H6106 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a bone (as strong); by extension, the body; figuratively, the substance, i.e. (as pron.) selfsame body, bone, [idiom] life, (self-) same, strength, [idiom] very. from H6105 (עָצַם);

109 instances of the word עֶצֶם ʻetsem (H6106)

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  • Lamentations 1:13 - From above hath he sent fire into my bones and it prevaileth against them he hath spread a net for my feet he hath turned me back he hath made me desolate all the day and faint

  • Amos 2:1 - Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of Moab and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because he burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime

  • Ezekiel 2:3 - And he said thee to the children of man I send thee to the children of Israel nation that hath rebelled that hath rebelled against me they and their fathers have transgressed against me even unto this very day

  • Job 2:5 - But put forth thine hand now and touch his bone and his flesh thee to thy face and he will curse

  • Genesis 2:23 - said And Adam This is now bone bone and flesh and flesh This shall be called Woman out of Man she was taken This

  • Micah 3:2 - Who hate the good and love the evil who pluck off their skin from off them and their flesh from off their bones

  • Micah 3:3 - Who also eat the flesh of my people their skin and flay their bones from off them and they break and chop them in pieces as for the pot and as flesh within the caldron

  • Lamentations 3:4 - hath he made old My flesh and my skin he hath broken my bones

  • Proverbs 3:8 - It shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones

  • Habakkuk 3:16 - When I heard and I trembled my belly at the voice quivered my lips entered rottenness into my bones and I trembled in myself that I might rest in the day of trouble when he cometh up unto the people he will invade them with his troops

  • Lamentations 4:7 - were purer Her Nazarites than snow they were whiter than milk they were more ruddy in body than rubies was of sapphire their polishing

  • Lamentations 4:8 - is blacker than a coal Their visage they are not known in the streets cleaveth their skin to their bones it is withered it is become like a stick

  • Job 4:14 - Fear came which made all my bones to shake

  • 2 Samuel 5:1 - Then came all the tribes of Israel to David unto Hebron and spake and spake Behold we are thy bone and thy flesh

  • Joshua 5:11 - And they did eat of the old corn of the land on the morrow after the passover unleavened cakes and parched corn in the selfsame day

  • Psalms 6:2 - Have mercy O LORD for I am weak heal O LORD are vexed me for my bones

  • Ezekiel 6:5 - And I will lay the dead carcases of the children of Israel before their idols and I will scatter your bones round about your altars

  • Amos 6:10 - shall take him up And a man's uncle and he that burneth him to bring out the bones of the house Is there yet any with thee and he shall say unto him that is by the sides of the house Is there yet any with thee and he shall say No Is there yet any with thee and he shall say Hold thy tongue for we may not make mention of the name of the LORD

  • Genesis 7:13 - In the selfsame day entered Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth of his sons Noah wife Noah and the three wife of his sons with them into the ark

  • Job 7:15 - chooseth strangling So that my soul and death rather than my life

  • Jeremiah 8:1 - At that time saith the LORD they shall bring out and the bones of the kings of Judah and the bones of his princes and the bones of the priests and the bones of the prophets and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem out of their graves

  • Judges 9:2 - Speak I pray you in the ears of all the men of Shechem Whether is better reign which are threescore and ten persons for you either that all the sons of Jerubbaal reign persons over you or that one over you remember also that I am your bone and your flesh

  • Numbers 9:12 - They shall leave none of it unto the morning any bone nor break of it according to all the ordinances of the passover they shall keep

  • Job 10:11 - me with skin and flesh Thou hast clothed me with bones and sinews and hast fenced

  • 1 Chronicles 10:12 - They arose men all the valiant and took away and the bodies of Saul and the bodies of his sons and brought in Jabesh and buried their bones under the oak in Jabesh and fasted seven days

  • Joshua 10:27 - And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun commanded that Joshua and they took them down off the trees and cast in the cave's wherein they had been hid and laid stones great mouth in the cave's which remain until this very day

  • 1 Chronicles 11:1 - gathered Then all Israel themselves to David unto Hebron saying Behold we are thy bone and thy flesh

  • Ecclesiastes 11:5 - As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child As thou knowest not the works of God who maketh

  • Proverbs 12:4 - woman A virtuous is a crown to her husband is as rottenness in his bones but she that maketh ashamed

  • Exodus 12:17 - And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread for in this selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt And ye shall observe day in your generations by an ordinance for ever

  • Exodus 12:41 - And it came to pass at the end and thirty years of the four hundred years even the selfsame day went out it came to pass that all the hosts of the LORD from the land of Egypt

