H7218 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the head (as most easily shaken), whether literal or figurative (in many applications, of place, time, rank, itc.) band, beginning, captain, chapiter, chief(-est place, man, things), company, end, [idiom] every (man), excellent, first, forefront, (be-)head, height, (on) high(-est part, (priest)), [idiom] lead, [idiom] poor, principal, ruler, sum, top. from an unused root apparently meaning to shake;

547 instances of the word רֹאשׁ rôʼsh (H7218)

  • Numbers 4:22 - Take also the sum of the sons of Gershon throughout the houses of their fathers by their families

  • Leviticus 4:24 - And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the goat and kill it in the place and kill the burnt offering before the LORD it is a sin offering

  • Leviticus 4:29 - And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering and slay of the sin offering in the place of the burnt offering

  • Leviticus 4:33 - And he shall lay his hand upon the head it for a sin offering and slay it for a sin offering in the place and slay the burnt offering

  • 1 Chronicles 4:42 - And some of them even of the sons of Simeon went to mount Seir five hundred Pelatiah and Neariah and Rephaiah and Uzziel And some of them even of the sons of Ishi having for their captains

  • Ezekiel 5:1 - And thou son of man take knife thee a sharp razor thee a barber's take and cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard take thee balances to weigh and divide

  • Esther 5:2 - saw And it was so when the king Esther the queen standing in the court that she obtained favour in his sight held out And it was so when the king Esther of the sceptre the golden that was in his hand drew near Esther and touched the top of the sceptre

  • 2 Chronicles 5:2 - assembled Then Solomon the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel unto Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David which is Zion

  • Song of Solomon 5:2 - I sleep but my heart waketh it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh saying Open to me my sister my love my dove my undefiled for my head is filled with dew and my locks with the drops of the night

  • 1 Samuel 5:4 - And when they arose early morning on the morrow behold Dagon was fallen before to the ground before the ark of the LORD and the head behold Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold behold Dagon was left

  • 1 Chronicles 5:7 - And his brethren by their families was reckoned of their generations were the chief Jeiel and Zechariah

  • Numbers 5:7 - Then they shall confess their sin which they have done and he shall recompense his trespass with the principal unto it the fifth thereof and add part thereof and give it unto him against whom he hath trespassed

  • Leviticus 5:8 - And he shall bring them unto the priest who shall offer that which is for the sin offering first and wring off his head from his neck but shall not divide it asunder

  • 2 Chronicles 5:9 - And they drew out of the staves but they were not seen of the ark that the ends of the staves from the ark before the oracle but they were not seen without And there it is unto this day

  • Song of Solomon 5:11 - His head is as the most fine gold his locks are bushy and black as a raven

  • 1 Chronicles 5:12 - Joel the chief and Shapham the next and Jaanai and Shaphat in Bashan

  • 1 Chronicles 5:15 - Ahi the son of Abdiel the son of Guni chief of the house of their fathers

  • Lamentations 5:16 - is fallen The crown from our head woe unto us that we have sinned

  • Numbers 5:18 - shall set And the priest the woman before the LORD and uncover head the woman and put in her hands offering of memorial offering which is the jealousy shall have in his hand And the priest water the bitter that causeth the curse

  • Deuteronomy 5:23 - And it came to pass when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness for the mountain did burn with fire that ye came near unto me even all the heads of your tribes and your elders

  • 1 Chronicles 5:24 - And these were the heads of the house of their fathers even Epher and Ishi and Eliel and Azriel and Jeremiah and Hodaviah and Jahdiel mighty of valour famous And these were the heads of the house of their fathers

  • 2 Samuel 5:24 - And let it be when thou hearest the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees that then thou shalt bestir go out thyself for then shall the LORD before thee to smite the host of the Philistines

  • Judges 5:26 - her hand to the nail She put and her right hand hammer to the workmen's and with the hammer she smote Sisera she smote off his head when she had pierced and stricken through his temples

  • Judges 5:30 - Have they not sped have they not divided a prey a damsel or two to every man a prey of divers colours to Sisera a prey of divers colours of needlework of divers colours of needlework meet for the necks a prey

