H5869 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
an eye (literally or figuratively); by analogy, a fountain (as the eye of the landscape) affliction, outward appearance, [phrase] before, [phrase] think best, colour, conceit, [phrase] be content, countenance, [phrase] displease, eye((-brow), (-d), -sight), face, [phrase] favour, fountain, furrow (from the margin), [idiom] him, [phrase] humble, knowledge, look, ([phrase] well), [idiom] me, open(-ly), [phrase] (not) please, presence, [phrase] regard, resemblance, sight, [idiom] thee, [idiom] them, [phrase] think, [idiom] us, well, [idiom] you(-rselves). probably a primitive word;

830 instances of the word עַיִן ʻayin (H5869)

  • Lamentations 4:17 - as yet failed As for us our eyes help for our vain in our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save

  • Deuteronomy 4:19 - And lest thou lift up thine eyes of heaven and when thou seest the sun and the moon and the stars even all the host of heaven shouldest be driven to worship them and serve hath divided them which the LORD thy God unto all nations of heaven

  • Proverbs 4:21 - Let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart

  • Deuteronomy 4:25 - When thou shalt beget and children's and children's and children's and ye shall have remained long in the land and shall corrupt of any thing and shall do a graven image or the likeness of any thing and shall do evil in the sight of the LORD thy God to provoke him to anger

  • Proverbs 4:25 - Let thine eyes right on look and let thine eyelids look straight

  • Exodus 4:30 - had spoken And Aaron all the words had spoken which the LORD unto Moses and did the signs in the sight of the people

  • Jeremiah 4:30 - And when thou art spoiled what wilt thou do Though thou clothest thyself with crimson though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold though thou rentest with painting thy face in vain shalt thou make thyself fair will despise thy lovers thy life thee they will seek

  • Deuteronomy 4:34 - assayed Or hath God to go and take him a nation from the midst him a nation by temptations by signs and by wonders and by war hand and by a mighty arm and by a stretched out terrors and by great did according to all that the LORD Or hath God for you in Egypt before your eyes

  • 2 Kings 4:34 - And he went up and lay of the child and put his mouth his mouth and his eyes and his eyes and his hands and his hands and he stretched waxed warm himself upon the child and the flesh of the child

  • 2 Kings 4:35 - Then he returned in the house and fro and fro and went up and stretched sneezed and the child seven times opened and the child his eyes

  • Zechariah 5:1 - Then I turned and lifted up mine eyes and looked roll and behold a flying

  • Esther 5:2 - saw And it was so when the king Esther the queen standing in the court that she obtained favour in his sight held out And it was so when the king Esther of the sceptre the golden that was in his hand drew near Esther and touched the top of the sceptre

  • Jeremiah 5:3 - O LORD are not thine eyes upon the truth thou hast stricken them but they have not grieved thou hast consumed them but they have refused to receive correction harder they have made their faces than a rock them but they have refused to return

  • Psalms 5:5 - shall not stand The foolish in thy sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity

  • Zechariah 5:5 - what is this that goeth forth Then the angel that talked and said unto me Lift up now thine eyes and see what is this that goeth forth

  • Zechariah 5:6 - And I said And I said This is an ephah that goeth forth And I said moreover This is their resemblance through all the earth

  • Esther 5:8 - If I have found favour in the sight as the king as the king and if it please to grant my petition and to perform my request come as the king and Haman to the banquet and to perform to morrow and to perform hath said as the king

  • Ezekiel 5:8 - Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I even I am against thee and will execute in the midst judgments of thee in the sight of the nations

  • Zechariah 5:9 - Then lifted I up mine eyes and looked two women and behold there came out and the wind like the wings for they had like the wings like the wings of a stork Then lifted I up the ephah between the earth and the heaven

  • Ecclesiastes 5:11 - increase When goods they are increased that eat them and what good is there to the owners thereof saving of them with their eyes

  • Ezekiel 5:11 - Wherefore as I live saith the Lord GOD my sanctuary Surely because thou hast defiled with all thy detestable things and with all thine abominations therefore will I also diminish spare thee neither shall mine eye neither will I have any pity

  • Song of Solomon 5:12 - His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters washed with milk and fitly set

  • Joshua 5:13 - And it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked a man and behold there stood over against him with his sword drawn in his hand And it came to pass when Joshua unto him and said unto him Art thou for us or for our adversaries

  • Numbers 5:13 - lie And a man with her carnally and it be hid from the eyes And a man and be kept close and she be defiled and there be no witness against her neither she be taken

  • Ezekiel 5:14 - Moreover I will make thee waste and a reproach among the nations that are round about thee in the sight of all that pass by

  • Isaiah 5:15 - shall be brought down And the mean man shall be humbled and the mighty man and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled

  • Lamentations 5:17 - is faint For this our heart are dim for these things our eyes

  • Exodus 5:21 - And they said look unto them The LORD upon you and judge to be abhorred because ye have made our savour and in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of his servants to put a sword in their hand to slay

  • Isaiah 5:21 - Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes in their own sight and prudent

  • Jeremiah 5:21 - Hear people now this O foolish and without understanding which have eyes and see not which have ears Hear