  • Exodus 12:46 - house In one shall it be eaten thou shalt not carry forth house ought of the flesh abroad a bone neither shall ye break

  • Exodus 12:51 - And it came to pass the selfsame day did bring that the LORD the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies

  • 1 Kings 13:2 - And he cried O altar in the word of the LORD and said O altar O altar and said of the LORD Behold a child shall be born unto the house of David Josiah by ~ and upon thee shall he offer the priests of the high places that burn incense bones upon thee and men's shall be burnt

  • Exodus 13:19 - took And Moses my bones of Joseph sworn sworn the children of Israel saying visit visit God away my bones

  • 2 Kings 13:21 - And it came to pass as they were burying a man that behold they spied a band of men and they cast a man into the sepulchre of Elisha and touched a man the bones of Elisha he revived and stood up on his feet

  • 1 Kings 13:31 - And it came to pass after he had buried him that he spake to his sons him that he spake When I am dead he had buried me in the sepulchre wherein the man of God he had buried beside his bones lay his bones

  • Proverbs 14:30 - is the life of the flesh heart A sound the rottenness of the bones but envy

  • Proverbs 15:30 - The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart report and a good fat the bones

  • Proverbs 16:24 - are as an honeycomb words Pleasant sweet to the soul and health to the bones

  • Genesis 17:23 - took And Abraham Ishmael his son and all that were born house and all that were bought with his money every male house And Abraham and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day had said as God

  • Genesis 17:26 - In the selfsame day circumcised was Abraham and Ishmael his son

  • 2 Samuel 19:12 - Ye are my brethren ye are my bones and my flesh wherefore then are ye the last to bring back the king

  • 2 Samuel 19:13 - ye to Amasa And say Art thou not of my bone and of my flesh do God so to me and more also if thou be not captain of the host before me continually in the room of Joab

  • Numbers 19:16 - And whosoever toucheth in the open fields one that is slain with a sword or a dead body or a bone of a man or a grave shall be unclean seven days

  • Numbers 19:18 - shall take hyssop and dip it in the water person And a clean and sprinkle it upon the tent and upon all the vessels and upon the persons that were there and upon him that touched a bone or one slain or one dead or a grave

  • Job 19:20 - to my skin and to my flesh cleaveth My bone and I am escaped to my skin of my teeth

  • Judges 19:29 - And when he was come into his house he took a knife and laid hold on his concubine and divided her together with her bones into twelve pieces and sent her into all the coasts of Israel

  • Jeremiah 20:9 - Then I said I will not make mention of him nor speak any more in his name But his word was in mine heart fire as a burning shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could

  • Job 20:11 - His bones are full of the sin of his youth with him in the dust which shall lie down

  • 2 Samuel 21:12 - And David and took and the bones Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son from the men of Jabeshgilead which had stolen them from the street of Bethshan had hanged the Philistines them when had slain the Philistines Saul in Gilboa

  • 2 Samuel 21:13 - And he brought up and the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son and they gathered and the bones of them that were hanged

  • 2 Samuel 21:14 - buried And the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son for the land of Benjamin in Zelah in the sepulchre of Kish his father and they performed commanded all that the king was intreated that God for the land And after

  • Job 21:23 - One dieth strength in his full being wholly at ease and quiet

  • Job 21:24 - His breasts are full of milk with marrow and his bones are moistened

  • Psalms 22:14 - like water I am poured out are out of joint and all my bones my heart is like wax it is melted in the midst of my bowels

  • Psalms 22:17 - I may tell all my bones they look and stare

  • Jeremiah 23:9 - because of the prophets me is broken Mine heart within shake all my bones man I am like a drunken and like a man hath overcome whom wine because of the LORD because and because of the words of his holiness

  • 2 Kings 23:14 - And he brake in pieces the images and cut down the groves and filled their places with the bones of men

  • Leviticus 23:14 - neither bread nor parched corn nor green ears And ye shall eat that until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering unto your God it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings

  • 2 Kings 23:16 - turned And as Josiah himself he spied out of the sepulchres that were there in the mount and sent and took the bones out of the sepulchres and burned them upon the altar and polluted it according to the word of the LORD proclaimed which the man of God proclaimed it according to the word

  • 2 Kings 23:18 - And he said Let him alone let no man move So they let his bones alone So they let his bones So they let his bones of the prophet that came out of Samaria

  • 2 Kings 23:20 - And he slew all the priests of the high places that were there upon the altars and burned bones men's upon them and returned to Jerusalem

