H776 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the earth (at large, or partitively a land) [idiom] common, country, earth, field, ground, land, [idiom] natins, way, [phrase] wilderness, world. from an unused root probably meaning to be firm;

2194 instances of the word אֶרֶץ ʼerets (H776)

  • Psalms 83:18 - That men may know that thou whose name alone is JEHOVAH art the most high over all the earth

  • Psalms 85:1 - thou hast been favourable LORD unto thy land thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob

  • Psalms 85:9 - is nigh them that fear Surely his salvation may dwell him that glory in our land

  • Psalms 85:11 - Truth of the earth shall spring out and righteousness from heaven shall look down

  • Psalms 85:12 - Yea the LORD shall give that which is good and our land shall give her increase

  • Psalms 88:12 - be known in the dark Shall thy wonders and thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness

  • Psalms 89:11 - The heavens are thine the earth also is thine as for the world and the fulness thereof thou hast founded

  • Psalms 89:27 - him my firstborn Also I will make higher than the kings of the earth

  • Psalms 89:39 - Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant thou hast profaned by casting it to the ground his crown

  • Psalms 89:44 - to cease Thou hast made his glory his throne to the ground and cast

  • Psalms 90:2 - Before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to even from everlasting thou art God

  • Psalms 94:2 - Lift up thyself thou judge of the earth render a reward to the proud

  • Psalms 95:4 - In his hand are the deep places of the earth the strength of the hills

  • Psalms 96:1 - O sing unto the LORD song a new O sing unto the LORD all the earth

  • Psalms 96:9 - O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness fear before him all the earth

  • Psalms 96:11 - rejoice Let the heavens be glad and let the earth roar let the sea and the fulness

  • Psalms 96:13 - Before the LORD for he cometh for he cometh he shall judge the earth he shall judge the world with righteousness and the people with his truth

  • Psalms 97:1 - The LORD reigneth rejoice let the earth be glad of isles let the multitude

  • Psalms 97:4 - enlightened His lightnings the world saw and trembled the earth

  • Psalms 97:5 - The hills like wax melted at the presence of the LORD at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth

  • Psalms 97:9 - For thou LORD art high above all the earth far above thou art exalted all gods

  • Psalms 98:3 - He hath remembered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel have seen all the ends of the earth the salvation of our God

  • Psalms 98:4 - Make a joyful noise unto the LORD all the earth make a loud noise and rejoice and sing

  • Psalms 98:9 - Before the LORD for he cometh shall he judge the earth shall he judge the world with righteousness and the people with equity

  • Psalms 99:1 - The LORD reigneth tremble let the people he sitteth between the cherubims be moved let the earth

  • Psalms 100:1 - Make a joyful noise unto the LORD all ye lands

  • Psalms 101:6 - Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me he that walketh way in a perfect he shall serve

  • Psalms 101:8 - I will early destroy all the wicked of the land that I may cut off from the city of the LORD doers all wicked

  • Psalms 102:15 - shall fear So the heathen the name of the LORD and all the kings of the earth thy glory

  • Psalms 102:19 - For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary did the LORD from heaven the earth behold

  • Psalms 102:25 - Of old of the earth hast thou laid the foundation are the work of thy hands and the heavens

  • Psalms 103:11 - is high above For as the heaven the earth so great is his mercy toward them that fear

  • Psalms 104:5 - Who laid of the earth the foundations that it should not be removed for ever

  • Psalms 104:9 - a bound Thou hast set that they may not pass over that they turn not again to cover the earth

  • Psalms 104:13 - He watereth the hills from his chambers with the fruit of thy works is satisfied the earth

  • Psalms 104:14 - to grow He causeth the grass for the cattle and herb for the service of man that he may bring forth food out of the earth

  • Psalms 104:24 - how manifold are thy works O LORD in wisdom hast thou made is full them all the earth of thy riches

  • Psalms 104:32 - He looketh on the earth and it trembleth he toucheth the hills and they smoke

  • Psalms 104:35 - be consumed Let the sinners out of the earth and let the wicked be no more Bless O my soul thou the LORD Praise ye the LORD

  • Psalms 105:7 - He is the LORD our God are in all the earth his judgments

  • Psalms 105:11 - Saying Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan the lot of your inheritance

  • Psalms 105:16 - Moreover he called for a famine upon the land the whole staff of bread he brake

  • Psalms 105:23 - also came Israel into Egypt and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham

  • Psalms 105:27 - They shewed his signs among them and wonders in the land of Ham