  • Leviticus 6:5 - Or all that about which he hath sworn falsely he shall even restore it in the principal the fifth part and shall add thereto and give it unto him to whom it appertaineth in the day of his trespass offering

  • Numbers 6:5 - All the days of the vow of his separation there shall no razor come of his head be fulfilled All the days in the which he separateth himself unto the LORD he shall be holy grow and shall let the locks of the hair of his head

  • Amos 6:7 - Therefore now shall they go captive with the first Therefore now shall they go captive themselves shall be removed and the banquet of them that stretched

  • Numbers 6:7 - for his father or for his mother for his brother or for his sister He shall not make himself unclean when they die because the consecration of his God is upon his head

  • Esther 6:8 - be brought apparel Let the royal useth to wear that the king and the horse rideth that the king which is set upon and the crown Let the royal upon his head

  • Numbers 6:9 - And if any man And if any man very suddenly by him and he hath defiled his head of his consecration shall he shave his head day of his cleansing day on the seventh shall he shave

  • Numbers 6:11 - shall offer And the priest and the other for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and make an atonement for him for that he sinned by the dead and shall hallow his head that same day

  • Zechariah 6:11 - Then take silver and gold and make crowns and set them upon the head of Joshua the son of Josedech priest the high

  • Esther 6:12 - came again And Mordecai gate to the king's But Haman hasted to his house mourning covered and having his head

  • Ezekiel 6:13 - Then shall ye know that I am the LORD when their slain men shall be among their idols round about their altars hill upon every high in all the tops of the mountains tree and under every green oak and under every thick the place where they did offer savour sweet their idols

  • Exodus 6:14 - These be the heads houses of their fathers The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel Hanoch and Pallu Hezron and Carmi these be the families of Reuben

  • Numbers 6:18 - shall shave And the Nazarite at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation of the head of his separation and shall take the hair of the head of his separation and put it in the fire which is under the sacrifice of the peace offerings

  • 2 Chronicles 6:23 - Then hear thou from heaven and do and judge thy servants by requiting the wicked by giving his way upon his own head and by justifying the righteous by giving him according to his righteousness

  • Exodus 6:25 - And Eleazar son Aaron's took him one of the daughters of Putiel to wife and she bare him Phinehas these are the heads of the fathers of the Levites according to their families

  • 2 Kings 6:25 - famine And there was a great in Samaria and behold they besieged head it until an ass's was sold for fourscore pieces of silver and the fourth part of a cab for five pieces of silver

  • Judges 6:26 - And build an altar unto the LORD thy God upon the top of this rock in the ordered place and take bullock the second and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the grove which thou shalt cut down

  • 2 Kings 6:31 - Then he said do God so and more shall stand also to me if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat on him this day

  • 2 Kings 6:32 - But Elisha sat in his house and the elders sat hath sent a man from before came him but ere the messenger to him he said and the elders See hath sent ye how this son of a murderer to take away mine head See came him but ere the messenger shut at the door and hold him fast at the door is not the sound feet of his master's behind

  • 1 Chronicles 7:2 - And the sons of Tola Uzzi and Rephaiah and Jeriel and Jahmai and Jibsam and Shemuel heads house of their father's of Tola they were valiant men of might in their generations whose number was in the days of David and twenty two thousand and six hundred

  • Numbers 7:2 - offered That the princes of Israel heads of the house of their fathers That the princes of the tribes and were over them that were numbered

  • 1 Chronicles 7:3 - And the sons of Uzzi Izrahiah And the sons Izrahiah Michael and Obadiah and Joel Ishiah five all of them chief men

  • Ezra 7:5 - The son of Abishua The son of Phinehas The son of Eleazar The son of Aaron priest the chief

  • Song of Solomon 7:5 - Thine head upon thee is like Carmel and the hair Thine head like purple the king is held in the galleries

  • Joshua 7:6 - rent And Joshua his clothes and fell before to the earth before the ark of the LORD until the eventide he and the elders of Israel and put dust upon their heads

