1 Samuel 16:11 - And he said And Samuel unto Jesse Are here all thy children And he said There remaineth yet the youngest and behold he keepeth the sheep And he said And Samuel unto Jesse Send and fetch him for we will not sit down till he come hither

  • 2 Kings 16:11 - built And Urijah the priest an altar had sent according to all that king Ahaz from Damascus made And Urijah the priest came according to all that king Ahaz from Damascus

  • 2 Chronicles 16:12 - was diseased And Asa year in the thirty and ninth of his reign in his feet was exceeding great yet in his disease great yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD but to the physicians

  • Judges 16:13 - And he said And Delilah unto Samson Hitherto thou hast mocked me and told tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound And he said unto her If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web

  • 2 Chronicles 16:14 - And they buried him in his own sepulchres which he had made for himself in the city of David and laid him in the bed which was filled with sweet odours and divers kinds by the apothecaries by the apothecaries art and they made burning great a very

  • Leviticus 16:17 - And there shall be no man in the tabernacle of the congregation when he goeth and have made an atonement in the holy place until he come out and have made an atonement for himself and for his household and for all the congregation of Israel

  • Exodus 16:19 - said And Moses Let no man leave of it till the morning

  • Exodus 16:20 - Notwithstanding they hearkened and Moses of them left but some of it until the morning and it bred worms and stank was wroth and Moses

  • Exodus 16:23 - And he said hath said unto the LORD is the rest sabbath of the holy unto the LORD To morrow bake bake that ye will seethe that ye will seethe and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning

  • Exodus 16:24 - And they laid it up till the morning bade as Moses and it did not stink neither was there any worm

  • Exodus 16:28 - said And the LORD unto Moses How long refuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws

  • Exodus 16:35 - And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years until they came of the land inhabited manna did eat until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan

  • 1 Chronicles 16:36 - Blessed be the LORD God of Israel and ever and ever said And all the people Amen and praised be the LORD

  • Jeremiah 17:4 - And thou even thyself shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest a fire not for ye have kindled in mine anger for ever which shall burn

  • 1 Chronicles 17:5 - For I have not dwelt in an house since the day that I brought up Israel since the day but have gone from tent but have gone from tent and from one tabernacle

  • Judges 17:8 - And the man out of the city from Bethlehemjudah to sojourn where he could find a place and he came to mount Ephraim to the house of Micah as he journeyed

  • 2 Kings 17:9 - did secretly And the children of Israel those things that were not right against the LORD their God and they built them high places city from the tower of the watchmen city to the fenced

  • 2 Samuel 17:11 - Therefore I counsel be generally be generally that all Israel unto thee from Dan even to Beersheba as the sand that is by the sea for multitude in thine own person and that thou go to battle

  • Exodus 17:12 - and his hands But Moses were heavy and they took a stone and put it under him and he sat thereon and Aaron and Hur stayed up and his hands and the other on the other side and the other on the other side and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun

  • 1 Chronicles 17:12 - He shall build me an house and I will stablish his throne for ever

  • 2 Chronicles 17:12 - And Jehoshaphat waxed great exceedingly and he built in Judah castles and cities of store

  • 2 Samuel 17:13 - Moreover if into a city he be gotten bring then shall all Israel into a city ropes and we will draw it into the river found until there be not one small stone

  • 1 Chronicles 17:14 - But I will settle him in mine house and in my kingdom for evermore and his throne shall be established for evermore

  • 1 Kings 17:14 - For thus saith that the LORD God of Israel The barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the cruse of oil fail until the day sendeth that the LORD rain upon the earth

  • Joshua 17:14 - spake And the children of Joseph unto Joshua saying Why hast thou given to inherit lot and one portion and one people seeing I am a great forasmuch as forasmuch as me hitherto hath blessed the LORD

  • Leviticus 17:15 - And every soul that eateth that which died of itself or that which was torn with beasts whether it be one of your own country or a stranger he shall both wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even then shall he be clean

  • 1 Chronicles 17:16 - came the king And David and sat before Who am I O LORD and said Who am I O LORD God and what is mine house came me hitherto

  • 1 Kings 17:17 - And it came to pass after these things fell sick that the son of the woman the mistress of the house and his sickness sore was so left that there was no breath

  • 2 Kings 17:20 - rejected And the LORD all the seed of Israel and afflicted them and delivered them into the hand of spoilers until he had cast them out of his sight

