H6670 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to gleam, i.e. (figuratively) be cheerful; by transference to sound clear (of various animal or human expressions) bellow, cry aloud (out), lift up, neigh, rejoice, make to shine, shout. a primitive root;

9 instances of the word צָהַל tsâhal (H6670)

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  • Jeremiah 5:8 - horses They were as fed in the morning every one wife after his neighbour's neighed

  • Esther 8:15 - And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king apparel in royal of blue and white crown of gold and with a great and with a garment of fine linen and purple and the city of Shushan rejoiced

  • Isaiah 10:30 - Lift up thy voice O daughter Gallim cause it to be heard unto Laish O poor Anathoth

  • Isaiah 12:6 - Cry out and shout thou inhabitant of Zion for great in the midst is the Holy One of Israel

  • Isaiah 24:14 - They shall lift up their voice they shall sing for the majesty of the LORD they shall cry aloud from the sea

  • Jeremiah 31:7 - For thus saith O LORD Sing for Jacob with gladness and shout among the chief of the nations publish ye praise For thus saith save O LORD thy people the remnant of Israel

  • Jeremiah 50:11 - Because ye were glad because ye rejoiced O ye destroyers of mine heritage because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass and bellow as bulls

  • Isaiah 54:1 - Sing O barren thou that didst not bear break forth into singing and cry aloud thou that didst not travail with child for more are the children of the desolate are the children of the married wife saith the LORD

  • Psalms 104:15 - And wine that maketh glad heart man's to shine to make his face and oil and bread heart man's which strengtheneth

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