H639 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, the nose or nostril; hence, the face, and occasionally a person; also (from the rapid breathing in passion) ire anger(-gry), [phrase] before, countenance, face, [phrase] forebearing, forehead, [phrase] (long-) suffering, nose, nostril, snout, [idiom] worthy, wrath. from H599 (אָנַף);

269 instances of the word אַף ʼaph (H639)

  • Job 32:5 - saw When Elihu that there was no answer in the mouth of these three was kindled then his wrath

  • Exodus 32:10 - Now therefore let me alone may wax hot that my wrath against them and that I may consume them and I will make nation of thee a great

  • Numbers 32:10 - was kindled anger And the LORD'S the same time and he sware saying

  • Exodus 32:11 - besought And Moses LORD his God and said LORD wax hot why doth thy wrath against thy people which thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt power with great hand and with a mighty

  • Exodus 32:12 - and say Wherefore should the Egyptians and say For mischief did he bring them out to slay them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the earth Turn from thy fierce wrath and repent For mischief against thy people

  • Numbers 32:13 - was kindled anger And the LORD'S against Israel and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years was consumed until all the generation that had done evil in the sight And the LORD'S

  • Numbers 32:14 - And behold ye are risen up in your fathers stead an increase men of sinful to augment yet the fierce anger of the LORD toward Israel

  • Exodus 32:19 - And it came to pass as soon as he came nigh unto the camp that he saw the calf and the dancing waxed hot anger and Moses and he cast out of his hands the tables and brake them beneath the mount

  • Deuteronomy 32:22 - For a fire is kindled in mine anger and shall burn hell unto the lowest and shall consume the earth with her increase and set on fire of the mountains

  • Exodus 32:22 - said And Aaron wax hot Let not the anger of my lord thou knowest the people that they are set on mischief

  • Jeremiah 32:31 - hath been to me as a provocation of mine anger and of my fury For this city from the day that they built from the day that I should remove it from before my face

  • Jeremiah 32:37 - Behold I will gather them out of all countries whither I have driven them in mine anger and in my fury wrath and in great and I will bring them again unto this place and I will cause them to dwell safely

  • Jeremiah 33:5 - They come to fight with the Chaldeans but it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men whom I have slain in mine anger and in my fury I have hid my face from this city and for all whose wickedness

  • Deuteronomy 33:10 - They shall teach thy judgments Jacob thy law and Israel they shall put incense before thee and whole burnt sacrifice upon thine altar

  • Exodus 34:6 - passed by And the LORD before him and proclaimed And the LORD And the LORD God merciful and gracious longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth

  • Ezekiel 35:11 - Therefore as I live saith the Lord GOD I will even do according to thine anger and according to thine envy I will even do out of thy hatred against them and I will make myself known among them when I have judged

  • Job 35:15 - But now because it is not so he hath visited in his anger yet he knoweth extremity it not in great

  • Jeremiah 36:7 - It may be they will present their supplication before that the LORD and will return every one way from his evil for great is the anger and the fury hath pronounced that the LORD against this people

  • Job 36:13 - But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath they cry not when he bindeth

  • Psalms 37:8 - Cease from anger and forsake wrath fret not thyself in any wise to do evil

  • Isaiah 37:29 - Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore will I put my hook in thy nose and my bridle in thy lips and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest

  • Ezekiel 38:18 - And it shall come to pass at the same time And it shall come to pass at the same time shall come Gog against the land of Israel saith the Lord GOD shall come up that my fury in my face

  • Genesis 39:19 - heard And it came to pass when his master After this manner of his wife which she spake unto him saying After this manner did thy servant was kindled to me that his wrath

  • Job 40:11 - Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath and behold every one that is proud and abase

  • Job 40:24 - it with his eyes He taketh snares pierceth through his nose

  • Job 41:2 - Canst thou put an hook into his nose through with a thorn or bore his jaw

  • Genesis 42:6 - And Joseph was the governor of the land and he it was that sold to all the people of the land came brethren And Joseph and bowed down themselves before him with their faces of the land

  • Job 42:7 - And it was so that after for ye have not spoken the LORD these words Job said the LORD to Eliphaz the Temanite is kindled My wrath against thee and against thy two friends for ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right as my servant Job

  • Jeremiah 42:18 - For thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel be poured forth As mine anger and my fury upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem be poured forth and my fury upon you when ye shall enter into Egypt and ye shall be an execration and an astonishment and a curse and a reproach and ye shall see this place

  • Isaiah 42:25 - Therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger and the strength of battle and it hath set him on fire round about yet he knew not and it burned him yet he laid it not to heart

  • Ezekiel 43:8 - In their setting by my thresholds by my thresholds and their post by and their post and the wall between me and them they have even defiled name my holy by their abominations that they have committed them in mine anger

