H6310 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the mouth (as the means of blowing), whether literal or figurative (particularly speech); specifically edge, portion or side; adverbially (with preposition) according to accord(-ing as, -ing to), after, appointment, assent, collar, command(-ment), [idiom] eat, edge, end, entry, [phrase] file, hole, [idiom] in, mind, mouth, part, portion, [idiom] (should) say(-ing), sentence, skirt, sound, speech, [idiom] spoken, talk, tenor, [idiom] to, [phrase] two-edged, wish, word. from H6284 (פָּאָה);

457 instances of the word פֶּה peh (H6310)

  • Psalms 49:3 - My mouth shall speak of wisdom and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding

  • Psalms 49:13 - This their way is their folly yet their posterity their sayings approve Selah

  • Psalms 50:16 - But unto the wicked saith God What hast thou to do to declare my statutes or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth

  • Psalms 50:19 - thy mouth Thou givest to evil and thy tongue frameth deceit

  • Psalms 51:15 - O Lord thou my lips open and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise

  • Isaiah 51:16 - And I have put my words in thy mouth thee in the shadow of mine hand and I have covered that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth and say unto Zion Thou art my people

  • Jeremiah 51:44 - And I will punish Bel in Babylon and I will bring forth that which he hath swallowed up out of his mouth shall not flow together and the nations any more unto him yea the wall in Babylon shall fall

  • Isaiah 52:15 - So shall he sprinkle nations many shall shut the kings their mouths at him for that which had not been told them shall they see and that which they had not heard shall they consider

  • Isaiah 53:7 - He was oppressed and he was afflicted so he openeth not his mouth as a lamb to the slaughter he is brought and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so he openeth not his mouth

  • Isaiah 53:9 - And he made with the wicked his grave and with the rich in his death no violence because he had done neither was any deceit in his mouth

  • Psalms 54:2 - O God Hear my prayer give ear to the words of my mouth

  • Isaiah 55:11 - So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent

  • Psalms 55:21 - were smoother than butter The words of his mouth but war was in his heart were softer his words than oil yet were they drawn swords

  • Isaiah 57:4 - Against whom do ye sport yourselves against whom make ye a wide mouth and draw out the tongue are ye not children of transgression a seed of falsehood

  • Psalms 58:6 - O God Break their teeth in their mouth the great teeth of the young lions break out O LORD

  • Isaiah 58:14 - Then shalt thou delight of the LORD and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken

  • Psalms 59:7 - Behold they belch out with their mouth swords are in their lips for who say they doth hear

  • Psalms 59:12 - For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride and for cursing and lying which they speak

  • Isaiah 59:21 - As for me this is my covenant saith the LORD My spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart in thy mouth in thy mouth of thy seed in thy mouth of thy seed of thy seed saith the LORD from henceforth and for ever

  • Isaiah 62:2 - shall see And the Gentiles thy righteousness and all kings thy glory and thou shalt be called shall name by a new which the mouth of the LORD name

  • Psalms 62:4 - from his excellency They only consult to cast him down they delight in lies with their mouth they bless inwardly but they curse Selah

  • Psalms 63:5 - as with marrow and fatness shall be satisfied My soul lips thee with joyful shall praise and my mouth

  • Psalms 63:11 - But the king shall rejoice in God by him shall glory every one that sweareth shall be stopped but the mouth of them that speak lies

  • Psalms 66:14 - have uttered Which my lips hath spoken and my mouth when I was in trouble

  • Psalms 66:17 - unto him with my mouth I cried with my tongue

  • Psalms 69:15 - overflow Let not the waterflood swallow me up me neither let the deep shut and let not the pit her mouth

  • Psalms 71:8 - be filled Let my mouth with thy praise all the day and with thy honour

  • Psalms 71:15 - My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness all the day and thy salvation for I know not the numbers

  • Psalms 73:9 - They set against the heavens their mouth and their tongue walketh through the earth

  • Psalms 78:1 - Give ear O my people to my law incline your ears to the words of my mouth

  • Psalms 78:2 - I will open in a parable my mouth I will utter dark sayings of old

  • Psalms 78:30 - They were not estranged from their lust But while their meat was yet in their mouths

  • Psalms 78:36 - Nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth unto him with their tongues and they lied

  • Psalms 81:10 - I am the LORD thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt wide open thy mouth and I will fill

  • Psalms 89:1 - of the mercies of the LORD for ever I will sing generations generations will I make known thy faithfulness with my mouth

  • Psalms 105:5 - Remember his marvellous works that he hath done his wonders and the judgments of his mouth

  • Psalms 107:42 - shall see The righteous it and rejoice and all iniquity shall stop her mouth

  • Psalms 109:2 - For the mouth of the wicked For the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me they have spoken tongue against me with a lying

  • Psalms 109:30 - praise the LORD I will greatly with my mouth him among the multitude yea I will praise

  • Psalms 115:5 - They have mouths but they speak not eyes have they but they see

  • Psalms 119:13 - With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth

  • Psalms 119:43 - And take out of my mouth not the word of truth utterly in thy judgments for I have hoped

  • Psalms 119:72 - is better The law of thy mouth unto me than thousands of gold and silver

  • Psalms 119:88 - me after thy lovingkindness Quicken so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth

  • Psalms 119:103 - How sweet unto my taste are thy words yea sweeter than honey to my mouth

  • Psalms 119:108 - I beseech thee the freewill offerings of my mouth Accept O LORD me thy judgments and teach

  • Psalms 119:131 - my mouth I opened and panted for thy commandments for I longed

  • Psalms 126:2 - filled with laughter Then was our mouth and our tongue with singing then said they among the heathen great things The LORD hath done

  • Psalms 133:2 - ointment It is like the precious upon the head that ran down beard beard even Aaron's that ran down to the skirts of his garments

  • Psalms 135:16 - They have mouths but they speak not eyes have they but they see

  • Psalms 135:17 - They have ears but they hear not neither is there any breath in their mouths

  • Psalms 138:4 - shall praise thee O LORD All the kings of the earth when they hear the words of thy mouth

  • Psalms 141:3 - Set O LORD a watch before my mouth keep the door of my lips

  • Psalms 141:7 - as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth are scattered Our bones mouth at the grave's

  • Psalms 144:8 - Whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand and their right hand of falsehood

  • Psalms 144:11 - Rid me and deliver me from the hand children of strange whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand and their right hand of falsehood

  • Psalms 145:21 - the praise of the LORD shall speak My mouth bless and let all flesh name his holy for ever and ever