  • Leviticus 23:21 - And ye shall proclaim on the selfsame day convocation that it may be an holy work no servile unto you ye shall do therein it shall be a statute for ever in all your dwellings throughout your generations

  • Leviticus 23:28 - no work And ye shall do in that same day day of atonement to make an atonement for you before the LORD your God

  • Leviticus 23:29 - For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day he shall be cut off from among his people

  • Leviticus 23:30 - And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day will I destroy And whatsoever soul from among his people

  • Ezekiel 24:2 - Son of man write write thee the name day even of this same day set the king of Babylon himself against Jerusalem even of this same day

  • Ezekiel 24:4 - Gather piece piece thereof into it even every good the thigh and the shoulder it with the choice bones fill

  • Ezekiel 24:5 - the choice of the flock Take and burn also the bones well under it and make it boil and let them seethe also the bones of it therein

  • Numbers 24:8 - God brought him forth out of Egypt he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn he shall eat up the nations his enemies their bones and shall break them through with his arrows and pierce

  • Exodus 24:10 - And they saw the God of Israel and there was under his feet work as it were a paved of a sapphire stone and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness

  • Ezekiel 24:10 - Heap on wood kindle the fire consume the flesh and spice it well and let the bones be burned

  • Joshua 24:32 - And the bones of Joseph brought up of the children of Israel out of Egypt buried of Shechem in a parcel of ground bought which Jacob of the children of Hamor the father of Shechem for an hundred pieces of silver of the children of Joseph and it became the inheritance

  • Genesis 29:14 - said And Laban to him Surely thou art my bone and my flesh And he abode of a month with him the space

  • Job 30:17 - in me in the night season My bones are pierced and my sinews take no rest

  • Job 30:30 - My skin is black upon me and my bones are burned with heat

  • Psalms 31:10 - is spent with grief For my life and my years with sighing faileth because of mine iniquity my strength and my bones are consumed

  • 1 Samuel 31:13 - And they took their bones and buried them under a tree at Jabesh and fasted seven days

  • 1 Samuel 31:13 - And they took their bones and buried them under a tree at Jabesh and fasted seven days

  • Psalms 32:3 - When I kept silence waxed old my bones through my roaring all the day

  • Ezekiel 32:27 - And they shall not lie of the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised which are gone down to hell with their weapons of war and they have laid their swords under their heads but their iniquities shall be upon their bones though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living

  • Deuteronomy 32:48 - spake And the LORD unto Moses that selfsame day saying

  • Job 33:19 - He is chastened also with pain upon his bed and the multitude of his bones with strong

  • Job 33:21 - is consumed away His flesh that it cannot be seen stick out and his bones that were not seen

  • 2 Chronicles 34:5 - the bones of the priests And he burnt upon their altars and cleansed Judah and Jerusalem

  • Psalms 34:20 - He keepeth all his bones not one of them is broken

  • Psalms 35:10 - All my bones shall say LORD who is like unto thee which deliverest for him yea the poor from him that is too strong for him yea the poor and the needy from him that spoileth

  • Ezekiel 37:1 - The hand of the LORD was upon me and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones

  • Ezekiel 37:3 - And I answered unto me Son of man live can these bones And I answered O Lord GOD thou knowest

  • Ezekiel 37:4 - Again he said unto me Prophesy bones Again he said bones unto them O ye dry hear the word of the LORD

  • Ezekiel 37:5 - Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones to enter Behold I will cause breath into you and ye shall live

  • Ezekiel 37:7 - So I prophesied as I was commanded there was a noise So I prophesied and behold a shaking came together and the bones and the bones and the bones

  • Ezekiel 37:11 - Then he said unto me Son of man Our bones are the whole house of Israel Then he said are dried Our bones is lost and our hope we are cut off

  • Psalms 38:3 - There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin

  • Isaiah 38:13 - I reckoned till morning that as a lion so will he break all my bones from day even to night wilt thou make an end

  • Ezekiel 39:15 - And the passengers And the passengers the land when any seeth bone a man's then shall he set up by a sign have buried have buried it in the valley of Hamongog

  • Ezekiel 40:1 - and twentieth In the five of the year of our captivity in the beginning of the year in the tenth day of the month in the fourteenth of the year after was smitten that the city in the selfsame day the hand of the LORD was upon me and brought

  • Job 40:18 - His bones are as strong pieces of brass his bones are like bars of iron

  • Psalms 42:10 - As with a sword in my bones reproach mine enemies me while they say daily unto me Where is thy God

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