  • Jeremiah 44:6 - was poured forth Wherefore my fury and mine anger and was kindled in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem and they are wasted and desolate as at this day

  • Genesis 44:18 - came near Then Judah unto him and said Oh in my lord's I pray thee speak against thy servant a word ears in my lord's burn and let not thine anger against thy servant for thou art even as Pharaoh

  • Isaiah 48:9 - For my name's sake will I defer mine anger and for my praise will I refrain for thee that I cut thee not off

  • Genesis 48:12 - brought them out And Joseph from between his knees and he bowed himself with his face to the earth

  • Genesis 49:6 - not thou into their secret come O my soul unto their assembly be not thou united mine honour for in their anger they slew a man and in their selfwill they digged down a wall

  • Genesis 49:7 - Cursed be their anger for it was fierce and their wrath for it was cruel I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel

  • Isaiah 49:23 - And kings shall be thy nursing fathers and their queens thy nursing mothers to thee with their face toward the earth they shall bow down the dust of thy feet and lick up and thou shalt know that I am the LORD for they shall not be ashamed that wait

  • Jeremiah 49:37 - to be dismayed For I will cause Elam and before their enemies and before them that seek their life and I will bring evil upon them even my fierce anger saith the LORD and I will send after the sword them till I have consumed

  • Jeremiah 51:45 - go ye out of the midst My people of her and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the LORD

  • Jeremiah 52:3 - For through the anger of the LORD it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah till he had cast them out For through from his presence rebelled that Zedekiah against the king of Babylon

  • Psalms 55:3 - Because of the voice of the enemy because of the oppression of the wicked for they cast iniquity upon me and in wrath they hate

  • Psalms 56:7 - by iniquity Shall they escape in thine anger the people cast down O God

  • Isaiah 63:3 - the winepress I have trodden alone and of the people there was none I have trodden them in mine anger and trample them in my fury shall be sprinkled and their blood upon my garments all my raiment and I will stain

  • Isaiah 63:6 - And I will tread down the people in mine anger and make them drunk in my fury and I will bring down to the earth their strength

  • Isaiah 65:5 - Which say Stand by thyself come not near to me for I am holier than thou These are a smoke in my nose a fire that burneth all the day

  • Isaiah 66:15 - For behold the LORD of fire will come like a whirlwind and with his chariots to render with fury his anger and his rebuke with flames of fire

  • Psalms 69:24 - Pour out thine indignation upon them and let thy wrathful anger take hold

  • Psalms 74:1 - O God why hast thou cast us off for ever smoke why doth thine anger against the sheep of thy pasture

  • Psalms 76:7 - Thou even thou art to be feared and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry

  • Psalms 77:9 - forgotten to be gracious Hath God shut up hath he in anger his tender mercies Selah

  • Psalms 78:21 - heard Therefore the LORD this and was wroth so a fire was kindled against Jacob and anger also came up against Israel

  • Psalms 78:31 - The wrath of God came upon them and slew the fattest the chosen men of Israel of them and smote down

  • Psalms 78:38 - But he being full of compassion forgave their iniquity and destroyed them not yea many a time away he his anger and did not stir up all his wrath

  • Psalms 78:49 - He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger wrath and indignation and trouble by sending angels evil

  • Psalms 78:50 - He made a way to his anger he spared from death not their soul their life to the pestilence but gave

  • Psalms 85:3 - Thou hast taken away all thy wrath thou hast turned thyself from the fierceness of thine anger

  • Psalms 85:5 - with us for ever Wilt thou be angry wilt thou draw out thine anger generations generations

  • Psalms 86:15 - But thou O Lord art a God full of compassion and gracious longsuffering and plenteous in mercy and truth

  • Psalms 90:7 - For we are consumed by thine anger and by thy wrath are we troubled

  • Psalms 90:11 - Who knoweth the power of thine anger even according to thy fear so is thy wrath

  • Psalms 95:11 - Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest

  • Psalms 103:8 - is merciful and gracious The LORD slow to anger and plenteous in mercy

  • Psalms 106:40 - kindled Therefore was the wrath of the LORD against his people insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance

  • Psalms 110:5 - The Lord at thy right hand shall strike in the day of his wrath through kings

  • Psalms 115:6 - They have ears but they hear not noses have they but they smell

  • Psalms 124:3 - Then quick they had swallowed us up was kindled when their wrath

  • Psalms 138:7 - in the midst of trouble thou wilt revive against the wrath of mine enemies me thou shalt stretch forth thine hand shall save and thy right hand

  • Psalms 145:8 - is gracious and full of compassion The LORD slow to anger and of great mercy