  • Proverbs 5:21 - are before the eyes of the LORD For the ways of man all his goings and he pondereth

  • Judges 6:1 - did And the children of Israel evil in the sight and the LORD delivered and the LORD them into the hand of Midian seven years

  • Zechariah 6:1 - And I turned and lifted up mine eyes and looked four chariots and behold there came from between two and the mountains and the mountains and the mountains of brass

  • Proverbs 6:4 - Give not sleep to thine eyes nor slumber to thine eyelids

  • Isaiah 6:5 - Then said I Woe is me! for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips in the midst of a people of unclean lips and I dwell the King the LORD of hosts have seen for mine eyes

  • Song of Solomon 6:5 - Turn away thine eyes from me for they have overcome me thy hair is as a flock of goats that appear from Gilead

  • Psalms 6:7 - is consumed because of grief Mine eye it waxeth old because of all mine enemies

  • Deuteronomy 6:8 - And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes

  • Genesis 6:8 - But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD

  • Ecclesiastes 6:9 - Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire this is also vanity and vexation of spirit

  • Ezekiel 6:9 - of you shall remember And they that escape me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives because I am broken heart which go a whoring which hath departed from me and with their eyes which go a whoring after their idols and they shall lothe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations

  • Isaiah 6:10 - fat Make the heart of this people and make their ears heavy their eyes and shut lest they see their eyes and make their ears and hear with their heart and understand and convert and be healed

  • 1 Samuel 6:13 - And they of Bethshemesh were reaping harvest their wheat in the valley and they lifted up their eyes and saw the ark and rejoiced and saw

  • Proverbs 6:13 - He winketh with his eyes he speaketh with his feet he teacheth with his fingers

  • Nehemiah 6:16 - heard And it came to pass that when all our enemies saw thereof and all the heathen that were about us cast down these things they were much in their own eyes for they perceived of our God was wrought that this work

  • 2 Kings 6:17 - prayed And Elisha and said And the LORD I pray thee open his eyes and he saw I pray thee open And the LORD his eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about And Elisha

  • Judges 6:17 - And he said unto him If now I have found grace in thy sight then shew me a sign that thou talkest

  • Proverbs 6:17 - look A proud tongue a lying and hands that shed blood innocent

  • Deuteronomy 6:18 - And thou shalt do that which is right and good in the sight of the LORD that it may be well with thee and that thou mayest go in and possess land and good sware of the LORD unto thy fathers

  • 2 Chronicles 6:20 - That thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night toward this place whereof thou hast said that thou wouldest put thy name there to hearken unto the prayer prayeth which thy servant toward this place

  • 2 Kings 6:20 - And it came to pass when they were come into Samaria said that Elisha And the LORD open the eyes and they saw open And the LORD the eyes and they saw and behold they were in the midst into Samaria

  • 2 Samuel 6:20 - returned David to bless his household came out And Michal the daughter of Saul to meet David and said How glorious himself to day was the king of Israel shamelessly himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants shamelessly shamelessly as one of the vain fellows

  • Judges 6:21 - put forth Then the angel of the LORD the end of the staff that was in his hand and touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes and there rose up fire out of the rock and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes Then the angel of the LORD departed out of his sight

  • Deuteronomy 6:22 - shewed And the LORD signs and wonders great and sore upon Egypt upon Pharaoh and upon all his household before our eyes

  • 2 Samuel 6:22 - And I will yet be more vile than thus and will be base in mine own sight and of the maidservants which thou hast spoken of of them shall I be had in honour

  • 2 Chronicles 6:40 - Now my God let I beseech thee thine eyes be open and let thine ears be attent unto the prayer that is made in this place

  • 2 Kings 7:2 - answered Then a lord the king leaned on whose hand the man of God and said Behold if the LORD would make windows in heaven might this thing and said Behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but shalt not eat

  • Proverbs 7:2 - Keep my commandments and live and my law as the apple of thine eye

  • Esther 7:3 - answered Then Esther the queen and said If I have found favour in thy sight O king O king and if it please be given let my life me at my petition and my people at my request

  • Ezekiel 7:4 - shall not spare And mine eye thee neither will I have pity thy ways but I will recompense upon thee and thine abominations shall be in the midst of thee and ye shall know that I am the LORD

  • Song of Solomon 7:4 - Thy neck is as a tower of ivory thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon by the gate of Bathrabbim thy nose is as a tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus

  • Job 7:7 - O remember is wind that my life shall no more mine eye see good

  • Job 7:8 - me shall see The eye of him that hath seen The eye

  • Ezekiel 7:9 - shall not spare And mine eye neither will I have pity thee according to thy ways I will recompense and thine abominations that are in the midst of thee and ye shall know that I am the LORD that smiteth

  • Micah 7:10 - shall behold Then she that is mine enemy shall cover it and shame her which said unto me Where is the LORD thy God mine eyes shall behold her now shall she be trodden down as the mire of the streets

  • Jeremiah 7:11 - become a den of robbers Is this house which is called by my name in your eyes Behold even I have seen it saith the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 7:15 - Now mine eyes shall be open and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place

