H6680 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
(intensively) to constitute, enjoin appoint, (for-) bid, (give a) charge, (give a, give in, send with) command(-er, -ment), send a messenger, put, (set) in order. a primitive root;

476 instances of the word צָוָה tsâvâh (H6680)

  • Deuteronomy 12:28 - Observe and hear all these words which I command thee that it may go well with thee and with thy children after thee for ever when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD thy God

  • Exodus 12:28 - and did And the children of Israel had commanded as the LORD Moses and Aaron and did

  • Deuteronomy 12:32 - What thing soever I command you observe to do it thou shalt not add thereto nor diminish

  • Exodus 12:50 - Thus did all the children of Israel commanded as the LORD Moses and Aaron Thus did

  • Isaiah 13:3 - I have commanded my sanctified ones I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger even them that rejoice in my highness

  • Deuteronomy 13:5 - And that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death because he hath spoken to turn which the LORD thy God which brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of bondage to thrust thee out of the way commanded which the LORD thy God thee to walk in So shalt thou put the evil from the midst

  • Jeremiah 13:5 - and hid it by Euphrates commanded as the LORD

  • Jeremiah 13:6 - And it came to pass after days many said that the LORD unto me Arise to Euphrates and take the girdle from thence which I commanded thee to hide

  • Joshua 13:6 - All the inhabitants of the hill country from Lebanon unto Misrephothmaim and all the Sidonians them will I drive out from before the children of Israel only divide thou it by lot of Israel for an inheritance as I have commanded

  • 1 Kings 13:9 - For so was it charged me by the word of the LORD saying Eat no bread nor drink water nor turn again by the same way that thou camest

  • 1 Samuel 13:13 - said And Samuel to Saul Thou hast done foolishly thou hast not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God which he commanded have established of the LORD thy kingdom upon Israel for ever

  • 1 Samuel 13:14 - But now thy kingdom shall not continue hath sought and the LORD him a man after his own heart commanded and the LORD him to be captain over his people because thou hast not kept commanded and the LORD

  • Judges 13:14 - of any thing that cometh of the vine wine She may not eat wine or strong drink neither let her drink any unclean She may not eat thing all that I commanded her let her observe

  • Deuteronomy 13:18 - When thou shalt hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God to keep all his commandments which I command thee this day to do that which is right in the eyes of the LORD thy God

  • 1 Kings 13:21 - And he cried unto the man of God that came from Judah Thus saith Thus saith of the LORD Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed the mouth of the LORD and hast not kept the commandment commanded of the LORD of God

  • 2 Samuel 13:28 - had commanded Now Absalom his servants and when I say Mark is merry heart Amnon with wine and when I say unto you Smite Amnon then kill him fear had commanded you be courageous and be valiant

  • 2 Samuel 13:29 - did And the servants as Absalom unto Amnon had commanded as Absalom arose sons Then all the king's gat him up and every man upon his mule and fled

  • Leviticus 13:54 - shall command Then the priest that they wash the thing wherein the plague is and he shall shut it up seven days more

  • Joshua 14:2 - By lot was their inheritance commanded as the LORD by the hand of Moses for the nine tribe and for the half tribe

  • Leviticus 14:4 - command Then shall the priest to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean wood and cedar and scarlet and hyssop

  • Joshua 14:5 - commanded As the LORD Moses did so the children of Israel and they divided the land

  • Leviticus 14:5 - shall command And the priest be killed of the birds that one vessel in an earthen water over running

  • 2 Kings 14:6 - But the children of the murderers be put to death not according unto that which is written in the book of the law of Moses commanded wherein the LORD saying be put to death The fathers But the children But the children be put to death The fathers but every man for his own sin be put to death

  • 2 Samuel 14:8 - said And the king unto the woman to thine house and I will give charge

  • Jeremiah 14:14 - said Then the LORD lies unto me The prophets prophesy in my name I sent them not neither have I commanded them neither spake vision lies and divination and a thing of nought and the deceit of their heart prophesy