  • 1 Chronicles 7:7 - And the sons of Bela Ezbon and Uzzi and Uzziel and Jerimoth and Iri five heads of the house of their fathers mighty men of valour and were reckoned by their genealogies twenty and two thousand and thirty and four

  • Isaiah 7:8 - For the head of Syria is Damascus For the head is Damascus is Rezin and within threescore and five years shall Ephraim that it be not a people

  • 1 Chronicles 7:9 - And the number of them after their genealogy by their generations heads of the house of their fathers mighty men of valour was twenty thousand and two hundred

  • Isaiah 7:9 - And the head of Ephraim is Samaria And the head is Samaria son is Remaliah's If ye will not believe If ye will not believe

  • 1 Chronicles 7:11 - All these the sons of Jediael by the heads of their fathers mighty men of valour were seventeen thousand and two hundred soldiers fit to go out for war and battle

  • 1 Kings 7:16 - two chapiter And he made to set upon the tops of the pillars of molten brass was five cubits and the height chapiter of the one was five cubits and the height chapiter of the other

  • Judges 7:16 - And he divided into three hundred men into three companies and he put a trumpet in every man's hand pitchers with empty and lamps within pitchers

  • Psalms 7:16 - shall return His mischief upon his own head upon his own pate and his violent dealing shall come down

  • 1 Kings 7:17 - And nets work of checker and wreaths work of chain chapiter which were upon the top of the pillars and seven chapiter for the one and seven chapiter for the other

  • Ezekiel 7:18 - They shall also gird themselves with sackcloth shall cover and horror shall be upon all faces them and shame upon all their heads and baldness

  • 1 Kings 7:18 - And he made the pillars and two rows round about network upon the one to cover chapiter that were upon the top with pomegranates And he made chapiter he for the other

  • 1 Kings 7:19 - And the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars work were of lily in the porch four cubits

  • Judges 7:19 - that were with him came So Gideon and the hundred men unto the outside of the camp in the beginning watch of the middle and they had but newly newly the watch and they blew the trumpets and brake the pitchers that were in their hands

  • Isaiah 7:20 - In the same day shave shall the Lord with a razor that is hired namely by them beyond the river by the king of Assyria the head and the hair of the feet the beard and it shall also consume

  • Judges 7:20 - blew And the three companies and the trumpets and brake the pitchers and held hands in their left the lamps hands in their right and the trumpets blew withal and they cried The sword of the LORD and of Gideon

  • 1 Kings 7:22 - And upon the top of the pillars work was lily finished so was the work of the pillars

  • Judges 7:25 - And they took two princes Midian Oreb and Zeeb and they slew Oreb upon the rock Oreb and Zeeb and they slew at the winepress and Zeeb and pursued Midian the heads Oreb and Zeeb and brought to Gideon on the other side Jordan

  • Ezra 7:28 - And hath extended mercy unto me before and before all the king's and his counsellors princes and before all the king's mighty And I was strengthened as the hand of the LORD my God was upon me and I gathered together out of Israel chief men to go up

  • 1 Kings 7:35 - And in the top of the base of half a cubit high was there a round compass And in the top of the base the ledges thereof and the borders

  • 1 Chronicles 7:40 - All these were the children of Asher chief house of their father's choice and mighty men of valour chief of the princes throughout the genealogy of them that were apt to the war and to battle And the number was twenty and six thousand

  • 1 Kings 7:41 - of the pillars The two and the two bowls of the chapiters that were on the top of the pillars The two networks The two to cover The two and the two bowls of the chapiters that were on the top of the pillars

  • Nehemiah 7:70 - And some of the chief of the fathers gave unto the work The Tirshatha gave to the treasure of gold drams a thousand basons fifty garments priests and thirty five hundred

  • Nehemiah 7:71 - And some of the chief of the fathers gave to the treasure of the work of gold drams twenty thousand of silver pound and two thousand and two hundred

  • Ezra 8:1 - These are now the chief of their fathers and this is the genealogy of them that went up in the reign of Artaxerxes the king with me from Babylon

