H6663 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to be (causatively, make) right (in a moral or forensic sense) cleanse, clear self, (be, do) just(-ice, -ify, -ify self), (be turn to) righteous(-ness). a primitive root;

40 instances of the word צָדַק tsâdaq (H6663)

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  • Jeremiah 3:11 - said And the LORD hath justified herself unto me The backsliding Israel more than treacherous Judah

  • Job 4:17 - than God be more just than his maker be more pure shall a man

  • Isaiah 5:23 - Which justify the wicked for reward the righteousness of the righteous and take away

  • 2 Chronicles 6:23 - Then hear thou from heaven and do and judge thy servants by requiting the wicked by giving his way upon his own head and by justifying the righteous by giving him according to his righteousness

  • Daniel 8:14 - And he said days unto me Unto two thousand and three hundred be cleansed then shall the sanctuary

  • 1 Kings 8:32 - Then hear thou in heaven and do and judge thy servants condemning the wicked to bring his way upon his head and justifying the righteous to bring him according to his righteousness

  • Job 9:2 - it is so of a truth I know be just but how should man with God

  • Job 9:15 - Whom though I were righteous yet would I not answer to my judge but I would make supplication

  • Job 9:20 - If I justify myself mine own mouth shall condemn me if I say I am perfect it shall also prove me perverse

  • Job 10:15 - If I be wicked woe unto me and if I be righteous yet will I not lift up my head I am full of confusion thou mine affliction

  • Job 11:2 - Should not the multitude of words be answered and should a man full of talk be justified

  • Daniel 12:3 - And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament to righteousness and they that turn many as the stars for ever and ever

  • Job 13:18 - Behold now I have ordered my cause I know that I shall be justified

  • 2 Samuel 15:4 - said Absalom moreover Oh that I were made judge in the land might come that every man which hath any suit or cause unto me and I would do him justice

  • Job 15:14 - What is man that he should be clean that he should be righteous and he which is born of a woman

  • Ezekiel 16:51 - Neither hath Samaria half of thy sins committed but thou hast multiplied in all thine abominations more than they and hast justified thy sisters in all thine abominations which thou hast done

  • Ezekiel 16:52 - also and bear thine own shame Thou also which hast judged thy sisters for thy sins that thou hast committed more abominable than they in that thou hast justified than thou yea be thou confounded also and bear thine own shame in that thou hast justified thy sisters

  • Proverbs 17:15 - He that justifieth the wicked and he that condemneth the just are abomination to the LORD even they both

  • Psalms 19:9 - The fear of the LORD is clean enduring for ever the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether

  • Job 22:3 - Is it any pleasure to the Almighty that thou art righteous or is it gain perfect to him that thou makest thy ways

  • Exodus 23:7 - matter from a false Keep thee far and the innocent and righteous slay thou not for I will not justify the wicked

  • Deuteronomy 25:1 - If there be a controversy between men and they come unto judgment that the judges may judge them then they shall justify the righteous and condemn the wicked

  • Job 25:4 - be justified How then can man with God or how can he be clean that is born of a woman

  • Job 27:5 - God forbid that I should justify you till I die I will not remove mine integrity

  • Job 32:2 - Then was kindled the wrath of Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite of the kindred of Ram against Job Then was kindled the wrath because he justified himself rather than God

  • Job 33:12 - Behold in this thou art not just I will answer is greater thee that God than man

  • Job 33:32 - If thou hast any thing to say answer me speak for I desire to justify

  • Job 34:5 - hath said For Job I am righteous and God hath taken away my judgment

  • Job 35:7 - If thou be righteous what givest he of thine hand thou him or what receiveth

  • Genesis 38:26 - acknowledged And Judah them and said She hath been more righteous than I because that I gave her not to Shelah my son again And he knew her

  • Job 40:8 - Wilt thou also disannul my judgment wilt thou condemn me that thou mayest be righteous

  • Isaiah 43:9 - Let all the nations be gathered together be assembled and let the people who among them can declare us former things or let them hear let them bring forth their witnesses that they may be justified or let them hear and say It is truth

  • Isaiah 43:26 - Put me in remembrance let us plead together declare thou that thou mayest be justified

  • Genesis 44:16 - What shall we say And Judah What shall we say behold we are my lord's what shall we speak or how shall we clear ourselves God hath found out the iniquity of thy servants of thy servants behold we are my lord's both we and he also both we and he also with whom hath found out the cup

  • Isaiah 45:25 - In the LORD be justified and shall glory shall all the seed of Israel

  • Isaiah 50:8 - He is near that justifieth me who will contend with me let us stand together who is mine adversary let him come near

  • Psalms 51:4 - Against thee thee only have I sinned this evil in thy sight and done that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest and be clear when thou judgest

  • Isaiah 53:11 - of the travail of his soul He shall see and shall be satisfied by his knowledge justify shall my righteous servant many their iniquities for he shall bear

  • Psalms 82:3 - Defend the poor and fatherless to the afflicted and needy do justice

  • Psalms 143:2 - And enter not into judgment with thy servant be justified for in thy sight shall no man living

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