  • 1 Chronicles 14:16 - therefore did David commanded as God him and they smote the host of the Philistines from Gibeon even to Gazer

  • 2 Samuel 14:19 - and said And the king Is not the hand Joab answered with thee in all this And the woman and said liveth As thy soul from ought that my lord And the king can turn to the right hand or to the left hath spoken from ought that my lord And the king for thy servant Joab he bade me and he put in the mouth of thine handmaid all these words

  • Leviticus 14:36 - shall command Then the priest that they empty that all that is in the house go Then the priest in to see the plague be not made unclean that all that is in the house and afterward go Then the priest in to see that all that is in the house

  • Leviticus 14:40 - shall command Then the priest that they take away the stones the plague is and they shall cast without the city place them into an unclean

  • Deuteronomy 15:5 - Only if thou carefully Only if thou carefully unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day

  • 1 Kings 15:5 - did Because David that which was right in the eyes of the LORD and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the days of his life save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite

  • Deuteronomy 15:11 - shall never cease For the poor out of in thy land therefore I command thee saying Thou shalt open Thou shalt open thine hand unto thy brother to thy poor For the poor in thy land

  • Deuteronomy 15:15 - And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt redeemed and the LORD thy God thee therefore I command thee this thing to day

  • 1 Chronicles 15:15 - bare And the children of the Levites the ark of God commanded thereon as Moses according to the word of the LORD upon their shoulders with the staves

  • Numbers 15:23 - commanded Even all that the LORD you by the hand of Moses from the day commanded Even all that the LORD Moses and henceforward among your generations

  • Numbers 15:36 - brought And all the congregation him without the camp and stoned him with stones and he died commanded as the LORD Moses

  • 1 Chronicles 16:15 - Be ye mindful always of his covenant the word which he commanded to a thousand generations

  • 2 Kings 16:15 - commanded And king Ahaz Urijah the priest saying altar Upon the great burn burnt offering the morning and his meat offering and the evening burnt offering And king and his meat offering burnt offering of all the people of the land and his meat offering and their drink offerings and all the blood burnt offering and all the blood of the sacrifice and sprinkle altar and the brasen shall be for me to enquire

  • Exodus 16:16 - This is the thing which hath commanded the LORD Gather of it every man according to his eating an omer for every man according to the number of your persons of it every man which for them which are in his tents take

  • 2 Kings 16:16 - Thus did Urijah the priest commanded according to all that king Ahaz

  • Exodus 16:24 - And they laid it up till the morning bade as Moses and it did not stink neither was there any worm

  • Exodus 16:32 - said And Moses This is the thing commandeth which the LORD Fill an omer of it to be kept for your generations that they may see the bread wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt

  • Exodus 16:34 - commanded As the LORD Moses laid it up so Aaron before the Testimony to be kept

  • Leviticus 16:34 - statute And this shall be an everlasting unto you to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year And he did commanded as the LORD Moses

  • 1 Chronicles 16:40 - To offer burnt offerings of the LORD upon the altar burnt offerings continually morning and evening and to do according to all that is written in the law of the LORD which he commanded Israel

  • Leviticus 17:2 - Speak unto Aaron and unto all the children and unto all the children of Israel and say unto them This is the thing hath commanded which the LORD and say

  • Deuteronomy 17:3 - and served gods other and worshipped them either the sun or moon or any of the host of heaven which I have not commanded

  • 1 Kings 17:4 - of the brook And it shall be that thou shalt drink the ravens and I have commanded to feed

  • Joshua 17:4 - And they came near and before Eleazar the priest and before Joshua the son of Nun and before the princes saying The LORD commanded Moses he gave them an inheritance among our brethren he gave Therefore according to the commandment The LORD them an inheritance among our brethren of their father

  • 1 Chronicles 17:6 - Wheresoever I have walked of Israel I a word spake to any of the judges of Israel whom I commanded to feed my people saying Why have ye not built me an house of cedars

  • 1 Kings 17:9 - Arise thee to Zarephath which belongeth to Zidon and dwell there behold I have commanded woman a widow there to sustain

