H5921 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
above, over, upon, or against (yet always in this last relation with a downward aspect) in a great variety of applications above, according to(-ly), after, (as) against, among, and, [idiom] as, at, because of, beside (the rest of), between, beyond the time, [idiom] both and, by (reason of), [idiom] had the charge of, concerning for, in (that), (forth, out) of, (from) (off), (up-) on, over, than, through(-out), to, touching, [idiom] with. properly, the same as H5920 (עַל) used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix, or as conjunction with a particle following);

4479 instances of the word עַל ʻal (H5921)

  • 1 Samuel 4:13 - And when he came lo Eli sat upon a seat by the wayside watching for his heart trembled for the ark of God And when the man And when he came and told into the city cried out into the city

  • 2 Chronicles 4:13 - of pomegranates And four hundred on the two wreath on the two rows of pomegranates wreath on each to cover on the two pommels of the chapiters which were upon the pillars

  • Job 4:13 - In thoughts from the visions of the night falleth when deep sleep

  • Numbers 4:13 - And they shall take away the ashes from the altar and spread cloth a purple

  • Genesis 4:14 - Behold thou hast driven me out this day and from from the face of the earth from the face shall I be hid and it shall come to pass and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth and it shall come to pass that every one that findeth me shall slay me

  • Hosea 4:14 - I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom nor your spouses when they commit adultery when they commit whoredom for themselves are separated with harlots and they sacrifice therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall

  • 2 Chronicles 4:14 - also bases He made and lavers He made also bases

  • Leviticus 4:14 - against it is known When the sin which they have sinned shall offer then the congregation bullock a young When the sin and bring him before the tabernacle of the congregation

  • Nehemiah 4:14 - And I looked and rose up and said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people Be not ye afraid of them the Lord which is great Be not ye afraid remember and fight for your brethren your sons and your daughters your wives and your houses

  • Numbers 4:14 - And they shall put all the vessels thereof wherewith they minister about it even the censers the fleshhooks and the shovels and the basons all the vessels of the altar and they shall spread upon it a covering skins of badgers and put to the staves

  • Zechariah 4:14 - Then said he These are the two ones anointed that stand by the Lord of the whole earth

  • Ezekiel 4:15 - Then he said unto me Lo I have given dung thee cow's dung for man's and thou shalt prepare thy bread

  • Job 4:15 - Then a spirit before my face passed stood up the hair of my flesh

  • Judges 4:15 - discomfited And the LORD Sisera and all his chariots and all his host with the edge of the sword before Barak lighted down Sisera off his chariot and fled away on his feet

  • Leviticus 4:15 - shall lay And the elders of the congregation their hands upon the head and the bullock before the LORD shall be killed and the bullock before the LORD

  • Proverbs 4:15 - Avoid from it and pass away not by it turn from it and pass away

  • Esther 4:16 - gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan and fast ye for me and neither eat nor drink three days night days I also and my maidens and fast likewise and so likewise and so will I go in unto the king which is not according to the law I perish I perish

  • Jeremiah 4:16 - Make ye mention to the nations behold publish against Jerusalem that watchers come country from a far and give out against the cities of Judah their voice

  • Esther 4:17 - went his way So Mordecai and did had commanded according to all that Esther

  • Jeremiah 4:17 - As keepers of a field are they against her round about because she hath been rebellious against me saith the LORD

  • 1 Samuel 4:18 - And it came to pass when he made mention of the ark of God that he fell from off the seat backward by the side of the gate brake and his neck and he died for he was an old man And he had judged Israel forty years

  • Joshua 4:18 - were come up And it came to pass when the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the midst of Jordan were lifted up and the soles feet And it came to pass when the priests unto the dry land returned that the waters of Jordan unto their place as they did before over all his banks

  • Leviticus 4:18 - all the blood And he shall put upon the horns of the altar which is before the LORD of the tabernacle of the congregation all the blood and shall pour out at the bottom of the altar of the burnt offering which is at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation

  • Nehemiah 4:18 - For the builders every one had his sword girded by his side For the builders And he that sounded the trumpet was by me