  • Psalms 105:30 - brought forth Their land frogs in the chambers of their kings

  • Psalms 105:32 - He gave for rain them hail fire and flaming in their land

  • Psalms 105:35 - And did eat up all the herbs in their land And did eat up the fruit of their ground

  • Psalms 105:36 - He smote also all the firstborn in their land the chief of all their strength

  • Psalms 105:44 - And gave them the lands of the heathen the labour of the people and they inherited

  • Psalms 106:17 - opened The earth and swallowed up Dathan and covered the company of Abiram

  • Psalms 106:22 - Wondrous works in the land of Ham and terrible things sea by the Red

  • Psalms 106:24 - Yea they despised land the pleasant they believed not his word

  • Psalms 106:27 - To overthrow their seed also among the nations and to scatter them in the lands

  • Psalms 106:38 - And shed blood innocent blood of their sons and of their daughters whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan was polluted and the land blood

  • Psalms 107:3 - them out of the lands And gathered from the east and from the west from the north and from the south

  • Psalms 107:34 - land A fruitful into barrenness for the wickedness of them that dwell

  • Psalms 107:35 - He turneth the wilderness into a standing into watersprings ground and dry into watersprings

  • Psalms 108:5 - Be thou exalted above the heavens O God above all the earth and thy glory

  • Psalms 109:15 - Let them be before the LORD continually that he may cut off of them from the earth the memory

  • Psalms 110:6 - He shall judge among the heathen he shall fill the places with the dead bodies he shall wound the heads countries over many

  • Psalms 112:2 - shall be mighty upon earth His seed the generation of the upright shall be blessed

  • Psalms 113:6 - Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth

  • Psalms 114:7 - at the presence of the Lord Tremble thou earth at the presence of the God of Jacob

  • Psalms 115:15 - Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth

  • Psalms 115:16 - The heaven The heaven are the LORD'S but the earth hath he given to the children of men

  • Psalms 116:9 - I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living

  • Psalms 119:19 - I am a stranger in the earth hide not thy commandments

  • Psalms 119:64 - of thy mercy O LORD is full The earth me thy statutes teach

  • Psalms 119:87 - They had almost consumed me upon earth but I forsook not thy precepts

  • Psalms 119:90 - generations generations Thy faithfulness thou hast established the earth and it abideth

  • Psalms 119:119 - like dross Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth therefore I love thy testimonies

  • Psalms 121:2 - My help cometh from the LORD which made heaven and earth

  • Psalms 124:8 - Our help is in the name of the LORD who made heaven and earth

  • Psalms 134:3 - bless The LORD thee out of Zion that made heaven and earth

  • Psalms 135:6 - pleased Whatsoever the LORD that did he in heaven and in earth in the seas and all deep places

  • Psalms 135:7 - to ascend He causeth the vapours from the ends of the earth lightnings for the rain he maketh he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries

  • Psalms 135:12 - And gave their land an heritage an heritage unto Israel his people

  • Psalms 136:6 - To him that stretched out the earth above the waters endureth for ever for his mercy

  • Psalms 136:21 - And gave their land for an heritage endureth for ever for his mercy

  • Psalms 138:4 - shall praise thee O LORD All the kings of the earth when they hear the words of thy mouth

  • Psalms 139:15 - was not hid My substance from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth

  • Psalms 140:11 - Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth Let not an evil speaker the violent evil shall hunt to overthrow

  • Psalms 141:7 - as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth are scattered Our bones mouth at the grave's

  • Psalms 142:5 - I cried unto thee O LORD I said Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living

  • Psalms 143:3 - hath persecuted For the enemy my soul down to the ground my life he hath made me to dwell in darkness dead as those that have been long

  • Psalms 143:6 - I stretch forth my hands unto thee my soul land thirsteth after thee as a thirsty Selah

  • Psalms 143:10 - Teach me to do thy will for thou art my God thy spirit is good lead me into the land of uprightness

  • Psalms 146:6 - Which made heaven and earth the sea and all that therein is which keepeth truth for ever

  • Psalms 147:6 - lifteth up the meek The LORD down the wicked to the ground

  • Psalms 147:8 - Who covereth the heaven with clouds who prepareth for the earth rain to grow upon the mountains who maketh grass

  • Psalms 147:15 - He sendeth forth his commandment upon earth very swiftly runneth his word

  • Psalms 148:7 - Praise the LORD from the earth ye dragons and all deeps

  • Psalms 148:11 - Kings of the earth and all people princes and all judges of the earth

  • Psalms 148:13 - Let them praise for his name of the LORD alone is excellent for his name his glory is above the earth and heaven