H7493 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to undulate (as the earth, the sky, etc.; also a field of grain), particularly through fear; specifically, to spring (as a locust) make afraid, (re-) move, quake, (make to) shake, (make to) tremble. a primitive root;

30 instances of the word רָעַשׁ râʻash (H7493)

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  • Nahum 1:5 - The mountains quake at him and the hills melt is burned and the earth at his presence yea the world and all that dwell

  • Haggai 2:6 - For thus saith the LORD of hosts Yet once it is a little while and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry

  • Haggai 2:7 - And I will shake all nations shall come and the desire all nations and I will fill this house with glory saith the LORD of hosts

  • Joel 2:10 - before shall quake The earth shall tremble them the heavens the sun and the moon shall be dark and the stars shall withdraw their shining

  • Haggai 2:21 - Speak to Zerubbabel governor of Judah Speak I will shake the heavens and the earth

  • Joel 3:16 - The LORD out of Zion also shall roar from Jerusalem and utter his voice shall shake and the heavens and the earth The LORD will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of Israel

  • Jeremiah 4:24 - I beheld the mountains and lo they trembled and all the hills moved lightly

  • Judges 5:4 - LORD when thou wentest out of Seir when thou marchedst out of the field of Edom the earth trembled and the heavens also dropped the clouds also dropped water

  • Jeremiah 8:16 - from Dan was heard The snorting of his horses at the sound of the neighing of his strong ones trembled the land for they are come and have devoured the land and all that is in it the city and those that dwell

  • Amos 9:1 - I saw the Lord standing upon the altar and he said Smite the lintel of the door may shake that the posts and cut them in the head the last of them with the sword all of them and I will slay he that fleeth he that fleeth of them shall not be delivered and he that escapeth

  • Jeremiah 10:10 - But the LORD God is the true God he is the living king and an everlasting at his wrath shall tremble the earth shall not be able to abide and the nations his indignation

  • Isaiah 13:13 - the heavens Therefore I will shake shall remove and the earth out of her place in the wrath of the LORD of hosts and in the day of his fierce anger

  • Isaiah 14:16 - They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying Is this the man to tremble that made the earth that did shake kingdoms

  • Psalms 18:7 - and were shaken and trembled Then the earth the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken because he was wroth

  • 2 Samuel 22:8 - and shook and trembled Then the earth the foundations of heaven moved and shook because he was wroth

  • Isaiah 24:18 - And it shall come to pass that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit and he that cometh up out of the midst into the pit shall be taken in the snare for the windows from on high are open do shake and the foundations of the earth

  • Ezekiel 26:10 - By reason of the abundance of his horses shall cover their dust at the noise of the horsemen and of the wheels and of the chariots shall shake thee thy walls when he shall enter into thy gates as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach

  • Ezekiel 26:15 - Thus saith the Lord GOD to Tyrus at the sound of thy fall cry when the wounded is made when the slaughter in the midst shake Shall not the isles

  • Ezekiel 27:28 - at the sound of the cry of thy pilots shall shake The suburbs

  • Ezekiel 31:16 - at the sound of his fall to shake I made the nations when I cast him down to hell when I cast him down into the pit shall be comforted of the earth in the nether parts and all the trees of Eden the choice and best of Lebanon all that drink water

  • Ezekiel 38:20 - shall shake at my presence So that the fishes of the sea and the fowls of the heaven and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep of the earth and all the men at my presence of the earth shall be thrown down and the mountains shall fall and the steep places and every wall to the ground shall fall

  • Job 39:20 - Canst thou make him afraid as a grasshopper the glory of his nostrils is terrible

  • Psalms 46:3 - thereof roar and be troubled Though the waters shake though the mountains with the swelling thereof Selah

  • Jeremiah 49:21 - at the noise of their fall is moved The earth at the cry sea in the Red thereof was heard at the noise

  • Jeremiah 50:46 - At the noise of the taking of Babylon is moved the earth and the cry among the nations is heard

  • Jeremiah 51:29 - shall tremble And the land and sorrow shall be performed against Babylon for every purpose of the LORD to make And the land against Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant

  • Psalms 60:2 - to tremble Thou hast made the earth thou hast broken it heal the breaches thereof for it shaketh

  • Psalms 68:8 - The earth shook the heavens also dropped at the presence of God itself even Sinai at the presence of God of God of Israel

  • Psalms 72:16 - There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains thereof shall shake like Lebanon the fruit shall flourish and they of the city like grass in the earth

  • Psalms 77:18 - The voice of thy thunder was in the heaven lightened the lightnings the world trembled and shook the earth

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