  • 1 Samuel 4:19 - And his daughter in law wife Phinehas was with child herself and travailed and when she heard the tidings that was taken the ark of God were dead and that her father in law and her husband she bowed herself and travailed came for her pains

  • 2 Chronicles 4:19 - made And Solomon all the vessels that were for the house of God altar the golden also and the tables whereon the shewbread

  • Lamentations 4:19 - are swifter Our persecutors than the eagles of the heaven us upon the mountains they pursued for us in the wilderness they laid wait

  • Nehemiah 4:19 - And I said unto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people The work is great and large and we are separated upon the wall far from one another

  • Numbers 4:19 - But thus do unto them that they may live and not die when they approach holy things holy things Aaron and his sons shall go in and appoint one one to his service and to his burden

  • Exodus 4:20 - took And Moses his wife and his sons and set them upon an ass and he returned to the land of Egypt took And Moses the rod of God in his hand

  • 1 Kings 4:20 - Judah and Israel were many as the sand which is by the sea in multitude eating and drinking and making merry

  • 1 Samuel 4:20 - And about the time of her death by her said the women that stood unto her Fear a son not for thou hast born But she answered not neither did she regard

  • 2 Kings 4:20 - And when he had taken him and brought him to his mother he sat on her knees till noon and then died

  • Jeremiah 4:20 - Destruction Destruction is cried is spoiled for the whole land suddenly is spoiled are my tents in a moment and my curtains

  • Leviticus 4:20 - And he shall do with the bullock And he shall do with the bullock for a sin offering And he shall do shall make an atonement with this and the priest for them and it shall be forgiven

  • Deuteronomy 4:21 - Furthermore the LORD was angry with me for your sakes and sware that I should not go over Jordan and that I should not go land in unto that good Furthermore the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance

  • 2 Kings 4:21 - And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God and shut the door upon him and went out

  • Lamentations 4:21 - Rejoice and be glad O daughter of Edom that dwellest in the land of Uz also shall pass the cup through unto thee thou shalt be drunken and shalt make thyself naked

  • Lamentations 4:22 - is accomplished The punishment of thine iniquity O daughter of Zion he will no more carry thee away into captivity he will visit The punishment of thine iniquity O daughter of Edom carry thee away into captivity thy sins

  • Judges 4:24 - And the hand of the children of Israel and prevailed Jabin king of Canaan until they had destroyed Jabin king of Canaan

  • Leviticus 4:24 - And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the goat and kill it in the place and kill the burnt offering before the LORD it is a sin offering

  • Leviticus 4:25 - shall take And the priest his blood of the sin offering with his finger and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering his blood and shall pour out at the bottom of the altar of burnt offering

  • Numbers 4:25 - And they shall bear the curtains of the tabernacle and the tabernacle of the congregation and the covering and the covering of the badgers skins that is above upon it and the hanging for the door and the tabernacle of the congregation

  • Deuteronomy 4:26 - I call against you this day heaven and earth perish perish that ye shall soon and earth whereunto ye go over Jordan to possess it ye shall not prolong against you this day be destroyed be destroyed

  • Leviticus 4:26 - all his fat And he shall burn upon the altar all his fat of the sacrifice of peace offerings shall make an atonement and the priest for him as concerning his sin and it shall be forgiven

  • Numbers 4:26 - And the hangings of the court and the hanging for the door of the gate of the court which is by the tabernacle and by the altar round about and their cords and all the instruments of their service and all that is made for them so shall they serve

  • Numbers 4:27 - At the appointment of Aaron and his sons and in all their service and his sons of the Gershonites all their burdens and in all their service and ye shall appoint unto them in charge all their burdens

  • Jeremiah 4:28 - mourn For this shall the earth be black and the heavens above because I have spoken it I have purposed it and will not repent neither will I turn back

  • Leviticus 4:28 - come to his knowledge Or if his sin which he hath sinned then he shall bring his offering a kid of the goats without blemish a female Or if his sin which he hath sinned

  • 1 Kings 4:29 - gave And God wisdom Solomon and understanding much exceeding and largeness of heart even as the sand shore that is on the sea