  • 1 Kings 8:1 - assembled Solomon the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel unto king Solomon in Jerusalem that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David which is Zion

  • Proverbs 8:2 - in the top of high places by the way in the places of the paths She standeth

  • Ezekiel 8:3 - And he put forth the form of an hand and took me by a lock of mine head lifted me up and the spirit between the earth and the heaven and brought to Jerusalem me in the visions of God to the door gate of the inner that looketh toward the north where was the seat of the image of jealousy which provoketh to jealousy

  • Song of Solomon 8:3 - His left hand should be under my head and his right hand should embrace

  • Genesis 8:5 - And the waters continually decreased until day of the month in the tenth in the tenth month on the first day of the month seen were the tops of the mountains

  • 1 Chronicles 8:6 - And these are the sons of Ehud these are the heads of the fathers of the inhabitants of Geba and they removed them to Manahath

  • 1 Kings 8:8 - And they drew out of the staves and they were not seen that the ends of the staves in the holy place before the oracle and they were not seen without and there they are unto this day

  • Leviticus 8:9 - And he put also upon the mitre upon his head And he put also upon the mitre even upon his forefront plate the golden crown the holy commanded as the LORD Moses

  • Amos 8:10 - And I will turn your feasts into mourning and all your songs into lamentation and I will bring up upon all loins sackcloth upon every head and baldness and I will make into mourning of an only son and the end day thereof as a bitter

  • 1 Chronicles 8:10 - And Jeuz and Shachia and Mirma These were his sons heads of the fathers

  • Leviticus 8:12 - And he poured oil of the anointing head upon Aaron's and anointed him to sanctify

  • Numbers 8:12 - And the Levites shall lay their hands upon the heads of the bullocks and thou shalt offer and the other for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering unto the LORD to make an atonement And the Levites

  • 1 Chronicles 8:13 - Beriah also and Shema who were heads of the fathers of the inhabitants of Aijalon who who drove away of the inhabitants of Gath

  • Nehemiah 8:13 - day And on the second were gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people the priests and the Levites unto Ezra the scribe even to understand the words of the law

  • Leviticus 8:14 - And he brought of the bullock for the sin offering laid and Aaron and his sons their hands upon the head of the bullock for the sin offering

  • Ezra 8:16 - Then sent I for Eliezer for Ariel for Shemaiah and for Elnathan and for Jarib and for Elnathan and for Nathan and for Zechariah and for Meshullam chief men also for Joiarib and for Elnathan men of understanding

  • Ezra 8:17 - And I sent unto Iddo the chief Casiphia at the place and I told them what they should say unto Iddo and to his brethren the Nethinims Casiphia at the place that they should bring unto us ministers for the house of our God

  • Leviticus 8:18 - And he brought of the ram for the burnt offering laid and Aaron and his sons their hands upon the head of the ram

  • Leviticus 8:20 - the ram And he cut and the pieces burnt and Moses the head and the pieces and the fat

  • Leviticus 8:22 - And he brought of the ram the other of the ram of consecration laid and Aaron and his sons their hands upon the head of the ram

  • Proverbs 8:23 - from everlasting I was set up from the beginning or ever the earth

  • Proverbs 8:26 - While as yet he had not made the earth nor the fields nor the highest part of the dust of the world

  • 1 Chronicles 8:28 - These were heads of the fathers by their generations These were heads men These dwelt in Jerusalem

  • Judges 8:28 - subdued Thus was Midian before the children of Israel no more so that they lifted up their heads was in quietness And the country forty years in the days of Gideon

  • 1 Kings 8:32 - Then hear thou in heaven and do and judge thy servants condemning the wicked to bring his way upon his head and justifying the righteous to bring him according to his righteousness

  • Amos 9:1 - I saw the Lord standing upon the altar and he said Smite the lintel of the door may shake that the posts and cut them in the head the last of them with the sword all of them and I will slay he that fleeth he that fleeth of them shall not be delivered and he that escapeth

  • Jeremiah 9:1 - Oh that my head were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people

  • Amos 9:3 - And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel I will search and take them out thence and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea thence will I command the serpent and he shall bite