H637 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
meaning accession (used as an adverb or conjunction); also or yea; adversatively though also, [phrase] although, and (furthermore, yet), but, even, [phrase] how much less (more, rather than), moreover, with, yea. a primitive particle;

123 instances of the word אַף ʼaph (H637)

  • Isaiah 46:7 - They bear him upon the shoulder they carry him and set him in his place and he standeth from his place shall he not remove yea one shall cry unto him yet can he not answer him out of his trouble nor save

  • Isaiah 46:11 - Calling from the east a ravenous bird country from a far the man that executeth my counsel yea I have spoken it I will also bring it to pass I have purposed it I will also do

  • Isaiah 48:12 - Hearken unto me O Jacob and Israel my called I am he I am the first I also am the last

  • Isaiah 48:13 - Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth and my right hand hath spanned the heavens when I call unto them they stand up together

  • Isaiah 48:15 - I even I have spoken yea I have called him I have brought prosperous him and he shall make his way

  • Psalms 58:2 - Yea in heart wickedness ye work in the earth the violence of your hands ye weigh

  • Psalms 65:13 - are clothed The pastures with flocks the valleys also are covered over with corn they shout for joy they also sing

  • Psalms 68:8 - The earth shook the heavens also dropped at the presence of God itself even Sinai at the presence of God of God of Israel

  • Psalms 68:16 - Why leap hills ye ye high hills desireth which God to dwell in yea the LORD will dwell in it for ever

  • Psalms 68:18 - Thou hast ascended on high captive thou hast led captivity thou hast received gifts for men yea for the rebellious might dwell also that the LORD God

  • Psalms 74:16 - The day is thine the night also is thine thou hast prepared the light and the sun

  • Psalms 77:16 - saw The waters thee O God saw The waters thee they were afraid also were troubled the depths

  • Psalms 77:17 - poured out water The clouds a sound sent out the skies thine arrows also went abroad

  • Psalms 89:5 - shall praise And the heavens thy wonders O LORD thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints

  • Psalms 89:11 - The heavens are thine the earth also is thine as for the world and the fulness thereof thou hast founded

  • Psalms 89:21 - With whom my hand shall be established mine arm also shall strengthen

  • Psalms 89:27 - him my firstborn Also I will make higher than the kings of the earth

  • Psalms 89:43 - Thou hast also turned the edge of his sword and hast not made him to stand in the battle

  • Psalms 93:1 - The LORD reigneth with majesty he is clothed he is clothed The LORD with strength wherewith he hath girded also is stablished himself the world that it cannot be moved

  • Psalms 96:10 - Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth also shall be established the world that it shall not be moved he shall judge the people righteously

  • Psalms 108:1 - is fixed my heart O God I will sing and give praise even with my glory

  • Psalms 119:3 - They also do no iniquity in his ways they walk

  • Psalms 135:17 - They have ears but they hear not neither is there any breath in their mouths