  • 2 Kings 4:29 - Then he said to Gehazi Gird up thy loins and take my staff in thine hand if thou meet any man salute salute any man thee answer him not again and lay my staff upon the face of the child

  • Leviticus 4:29 - And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering and slay of the sin offering in the place of the burnt offering

  • Leviticus 4:30 - shall take And the priest all the blood thereof with his finger and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering all the blood and shall pour out thereof at the bottom of the altar

  • 2 Kings 4:31 - And Gehazi passed on before them and laid the staff before The child but there was neither voice nor hearing Wherefore he went again to meet him and told him saying is not awaked The child

  • Leviticus 4:31 - all the fat And he shall take away And he shall take away all the fat from off the sacrifice of peace offerings shall burn and the priest it upon the altar savour for a sweet unto the LORD shall make an atonement and the priest for him and it shall be forgiven

  • Deuteronomy 4:32 - For ask now of the days that are past which were before now of the days created that God man upon the earth and ask from the one side of heaven and ask from the one side of heaven which were thing unto the other whether there hath been any such thing as this great is or hath been heard

  • 2 Kings 4:32 - was come And when Elisha into the house behold the child was dead and laid upon his bed

  • 1 Kings 4:33 - And he spake of trees from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall And he spake also of beasts and of fowl and of creeping things and of fishes

  • Leviticus 4:33 - And he shall lay his hand upon the head it for a sin offering and slay it for a sin offering in the place and slay the burnt offering

  • 2 Kings 4:34 - And he went up and lay of the child and put his mouth his mouth and his eyes and his eyes and his hands and his hands and he stretched waxed warm himself upon the child and the flesh of the child

  • Leviticus 4:34 - shall take And the priest all the blood of the sin offering with his finger and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering all the blood and shall pour out thereof at the bottom of the altar

  • 2 Kings 4:35 - Then he returned in the house and fro and fro and went up and stretched sneezed and the child seven times opened and the child his eyes

  • Leviticus 4:35 - all the fat And he shall take away And he shall take away all the fat of the lamb from the sacrifice of the peace offerings shall burn and the priest them upon the altar according to the offerings made by fire unto the LORD shall make an atonement and the priest for his sin that he hath committed and it shall be forgiven

  • Deuteronomy 4:36 - Out of heaven and thou heardest his voice that he might instruct thee and upon earth he shewed fire thee his great his words and thou heardest out of the midst fire

  • 2 Kings 4:37 - Then she went in and fell at his feet and bowed herself to the ground and took up her son and went out

  • Numbers 4:37 - These were they that were numbered of the families of the Kohathites all that might do service in the tabernacle of the congregation These were they that were numbered of Moses and Aaron according to the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses

  • Deuteronomy 4:39 - Know therefore this day and consider it in thine heart that the LORD he is God in heaven above and upon the earth

  • Deuteronomy 4:40 - Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes and his commandments which I command thee this day that it may go well with thee and with thy children after thee and that thou mayest prolong thee this day upon the earth which the LORD thy God giveth thee this day

  • Numbers 4:41 - These are they that were numbered of the families of the sons of Gershon of all that might do service in the tabernacle of the congregation These are they that were numbered whom Moses and Aaron according to the commandment of the LORD

  • Numbers 4:45 - These be those that were numbered of the families of the sons of Merari These be those that were numbered of Moses and Aaron according to the word of the LORD by the hand of Moses

  • Deuteronomy 4:48 - From Aroer which is by the bank of the river Arnon even unto mount Sion which is Hermon

  • Numbers 4:49 - According to the commandment of him as the LORD they were numbered by the hand Moses every every according to his service and according to his burden they were numbered commanded of him as the LORD Moses

  • Amos 5:1 - Hear ye this word which I take up against you even a lamentation O house of Israel

  • Esther 5:1 - day Now it came to pass on the third put on that Esther her royal apparel and stood court house and the king in the inner over against house and the king and the king sat throne her royal house her royal over against the gate house