  • 1 Chronicles 17:22 - didst thou make For thy people Israel For thy people for ever and thou LORD becamest their God

  • 2 Samuel 17:22 - arose Then David and all the people of them that was not gone over Jordan light by the morning not one there lacked of them that was not gone over Jordan

  • 1 Chronicles 17:23 - Therefore now LORD let the thing as thou hast said concerning thy servant and concerning his house be established for ever and do as thou hast said

  • 2 Kings 17:23 - removed Until the LORD Israel out of his sight as he had said by all his servants the prophets carried away Israel out of their own land to Assyria unto this day

  • 1 Chronicles 17:24 - Let it even be established may be magnified that thy name for ever saying The LORD of hosts even a God of Israel even a God of Israel and let the house of David thy servant be established before

  • 2 Kings 17:34 - Unto this day neither do manners after the former not the LORD neither do they after their statutes manners or after the law and commandment commanded not the LORD the children of Jacob whom he named Israel

  • 2 Kings 17:41 - So these nations the LORD their graven images and served and their children's and their children's and their children's as did their fathers as did they unto this day

  • 1 Samuel 17:52 - arose of Israel and of Judah and shouted and pursued of the Philistines until thou come to the valley and to the gates and unto Ekron fell down And the wounded of the Philistines by the way to Shaaraim even unto Gath and unto Ekron

  • Judges 18:1 - In those days there was no king in Israel In those days the tribe of the Danites sought all their inheritance to dwell in had not fallen In those days unto them among the tribe in Israel all their inheritance

  • Job 18:2 - How long will it be ere ye make an end of words mark and afterwards we will speak

  • Judges 18:2 - sent And the children of Dan of their family five from their coasts And the children of valour from Zorah and from Eshtaol to spy out the land and to search it and they said and to search out the land who when they came to mount Ephraim to the house of Micah they lodged

  • Joshua 18:3 - said And Joshua unto the children of Israel How long are ye slack to go to possess the land hath given which the LORD God of your fathers

  • 1 Samuel 18:4 - stripped And Jonathan himself of the robe that was upon him and gave it to David and his garments even to his sword and to his bow

  • 2 Kings 18:4 - He removed the high places and brake the images and cut down the groves and brake in pieces serpent the brasen had made that Moses for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it and he called it Nehushtan

  • 2 Kings 18:8 - He smote the Philistines even unto Gaza and the borders thereof from the tower of the watchmen city to the fenced

  • 2 Chronicles 18:10 - had made And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah him horns of iron Thus saith Thus saith the LORD With these thou shalt push Syria until they be consumed

  • Judges 18:12 - And they went up and pitched Kirjathjearim in Judah wherefore they called that place Mahanehdan unto this day behold it is behind Kirjathjearim

  • Exodus 18:13 - And it came to pass on the morrow sat by Moses to judge and the people stood and the people by Moses from the morning unto the evening

  • Judges 18:13 - And they passed thence unto mount Ephraim and came unto the house of Micah

  • Exodus 18:14 - saw father in law And when Moses all that he did thou thyself alone and all the people he said What is this thing all that he did thou thyself alone and all the people why sittest thou thyself alone and all the people stand by thee from morning unto even

  • 2 Chronicles 18:15 - said And the king to him How many times shall I adjure thee that thou say nothing but the truth to me in the name of the LORD

  • 2 Samuel 18:18 - Absalom's had taken and reared up in his lifetime for himself a pillar dale which is in the king's for he said I have no son in remembrance after his own name and he called for himself a pillar after his own name and he called place Absalom's unto this day

  • 1 Kings 18:21 - came And Elijah him And the people and said halt How long ye between two opinions if the LORD be God follow him but if Baal answered him And the people him not a word

  • 1 Kings 18:26 - And they took the bullock which was given them and they dressed it and called on the ~ O Baal from morning even until noon saying O Baal hear us But there was no voice us But there was no hear And they leaped upon the altar them and they dressed

  • 2 Chronicles 18:26 - And say And say the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I return in peace

  • 1 Kings 18:28 - And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets gushed out till the blood

  • 1 Kings 18:29 - was past And it came to pass when midday and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice that there was neither voice nor any to answer nor any that regarded

  • Judges 18:30 - set up And the children of Dan the graven image and Jonathan And the children of Gershom And the children of Manasseh And the children were priests to the tribe of Dan until the day of the captivity of the land

  • 2 Kings 18:32 - Until I come and take you away a land a land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards a land olive of oil and of honey that ye may live and not die and hearken not unto Hezekiah when he persuadeth you saying The LORD will deliver