  • Deuteronomy 7:16 - And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD their gods shall deliver shall have no pity thee thine eye upon them neither shalt thou serve their gods for that will be a snare

  • 2 Chronicles 7:16 - For now have I chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there for ever and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually

  • Deuteronomy 7:19 - temptations The great saw which thine eyes and the signs and the wonders hand and the mighty arm and the stretched out brought thee out so shall the LORD thy God do so shall the LORD thy God unto all the people of whom thou art afraid

  • 2 Kings 7:19 - answered And that lord the man of God and said Now behold if the LORD should make windows in heaven might such a thing and said Behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but shalt not eat

  • 2 Samuel 7:19 - And this was yet a small thing in thy sight O Lord but thou hast spoken house also of thy servant's for a great while to come And is this the manner of man O Lord

  • Exodus 7:20 - did And Moses and Aaron commanded so as the LORD and he lifted up the rod and smote and all the waters that were in the river and in the sight of Pharaoh and in the sight of his servants were turned and all the waters that were in the river to blood

  • Jeremiah 7:30 - have done For the children of Judah evil in my sight saith the LORD they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name to pollute

  • Ezekiel 8:2 - Then I beheld and lo a likeness as the appearance fire as the appearance and from his loins even downward fire and from his loins even upward as the appearance of brightness as the colour of amber

  • Daniel 8:3 - Then I lifted up mine eyes and saw ram a and behold there stood before the river and the two horns and the two horns and the higher a and the higher than the other and the higher came up last

  • Daniel 8:5 - And as I was considering and the goat behold an he came from the west on the face not the ground and touched not the ground and the goat horn had a notable between his eyes

  • Esther 8:5 - And said the king If it please and if I have found favour before seem right and the thing before the king If it please in his eyes let it be written to reverse the letters devised by Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite let it be written to destroy the Jews provinces the king

  • Ezekiel 8:5 - Then said he unto me Son of man So I lifted up mine eyes now the way and behold northward So I lifted up mine eyes now the way and behold northward and behold northward at the gate of the altar this image of jealousy in the entry

  • Nehemiah 8:5 - and when he opened And Ezra the book in the sight for he was above all the people for he was above all the people and when he opened stood up for he was above all the people

  • 1 Samuel 8:6 - displeased But the thing Samuel when they said Give us a king to judge prayed Samuel unto the LORD

  • Zechariah 8:6 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts If it be marvellous in mine eyes of the remnant of this people in these days in mine eyes If it be marvellous saith the LORD of hosts

  • Deuteronomy 8:7 - For the LORD thy God bringeth a land thee into a good a land of brooks of water of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills

  • Esther 8:8 - Write ye also for the Jews as it liketh you name in the king's and seal ring in the king's for the writing Write name in the king's and seal ring in the king's may no man reverse

  • Song of Solomon 8:10 - I am a wall and my breasts like towers then was I in his eyes as one that found favour

  • Ecclesiastes 8:16 - When I applied mine heart to know wisdom and to see the business that is done upon the earth for also there is that neither day nor night sleep with his eyes and to see

  • Ezekiel 8:18 - Therefore will I also deal in fury shall not spare mine eye neither will I have pity and though they cry in mine ears voice with a loud yet will I not hear

  • 2 Kings 8:18 - in the way of the kings of Israel and he did the house of Ahab for the daughter of Ahab was his wife and he did evil in the sight of the LORD

  • Daniel 8:21 - goat And the rough is the king of Grecia horn and the great that is between his eyes is the king is the first

  • Exodus 8:26 - said And Moses It is not meet so to do the abomination of the Egyptians lo shall we sacrifice to the LORD our God for lo shall we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes and will they not stone

  • 2 Kings 8:27 - in the way as did the house of Ahab and did evil in the sight of the LORD as did the house of Ahab for he was the son in law as did the house of Ahab

  • Proverbs 8:28 - When he established the clouds above when he strengthened the fountains of the deep

  • 1 Kings 8:29 - That thine eyes may be open toward this house night and day even toward the place of which thou hast said My ~ shall be there that thou mayest hearken unto the prayer shall make which thy servant even toward the place

  • 1 Kings 8:52 - That thine eyes may be open and unto the supplication of thy servant and unto the supplication of thy people Israel to hearken unto them in all that they call

  • Jeremiah 9:1 - Oh that my head were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people

  • Zechariah 9:1 - The burden of the word of the LORD in the land of Hadrach and Damascus shall be the rest of the LORD thereof when the eyes of man as of all the tribes of Israel

  • Amos 9:3 - And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel I will search and take them out thence and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea thence will I command the serpent and he shall bite

  • 1 Kings 9:3 - said And the LORD unto him I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication that thou hast made before me I have hallowed this house which thou hast built to put my ~ there for ever and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually

  • Amos 9:4 - into captivity before their enemies thence will I command the sword and it shall slay them and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil and not for good

  • Ezekiel 9:5 - And to the others he said in mine hearing Go him through the city ye after and smite spare let not your eye neither have ye pity