  • Ezekiel 5:1 - And thou son of man take knife thee a sharp razor thee a barber's take and cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard take thee balances to weigh and divide

  • Hosea 5:1 - Hear ye this O priests and hearken O house of Israel O house of the king and give ye ear for judgment is toward you because ye have been a snare on Mizpah and a net spread upon Tabor

  • Joshua 5:1 - heard And it came to pass when all the kings of the Amorites which were on the side of Jordan westward And it came to pass when all the kings of the Canaanites westward had dried up that the LORD the waters of Jordan from before of the children of Israel until we were passed over melted that their heart neither was there spirit from before of the children of Israel

  • Micah 5:1 - Now gather O daughter of troops siege he hath laid with a rod against us they shall smite upon the cheek the judge of Israel

  • Amos 5:2 - is fallen she shall no more rise The virgin of Israel she is forsaken upon her land rise

  • Ecclesiastes 5:2 - Be not rash with thy mouth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God God is in heaven and thou upon earth any thing be few

  • 2 Samuel 5:2 - Also in time past when Saul was king over us thou wast he that leddest out and broughtest in Israel said and the LORD to thee Thou shalt feed my people Israel and thou shalt be a captain Israel

  • Exodus 5:3 - And they said The God of the Hebrews hath met journey we pray thee three days into the desert and sacrifice unto the LORD The God lest he fall upon us with pestilence or with the sword

  • 2 Samuel 5:3 - came So all the elders of Israel and king to Hebron made and king David a league to Hebron before the LORD and they anointed David and king of Israel

  • Micah 5:3 - Therefore will he give them up until the time hath brought forth hath brought forth then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel

  • Zechariah 5:3 - Then said he unto me This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth for every one that stealeth as on that side according shall be cut off to it and every one that sweareth as on that side according shall be cut off

  • Esther 5:4 - answered And Esther let the king If it seem good come let the king and Haman this day unto the banquet that I have prepared

  • 1 Samuel 5:4 - And when they arose early morning on the morrow behold Dagon was fallen before to the ground before the ark of the LORD and the head behold Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold behold Dagon was left

  • Song of Solomon 5:4 - My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door and my bowels were moved

  • 1 Kings 5:5 - And behold I purpose in thy room he shall build an house unto my ~ as the LORD my God spake as the LORD unto David my father And behold I purpose Thy son whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room he shall build an house unto my ~

  • 1 Samuel 5:5 - tread Therefore neither the priests into Dagon's nor any that come house into Dagon's on the threshold into Dagon's in Ashdod unto this day

  • 2 Samuel 5:5 - In Hebron he reigned and Judah seven years and six months and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years over all Israel and Judah

  • Lamentations 5:5 - Our necks are under persecution we labour and have no rest

  • Leviticus 5:5 - And it shall be when he shall be guilty in one of these things that he shall confess that he hath sinned

  • Micah 5:5 - And this man shall be the peace when the Assyrian shall come into our land and when he shall tread in our palaces then shall we raise against him seven shepherds and eight principal men

  • Song of Solomon 5:5 - I rose up to open to my beloved and my hands dropped myrrh and my fingers myrrh with sweet smelling upon the handles of the lock

  • Ecclesiastes 5:6 - Suffer not thy mouth to sin to cause thy flesh neither say thou before the angel that it was an error be angry wherefore should God at thy voice and destroy the work of thine hands

  • 2 Chronicles 5:6 - Also king Solomon and all the congregation of Israel that were assembled unto him before the ark sacrificed sheep and oxen which could not be told nor numbered for multitude

  • Isaiah 5:6 - And I will lay it waste it shall not be pruned nor digged but there shall come up briers and thorns the clouds I will also command that they rain no rain

  • Jeremiah 5:6 - shall slay Wherefore a lion out of the forest them and a wolf of the evenings shall spoil them a leopard shall watch over their cities every one that goeth out thence shall be torn in pieces are many because their transgressions are increased and their backslidings

  • Leviticus 5:6 - And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD for a sin offering which he hath sinned a female from the flock a lamb or a kid of the goats for a sin offering shall make an atonement and the priest for a sin offering