  • 1 Chronicles 17:10 - And since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel Moreover I will subdue all thine enemies Furthermore I tell thee an house will build thee that the LORD

  • Numbers 17:11 - did And Moses commanded so as the LORD did

  • 2 Kings 17:13 - testified Yet the LORD against Israel and against Judah by all the prophets and by all the seers saying Turn ways ye from your evil and keep my commandments and my statutes according to all the law which I commanded your fathers and which I sent by my servants all the prophets

  • 2 Samuel 17:14 - said And Absalom and all the men of Israel is better The counsel of Hushai the Archite The counsel of Ahithophel For the LORD had appointed to defeat The counsel of Ahithophel is better to the intent might bring For the LORD And Absalom evil

  • 2 Kings 17:15 - And they rejected his statutes and his covenant that he made with their fathers and his testimonies which he testified and went after vanity and became vain and went after the heathen that were round about had charged them concerning whom the LORD them that they should not do

  • 1 Samuel 17:20 - rose up early And David in the morning and left the sheep with a keeper and took had commanded as Jesse him and he came to the trench as the host was going forth to the fight and shouted for the battle

  • Jeremiah 17:22 - Neither carry forth a burden out of your houses day on the sabbath ye any work neither do but hallow day on the sabbath as I commanded your fathers

  • 2 Samuel 17:23 - And when Ahithophel saw was not followed that his counsel he saddled his ass and arose and gat him home and put his household to his city in order and put his household and hanged himself and died and was buried in the sepulchre of his father

  • 2 Kings 17:27 - commanded Then the king of Assyria saying thither one of the priests whom ye brought and dwell there and let him teach them the manner of the God of the land

  • 2 Kings 17:34 - Unto this day neither do manners after the former not the LORD neither do they after their statutes manners or after the law and commandment commanded not the LORD the children of Jacob whom he named Israel

  • 2 Kings 17:35 - had made With whom the LORD a covenant and charged them saying Ye shall not fear gods other nor bow yourselves to them nor serve them nor sacrifice

  • 2 Samuel 18:5 - charge And the king Joab and Abishai and Ittai saying Deal gently for my sake with the young man Absalom And all the people heard charge And the king gave all the captains concerning Absalom

  • 2 Kings 18:6 - For he clave to the LORD and departed not from following him but kept his commandments commanded to the LORD Moses

  • Joshua 18:8 - arose And the men and walk charged and Joshua and walk and describe the land saying and walk and walk the land and describe it and come again to me that I may here cast lots for you before the LORD in Shiloh

  • 2 Kings 18:12 - Because they obeyed not the voice of the LORD their God but transgressed his covenant commanded and all that Moses the servant of the LORD Because they obeyed them nor do

  • 2 Samuel 18:12 - said And the man unto Joab Though I should receive in mine hand a thousand shekels of silver yet would I not put forth mine hand son against the king's for in our hearing charged against the king's thee and Abishai and Ittai said Beware that none touch the young man Absalom

  • Deuteronomy 18:18 - a Prophet I will raise them up from among their brethren like unto thee and will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command

  • Genesis 18:19 - For I know him that he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of the LORD to do justice and judgment may bring of the LORD upon Abraham him that that which he hath spoken

  • Deuteronomy 18:20 - But the prophet which shall presume him to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak him to speak in my name gods of other shall die But the prophet

  • 1 Samuel 18:22 - commanded And Saul his servants saying Commune with David secretly and say hath delight Behold the king his servants love son in law Behold the king

  • Exodus 18:23 - this thing If thou shalt do command and God thee so then thou shalt be able to endure and all this people to their place shall also go in peace

  • 2 Chronicles 18:30 - Now the king of Syria had commanded the captains of the chariots that were with him saying Fight ye not with small or great Now the king of Israel

  • Numbers 19:2 - This is the ordinance of the law hath commanded which the LORD saying Speak unto the children of Israel that they bring heifer thee a red without spot wherein is no blemish and upon which never came yoke

  • Jeremiah 19:5 - They have built also the high places of Baal to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings of Baal which I commanded not nor spake it neither came it into my mind

