H6555 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to break out (in many applications, direct and indirect, literal and figurative) [idiom] abroad, (make a) breach, break (away, down, -er, forth, in, up), burst out, come (spread) abroad, compel, disperse, grow, increase, open, press, scatter, urge. a primitive root;

48 instances of the word פָּרַץ pârats (H6555)

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  • Nehemiah 1:3 - And they said that are left that are left of the captivity there in the province affliction are in great and reproach the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down and the gates thereof are burned with fire

  • Job 1:10 - Hast not thou made an hedge about him and about about him and about his house about him and about and about all that he hath on every side the work of his hands thou hast blessed and his substance is increased in the land

  • Exodus 1:12 - But the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied them the more and grew And they were grieved because of the children of Israel

  • Micah 2:13 - is come up The breaker before The breaker and have passed through the gate and are gone out and have passed through by it and their king before them and the LORD on the head

  • Nehemiah 2:13 - And I went out and the gates of the valley by night even before well the dragon and the gates and to the dung and viewed the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down and the gates thereof were consumed with fire

  • 1 Samuel 3:1 - And the child Samuel ministered of the LORD before Eli And the word of the LORD was precious in those days vision there was no open

  • Ecclesiastes 3:3 - A time to kill A time to heal A time to break down A time to build up

  • Proverbs 3:10 - be filled So shall thy barns with plenty with new wine and thy presses shall burst out

  • Hosea 4:2 - By swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery they break out and blood and blood toucheth

  • Nehemiah 4:3 - Now Tobiah the Ammonite was by him and he said Even that which they build go up if a fox he shall even break down wall their stone

  • Nehemiah 4:7 - heard But it came to pass that when Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabians and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites were made up that the walls of Jerusalem began and that the breaches to be stopped wroth then they were very

  • Hosea 4:10 - For they shall eat and not have enough they shall commit whoredom and shall not increase to the LORD because they have left off to take heed

  • 1 Chronicles 4:38 - These mentioned by their names were princes in their families and the house of their fathers increased greatly

  • Isaiah 5:5 - And now go to I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard I will take away the hedge thereof and it shall be eaten up and break down the wall thereof and it shall be trodden down

  • 2 Samuel 5:20 - came And David Baalperazim smote And David them there and said hath broken forth The LORD upon mine enemies before me as the breach of waters Therefore he called the name of that place Baalperazim

  • 2 Kings 5:23 - said And Naaman Be content take talents And he urged talents of silver in two bags in two changes of garments and laid in two of his servants and they bare them before

  • 2 Samuel 6:8 - was displeased And David had made because the LORD a breach upon Uzzah and he called the name of the place Perezuzzah to this day

  • Ecclesiastes 10:8 - He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it and whoso breaketh an hedge shall bite a serpent

  • 2 Chronicles 11:23 - And he dealt wisely and dispersed of all his children throughout all the countries of Judah and Benjamin city unto every fenced and he gave them victual in abundance And he desired many wives

  • 1 Chronicles 13:2 - said And David unto all the congregation of Israel If it seem good unto you and that it be of the LORD our God abroad let us send unto our brethren every where that are left in all the land of Israel and with them also to the priests and Levites which are in their cities and suburbs that they may gather

  • 1 Chronicles 13:11 - was displeased And David had made because the LORD a breach upon Uzza is called wherefore that place Perezuzza to this day

  • 2 Samuel 13:25 - said And the king to Absalom Nay my son lest we be chargeable unto thee And he pressed him howbeit he would but blessed

  • 2 Samuel 13:27 - pressed But Absalom go him that he let Amnon sons and all the king's

  • 1 Chronicles 14:11 - So they came up Baalperazim smote and David said and David hath broken in God upon mine enemies by mine hand like the breaking forth of waters therefore they called the name of that place Baalperazim

  • 2 Kings 14:13 - Amaziah king of Judah the son And Jehoash the son of Ahaziah took And Jehoash king of Israel at Bethshemesh and came of Jerusalem and brake down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim from the gate unto the corner four hundred cubits

  • 1 Chronicles 15:13 - For because ye did it not at the first made a breach the LORD our God upon us for that we sought him not after the due order

  • Job 16:14 - He breaketh breach upon breach he runneth upon me like a giant

  • Exodus 19:22 - And let the priests also which come near themselves lest the LORD sanctify break forth themselves lest the LORD

  • Exodus 19:24 - said And the LORD get thee down and thou shalt come up thou and Aaron with thee but let not the priests and the people break through and thou shalt come up And the LORD lest he break forth

  • 2 Chronicles 20:37 - prophesied Then Eliezer the son of Dodavah of Mareshah against Jehoshaphat saying Because thou hast joined thyself with Ahaziah hath broken the LORD thy works were broken And the ships that they were not able to Tarshish

  • 2 Chronicles 24:7 - of Athaliah that wicked For the sons woman had broken up of the house of God and also all the dedicated things of the house of the LORD did they bestow upon Baalim

  • 1 Samuel 25:10 - answered And Nabal servants David's and said David's and who is the son of Jesse now a days there be many servants that break away every man from his master

  • 2 Chronicles 25:23 - Amaziah king of Judah the son And Joash the son of Jehoahaz took And Joash king of Israel at Bethshemesh and brought him to Jerusalem and brake down the wall him to Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim from the gate to the corner four hundred cubits

  • Proverbs 25:28 - is like a city that is broken down and without walls He that hath no rule over his own spirit

  • 2 Chronicles 26:6 - And he went forth and warred against the Philistines and brake down and the wall of Gath and the wall of Jabneh and the wall about Ashdod and built cities about Ashdod against the Philistines

  • Job 28:4 - breaketh out The flood from the inhabitant even the waters forgotten of the foot they are dried up from men they are gone away

  • Genesis 28:14 - And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and thou shalt spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south be blessed shall all the families of the earth And thy seed

  • 1 Samuel 28:23 - But he refused and said I will not eat compelled But his servants together with the woman him and he hearkened unto their voice So he arose from the earth and sat upon the bed

  • Genesis 30:30 - For it was little which thou hadst before I came and it is now increased unto a multitude hath blessed and the LORD thee since my coming and now when shall I provide for mine own house

  • Genesis 30:43 - increased And the man exceedingly exceedingly cattle and had much and maidservants and menservants and camels and asses

  • 2 Chronicles 31:5 - came abroad And as soon as the commandment in abundance the children of Israel the firstfruits of corn wine and oil and honey and of all the increase of the field and the tithe they in abundantly brought

  • 2 Chronicles 32:5 - Also he strengthened himself and built up all the wall that was broken and raised it up to the towers without all the wall and another Also he strengthened Millo in the city of David and made darts in abundance and shields

  • Genesis 38:29 - And it came to pass as he drew back his hand came out that behold his brother and she said How hast thou broken forth this breach was called be upon thee therefore his name Pharez

  • Isaiah 54:3 - on the right hand and on the left For thou shalt break forth and thy seed the Gentiles shall inherit cities and make the desolate to be inhabited

  • Psalms 60:1 - O God thou hast cast us off thou hast scattered us thou hast been displeased O turn thyself to us again

  • Psalms 80:12 - Why hast thou then broken down her hedges do pluck so that all they which pass by the way

  • Psalms 89:40 - Thou hast broken down all his hedges thou hast brought his strong holds to ruin

  • Psalms 106:29 - Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions brake in and the plague

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