  • 2 Chronicles 18:34 - increased And the battle that day howbeit the king of Israel stayed himself up in his chariot against the Syrians until the even he died and about the time going down of the sun

  • Psalms 18:37 - I have pursued mine enemies and overtaken them neither did I turn again till they were consumed

  • 1 Kings 18:45 - And it came to pass in the mean while And it came to pass in the mean while that the heaven was black with clouds and wind rain and there was a great rode And Ahab to Jezreel

  • 1 Kings 18:46 - And the hand of the LORD was on Elijah and he girded up his loins and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel

  • Psalms 18:50 - Great deliverance giveth he to his king and sheweth mercy to his anointed to David and to his seed for evermore

  • Job 19:2 - How long will ye vex my soul and break me in pieces with words

  • 2 Kings 19:3 - And they said And they said Hezekiah This day of trouble and of rebuke and blasphemy This day are come for the children to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth

  • Genesis 19:4 - But before they lay down even the men of the city even the men of Sodom compassed the house and young both old all the people from every quarter

  • 1 Chronicles 19:4 - took Wherefore Hanun servants David's and shaved them and cut off their garments in the midst hard by their buttocks and sent them away

  • 2 Chronicles 19:4 - dwelt And Jehoshaphat at Jerusalem again and he went out through the people from Beersheba to mount Ephraim again unto the LORD God of their fathers

  • 1 Chronicles 19:5 - certain and told David how the men were served And he sent to meet how the men ashamed were greatly said And the king Tarry at Jericho be grown until your beards and then return

  • Leviticus 19:6 - day ye offer It shall be eaten it and on the morrow and if ought remain day until the third in the fire it shall be burnt

  • 2 Samuel 19:7 - Now therefore arise go forth and speak comfortably unto thy servants by the LORD for I swear go forth there will not tarry one with thee this night and that will be worse unto thee than all the evil that befell thee from thy youth

  • Numbers 19:7 - shall wash his clothes Then the priest and he shall bathe his flesh in water and afterward he shall come into the camp shall be unclean Then the priest until the even

  • 1 Kings 19:8 - And he arose and did eat and drink in the strength of that meat and forty days and forty nights the mount of God unto Horeb

  • Joshua 19:8 - And all the villages that were round about these cities to Baalathbeer Ramath of the south This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families

  • Judges 19:8 - And he arose early in the morning day on the fifth said father and the damsel's Comfort thine heart I pray thee And they tarried until afternoon day and they did eat both

  • Numbers 19:8 - And he that burneth her shall wash his clothes in water and bathe his flesh in water and shall be unclean until the even

  • Joshua 19:10 - came up lot And the third for the children of Zebulun according to their families and the border of their inheritance was unto Sarid

  • Judges 19:10 - would But the man not tarry that night but he rose up and came over against Jebus which is Jerusalem and there were with him two asses saddled his concubine

  • Numbers 19:10 - shall wash And he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer his clothes and be unclean until the even and it shall be unto the children of Israel and unto the stranger that sojourneth among them for a statute for ever

  • Genesis 19:11 - that were at the door of the house And they smote with blindness both small and great so that they wearied themselves to find that were at the door

  • Judges 19:12 - said And his master unto him We will not turn aside hither into the city of a stranger that is not of the children of Israel we will pass over to Gibeah

  • Leviticus 19:13 - Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour neither rob shall not abide him the wages of him that is hired with thee all night until the morning

  • 2 Samuel 19:15 - returned So the king and came Jordan And Judah and came to Gilgal to meet So the king over So the king Jordan

  • Judges 19:18 - And he said unto him We are passing from Bethlehemjudah toward the side of mount Ephraim but I am now going from Bethlehemjudah me to house of the LORD but I am now going and there is no man that receiveth me to house

  • Numbers 19:21 - statute And it shall be a perpetual unto them that he that sprinkleth the water of separation shall wash his clothes and he that toucheth the water of separation shall be unclean until even

  • Genesis 19:22 - Haste thee escape thither for I cannot do any thing till thou be come was called thither Therefore the name of the city Zoar

  • 1 Samuel 19:22 - he also to Ramah and came well to a great that is in Sechu and he asked And one said Where are Samuel and David And one said Behold they be at Naioth he also to Ramah

  • Isaiah 19:22 - he shall smite And the LORD Egypt he shall smite and heal it and they shall return And the LORD and he shall be intreated and heal