  • Deuteronomy 19:7 - Wherefore I command thee saying three cities Thou shalt separate

  • Exodus 19:7 - came And Moses and called for the elders of the people and laid before their faces all these words commanded which the LORD

  • Deuteronomy 19:9 - If thou shalt keep all these commandments to do them which I command ever to love the LORD thy God in his ways ever then shalt thou add more for thee beside these three cities more for thee beside these three

  • 2 Chronicles 19:9 - And he charged them saying Thus shall ye do in the fear of the LORD faithfully heart and with a perfect

  • 2 Kings 20:1 - In those days sick was Hezekiah for thou shalt die came Isaiah the son of Amoz And the prophet to him and said to him and said the LORD in order Set thine house for thou shalt die and not live

  • Numbers 20:9 - took And Moses the rod from before the LORD as he commanded

  • Deuteronomy 20:17 - But thou shalt utterly But thou shalt utterly them namely the Hittites and the Amorites the Canaanites and the Perizzites the Hivites and the Jebusites hath commanded as the LORD thy God

  • Numbers 20:27 - did And Moses commanded as the LORD and they went up Hor into mount in the sight of all the congregation

  • 1 Samuel 20:29 - And he said Let me go hath a sacrifice I pray thee for our family in the city he hath commanded and my brother me to be there and now if I have found favour in thine eyes let me get away I pray thee and see and my brother Therefore he cometh table not unto the king's

  • 1 Samuel 21:2 - and hath said And David unto Ahimelech the priest The king hath commanded me a business and hath said unto me Let no man know any thing me a business whereabout I send hath commanded my servants know a place to such and such

  • Joshua 21:2 - And they spake unto them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan saying The LORD commanded by the hand of Moses to give us cities to dwell in with the suburbs thereof for our cattle

  • Genesis 21:4 - circumcised And Abraham Isaac his son his son being eight days had commanded as God

  • 2 Kings 21:8 - any more move Neither will I make the feet of Israel out of the land which I gave their fathers only if they will observe to do according to all that I have commanded them and according to all the law according to all that I have commanded that my servant Moses

  • Joshua 21:8 - gave And the children of Israel unto the Levites these cities with their suburbs commanded as the LORD by the hand of Moses by lot

  • Judges 21:10 - sent And the congregation thither twelve thousand men of the valiantest and commanded them saying and smite the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead with the edge of the sword with the women and the children

  • 2 Samuel 21:14 - buried And the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son for the land of Benjamin in Zelah in the sepulchre of Kish his father and they performed commanded all that the king was intreated that God for the land And after

  • Judges 21:20 - Therefore they commanded the children of Benjamin saying and lie in wait in the vineyards

  • Joshua 22:2 - And said unto them Ye have kept commanded all that Moses the servant of the LORD you and have obeyed my voice commanded

  • Joshua 22:5 - and to keep But take diligent to do his commandments and the law charged which Moses the servant of the LORD you to love of the LORD your God in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to cleave unto him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul

  • 1 Chronicles 22:6 - Then he called for Solomon his son and charged him to build an house for the LORD God of Israel

  • 1 Chronicles 22:12 - give Only the LORD thee wisdom and understanding and give thee charge concerning Israel that thou mayest keep the law Only the LORD thy God

  • 2 Kings 22:12 - commanded And the king Hilkiah the priest and Ahikam the son and Shaphan and Achbor the son of Michaiah and Shaphan the scribe and Asahiah a servant And the king saying

  • 1 Chronicles 22:13 - Then shalt thou prosper if thou takest heed to fulfil the statutes and judgments charged which the LORD Moses with concerning Israel be strong and of good courage dread not nor be dismayed

  • 1 Chronicles 22:17 - also commanded David all the princes of Israel to help Solomon his son

  • 2 Kings 23:4 - commanded And the king Hilkiah and the priests the high and the priests of the second order and the keepers of the door to bring forth out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal and for the grove and for all the host of heaven and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron and carried the ashes of them unto Bethel