H7737 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, to level, i.e. equalize; figuratively, to resemble; by implication, to adjust (i.e. counterbalance, be suitable, compose, place, yield, etc.) avail, behave, bring forth, compare, countervail, (be, make) equal, lay, be (make, a-) like, make plain, profit, reckon. a primitive root;

21 instances of the word שָׁוָה shâvâh (H7737)

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  • Lamentations 2:13 - for thee what thing What thing shall I take to witness for thee what thing shall I liken daughter of Jerusalem for thee what thing what shall I equal to thee that I may comfort thee O virgin daughter of Zion is great like the sea for thy breach who can heal

  • Esther 3:8 - said And Haman therefore it is not for the king's Ahasuerus There is among the people a certain scattered abroad and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of thy kingdom and their laws are diverse among the people and their laws therefore it is not for the king's neither keep therefore it is not for the king's profit to suffer

  • Proverbs 3:15 - She is more precious than rubies and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared

  • Esther 5:13 - Yet all this availeth me nothing so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting gate at the king's

  • Esther 7:4 - For we are sold I and my people to be destroyed to be slain and to perish But if for bondmen and bondwomen For we are sold I had held my tongue although the enemy could not countervail damage the king's

  • Proverbs 8:11 - is better For wisdom than rubies and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared

  • Hosea 10:1 - vine is an empty Israel fruit he bringeth forth unto himself according to the multitude fruit he hath increased the altars according to the goodness of his land images

  • Psalms 16:8 - I have set the LORD always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved

  • Psalms 18:33 - He maketh my feet like hinds me upon my high places feet and setteth

  • Psalms 21:5 - is great His glory in thy salvation honour and majesty hast thou laid

  • 2 Samuel 22:34 - He maketh my feet hinds me upon my high places feet and setteth

  • Proverbs 26:4 - Answer not a fool according to his folly lest thou also be like

  • Proverbs 27:15 - dropping A continual day in a very rainy woman are alike

  • Isaiah 28:25 - When he hath made plain the face thereof doth he not cast abroad the fitches the cummin and scatter and cast wheat in the principal barley and the appointed and the rie in their place

  • Job 33:27 - He looketh upon men and if any say I have sinned that which was right and perverted and it profited

  • Isaiah 38:13 - I reckoned till morning that as a lion so will he break all my bones from day even to night wilt thou make an end

  • Isaiah 40:25 - To whom then will ye liken me or shall I be equal saith the Holy One

  • Isaiah 46:5 - To whom will ye liken me and make me equal and compare To whom will ye liken

  • Psalms 89:19 - Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one and saidst I have laid help upon one that is mighty I have exalted out of the people

  • Psalms 119:30 - the way of truth I have chosen thy judgments have I laid

  • Psalms 131:2 - Surely I have behaved and quieted my soul as a child that is weaned of his mother as a child that is weaned my soul

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